Under the lights where we stand tall
Nobody touches us at all
Under the lights where we stand tall
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow that is a bad OP
sabrina, g'morning
get on
little bit shocked
I have expected to not have a full roster until halfway through the game
i got the flu and i wanna die .. someone suggest aloe, honey and vodka mixed together.. hmm
He needs to pick more aggressive lyrics and also put them in bold/caps lock.
Said no one ever
Why so?
a cute witch
I'd like go with details but nah
Can I pretend that was an image swap?
why is it always some also who isn't even posting
shiro gets a pass
thought it was luka when i saw the obnoxious links tbh
Oh jebus, maybe for a one match.
Pretty weird stuff then.
Old thread, repost and such.
It surprises me that I actually haven't seen it yet. I love Audrey and have a decent BD/DVD collection starting from the 20s/30s.
Reminds me of Guss Griswald from Recess but I think you might be too old for that?
By aggressive do you mean edgy?
I was playing OW and finished
Thanks tho TP :3c
Did you look up "faggy name generator" and just use that for all of your Pokemon? Because wow those are terrible.
I'm not sure it would help honestly.
Really? I guess I'll just say it now then. Wow that is a bad OP.
I should not be posting from a folder that has lewd in it while falling asleep.
My apologies.
Hahaha you got me
Not really. It's a given that they should be edgy, though.
I was just meme-ing.
something, something
not a big concern
perfect :3
pretty weird indeed
how are you still midsummer nighting?
i knew of the show but wasn't into it
why though?
you totally messed up my rhythm
stocking pls response
hows indonesia manananakakaka
this tbh
Okay, I won't pry, then.
manka is legitimately the most nefarious character in threads
worse than luka and beepop and grim
even worse than that nigga stalker whose whole thing was to stalk haiku
ah passing wind
we've been experiencing heavy winds, i think it's a sign, rainy season is over, even though it should have been ended months ago
how's Perth?
Yeah I have Rear Window on BD along with most Hitchock actually although some of them aren't that great for BD releases.
Yeah you better be sorry.
I'll work on that~
Guessing you want something more satanic than violent
Yeah my bad wasn't reading all the post
ehm doctor, I need treatment.
You know full well that's against the rules.
"ah passing wind" - Manaka 2016
do you only listen to metal or do you have a super hype fun side that blasts edm?
Stop passing wind, I can smell it from here.
Moving onto leftover vodka.
Good evening. What's on your mind today?
Honestly, there are so many movies that should never be in Hi-Def. I saw an HD clip from Taxi Driver once and it looked ridiculous. The grit and grime were washed clean. It wasn't the same movie.
so i totally vaped the other weekend
just thought you should know
also kinda digging how we agree that manaka is conniving
This one didn't even last a day
I'm surprised you can smell anything after your history with menthols.
I think a lot of it depends on how much attention is paid to remastering the source material and the fidelity of that source material to begin with. Like if something looks really bad to begin wiht no point. But then I have seen some F. W. Murnau films that look so much better in HD then they did in SD. Kind of looking forward to splugring on the UK box set release of Tarkovsky BDs later this year to be honest.
so sidenote i bought some pure cranberry juice the other day and was like holy shit this is so bitter
i realized i only liked the mixed cocktail sugary shit
pie on my face
so i bought some sprite to cut it with
hellla tasty
Just using some red orange juice.
Cranberry juice mixes well with gin though.
got any good photo or am i too early to ask this?
I received some snacks and tea from my friend in australia. she labelled everything with post-its
it melted my heart
red orange juice?
This might be the closest thing to EDM I listen to:
Actually, I'm not sure what exactly EDM is.
I'm just shitposting. OP's don't really matter, but screaming Satanic meme energy into the threads is always encouraged!
I kind of smoke more now; it's a different high.
And yeah, we've agreed on that a lot of times.
Did you yell at her for sending you Australian snacks that gave you heartburn?
I can only think of that noise electrocuting me everywhere with that img
i just said thanks
why would i yell at someone for giving me snacks
yeah i was making fun of it at first but then i was like vaping before any hike
miss those days
I'm not familiar with their work, so I'm going to bookmark them for later viewing. Thanks!
I can't afford an HD setup of my own at the moment, so I haven't seen too many HD movies in their entirety.
Cute! That was very sweet of her.
This is better than whatever BC posted
it's cold and rainy and shitty. oh, is the end of rainy season a good or bad thing? I guess you can ride your bike without getting drenched now!
i challenge anyone who is "friends" with manaka to tell me that he hasn't asked you to give him something ever
he is a user #StayStrong
I mean, if they melted your heart you should let her know that you don't appreciate being treated like that. I bet you had to go out and buy like fifteen dollars worth of Tums.
What did you get?
Ahhh I'll keep that in mind
See ya later Erio
Out for the night
Have a good night/day everyone
Hail Satan
I'm not sure if you're calling me or Boo "Blood-chan", but I was just linking what Bard's asking for.
I can't recall him ever asking me for anything. Don't know about other folks.
I read Boo as BC. Mah bad
college dorm in florida dude
it's been a year and 4months
Hello there guise :D
there's a puzzle too, but it involved japanese writing.
since i couldnt solve it, i'm due for a punishment.
hmm.. well, it's not a bad or good thing, the bad thing if drought season become too long and clear water become scarce in some area.
do you know "Pods", dags?
i dont know kaybe, i kind of liked the feeling
None were had.
Blood orange lemonade thing.
I don't think he's ever asked me for anything, but it might just be the language barrier.
Y-you can send shivers down my spine...
Make my body achin' all the time...
I-if you want. .///.
T2 peppermint tea, Mars filled chocolate called pods, sour candy called wonka nerds, a snack with japanese name i cant read it, and some kangaroos
I guess all the food in Indonesia gives you heartburn, that's true. You must be accustomed to it by now.
oh come on sabrina i don't buy that
he pervs on you hard
yeah anything citrus is the way
i actually used to love grape and vodka
Never asked me for anything
I spent way too much on blu-rays once I could afford it. I'd recommend avoiding it if you value your money. Anyway I should probably be off to sleep now as I have a meeting with a prospective landord in 7 hours and I am horrendously intoxicated.
you both have perfect english
he hams it up for hand pics
True, mixes so well.
manaka post my hand please
I'm going to the gym when it opens at 7am
better yet grape soda and vodka
i called it a fuzzy purple jesus
Maybe, but what if it's Japan's version of that freaky puzzlebox from Hellraiser. I wouldn't risk it.
Actually, he did ask me for a drawing once when I was scanning little doodles I was making. But a few people did. Other than that, I can't recall him every asking for anything.
Oh wow. I hope it goes well. Get some water in you! Good night.
this makes the manaka sad
oh good, i feel like i'm immune to poison
That's a cute picture master
you draw?
what don't you do?
I don't know what to say about that.
I'll keep that in mind, I think grape juice isn't that common here though.
Maybe someday.
Desu yo ne..
Well it's already 7am for you :v
all 10 placement games done
I really appreciate having two arms after this
Ooooh, no no no. I'm awful. I was just hammered on cheap whiskey and doodling silly things on a notepad. I seem to remember drawing a snail for Amy. That's all I can remember.
give me something to do
lack of black gentlefolk
I will.
But I will also see more ways.
or.. an important message
what if she's been held captive and hoping someone would finally solve the puzzle
9/10 of my placements were 4v5s so I got bronze 5
His English is good, but it's certainly not native. I get the feeling that you don't really know what you're talking about.
Seeing as you live on a diet of dish detergent and bleach, I can understand why you would feel that way.
I'm playing some ranked right now senpai, Silver 3 right now, hoping to get to plat this season
like those chocolate wafer thingoes with like, mars/snickers/twix centres? yuh they're pretty damn tasty
Make me scream...
Hi threaders.
Bozgun sivir'in yenilmezleri gumus 1738
that's awesome. I used to be pretty could at drawing. like could even do portraits and shit
i think the last time i drew was on acid in college
go figure
No, you.
Could be.
Thanks, me too.
yea, so i've been told it's delicious, so why do they only selll it in australia, dags, why!?
is this supposed to be a challenge
wes wes yall
Sounds like your leadership skills are underwhelming and you aren't able to keep a team together. I'm glad you're in Bronze V where you won't hold anybody back.
you ever just
get everyone at your college to join your teamspeak server and break the net
literally howwww the lowest I have ever been placed is bronze 1 you do not simply get put in bronze 5 just like that
ahaaa so many regions
I feel like bed now
I will probably have dreams of
sticky hands and awkward clicking on shields
bronze is literaly retard RNG
it was one of those i'm not here but being annoying type luka OPs
I'm all for you drinking bleach.
I'll take "things bronze people say" for 500.
Adalet meydanlarinda iyi sanslar
i don't know whats going on anymore
send help
Do not bully manaka
kinda think that rin and tokai are just pretending to edate to rustle my jimmies
first day. bring over 2 chicks for the night
I like how you have to describe it like I wouldn't know the brand names.
am i a internets star yet?
lol sup fgts
manaka is a straight up scam
simple and plain
cuz we like keeping all the good things to ourselfs ;p! But really I don't know why, I thought they were world-wide x.x
I always knew you were a fan of white nationalist BDSM
who is kaybe again?
o hey teeps... having fun?
benis fug :DDDDDDDDDD
Watch your language, there could be kids around.
Me. Thanks for asking.
My tastes are manifold and diverse.
kinda i guess
stocking replied to me
Well, then it's time to find a new pen pal. ;D
I'm headed off to bed. Have a nice day, Monica. Enjoy your kangasnacks!
Hi-bye! Have a nice night, Elma dear.
I'm scared to try hallucinogens. Maybe when I'm a little older and not responsible for someone.
Anyway, I can't keep my eye open anymore. I hope you have a nice night, Teeb.
I'll do my best!
but like what is your posting resume
i will do nothing of the sort...
You got me TP.
It was all a ruse to spite someone I didn't know stuck around.
I'm not gay
just getting in, cracked a bear. lets see how the night progresses, yes?
good to see you though
you get dumped or fired or something?
Bye Sabby..
it was a system standard greeting. should you feel the statement doesnt apply take it up with the shitpost complaints department.
"Well, I'm a little bit of a foodie, I enjoy going to the beach, visiting with my family, and also white nationalist BDSM porn. I think that I would make a great addition to the company."
4chan gfur threads for a few years.
Maybe you're better off spending your time around trains instead of people.
i'm down. i might have to keep an eye on the clock cause i know i will want more and i get kinda riley walking to the far off gas station when the other places close
I quit to go to school.
Then someone misplaced a file I needed for student assistance, so I missed the deadline to pay.
it's gonna be 2am and we're gonna have to go to bed so we're gonna wanna brush our teeth
but like
don't wanna wake up roommates
do we all just use that? :^_
...nah im good here
thank you for your concern tho it shows youve grown as a person
I didn't know what that was supposed to mean so I skipped it.
yeh id get that booze now so we can get drank all night
shame how the gfur Holla Forums threads are kinda dead
not even joking
it's like s or h whatever that is now
so you're not doing anything?
You really know me.
mc ren?
How do I reach them?
Wow dat gurl had a bengis!!! LDDDDDDD
turkish azir has best voice
i have hella 12s i will probably just get a couple insurance 40s next smoke
My duty is to my people.
They wouldn't be hard to revive, there are always more gfurs around the corner. One person shitposting for a few days could make an appreciable dent.
I'm just reading from the spreadsheet. I wouldn't even recognize you if I didn't have all the proper documentation maximized.
I might be getting a Janitorial gig sometime soon.
Let's get ready for bed.
creme of organ
no meaning
just stuck in my head
Nicole saved the season tbh
I have no idea what you're even talking about.
you can reach an operator by holding the ALT key and pressing f4
I fell for that once on guild wars when I was like 10
nice... you an me teeps aaaaall night
dont worry tp
elma never tucks me in either :(
I fell for the f10 thing in csgo when I first got it
wat anoder gurl had da bengis!!!!?!??
yeah that's what we say about our threads on Holla Forums
like we can keep a thread or two going but it dies out
no shit? good for you. i can handle cleaning up my own vomit but i think others' might gag me up
you guise are just far too clever for my ruse. well memed
nnn for reals this took more effort than playing normally
Who I would never fall for something like that.
counter memed
this thread is going way too fast for me to get a lot of (you)s
why even post
I'm not really in the mood for music.
omg dads da hambsder gurl!
try an keep up boo
for ever
makes me work so hard wtfh
what are you in the mood for?
replies for saying a boring ass opening post?
she's a total cocktease too
i gave you that too
seems like weve done this once or trice before and it always ended well, so.
the absolute worst
The effort is worth it for that accuracy tho, plus knowing the range
I don't know. Probably nothing.
Like usual :/
friend is dying on mic
he kept typing he couldn't breath and was wheezing really hard but trying to keep it quiet
the fuck dude
Nyaaa, Eye's ready.
hi colbert
sound plan
oho the accuracy is horrible because you have to look to spellbar to click the right one and then look back
So that means it's bed time!
grim no you're a pervert
grim visit me so you can suck my scrotum
grim eww that's raunchy no
grim i'm needing your bhenchod inside me
-taken from actual logs
Oh I didn't realize you were clicking to use spells, that's just disgusting
bed tiime
what's good?
cockteases are the worst
Working and saving up for my move
Good night, Sweetheart.
Rest well, and sweet dreams.
are you me?
for the sake of humanity can you please not impregnate a black chick tonight?
ni ni
not that i don't think that sama-san makes great babies
maybe the best
but please none tonight
i make no promises in this regard...im sort of seeing a nigress. its scetchy tho so you might get your way
I was playing with justone hand
A NEW ONE!!???
what the fuck dude
my labido waits for no one... and theyre my type yanno
i dream of a world where neru takes a break from shit games
and just like says his retarded irl observations
you people and your libido
sama legit has like two baby mamma's it's ridiculous
think ill go old school tonight... for a little bit
dont blame me for your lack of sex drive... from the sound of things you coulve pounded TP's ass at anytime but NO
you had to tease a nigga
lol its true... so true
elmer's only recently decided he was a girl
i think i was more into him before cause he's kinda super moody now
Gross. Some lady's kid bumped into me like the little douchebag he was and exacerbated an already terrible day.
Disgusting children.
Why would I want to get near TP's ass?
I ate an entire pastry today and yesterday I overslept and I hurt and it was generally a terrible day today was better Iwill go tootbhrush and stuffs and then bed now nanas
Excuse me for trying to express 19 years of repressed feelings.
TPls not tonight, man.
What are you even doing man
welll at least a decision has been made on that front...
you tell me, i mean... youre doing the teasing after all
yeah i hounestly sometimes hate mexicans when i'm in the supermarket
cause they have a fucking circus of kids cause they're dumb and catholic
the funny thing is sama is otherwise a really smart dude but for some reason he likes creating fatherless children with niggers
A little kid complemented my new shoes today, and when I got home I had some pan fried chicken breasts. Pretty great day. Maybe you should try having a great day instead of a terrible one.
each of my seeds are imparted with greatness and fortitude... except the ones i leave in the shower, fuck them
dont look at me like that :/
I don't know how.
i said nigger in the sense of a black woman who would bang sama without a condom
not in a racist way
Do the moms timeshare the brats with you, or do you just have a clean split with sweet sweet child support payments?
It's easy, just have everybody be nice to you and have everything go your way.
is there any other kind... the bar is set pretty high
both actually...
i donno family there are some classy africans
i said nigger in the sense of a black woman who would bang sama without a condom
How enriched both your and their lives must be.
don't get me wrong i'm jelly of the black girl fucking
but he has fucking two kids with two of them
what the fuck happened
the broad im talking with now seems classy... but you never really know... bitches be creizi
all parties are equally content with the arrangements
raw dog or no dog
half korean half black is kinda my style btw
consider half hispanic, half black... all the fire, all the sass. god thats hot
Did your parents disown you, or did their overpowering desire for grandchildren overpower their latent racism?
see theres the thing... my fam gets along well and have accepted my openmindedness and colorblindness.
i will never know
wanna get a tiny going with boo?
we could probably pull the scrap /lewd/ sissies
i've thought about this too
elmers might cam
talk about some emo shit
we could tc...
Oh, and smile a lot because you genuinely want to. That helps also.
Do you still bang both of the mothers?
i haveeent showeereeeddddddd
we could talk about blacks and gender
no... they hate me
Last time I checked, no
Do your four kids hate you? Or does that bit come later?
2 kids, no... like i said my fam gets along well
Her nips are like screaming mouths
Why do you do this?
if we didnt tease it would show we didnt love you
But you don't.
I just assumed that since you're always drunk, you'd see four.
I just don't know what that means.
I feel like I want to play that again one day.
kinda hungry
They're concave and circular
i'm trying to move too
probably slight higher budget
If you do I'll start over with you.
of course I do... youre just being hormonal.
are you menstruating?
i thought you didn't want people to call you fat
i said hi to you earlier and you did not reply
what is your whole thing?
Kinda eat
pls no fat shame eva
I think I still have access to my old account though.
i mean if you want to talk about fat you should see eva
You have no reason to and therefore shouldn't.
I am not, just been a grump since the last poster used the L-word earlier today. It really doesn't sit well with me at all.
OH. I thought you were linking a different picture. Yeah, those nipples have been pierced or sounded or something against God.
Go eat. Like you always do.
I mean, sure, sometimes you're banging black chicks too, I'll concede. I just didn't think that you'd be looking at your kids while you were doing that.
oh well I have no idea what mine is
L word????
lmao you guys are so savage
you guys suck
not where there around... srsly. you just like to assume things and make them real huh?
it's brobably lesbian cause he thinks he's a girl lmao
Hey it's one of your famous theories, is this related to how the underpants gnomes stole your booze and banned you? : ^)
What's up, Elma?
I think I did so much stuff on my account I'd hate to see it go to waste. I like- finished all the free to play stuff and never did membership.
soooo... tc when?
tepps needs to make a beer run
you need to shower
im making food.
elma just needs to calm tits
go/no go?
You brought it on yourself.
Of course I do. It's like a super power, what's not to like?
welms will never calm down
not after rin rejected her for tokai
nothing. I'm just gonna go crash my car and hope for the best.
See ya
no wait
Can you give me money and stuff to help me get started?
im fine with it... but its like an outward expression of ones level of intelligence imo
why do traps always threaten self harm for sympathy
like calm down dude
welll rin is cute... and when i say hes cute hes cute
I think so, if I can remember how to login, but we might have to play it later, I'll be a bit busy soon.
I hope Colby can push through your insurance claim. Maybe he can slip some breast implants and a coochie in there on the down low.
You're right, smart people are often very creative.
like even cockshit has never threatened self harm and he's been a 15 yo girl for like 4 years
teh memeest
Don't do that, Elma. You really shouldn't be too bothered by idiotic things said here it's basically like a bunch of monkeys throwing their poop at the screen and hoping it bugs you you are awesome so dont care about those things
I'm gonna be very busy starting monday..
being hungry doesn't make you fat
heh... well ok then
Then what's your secret?
my point is that you said hi
i replied
then you talked about food cause you wanted more replies
you like the hate
admit it
Maybe tomorrow if I wake up early? I don't want to get too invested into playing this again because there's stuff like overwatch.
I tootbhrushed is bed now
bwb 7 hours
where are you goin
nini nerur
I brought it upon myself by even coming here tonight.
I shouldn't have expected them to listen to me when I asked for no bullying tonight.
I will never believe that I'm awesome and your strategy is much easier said than done.
Thanks though.
bard is such a bhenchod lol
If you are hungry, it is best to. That's why I buy a bunch of yogurt so that I can just have one if I get hungry, not really much bad you can get from them either! plus don't need to cook it in this heat lol
Sleep well Neru
epic meme !
We don't have to play I was mostly just saying stuff at random
nah I didn't reply because you were a dick to me a while ago and I had to belete you from steam
Say, do you ever get train enthusiasts or bums trying to hitch a ride on a freighter?
You could bot a few accounts to cut yew logs for you while you play Overwatch.
No bully? Well, why didn't you just say so in the first place, you big L-word?
you have this me vs the world attitude
i replied to your boring ass opener and you ignored
then you attention whored
it's on you
Slow down, you lost me way back there somewhere.
you were soft filtering me?
lol i'm like probably the only one who likes you here fam
yea.. we call em foamers. we just call the cops and have them escorted off
how bizzy?
batr u want sum tc with teeps and boo and i tonight?
geto boys,
camp lo;
what do you think
met up irl with my first poster today
Pic related
They were actaully really sweet
True enough it is not easier for people to usually believe of them self so I can not like make you believe butif you wanna talk at all I'll be in and out of here so I will lend some time if you ever want it
I'll probably just work and sleep for like the next 3 months.
I love how that's a real problem that has to be dealt with by police officers. Weirdo trainnies man.
You tasted them? Figured.
I remember botting and making a lot of money but I just got bored of it, lol.
was there nookie?
but on a real tip i've tried to be nice to attention whores like elma and nezi
but then they fucking whine and bitch about how no one likes them even though people actually do make effort
so fucking over it
Well I just got a job that pays twice as much as my current one and gives me regular hours so that's why I'm moving out
I have no nips and I must scream
its a legit thing... cant have some dumbass get turned into a twizzler becuse he got too close to something bigger than him.
so... there was then
I mean, yeah Nezi likes his attention but Elma?
i actually dont understand the drama with elma
whats going on?
are we just berating him and hes not taking it well?
you seem to miss his productions
I think tp is drunk again
I dont kiss and tell ;)
he didnt come to play today so i was giving him a hard time.. its al out of love i tell him. did he believe me? no
Boredom is the better angel of our nature.
I wonder if she has to pick lint out of them.
At least they'd die doing what they love. Being mangled by a train.
no shit?
what you gonna be doing?
i think you're eva again
Could you smoke weed out of a Dolphin?
welll i saved the pic anyway... ill just assume things went very well for you and move along lol
thats what they love alright... lol
did you know theres an actual fetish that a dude will get sexually aroused at the sight of a train locomotive? theres an entirely separate fetish for the caboose
if you shotgunned the nigga well enough
Yeah but you are drunk so your thoughts are bound to be off the mark
is spoilers still pisses about how i got his bullshit personal banned overturned?
one of these days you gonna get roasted just like you roastin
spoilers is just pissed at the world
Why yes, I do still piss as it is normal for a person
them canadians are always so sensitiev...
hey hi pls stop banning me
my ban is officially expired as of yesterday
get on steam already
I didn't know that, but it is wholly unsurprising in a sad, defeated kind of way.
I didn't see any ban :3
everyone else likes it... KEK
i'M ATTRACKTED to trains
siderodromophilia.... seems chicks have a thing for it too.
ok well like the admin is my friend so i could just have him take mod powers from spoilers? lol
penis at
SUPPreHgIgh! SpeEds!!
you dont have the balls
im not clicking the motherfucking next one
on a real tip i am entranced by chris brown's dance stylings
i accept that he beat rihanna
lol wtf are you kidding? i love doing stuff like that more than anything else. it makes me feel all warm inside.
I wouldn't either.
I alsow ant to obeat rihanna
bard what would you do if i raped you
dont just talk abotuout it loser
im ok with cat humping tho... just a thing they do.
what we got here is a hate love thing. i like to play but everytime i play you win
you are wayyyyyyy to dork for brad
well i would do more,but im told i got spoilers to get on steam and bebop had a word with him, so probably no banning anymore
I asked Bebop about it, Bebop did not have a word with me lol
brad pulls way less dork than baka
belee that
I do.
What's your ideal entry post?
We've established that it's on me.
Are you on Steam?
I am right now yup!
oh come ooooon... you know you like to play sometimes
What's the L-word and why are you mad at everyone?
eh i don't really have one
i certainly don't say
and then emo rage when people don't reply enough
bards kind of a dork
can someone here help me out
should I eat one chocolate banana or 2
oh btw thanks for the info dad
you clarified it and i forgot to thank you
Insurance, in a company my mom's company bought
save the second one for later, duh
2 of course.... and before you bitch about fat or calories or sugar or mah diabeetus just do it
How do you mean?
I'm not mad at everyone. I just had a shit day and clearly shouldn't have said so.
You're the one that greentexted about being ignored when you posted something incomprehensible.
ur like 16
nothin personnelll kid
no ya dummy it's always best to keep options open for as long as possible! so until bard absolutely must have the chocolate banana he should save it.
but I have like 8 left
I'm not worried about fat and shit
it was more just if I wanted to not feel good
or to eat 2
ty for making my decision
That's not Bard.
oh for sure
baka is moreso
nice dude. wait what?
that might be frustrating
and i was the only one who replied to you
remember that part
now elma.. dont play daft with me. ive seen your game face. now come on back in little missy and start enjoying things with sama
fist fight me
How so? I'm gonna be 3 hours away from where I am now, it's great
brb 40s so i can keep up with sama
like what?
u wanna go cunt il rek you so hard
just that insurance operators are the fucking worst
nice... hurry back
I love you all. Have a good night/day, everyone.
idek we could spoon and watch the world burn...
No thanks.
I feel like you're confusing me with somebody else.
Tp ur a dork
oops i meant brat
change your name brat
keep them for as long as possible
how do you think i rank relative to them? i think im less dork than the both of em, personally
sweet dreams, beebs
Why is you bold here.
do you think there exist people who would pay to watch me suck on 2 chocolate bananas at once on cam
to what
I'm not good at naming
come @ me bro is literally the ONLY joke baka has
If they do I hope I never meet one.
change it to "brat—no not bard. im brat'
better than no joke!
i guess they put 40s in glass bottles again
thanks a lot orlando 49
youre kinda right lmao
he oka y kid im goku irl its about tim4 i told you so FUCK Off!!! Or Me and Vegata are Gonn aFuck you up!!
ive only seen it once right now
i like how they leave out the killer like that is not a life lost
i guess so... soyea we havent confirmed anything yet but there might be a TC tonight...im trying to get TP drunk
grim literally posted a few hours ago
what are you talkiing about
such bhenchod style
be more observant lol
ah, maybe i'll visit when i'm not doing anything, just to say hello to you.
but in case i miss it, have fun on your talkychatty
maybe two not so much, but 3 or 4 could probably get ok people to watch
but there's other b names nobody has issues with
okay "manchan"
Eat my FUCKING pussy out.
Hi brat!
manaka why don't you fucking leave
no one trusts you anymore
your government would literally cane you to death for the amount of underage porn you have on your phone
manaka :,]
it's not man, it's m/a/nchan!
I like manaka
I just figured out why b-bud sounded like a thing
because b-dubs is a thing
never actually been to bww though
no response to your underage porn?
semantics... its just my pet name for you anyway
gave it all to sci
you're desu
nough sed
well people (only me)have issues with yours i dunno what to tell you
i would trust manaka w/ my life i love him
how are you??
but yeah sci got a badwrap. manaka actually owns hella underage rapeporn
*pulls the trigger*
what are these things
hi brat
your word means nothing
that's why the board got together and decided to remove you
lol, saved
wish i had more underage poe just so i could give it to manaka then ,_, hes earned it er or somethkng
What are your sources for this information? I get the feeling this is a really forced meme.
tp why don't you fucking leave
no one trusts you anymore
your government would literally cane you to death for the amount of underage porn you have on your phone
i think that sci being banned forever was actually the only thing that animu agreed on
u goof
this is easier to remember to fill in if I clear all my shit and need to put in the name box thing again though
what have you done this week?
i think that we should actually vote on luka being banned forever
too bad that agreement didnt last, huh?
just like you are my samchan?
i'm doing alright ^^
you are literally eva
do you play competitively?
who decided giving eva a modship was a good idead
whats your favorite sound? go!
do you actually like children like tp says because i will get children for you if you want
chii or somet hing
now he hates me cause i called out his ban bs
i've been playing DayZ with Boo, it's really fun!
I've been talking with dunsel too, he's still super nice to me.
Flirting with guys on here, taking some rather... revealing pictures, uhm... playing vidya, listening to music...
Oh oh oh, I'm playing a new tabletop RPG with my friends now, I'm still the DM!
ban me again
chii did LOL
I want dunsel to tie me up and rub his feets on my face and lick his tummy >/////
chii made fucking beepop a known pedophile the admin
and spoilers a known eva a mod
fucking shit
I will never understand how pictures exist proving otherwise yet you still believe that with all your heart
why are you even posting
didn't your mom fake die?
Yeah, dunsel is nice... I love calling him and moaning for him
just like that Tulip...
Great evasion of the point
falling rain
what's yours?
didn't dayz get a new update recently? how is that?
how does the tabletop differ from what you've done before?
make your name that
mine is that scraping the dentist does on check ups
status update:
im fed
teeps had made his beer run
boo presumably has not bathed
and elma's tits are uncalm
go/no go on TC?
we all know you name changed once you did that dramatic "my mom can't breathe" bs
it's only a matter of time until you admit it
always go
i'm down
What is this... a webm for ANTS???!!?
i am defending the reikland against foreign hordes
i dont have time to bathe
its teeps call... his idea
Remember the Pink Berets? Their theme song was so cool.
that sounds too spooky or depressing or something
how do you feel about other scraping though?
Again what do you make of those pictures Test asked of me then? Or do you just ignore the reality of things so that you can try to get attention?
lol... so im making this?
or is there one already
It's actually really good! I can finally run it on my computer at above 15 FPS! I think they may have added stuff but that's the big thing.
Nope, we did it tabletop before, but it's strictly paper and pencil this time, unlike before.
just use brexits
it isnt spooky
dentists are severely underrated
gimme examples
did manaka leave?
do you run a lot of your games on that kind of framerate? I remember specifically playing through all of borderlands 2 and DX human revolution on like 17 fps and it's awful
that's cool
do you play at a big long table or something?
how long do games usually last?
I don't like my dentist
I went to the beach with my dentist once
getting your teeth cleaned is comfy though
like that nails on a chalkboard scrape
or is that more of it's own thing
thats okay i guess
i wonder how that would sound if you had a little piece of chalkboard in your mouth and scratched it
i actually dislike children, well.. it's more of how they act, they're so noisy
like a mini chalkboard?
or a little piece of chalk?
little chalk would melt
Can we maybe have a new thread
Holla Forums isn't very mobile friendly when you make a thread this big
life is good :)