Welcome to the party, you've finally caught up to the most basic understanding of whats been going on. Congratulations.
Shes a leftist, read her "muh woymn powah" speech and pay careful attention to some of the wording. "YOUR truth" as a prime example here, not THE truth, not truth, "YOUR truth," as in, truth is subjective to the individual and therefore there are no objective truths, there is only personal perspective. Its marxist dogma/propaganda at its most basic level. So no, Trump isnt hoping to "step into the shadows" eventually and "let oprah take over," shes a far leftist or marxist, shes the kind that will celebrate the death of the white races, she will bankrupt the nation giving "free cars" to beaners invading this country, and she'll line up our wives and daughters to be gang raped by mudscum hordes in the name of "muh refugees welcome."
No. She interviewed him once, ages ago, and that was about the total of it. She puts on a good show for her audience, always has, and is never negative or whatever to her guests. He also was not running for office or taking direct political stances on things, and even back then the left and right werent anywhere near as far apart as they are now in views, so even if he was to the right and her to the left, they likely had far more overlap than you'd see between anyone on the right vs anyone on the left today, and that includes the two of them.
I'm sorry but if you think that somehow anything she is saying is "secretly pro Trump" or "pro right wing" then you're a fucking moron, or a shill, or a moronic shill (which all shills are by definition really).
Her "darkest night" shit is very obviously talking about Trump's presidency, her "muh new day is dawning" shit is to rile up the left wing base for the next election, her talk about "uncovering the absolute truth.. blind eye to corruption and injustice," is very obviously her talking about shit going on in hollywood (referenced later) but also trying to put forward this idea that all men are rapists once again (when tied in with the "your truth" bits… oh you had a drink with a guy and had sex and regretted it later? well YOUR TRUTH is that you were raped, therefore he raped you, he is a rapist according to YOUR TRUTH and we need to respect that of course!) and naturally it doesnt only correlate with "race/religion/etc" so don't just look at those icky muslim rape gangs that totally arent real, look at the white man who gets accused of rape and "METOO" it up and lets get HIS ass dealt with while we ignore the grooming gang running rampant because who cares anyway? I mean they're only raping white girls, and they deserve it amirite!?
No i'm sorry, but her speech is pure leftist dogma, and Ivanka cheering it on should tell you all you need to know about it. Its trash, Ivanka is trash, Oprah is trash. It, and they, are all leftist trash that is being setup to once again push leftists into power in various ways and destroy any work that gets done over the next four years towards saving our race or nation.
Fuck you OP for even putting forward this idea, you're a shill, or fucking retarded, and deserve the gas chamber