Daily reminder that capitalism will collapse, and no ethnostate can halt its destruction. Communism is the future, and youre either with us or against us.
Make the choice nazi
Daily reminder that capitalism will collapse, and no ethnostate can halt its destruction. Communism is the future, and youre either with us or against us.
Make the choice nazi
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Neither capitalist nor communist but rather the third position.
It's almost like you don't know natsoc is third way, against both of the kike systems.
fascism is simply the natural way capitalist states go when they are faced with crisis, in that they help preserve it.
unless you can prove to me how capitalism is different from nazism.
get a job hippie
National Socialism not nazism doesn't support laissez-faire capitalism, it doesn't support ventures that degrade society, morality or the people of the society. The market is only allowed to support the nation and people; prostitution, pornography and such degrade society and is not allowed to market their wares.
Commies can't even make funny content out of good memes.
activates the almonds
You're obviously new. Please lurk moar, but otherwise, welcome.
Saged and reported. Go back to Cuba, fagwad.
not a single argument was found that day
Existed far before capitalism, it's purely a European ideal.
Basic societal venture all the back to tribal clans, produce for others to use for what they produce so you can use it.
A tenant of laissez-faire capitalism, not natsoc.
I mean, imagine being so retarded that you actually support a system that was created by another race for the sole purpose of destroying your own race's unity. Really makes you want to start crushing skulls.
Commies don't know history, but you don't know economics.
this is where you post the proof, unless youre being serious in that marx invented communism, or that he didnt abhore judaism more than you did.
hitler was part jewish as well, but thats easy to deny right
it's not right vs left it's whites vs jews retard, kill yourself
Top kek! If I'm buying something made from cotton grown by shitskins, I would much rather that shitskin be paid beans and save a few pennies on it than have the shitskin get paid "fairly" out of my own fucking pocket
sry that was a typo, meant to write production for exchange. production for use was socialist.
inb4 you use this typo as your only argument for the rest of the thread.
It was, and the revolution was funded by Germany so that Germany can create her own European currency and annex Eastern Europe. Read "Lenin on a train" to see how the communists and imperial Germany conspired together, Marx being a German himself.
Don't play these stupid games with me, you fucking faggot.
I abhore the jewish race.
I am Ukrainian. If I were to ever see one of you communist scum ever again in my country, I would kill you with my bare hands.
Keep crying, kike.
saying "yes im right" isnt proof, nigger. who "invented" communism? saying "da joos" isnt an explanation.
ignoring the fact that it was jewish bankers in Germany like the Warburgs.
Should've let her suck my dick while I was at it tbh.
This is where you tell me the Holodomor isn't real right? That was a capitalist conspiracy.
My fathers family was from Ukraine as well, lived there during Soviet rule. Fought with National Socialist against commie scum
hitler considered your kind untermensch who he would genocide after the war, now you became a nazi?
imagine hating yourself this much.
It a German Jew, and both Germans and Jews promoted it, each for their own personal gain.
Da jooz signed Brest-Litovsk too, hm? Da jooz allied with Stalin too, hm? Oh wait.
imma take a guess and say you mean marx, since youre too scared to actually name names, since you dont fucking know anything.
marx didnt invent communism you fucking spastic, he simply criticized capitalism.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh Holla Forums you really know how to make an user laugh
truly quite a kek
is this leftypol now?
Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.
Will it be real™ socialism this time, OP?
you see, communism is a very broad ideology that was not invented by one man, but developped over time by multiple people. its too complicated and dense to be invented by one person. just because it exists as an idea doesnt mean one person outright created it.
youre obviously american judging by how you see the world in huge extremes, so this might be a little complicated for you to understand.
he literally wrote in mein kampf that he would wipe you people out, are you fucking daft? or was he just being "poetic and symbolic" and he didnt really mean to kill people?
It was invented by Jews.
Take your jew-apologetics back to leftypol, faggot. Jews are subhuman scum who deserve to be exterminated, and traitors go with them.
why did i expect any less of you people.
So literally any ideology that has ever been applied ever. Hitler didn't invent National Socialism by himself either yet he's a poster boy for it, don't come to me with this self fellating Socratic bullshi when I'm applying the same logic that you did, moron, otherwise you wouldn't cry about Hitler.
Also, I'm European.
Do you just repeat talking points you've heard from others on leftypol? Learn2history you faggot.
Are you beginning to understand why we all laugh at you? Probably not
just leave please
you nazis need to stop larping and realize that hitlers vision for a german ethnostate would not include any of you.
Go back to plebbit where there's accounts so your schizophrenia doesn't flare up.
Don't you understand, that wasn't true communism. After all communism wasn't written by one person so what is communism really?
Hey now! At least we are people, unlike yourself. I wonder what those beady, opium addled, eyes look like with a long knife running through, eh?
This is pathetic bait shitposting, by the way. If this is your best, pack it up and go back to reddit
Fuck off and read. You're either uninformed, willfully ignorant, a collaborator of the Jews, or a Jew.
Of course. True Communism™ works so if communism doesn't work then that just means it wasn't True Communism™
A false equivalence
You want proof?
Lel, your mind is completely poisoned with jewish thoughts. I have no pity for your kind, I am simply sickened by your worthless existence and the vileness that you spread to others.
You should kill yourself.
another slav great
not really no. nazism was very clearly defined by hitler in his book that he wrote in prison.
considering hitler wrote them, yeah i guess they are pretty jewish.
check my digits you god damn faggots
why don't you read Mein Kampf yourself instead of replying nonsense?
Not an argument.
Yeah I am a Slav, you're the one saying American, I don't put European before me being Polish, I am clarifying.
Applying the same logic in term of the argument, retard. So what sort of subhuman are you fuck up this bad?
Opium, lads. Not even once
Communism is so retarded it manages to kill millions of its own people during peace time.
Also, keep in mind that Jews were less than 2% of the population in Russia/Soviet Union.
if lenin counts as a jew for being a quarter, then so was hitler and most of the nazi party.
further proving that you people are nothing but fox news watching conservatives whose wives left them for balck people.
I'm ok with it.
Germany for germans, Italy for italians, Europe for europeans, America for europeans, Africa for africans, Asia for asians.
Is it so hard to understand?
a jew is a jew
that chart has been debunked lord knows how many times, but sure, lets take that into account.
lets also forget about china, or cuba, or any other socialist state that was not completely jewish (unless of course you say so)
I think you mean
what levels of cognitive dissonance are we reaching?
thats not nazism though. nazism was very clearly only meant to be applied to germans.
Enjoy your ban, cargo-cultist.
Someone please ban OP and his buttbuddies. This thread needs to get nuked.
not again
must be fun being retarded and blaming everything on jews.
We couldn't care less. The economy must serve the people, not the other way around. Holla Forums is not lolberg, we're no defenders of capitalism.
Wrong, it's either some form of nationalism or Religion of Cuck™ism.
One is an economic system, the other is a way of life. The two aren't comparable.
Yeah Hitler was a gay jew with a single ball, we all know this. We also believe the whole holocaust thing that killed every jew in Europe twice then brought them back to life to collect reparations.
low effort
Jewing on our terms.
Shameless wh*Toids blame poor meek jews for their chaos reign.
Reminder that this is what peak Strasserism looks like.
I'd actually be for Strasserism if the government used private property to fund itself instead of taxes,
China worked with the Rotschilds.
they look unhappy…
Jews are a rootless international clique, and Jews who reside in Germany are still JEWS. Jews aren't even truly communists or capitalists in the sense. They use these things as far as they can get a benefit from them, at the expense of gentiles. Money from Jewish capitalists found its way to zionists and communists alike. The Soviet Union was nearly wholly Jewish and when it "collapsed", Jews inside and outside of it made sweetheart deals in the so-called privatization period to consolidate power and move their resources to Israel and America, their new strongholds. Now, six men, five of which are Jews, own half of Russia's press and a hugely disproportionate share of its industry. You can find this all out yourself by searching these things online. If you still persist in following your narrative, you are either willfully ignorant or a hostile agent to the future of whites.
lol kikes
It’s ok to be new but we request you lurk for two years before posting.