Where did it all go so wrong?
Where did it all go so wrong?
Lots of reasons. I'm sure that at one point the game that they were planning on releasing might've been good, but things get in the way.
Console limitations were probably the killing blow for Infinite though, and what a walking corpse of a game it turned out to be.
When you clicked the Create Thread button.
Console limitations are not at fault especially with the developer being retarded.
I dont think the devs were dumb, they had experience. The main issue though is that Infinite had potential but they deliberately handicap themself, especially with the 2 weapon limit for example.
I really liked the war woops in this, would of been a nice feature in the game
Yeah nice vids showcasing less linearity and less religion bashing.
But here's the real kicker - the story would still be shit as would gameplay.
OP some of the worst things in the game are already in the video you posted, the two weapon limit, the lack of medkits and something to replace eve syringes, and the tears being boring "give x, z, or y" instead of something interesting.
There are a few things that were planned for the game that looked pretty neat, like boarding the airships and blowing them up from the inside. It seemed like there were more sections of you just walking around Columbia with Liz, which could've been good too.
Hindsight truly is 20/20 I suppose.
Seeing what games aspired to be, and they finally became is one of the worst feelings in the world.
Well first of all, Bioshock 1 was made. That was the first mistake.
While you're not wrong, some of the things in the video would have alleviated the problems the final game had, more open arenas and more interesting use of skylines being a few. I would have liked the game just for having that force shit with the shotgun and cannon round alone. Also, it looked like the airships were a lot more common in combat which would be sick with different arenas, forcing the player to find different ways to take them down. I couldn't see any evidence of the two weapon limit in the video but I could be wrong.
It really is a shame that all the Bioshock games are so mediocre since they all have so much potential.
The two weapon limit is in the HUD at some point, as it shows two guns, but it could just be a quick select like the vigors, but I'm doubtful.
Ken Levine said somewhere that they went through enough stuff to burn through several games. That signifies a major lack of focus and a complete lack of a finished product in mind. An unclear idea of what the finished product will end up like is usually a death sentence. Pics related.
To be fair, I think that might have been the point.
yandevanon is playing a game by making the game. It's not for us, it's for him.
Duke was made by gearbox so that explains everything.
Duke wasn't made by gearbox, it was made by 3DRealms, then gearbox bought the game, slapped some shit on top of it and called it a day
I'm pretty sure that all Gearbox did was put the turd in the box and send it out, user. Maybe they made one or two parts of it completely from scratch themselves, but there's no way they were responsible for the whole thing, and the whole thing is garbage.
You really think 3D Realms did anything when they kept it as vaporware to lure in investors? I sure don't. Also don't defend gearbox.
You didn't get the game. Play it again.
They were going for the usual libtard "le both sides are dum everyone is dum except for fence shitters liek me" thing
Keven Levine was a jew and a fraud. Fuck this faggot and fuck this liberal infested game.
the problem was that 3DRealms was developing Duke Nukem Forever too much, as in scrap everything and remake all the assets every two years to keep up with latest gaming trends and technology (maybe they didn't want to repeat DN3D when they made a doom clone after Quake got released)
Yeah, except they're posed as going too far and being just as bad as the 'facists' they're trying to overthrow, peaceful college protests turning into real-violence.
Did you not realize that, at least in the embed, the game then goes on to have the vox populi go full rapefugee on everyone, and execute harmless bystanders, as well as "commandeering" anything they want, and cleansing areas of founders.
Oh believe me, I don't want to defend Gearbox, especially after what they just did to Duke, but don't you remember the footage that they put out after the game was originally canned back in 2009? If you don't, you should take another look, as a lot of the shit that's in the final game was in that footage as well.
The moment Ken "I like it when you make me feel stupid, baby" Levine wanted to see how his ass looked on the inside and could not pull his head out of his ass afterwards.
Why didn't Booker go to Paris?
He needed to wipe away the debt, and considering who he was indebted to, they could find him in paris.
But he had the girl
Its more. Both sides have their points but eventually forget them as they only care about killing whoever is in their way to win.
Fuck off, fence sitter. There's only good or evil, so you're either with us or against us.
Because the script said he had to stay. The whole plot falls apart the moment you start to think about it.
They do that in the game too. I played Infinite for the first time last month, having only seen the porn and didn't know anything about the game.
Walking around Columbia I'm thinking
And they did! They chimp out on a massive scale and just start killing all of the whites and shitting everything up.
On the surface it's blatant kike propaganda, but just below the surface it delivers a pretty redpilled message: Don't let niggers in your country at all. They can be used for cheap labor at first, but eventually they'll just destroy everything you've built.
I can't recall the exact reasons, the the tl;dr version is that Levine himself kept overhauling the story and throwing out chunks of the game.
I think the longer version involves the troubles that the various 2k studios were in and Levine trying to play hero to a team that didn't jive well with his current team. He bloated his studio and it actually slowed down development to the point that entire chunks of the game were becoming unplayable and they were missing milestones and deadlines.
It was always garbage, thats where it went wrong
Bad writing.
Constants and variables. Like the coin flip with the Luteces, that was a constant.
Vigors didn't have a degenerative effect like Plasmids because reasons.
It was the fastest, most heavily armored option with the longest range. They could have taken another ship once the Vox nigged The First Lady, but Elizabeth had a terminal case of White Guilt and wanted to help them.
It's dying before you're supposed to (which would normally be a simultaneous death across all "adjacent" timelines).
Because the baptism in that specific timeline was what led to him becoming Comstock, branching out countless other timelines from there. As Elizabeth can see every timeline into Infinity :^), she was able to go to the "source" and sever that thread before it split into other timelines.
For the most part, the Tears are highly similar adjacent timelines, so it's a 50/50 whether or not they would have kept the deal. They really didn't have any other options at that point.
It handles timey wimey dimensiony winsiony bullshit worse than any Terminator movie (even the most recent abortion) and/or the worst written Silent Hill (as applicable re: Time or Dimensions)
Whoever wrote the script is either a moron who has never read a single science fiction novel in their life or a hack that completely disregarded 80% of what has been established within the science fiction genre as workable and/or "understandable" in favor of making up their own stupid bullshit theory that holds absolutely no water whatsoever even when compared to things like Time Cube
Was Bioshock ever right? The answer is no.
friendly reminder infinite was fine in production then half the studio left ditched their publisher and Levine, and levine continued to press on rush the game with what he had, and that's why we have the rushed piece of shit that is bioshock infinite
I love the guy's videos, but isn't this a little late? Everyone knows this shit, except casuals who went on about how much they loved the game but then forgot about it in like a week. And they won't be watching this.
So the actual game isn't like that?
Thoughts on Captain Cornelius Slate?
This is how you sound, user
Ok, fair enough. I guess the recent 2K drama makes it relevant too.
Maybe I'm just really impatient for the inevitable star citizen video.
If I recall correctly, that one retard rewrote the whole story.
All bioshocks are shit.
Levine is a hack.
The game really shits the bed when you start fighting the ghost of Elizabeths mother.
God I hate that fucking part.
I liked the Luteces more. Those were some interesting characters.
I wan 2 fug rosalind
Why not both?
Infinite was always a shitty idea.
Also you're a moron if you thought any of the blatantly scripted sequences in that video was ever going to make it into the actual game.
If that was the goal, they did a pretty poor job of it since the niggers end up chimping out, killing everyone and destroying everything.
Where is the fucking Webm. Why is this okay now?
What happened to the christcuck vid?
The actual game is a mix between a shooting gallery, walking simulator, and a movie.
"Look, black people can be racist too!" really doesn't make it any better. Fuck a Disney film had the same message while being more nuanced about it.
I want to have sex with Elizabeth. the game fucked up trying to make some bullshit multiple dimensions storyline when they themself does not understand multiple dimensions.
I am surprised no one has posted that WEBM of shit FEAR did way better than infinite.
Because when a big game is being developed you always have a retard with too much power who fucks things up. Pic related is what almost every game has to go through, its a miracle some games come out as good as they do.
I only have the gifs
Ken Levine said he wanted to write a story about something he doesn't understand. This signifies a major lack of fucking perspective.
Second lot
Last ones
Nigger, no matter how many asspulls Levine comes up with there are no constants in the multiverse. Every single possible outcome of that coin being flipped, from it falling in a crack without landing on either side to destroying the whole city is possible and did happen in some alternate reality.
But they were plasmids, they are even heavily hinted to have come from Rapture.
Again, fucking moronic. There is no "supposed" to time you are destined to die. That near death incident actually is how you die in another reality.
And what's stopping Booker from going to a baptism before or after that one, or triggering an even more unlikely sequence of events that would have made him become Comstock or some variation thereof?
Again, completely stupid. The timelines branched well before that with the Luteces being different genders.
You're trying to justify a moronic plot that shits out arbitrary limitations to concepts it introduces to force the plot to go a certain way. The writers can screech about muh variables and muh lighthouses until they are blue in the face, that does not invalidate the underlying rules governing a branching multiverse. Anything that can happen will happen, infinitely.
To put a stop to it you'd have to find "Earth Prime" and vanish it from existence. This is the reason idiots should not be allowed to make plots about concepts they do not understand, like the multiverse or time travel.
Pic related
Wait a minute, Those Numbers
There isn't even such a thing as "Earth Prime," that's just a convenient reset switch invented by comic book writers so that they could kill their characters without committing to writing about the world without the character they killed.
Ever read The Mythical Man-Month? Adding more people to an already late project only makes it later.
It doesn't work because before he became Comstock he already made choices in his life, creating more sets of infinite timelines where he had just as much chance of becoming Comstock.
Comstock exists whether or not he is killed at that point.
The multiverse is an unproven hypothesis, and in this particular fiction there are constants and variables.
Not in that fictional universe.
Sort of, but Fink, developed a process where they could be absorbed in the stomach vs intravenous injection. From a writing standpoint they could just say that one of the enzymes in your gut breaks down whatever chemical in the Vigor causes mutation.
Not in that fictional universe.
He doesn't, because by that point Elizabeth can see all of the doors, and presumably all of the other Elizabeths took care of him in their own cluster of timelines.
But there's also an infinite number of Elizabeths to pick up the pieces.
Both your multiverse and their multiverse are entirely separate works of fiction with their own fictional rules.
It is implied that the other Elizabeths cleaned things up too like when all of the adjacent elizabeths appeared and helped in drowning Booker.
No its not. And there's only like 5 copies at most. If you want to say that its implied then you need to prove that its implied. Not only that you need to prove that is is implied INFINITELY throughout INFINITE timelines. There cannot be a single timeline like that one where she bombs the surface world.
Oh wait I guess the fact that there is already one presented in the game means your bullshit is debunked. Since there are an infinite number of her in both the assumed timeline AA and assumed timeline AB.
The one where she bombed the surface was the same set of timelines, but Booker was brought forward by old Elizabeth to give the key to controlling Songbird, and then sent back in time to stop that timeline from happening.
Honestly I think you're nitpicking this way too hard.
Not relevant. We are talking about two entirely NEW timelines where INFINITE new timelines spawn from both.
The rest of your post has no relevance either.
In multiverse theory anything can happen as long as it is in the remit of the universe(obeying physical laws), the fact that you say a coin must land this way means there is a god governing the universe. In which case all of your destiny has been laid out for you, not much to do with physics or the multiverse. Just god fucking with things
Bad writing, doesn't understand physics, shouldn't try to shoehorn it into the game
don't start talking about infinities hard to define things with infinities, generally want to avoid in maths(this includes physics theories)
If you want to talk about physics and implement it in a story at least understand the basic concepts.
The development team and budget got too big. That's how it always happens.
What I want to know is why there isn't a single (read:infinite) Elizabeth who are supporting Comstock coming from at least a single (read:infinite) universe where they know what the Elizabeth is doing in this game trying to prevent Comstock from existing. They should know since Elizabeth is trying to stop their Comstock from existing too. They have an infinite chance of knowing it.
Why don't we have an infinite number of Elizabeths trying to stop the Elizabeths in this game?
Constants and lighthouses :^)
They threw out the script 6 months before release so that Levine kike had write it. Not only that, everything that looked remotely interesting was offed too.
Sorry you just don't get it. Not everyone can handle this smart game for smart gamers
The answer to your question is just don't think about it. Levine threw in infinite realities without giving any thought to what that would actually imply and tried to cover his ass with le constants and variables
Yeah and we know that not supporting Comstock isn't a constant. Since its demonstrated in the game that in some timelines she ends up supporting him. Therefore there should be an infinite number of universes where she wants to stop the events of the game from happening.
Huge fucking shame it didn't turn out the way it was advertised. I remember it so clearly. All the teaser trailers and gameplay trailers had me really excited. A game with a engaging story that wasn't some walking simulator, press x to do a thing bullshit. Then the game went dark for a loooooooong couple of months. Then it appeared again, and looked…. radically different. When it released I skipped it because I was a little cautious. Every fucking person I knew sucked this game's cock and I was tempted to buy, but there was something that rubbed me the wrong way. Finally I borrowed the game off a friend…. and jesus christ I was bored and equally pissed. The game is the most linear thing fucking ever, the story makes no goddamn sense, just nothing about it showed me why so many normalfags were going nuts over it. And then what equally surprised me was all of the devs getting laid off and that developer getting shut down or some shit, especially after all the people going nuts over it.
Because after 2 games of shit story. Surely the third Bioshock game would suddenly have a good story.
How I'd fix BioShock Infinite
Two player co-op functionality as seen in Time Crisis: Future Perfect. Each player can resuscitate the other when they go down (using collected medkits), but obviously game over if both die. In singleplayer, if the player dies the buddy NPC will revive them if they have a medkit. Otherwise game over. Weapons from each level can be carried over (for second player as well).
Game starts with Booker escaping from a casino with armed goons, alongside a similarly indebted war buddy. The end of the intro level gives you a driving sequence where 'war buddy' drives the getaway car (in two player mode either player can choose to drive), and Booker tries to take out the goons chasing them. After shooting out the wheels on the final armored car "boss", Booker and war buddy split ways as they hear sirens approaching, knowing it'll be better to split up the cops attention. This intro level is important as it provides an actual sense of urgency to resolving Booker's debt rather than just some idiotic threatening disembodied voices.
A short cinematic comes afterwards of Booker in his office. Knock on the door. Middle aged woman with slavic accept walks in, saying she has a job for him. Daughter missing. Hands him an envelope of the info/evidence she has, showing that she's been kidnapped and taken to the flying city of Columbia. Booker says "Bullshit". Columbia is seen as a myth, as only few people have claimed to see it or visit it. In universe the reason behind this is due to the "tears" (not explained yet ingame). Woman says she'll pay well; very well. Booker is hesitant, but the woman pulls out a taped wad of bills from her purse and drops it on the table. "I'm very eagre to get my daughter back, Mr. DeWitt." Second mission starts. Booker and Woman arrive at a harbour where they fight through armed goons, eventually getting to the Lighthouse which of course contains the one-seater rocket. Level ends with woman telling him to make sure he gets Elizabeth back no matter what, before he is launched skyward. Lutece Twins don't exist because they are utterly useless plot-pushers
After parachute landing on Columbia, Booker is helped out of the rocket by an unemployed Irish steelworker woman (Buddy #3). Steelworker tells him a bit about Columbia while they wander the streets (open area). Booker says he's looking for a young girl named "Elizabeth". Steelworker says everyone's heard of her by now; that's she a "witch" they're going to hang. Police come across the two and shootout ensues, resulting in them temporarily taking cover with a group of Vox that come to their aid. Players collect scoped rifles and skyhooks that they'll use to rescue her.
I'm too lazy to write more, but it already sounds better than the actual game to me.
Every time this fucking cuckold releases a fucking shitty video of things that we all already know, a thread is made on Holla Forums, 4chan and reddit.
Hmm, I wonder why? HMM. HMMMMMMM.
Its not like it even fucking matters he proxy/vpns and bumps these shitty threads for weeks anyway until he feels he got enough shekels from it.
it started with bioshock 1's reception inflating Levine's potato head to the point that journos were hailing him as a western auteur when in reality bioshock 1 was saved by veteran designers on the team. Levine is just a writer/figure head. Tons of people challenged him on the games development and because of that it had some good ideas, some unfinished ones, and was an OK game with a far better sequel.
Infinite happened after he was pumped full of money, full of ego points, and full of staff to do his every whim. He's incompetent, a failed manager, can't delegate for shit and does not know how to get people to do their best work.
Infinite looked like absolute trash from the beginning. The only people who think it turned to shit in a small period before it came out are just delusional fans who cling to the first bioshock as some sort of beacon of western design, when in reality it's got its share of black marks. Since day 1 Elizabeth was an over the top disney princess that was trying so hard to be desperately liked by the audience. There were weapon limits, call of duty style AI and aim down sights game play and even call of duty hallway level design. Oh, but you might say they had the sky hooks. They did. The way they functioned was they took you from one shooting gallery hallway to another. No interior exploration, fuck all. Ever, at any point was shown off even half as seamlessly as the first bioshock did it, and that game has some serious fucking gaps in its design too. Massive button prompts, it was destined to be shit and if you can't determine, even from its earliest trailers and footage that the game was going to be a disaster, YOU are a lost cause.
pol finds away to shit up EVERY thread more, even the shit ones
Quit shilling this fuckstick's videos already.
Pretty much this. BI is what happens when a developer listens only to praise.
I guess we can all agree that F.E.A.R. is just a good all round game.
And Bioshock Infinite isn't.
And that publishers can go eat a dick.