Monkeys are proving they're not monkeys by trashing H&M clothing stores. Also something about World Star
The Root collection of Nigger Tweets about it
Monkeys are proving they're not monkeys by trashing H&M clothing stores. Also something about World Star
The Root collection of Nigger Tweets about it
Other urls found in this thread:
Some nigger rapper sent it viral didn't work on this website
What the fuck is wrong with niggers?
Heritage Not Hate
Have you guys noticed that something almost exactly like this happens every 2 or three months? It's almost as if someone is deliberately giving them a generally harmless thing to bitch about just often enough to keep the "racism culture" fresh in their minds so they can justify anything.
You don't need to fake stuff to get chimps to wild out
Also whoever is keeping racism fresh must be a nazi working for us because it's best recruitment tool when they chimpout like this
you forget that if racism evaporates the left loses
they fucked themselves
no matter what they do we win
only a matter of time, which, granted, is a serious concern
That's the thing, literally the only thing that doesn't serve us is if niggers would just act like humans, or if they act so much like apes that they kill a significant number of white in a short enough time that it doesn't matter that it wakes up the masses.
The bet that our opposition is making is that whites will not act because they have been conditioned not to, I certainly believe that is changing very quickly so we are practically in a no lose situation.
Somebody download this video. Video download helper won't
thats bullshit. Racism is reality. It will never evaporate it and they literally make it up all the time.
exactly. Blacks that act like human beings and speak well are far more subversive
race is reality. that's an important nuance
racism is an empty word tbh. as I used it here I am referring to race conflict
They are being played like a fiddle
so he admits they're monkeys?
thank you George Soros. The BLM riots got me red pilled and now I'm a nazi. Keep it up. I could use a few more LA Riot scale events too
meme responsibly user we need WW3 not riots.
Late comer to the party, eh? If I'm not mistaken that wasn't two years ago yet.
Self making memes
2013 to 2014 I started thinking about it with the BLM cases about george zimmerman and michael brown
Holy Fuck.
goddamn my sides
I know right.
Time flies when you're having fun, I guess.
The memes are living will, you can't stop them.
daily reminder to tell the libs that think black=monkey makes them racists.
Ferguson riots are when I first started being openly racist. Before, I was more of a 'around blacks never relax' guy with only my closest male friends. We'd go out and when the bar got filled with niggers, we'd call them "Mondays" or talk about how it got dark outside or something as a code to be nigger aware.
I had a party and had some guys over. I played a livestream of the Ferg riots and then recently found the "Chimp Out" song (the one that is originally She's a Brick House)
I had this wigger friend who went off and started saying dumb shit like "Watchu know about black people, white boy?" when he is white himself. He had a confederate flag tattoo with a big circle and line across it (think like Ghost Busters logo)
Well, that was very telling for me and time to start really revealing my "power level" and not giving a fuck.
I found out who my real friends are and made some more. Losing that guy as a friend/acquaintance was no loss at all. It's funny how over the top defensive some of these leftists get over their pets. They can't even handle a joking song or livestream of them misbehaving. They want to bury their heads in the sand of the truth that indeed, there is something wrong with American Blacks. They are different from Whites. And the differences aren't always good. For every Will Smith who shucks and jives for us, there's 500k young bucks on welfare shooting up their hoods and selling drugs.
ps if you really want to redpill family/friends, use pic related.
Am I dreaming right now?
/r/ing Coolest Kang in the World
Needs a tyrone edit with
that's what i thought
What I really don't understand about the niggers who go full KANGZ is that they seem to be claiming that every single living nigger is descended from pharaohs. Even if ancient Egypt was a black civilization (it wasn't), a very tiny percentage of them would have 'royal' blood, with the majority of them still having been descended from Egyptian slaves kek. Are they just too stupid to realize this?
Do you really have to ask?
Don't ask stupid questions.
Nobody can be that stupid. "I'm Greek so my ancestor was Achilles?"
Niggers might be bottom of the barrel in just about every metric humans are measured by, but anyone who can form a complete sentence should be able to understand how fucking stupid that is.
Fuck off, nigger lover.
I know you're just trying to be funny…
lurk for 2 years
bix noob mufuger
Since nobody gave you a straight answer and you got dubs, I will spoonfeed you.
Yes. Niggers are stupid. Very, very stupid. Hope that helped.
bit of a logical leap there m8
It really isn't. Nobody here cares about tax rates.
where did i mention tax
Oy vey, did Jewgle finally shut it down?
cghecked and top kek
Alright you inspired my inner kang
He's moving on up from Grove Street. He's gettin' some new threads from San Fernando Valley, fo' real.
they really never think these things through do they?
Not gonna work
As much as I hate the kike, this is a fake quote and I didn't even have to look it up.
not the more intelligent ape
they chose the nigger species of the animal kangdom
Good point.
Who could win if whites fight blacks in America?? Hmmm..
What I dont understand is how there still exists people intelligent enough to be browsing Holla Forums and yet they still dont understand what memes are
It plays in my browser. Maybe your browser is acting up?
orangutans confirmed aryans
wew. Wonder if he was put up to this.. that seems like too high brow a concept for a nigger, could be wrong though.
You're playing it off YT, not HT.
With HT it would have the same interface as when playing a mp4/webm file.
These hominids have zero self-awareness.
then why do they call Trump an orangutan?
Hahaha if the kid was White nothing would've happened. It could say "dumb goy inside" and nobody would care.
This has such good meme potential. It just looks so audacious. You got black kid with the "I think I'm badass" face/strut (hands in pockets), pursing his lips like he's a thug, all while trying to dress semi-decent.
Take the fried chicken edit of this image, and see if you can edit it well enough with the Portuguese black guy head (Barb something?). I'm not sure if the background should be the original, or the one from the tweet.
Karma, I guess.
There is not a WE big enough to follow that.
Cleaned it up.As much as you can work with a niggerape
would post the crime scene photos, but don't think the Normans lurking here can handle it
Just spoiler it if you're going to be that much of a faggot.
I've lost interest in war movies and even video games where white people are killing each other. As you might have noticed normies aren't the only ones who can't handle such photos
they'll turn their heads, they'll ignore it; they'll do just about anything but get livid enough to agree with the lions share of oldfags that don't despise niggers because they were raised to, but due to real world. life experience.
I don't have those but spoiler them if you do, I'm curious
Stop racism by making more people think niggers are out of control and completely delusional. Good strategy genius
Why spread false information, you illiterate nigger?
because dumb niggers read it and think if they keep acting like dumb niggers they're part of a master plan to bring down evil whitey
Shitty headline. maher (during the obongo birth-certificate thing) said the would donate 5 million if Trump could prove that he is not the child of an Orangutan, Trump responded by sending him his birth certificate and maher responded by being a jew and going back on his word.
I don't give niggers like this, white or black or what ever, the time of day. Arrogant faggots. Nothing sates them.
just spit out my drink
please, for the love of god, someone with a twatter account tweet that to everyone in diddy's thread.
What a weak chimpout. I think that's honestly the worst part of this whole thing, I'm actually a little embarassed.
Ancient mexico is about a thousand years old or something.
Yes. Yes, they are.
Top tier shitposting. Will remember to shop more often at H&M.
They wanna be like the mancub.
They've reached the top and had to stop.
It bothers them.
Acktshually, H & M literully stands for 'Humans & Monkeys'; amirite tho?
Man, that was pathetic.
I don’t think there’s some racism conspiracy. Niggers just think everything is racist and that they are the only ones that can be on the receiving end of racism.
What niggers are way too fucking stupid to understand as a collective is that every time they behave like the niggers they don’t want to be portrayed as over ‘fake news racism’ they justify real racism. I’m a nigger woe is me, I don’t want a job I want everything for free.
Know how I know you’re new?
Somebody should tweet this pic to Dwiddy.
Fitnig trashes swedcuck owned shop that sells chink made clothes.
Whats the problem?
Feels good man.
Best post in the thread.
Use this.
Thanks user
Kid even looks scared
Our culture push back of anti PC sentiment is stronger than feministic PC sentiments so the handlers and corporate overlords that want to push US into a dictatorship (that funded PC culture in first place) are fanning the fires for obvious reasons.
This is just a sign that their movement is dying out and that they need to spend more and more money with every new culture push to maybe make it more mainstream.
Just our presence makes them loose, or spend more money on shit they already wanted to do.
Just keep a "do not trust these" list and when timing comes hit then on the shins with a metal baseball bat so when they are on floor they don't know what hit them.
There's always something for niggers to get outraged about, because they see racism in everything. But because they are so unfocused and stupid, it takes a jew to point something specific out to them, and explain why they should get mad about it and where to direct their mindless anger. Blacks are literally a braindead herd that can be directed at anything as long as you couch it as being the reason why they have always been a garbage race of slaves.
Diddy obviously believes in the "Melanin theory".
Such as? They're dressed up like retards, but thats about it.
This is high fashion, assume pizzery. Also,
The ol 'We're not Animals!'
floor show in 2018
When oh when will it end?
oh shieet nigga dem french kangz be AHOOHOOAHHHAHHH
i fucking hate niggers
I was going to make that exact same post.
well, they're niggers, what do you expect? profoundness? as far as I can tell, only white men have efficient jewdar. yes, white women do not. I include our own women.
Here's what really burns my ass about this:
That little niglet model would have been a white child had it not been for the ooga booga complaining about diversity in advertisements by niggers and their jewish masters. There has been a giant push to for racial diversity in media and corporations feel the pressure. This is the main reason they introduce niggers into their adverts to please the "masses" (when in reality it's just a minority mouthy kikes who write for the media creating shitstorms like this). This is why out of fucking nowhere 40-50% of models/actors are non-white in tv commercials and print adverts even though these nogs only make up 15% of the population and even though they 'are not the target consumer.
If this was a white child no one would have even noticed.
I don't believe that it's a grand conspiracy when it comes to many businesses and corporations (media and academia is a different story). I believe that they are deathly afraid of (((bad press))) and lost profits. This particular incident is H&M's worst PR nightmare and you can expect intense overcompensation in the next few quarters as they ramp up with the marxism to prove themselves to the crying niggers and jews. This right here is how the jew wins.
You are correct. Pics related.
Hitlerdubs confirm niggers need to be caged and killed.
Ferguson was when I typed "chimpout" into Jewgle and found this place!
Thanks, I'll avoid the groid.
I work in marketing and with models. People do not generally care much for the black models and it is really hard to sell anything when using them. There's a noticeable $ difference between A and B testing using a white model and black model. It's pretty staggering.
Notice how any black man will want a white woman just as a status symbol more than anything else? They'll take even the most unattractive white girl and it's still a step above their own. There's social pressure not to do this, mostly from pissed off black women.
Meme it
Niggers are too dumb to see the irony, kill them all.
Unless there is specific audio saying this, it is a fake quote.
Who's this beauty?
Ah, memories.
another from leBoon
So untouchable your chief decided a few trinkets were worth more than your nigger ancestor.
How long until this becomes a category 2 chimpout?
Niggers can't do that either
ayy lmao
D&C is indeed real and maintained actively. We have arrived at a point in time where the programing runs so deep that it is semi automatous, sometimes grand schemes are orchestrated like BLM but the day to day can be maintained with a little nudge here and there.
wrong pants
Dubs of first principles confirms dangerous force set loose and facilitated by violent leftist domestic terrorists, it's our responsibility to take command of that force and use it for good.
Can we use this event to herald a new advance in our battle against leftist bolshevism? Can we make H&M the corporate traitors become the martyrs we consume in exposing and ridiculing to death the leftist premediated war on white?
This is the perfect time to post that hilarious webm of black rioting to "Hey, hey we're the monkees" song. Someone plese post it so I can save it to my pc.
The cohesiveness of society is spent, totaled by means of critical theory etc. that is to say “typical tricks”. All that remains is chaos, we should focus that chaos back at that which created it. Not an easy task but one that must be undertook. Operation turning golems.
its the news cycle. 24 hours of nonstop garbage information with "important events" happening in cycles of 3's (days, weeks, months, years) The more you tune into inconsistencies and lies in the media the more obvious it gets until you wind up seeing that its all orchestrated to the last bullshit local story and "just the right" actual story can blow their whole narrative the fuck out.
There is a reason you are supposed to lurk for 2 years
whats with the craze of wearing pants where the front looks like the ass end?
where can i get the clothes on the guy in the second pic
I bet dead talking grasses travon would like a hoodie like that.
Twitter PR reporting for doody.
It’s a tricky operation that Holla Forums has a strange hesitation towards engaging in. We discuss it often but it has never gotten off the ground. I think CY3 should be the year that we pull what could be our finest act of social engineering yet.
These memes write themselves now
Any clothing store.
I'll just leave this here
I'll do ya one better
This is why nobody likes niggers, they smell bad, they have nothing going for them, at best some kike made them rich for some rap trash. Yet they all have an ego as if they were gods walking the Earth.
Couple of weeks back NPR had a spot about a "diverse" school where the students were supposed to be kings and queens.
What'd be the reaction when learning they just got meme'd hard?
Kind of makes you think. God must really hate niggers.
pretty sure there's a generation that wants it all to jump off proper
Orangutang means "man from the forest" and it has a orange hue. Trump is a German Arian with an orange hue to his hair.
I noticed this back in high school. Nigs used to date the grossest landwhales (who then got 'fat girl attitude' since Jermaine was usually 20 and still in high school, and had a car; the girls were around 14) so that left us autists a choice between the stuck-up barbies (LOL) or the nerdy chicks (who I grew to have a fetish for).
Well done boys.
Coalburner is mad
The retarded punctuation errors that started being commonplace a few years back with phonesurfers are the epitome of niggerbrain.
I bought those boots
sadly the little swastikas go away after time
best damn boots I ever bought…
Damn niggers are fucking dumb.
the nigger melanin pill is the only thing more retarded than flat earth.
Dis bitch look lika bee
Leave niggerbrain you're not welcome here.
Here you go boys.
Use it carefully, it almost killed me.
New happening OC.