I've never seen thread like this on Holla Forums so here we go.
Do you preppare for some kind of economic breakdown, lack of power including utter blackout or another threads? I suppouse most of us are preppers even if you don't think about yourself this way. I'm trying to be preppered for lack of food or water even if i've a lot of this kind of stuff every day of my life. It's obvious there is so many dependends in modern world and we should predict this. For example if there is no power in some areas the pumps on the petrol stations can't work so you have no fuel. If there is no energy the sewage pumping station also don't work, so you can imagine how precious the clean water will be. I think we should start to collect knowladge about such things like treating water by wodden or activated carbon. Know the nearest water containers like rivers, lakes and even the little ponds on your neighbourhood and learn how to recognize contaminated and clear ones. I'm not going to describe you cases when shalters and stock of food saved peopele's life becouse everyone of us can name some but i would like to simply ask what's your attitude to such (in normies thinking) insane ideas like preppering. I read many books in my native language and also in english (like "nuclear war survival skills" i want you to read) As we all know there is no such a preppeared country as United States and i'm not talking about skills based on how to survive on the desert on fucking jungle but about private shalters, stock of food, water and guns. We can see what was happened during crisis in Florida, when people thread to each other by guns becouse of fuel and blocked ways. Even Yuri Bezmenov in his interview from 1983 rised this issue. I want to ask - what are you doing to be preppeared and what do you think aboute this idea?
There is one of most importent books in this subject.
http:// www.madisoncountyema.com/nwss.pdf