Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

0.19 is out!


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Have they stopped gutting this game yet?

What have they removed this time?

* Mummy self-restoration has been removed.
* The 'sustain abilities' effect has been removed.
* Jiyva's jelly paralyse ability has been removed.
* Pakellas has been removed.
- All decks and their cards, except for those gifted by Nemelex Xobeh.
- Dragon and troll hides.
- Sword of the Doom Knight, Amulet of Cekugob, and "Brilliance".
- Amulets of dismissal.
- Rings of sustain abilities.
- Stones of tremors.
- The evasion weapon ego.
- The Akashic Record.
- Artefact blowguns.
- Anubis guards.
- Boulder beetles.
- Chaos champions.
- Griffons.
- Putrid demonspawn.
- Salamander stormcallers.
- Sheep.
- Wasps.
- Norris.
- Maud.
- Wiglaf.
Removed: Cure Poison, Haste, and Warp Weapon.

wew lads


What a bunch of dildoes, thought you were shitposting until I checked.


the joke is on you then.


The new spell targeting logic is actually pretty good.



We memed "DCSS Devs do nothing but remove content" too hard.
We're reaching deletion levels that shouldn't be possible

DCSS was a casual roguelike anyway.

Again: Why? Why remove hides or any of that shit? It can't be for balance reasons.

Speedrunning community didn't like them

Hides were removed in favor of making the respective enemies just drop the armor you would normally craft with the hide anyway. Can't really complain here even if the rest of it is either dumb or uneventful.

They should just do a different fork for those dickhead no fun autists.

Okay yes, it's autism alright.

Ok which version of stone soup that technically had the most content before they started removing everything?

Someone really should make a fork of this game or something.

Do they really cater to the speedrunning community that much? I didn't even know they had one. I just fucked around in it with friends.

I guess the speedrunning community doesn't like having to hold on to an enchant armor scroll. Or worse, not even finding an enchant armor scroll before a hide drops! That could slow down their run by a few thousand turns!

fuck off

I don't think so.

Stone soup is a fork itself, it's a neverending cycle.

I personally don't mind that change. C:DDA has taught me a lot about how adding mechanics doesn't inherently make something deeper or more fun.

you have to go back

They're definitely a bit quick on the removing gameplay aspects without adding anything to replace them but lemme try to guess at the logic behind some of these changes
I don't think ability loss was ever really threatening to a prepared player, and sources of SustAb are super easy to come by so maybe they're attempting to make it more threatening (although I don't know why they'd get rid of both SustAb AND potions of restore abilities)
??? maybe it goes against the idea of the god with all-consuming jellies but it's going to make looting vaults incredibly painful
useless + incredibly situational god, definitely in favour of him being removed while they work him into something functional
decks were useless/too risky without nemelex anyway
like said, just making enemies drop armor instead of hides that need to be enchanted makes sense cause scrolls of enchant armor are common
Probably too powerful or unbalanced/centralizing
useless compared to basically any other amulet
Cutting down on evocable inventory padding?
also pretty much useless compared to anything that does more damage
no fucking clue, presumably other monsters fill the same role. Wasps are just killer bees, sheep are just yaks, dunno about the rest
???? totally stumped
totally useless because potions of curing are super common
follows their logic of some previous spell removals in that it's too binary (i.e. it's universally good, and if you have haste, you should always have it on) but I don't know why they'd get rid of something so powerful and not have anything to replace it
??? never really used it

tl;dr the removal list isn't actually too bad when you consider they're just cutting a lot of fluff that had no real purpose, but they are cutting a lot of unique monsters and spells and not replacing them with anything

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Don't defend this shit.

cancerposting is still cancerposting

play 0.11

But really, has the developer ever addressed his addiction of removing features? I've heard about this meme for a long time now and I'm just impressed the guy still has a game left after removing shit for this long.

ahahahahahaha what a joke

Warp weapon was about the only brand weapon spell that made sense. Distortion is one of the stronger brands in the game, but it has game ending drawbacks if you unwield.

Weapon branding spells can't be used on any artifacts or branded weapons, so I'll bet it's only a matter of time till they're all gone.

If I was a president I would be the worst president.
As I would use my power to make it so I could ask faggots like this what is going through there mind.

Is there a dev blog or something I can read to at least understand why they remove so much from this fucking game?


I read stuff posted by a couple of devs on a regular basis user and the gist is that the shit they've cut are:

A) non-decisions (eg haste being a no-brainer)
B) redundant/samey (monsters that are just different variations on the same thing eg sheep, lair being too deep, and the NPC)
C) spoilery/making people have to wiki/learnDB dive (eg using enchant armour on hides to make them into armour

there have been great changes throughout the years like the removal of weight limits, item destruction, and new branches, vaults, portals, unrands, monsters, and tiles… it's just when the cut shit like rMut without changing mutation rules, and spells like haste and singularity all because hypothetical autistic man can take advantage of them when in reality that vast majority of DCSS player-base never get close to casting them, it comes across as tone-deaf.

there are some great devs and I love DCSS but there are some that are all about cutting shit without adding because they've forgotten that flavour goes a long way to making a game not just challenging but fun as well.

there should be useless + incredibly situational things, it's a game, not a finely oiled machine
letting new players do the stupidest shit is a core element of any game based on Rogue, why not this one?
reduces resource deterioration, you don't have to take risks this way, and
is a big meme except under specific contexts
flavor and slight varieties that change the way you fight them, it's just shit decisions
I get cutting back on bloat ("certain" other games could use it as well) but this is just silly

This meme doesn't get old.

Pakellas was straight-up so bad that I don't think there was every any hard reason to pick him over another god when you hit the temple
Letting new players do stupid shit IS a core of roguelikes, but not this one from the design direction they're taking. It's like they're trying to reach a point where
-every object has a clear purpose
-every situation has a clear strategy
-nothing is redundant
-you should never need to check a wiki

and to be clear i'm not necessarily defending it, just trying to point out the logic by which these decisions make sense.
I don't agree with most of the removals because I think the game is heading a direction where, like, optimal play is emphasised so much and there's so little variety that every given race/class combo has to be played a certain way such that replays become identical. No finding a weapon/spellbook/altar that changes your playthrough, more picking a playstyle at the very start and sticking rigidly to it the whole time

If this is one of their goals, then they are fucked from the start. The mechanics behind AC, EV, and damage are completely opaque to any player who hasn't code dived, not to mention GDR, which isn't mentioned anywhere in the entire fucking game. To even see the shit, you have mod your .rc file.

I can agree with this. There are some talented coders trying to add interesting things to the game, but for every one of those, there are three PleasingFungus devs whose only contributions are removing things to make it more "tactical" or changing monster descriptions to avoid sexism. Trying to turn DCSS into a sleek roguelike similar to Brogue or Sil is like trying to turn your car into a boat by removing the wheels and covering the surface in tar.

But let's face it: it's easier to attach yourself to a known project like DCSS than strike out on your own and try to make your own roguelike. I speak from experience, which is why I have a lot more respect for the guys behind Forays into Norrendrin, Demon, and Infra Arcana than I do for 80% of the people on Crawl's devteam.

what features did they remove this time? every single release since 0.11 removed things instead of adding them.

I know it looks like a joke user, but is serious.
