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ITT: Great Expansion Packs
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oh no I missed the joke
ODST was a full priced standalone game.
if it was just an expansion then it'd be great but instead its a dissapointing sequel
it was the best halo game since halo 2.
then thats a low bar
Whatever you say user.
But Halo 2 was shit.
Dead Money is alright. It tried to do something different, and only partially succeeded, but it was an interesting and unexpected bit of gameplay.
Pic related is the best of the bunch, though. Honest Hearts was pretty good, too. Old World Blues had some funny bits, but its gameplay was insufferable bullet sponge horseshit.
Lonesome Road made me want to marry ED-E.
I'm serious
Is this what having a waifu feels like?
You've got major problems
This is on par with being in love with R2D2
Fallout 3 is my second favorite game of all time. I've played every Fallout 3/New Vegas expansion, and Lonesome Road was the only one I didn't finish.
It sucks.
Did you dislike it because it was linear? That was the only thing I could see bothering people, though it didn't annoy me.
I'd put Honest Hearts close behind Lonesome Road, but LR is my favorite because it ties into the main game better.
What's wrong with that?
ED-E a cute.
Casual detected.
That's an understatement
Its just a shame that Lonesome Road ED-E is far more interesting than the ED-E we got to keep.
I strongly disagree. Out of all the NV dlc, Dead Money is the worst and the only one I usually don't bother doing. The equipment you get from it isn't even very good, so on top of being unpleasant its also a waste of time.
I will say that the characters and dialogue are pretty great though.
I found this DLC to be very boring, but not as outright bad as Dead Money.
On top of not enjoying the natural environment and crawling through caves, the enemies were very boring. Ants, geckos, the occasional yao-guai and some glorified raiders.
You spelled "Old World Blues" wrong.
I never really gave a shit about unique items, the only unique stuff I ever used was This Machine and the Elite Riot Gear. But if you're looking for good unique items, yeah, I don't think I remember any of that in Dead Money.
Why? Because it tried to make you feel vulnerable? I liked that. Even the BEEP BEEP shit was a nice change of pace, to me.
Yeah, I liked the characters. Though I did think the overall story was too half-baked. "Ghost people" and uber-holograms are kind of retarded, and the "mystery" of the Sierra Madre is kind of nonexistent.
You didn't like romping around with tribals and listening to Graham ramble about Jesus?>>11137331
I'll give you that. Yao-guai were anticlimactic, given how weak they were.
Get a load of this faggot
Just started leveling a trapsin today.
new units that fill tactical necessities, new factions that aren't merely more of the same, and full-sized story campaign
Brood War is what expansion packs are supposed to be
And what would your justification for that be? It had fantastic enemy variety, lots of areas with unique designs, great loot, fun and interesting characters, etc. OWB was one of the best DLCs, far from the worst.
I'm not talking about unique items, I mean all the weapons and armor in general. The only worthwhile stuff from it was the automatic rifle and the security armor.
Doing something different doesn't always mean doing something good. You're out of your mind if you actually enjoyed the BEEP shit. It wouldn't have been so bad if they had used it a bit more sparingly, but they overused it.
Agreed, that should've been built up more. I don't think a single NPC referenced it, all I remember is a poster or two.
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil
Bullet sponge enemies, exact level scaling, all the enemies have perceptions that are locked to yours, mobs spawn incredibly close to you.
The writing is funny in parts but veers too often into "wacky xD" shit.
Well, giving you OP stuff would defeat the point, which was to make you vulnerable. I don't think they really succeeded in that goal, though, so maybe it's a moot point.
Maybe "enjoy" is putting it too strongly, but it was definitely a change of pace from just headshotting dudes with guns in VATS until I win for the millionth time. I wouldn't play an entire game that was like Dead Money, but I'd probably but 80 hours into the base game before I started DM, so it was a nice change of pace. I do agree that there were parts where it was overused.
*probably put 80 hours
The holorifle is one of the best energy weapons in the game.
I was a gun user, so it didn't help me much.
Guaranteed replies.
>but the
The Taken King turned Destiny from a boring mediocre experience into an actual playable video game.
Not sure if it can be considered an expansion pack if it's a free to play game, but Episode 3 fixed almost everything that was wrong with the game. It brought so many desperately needed changes that Episode 4 felt lacking in comparison.
I played HL in 99
Never played the expansions
There was a 200 unit cap, yes. Unfortunately in the campaigns, the scenarios all had 75 unit caps or in the expansion 150 unit caps. Hence my comment.
Good taste. Best DLC, best part of NV by far.
I remember old Bungie, before they got tied down by their contract with Activision.
fite me
I could've sworn ODST was released as a full-priced game (hence the criticism). Wasn't it?
RTS games did expansion packs RIGHT.
Does Hyrule Warriors Legends DLC count?
Yes, it was.
This bait.
Easily the most overrated thing related to Halo
I agree it certainly had probably the best premise in the series and had the potential to be a huge departure from the other games and become something special. But Bungie took this amazing idea for a game and played it extremely safe. To the point where the final game is just Halo 3 with more city levels. By the end of it I wanted to see if all of the Rookie's team members were going to die because I hated them all. It's partially why I liked the plot in Reach more because it did just that.
ED-E is the ultimate qt3.14
Came here to post this.
Forsaken Masters was also fairly neat
Damn straight
Shame Tales of Valor never managed to top this one, then again ToV's campaign reminds me alot of DoW 2's which are not RTS at all and that's bad. Still i enjoyed the Tiger Ace campaign seriously though only 2 missions in the tiger wtf relic and the new units it added
big loli
and their most famous strategy is to spam that one infantry unit
The thing is the premise is fantastic, as well as the atmosphere. The porblem was the execution, and the fact that a lot of stuff, namely traditional multiplayer, was cut. They were working on multiplayer, but for some reason it was cut in development. Probably because Microsoft feared ODST would cannibalize sales of Halo 3 and Reach.
Some guys did make a mod for ODST that does add multiplayer and Forge.
Didn't light vehicles suck in that game? Very weak against anti-tank and still vulnerable to light cannons, HMG, mortars and small arms fire. The Jeep was explosively useless, got killed by everything.
I think you got it wrong friendo, PGs are expensive to produce and reinforce, weak at starting out, and will pretty much die to rifleman blobs at opening stages if not supported correctly, only when all the global upgrades are researched that then they could be the jack-of-all-trades infantrymen
Thats why they have recon cars (which are Jeeps on steroids) to thin out tommies, or armoured cars to hack away riflemen
Yes they are, alot of PE's vehicle units can be damaged by infantry fire as well, and AT cannons will 2-shot them, thats why they require alot of micro to use, oh and forgot to mention that PE has alot of gamebreaking abilities that they have to get a special unit to recharge the abilites (i hate that mechanic though, can't they make the munitions halftracks give out another buff other than recharging the stupidly long cooldown of abilities)
Shame they got nerfed into the ground eventually.
A time of better days. ;_;
how has this not been posted yet
Excellent taste
Gay Tony was better than both TLAD and GTA4 combined.
Debatable, they're all good but Gay Tony was the limpest.
t. R* autist who still plays this shit going on 5+ years
please elaborate, razing their defenses are really fucking hard as the Luftwaffe PE