Which JRPG series had the hottest girls?

Which JRPG series had the hottest girls?

FF just because of Lightning, she is literal perfection.

it would be more easy asking what JRPG has the most realistic girls.

I will never for give you for killing VP: Hrist, bitch.




Fine, which JRPG series has the best boys?


If you want realistic girls then go outside.


And I didn't expect them to outdo ET-chan

This guy knows what's up

tfw the girls in the latest Digimon games are getting lewder

Fucking hell. Related was the last digimon shit I was exposed to. Are pokemon literal shadman by now?



Kill yourself.



sage in all fields


It's not an RPG though you have good taste

Does Rance count as a JRPG or is it just more of a dungeon crawler/strategy series?


[/thread] now what do I win?


This was a ton of fun even though I don't like other warrior games all that much.

Would you snu snu with Ayla, Holla Forums?

fuck yes I would


The Phantasy Star series has a ton of great girls. PSO2 alone is a waifu factory like few others even without counting player made characters like Real XXIII's girls.

reasonable taste

Astrid is the true antagonist of the Atelier series.

Thread ruined before it could begin.


and you haven't shown a one of them, surprisingly.
And we now know why.

PSO2 didn't have any acceptable waifu candidates until 2016 goddamn.

Never, EVER stick your dick in crazy, 3D or 2D.


this is shitty meme and has to die
Crazy a best


I want this thread to stay.

pixie goes in the fap folder

Very very soon.

dont talk shit about lisa

gay sex?

none of them because anime is not and never will be sexy

I bet you like real girls.



and she's strong too

you are all wrong

Sure it does my nigger



Not even the best in the series.

Every fucking time.

oh fucking gross she looks like a shrek reject