Why the fuck are SMT games so expensive?

Why the fuck are SMT games so expensive?

Which ones can't be easily pirated? P5?

They're not. At least the PS2, DS, and 3DS ones aren't.

Is persona not a smt game?
I always thought it was

No, it isn't. The fact that you think it is proves how cancerous Persona is

Persona 3-5 are the Undertale of the SMT series.

I've never played any of the persona games
actually kinda surprised to hear they arent smt games
genuinely thought they were

The PS2 ones aren't anymore, maybe aside from base P3. Atlus actually reprinted every other PS2 SMT game that came west, which is nice for people that didn't want to drop $60-100 on stuff like Raidou 1 and 2.

Not real sure about if they reprinted the DS ones though. I see the Devil Survivor games frequently enough, but I rarely ever see Strange Journey.

pro-tip, if you can't kill your friends or teammates in it, it probably is a smt spin-off

Starting at 3, they turn a normal JRPG series into both babby's first turnbased game and "Hey everybody, look at how special and awesome and smart I am!" fulfillment highschool dating romance sim.

SMTfags stay eternally butthurt that everyone likes Persona better.

yeah, ive seen what happens when a japanese game gets too popular in the west, no thank you


Nice exaggeration, fag. Why the fuck would I care what games other people like anyway? It's not like I have to play them.

Then why the box say "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3"?

Checkmate SMTfag

artifact title

They only do that in the (((localized))) version to trick weebs into thinking they're playing a real RPG

weebs don't know SMT, seems kinda pointless

your post is the undertale of imageboard posts

Really? hot damn! First I'd like to thank all of my loyal tumblrchaners for supporting me on patreon.. and then… Wait does this mean I can sell out and cash in early before I can deliver on all of my promised kickstarter goals? How about re-skin the same waifus over and over again for each game? I'm already working on a sequel that will butcher everything you loved about my first post, but you'll end up replying to it anyways.

Persona is a spinoff of SMT. The anons in this thread are sperging over the fact that they have SMT style combat plus VN style relationship links

Most copies of SMT games arent that expensive, especially for recent releases. Plus they pack a lot content anyways so you get great bang for your buck.

Its just a spinoff that managed to take a life of its own and somehow managed to overshadow SMT itself.

If Persona is SMT then how is he an SMTfag for attacking Persona?

Because you suck at shopping. Just bought Nocturne and the Deluxe Edition of Digital Devil Saga and Persona 3 for less than 100 dollars.