Did you try new unreal tournament? It is in alpha atm.
Did you try new unreal tournament? It is in alpha atm
It will still be in alpha in 10 years so I'm just gonna pass.
I'm playing the original Q3 instead.
It's still more fun than any other arena shooter ever made.
Why bother? There's nothing in it that hasn't already been done better in UT99 and UT2K4.
Graphics are pretty nice.
inb4 muh shillings for a 36k view youtube embed
webm or kill yourself
I wish I had my PC back from the police so I could play it.
the graphics are pretty weak
Fucking greentext that shit now.
You'd think those rich fuckers could affort their own damn pc's.
It's 2 fucking AM and you almost woke everyone up. Thanks.
Hope you encrypted your dolphin porn.
I hope it's finland.
viddu :—-DDD
They've made some seriously questionable design decisions these past few builds. Like seriously, cooldown on the link gun's primary? Pushback from launching a flak ball? That shitty new Enforcer model?
I hope people speak out on this on their forums. Regardless, the game is still fun, and I'm sure it will turn out well.
Oh god what
The biggest one for me that has turned me off is the 25 armor bonus on new spawns, I think armor is something you should have to earn and until you earn it you should be able to get one shotted by direct impact rockets or flak balls. And yeah they really hate the link gun primary for some reason, these nerfs should be going to the secondary since it's hitscan and can pull people. I think all hitscan other than the shock rifle primary and sniper rifle should be purged (mainly the enforcers and minigun), it is boring since you don't have to lead the target and they don't have the ability to dodge it.
They did remove it on one of the modes recently so maybe I'll check that out.
Yeah, recent changes. Launching a flak ball makes you lose a little bit of momentum you had going. It also makes this really dumb sound. The link gun also overheats or something really fast.
I hope this nonsense will be gone soon. I also hope the artists will change the enforcer to something nicer. The last model they had was actually really good. At least a few other people, even contributors are complaining.
Looks good, but and it feels really slow. I have to try it, but I think toxikk is the only good modern arena
Not trying to derail the thread but to go on a related tangent, what's Toxikk like?
Serves you right for fapping to little girls pervert.
It's basically UT2004 in UE3
I'm not big on Toxikk since it's going for that UT2K4 style of a focus on vehicles and big maps which don't work super well for tight arena shooter gameplay. Have you tried Xonotic?
Also UT4 might seem slow because of its strange movement system, after you've been moving for awhile you'll build momentum and you are also expected to make liberal use of the dodge button (even in midair if you're next to a wall).
Took photos of people without their knowledge on my phone, and forgot I had some left on there when it needed repairing. The repairmen went through my personal stuff and I got a visit from the police with a warrant to take all my stuff and search my house for CP. There's none on my PC but they've been looking for it for the past six months.
Was hoping unreal would be out of alpha by the time I got it back.
Sage for off topic.
fuck man, should have learned to computer
It's free. Move speed is slightly faster than this but it has a jump+small dodge in the air mechanic to strafe, avoid attacks and add speed to the game. Weapons really similar to UT, with secondary fire modes, so basically UT. Better than UT for me, just try it
Only 3 maps are open with vehicles, I think. I dont like them either, but I prefer ut style over quake because I dont like grenade launchers that dont explode on impact, and rocket jumping
Still on my backlog. How does it play?
Xonotic is more like Quake than UT so you might not like it as much, I personally also prefer UT (mainly because of the dodging and Quake/Xonotic have no weapons that are as interesting as the Shock Rifle or Flak Cannon)
Think how to fuck with that vigilante repairman.
I tried it, the base mechanics are good because you cant do that wrong. Once they work on sound desing it'll be enjoyable
ut is too stiff. quakeworld better
Couldn't you also use the pushback to give yourself a boost? I don't actually mind it too much then. As long as they don't completely ruin the game they can change things a little.
It's either to make players stop relying on it so much or to aim down and shoot when you're in mid-air for an extra "jump".
Possibly to cut down on the spam and force people to learn how to aim, instead of blanketing a corridor for chip damage.
Shit weapon still.
The secondary fire has limited range though.
And hitscan can be dodged since you need to keep your aim over a player. The closer you are to them and the more you move, the harder it is to hit them.
I'd argue that they are easier to dodge then regular projectiles since there's no projectile speed to take into consideration.
Why would you play a game that's so early in development? You're asking become a crybaby.
are there any more players ?
UT4 is maintained by a skeleton crew and the community. This is basically a full budget open source game. Ideally all of arena shooter spergs Holla Forums would help them out and make a dream UT game but appearantly it's better to wait until the game gets released while current devs are doing even more questionable changes
Because if all you have are shit alpha testers to get feedback from, you are going to have a shit open beta which leads to a shit game.
No jumping thingies
Would rather faggothop like a bunny in Xonotic
UT isn't about fast movement speed, it's about fast pace and precision in your movement. You don't move as fast but every step you make must be a very well calculated one or it can be your last.
Dodges being short bursts of movement with a small cooldown are the best example of this. You can momentarially increase your movement speed and dodge a bullet but you must time it right or you'll be defenseless afterwards.
There's also trimming and many other gimmicks with different weapons for movement as well.
I'm just glad that fucking helmet is gone.
>had someone else who would turn him in to law enforcement repair his PC
Serves you right for being a fucking retard.
Unless you enjoy saving other people's CP stashes, that repairman did nothing wrong.
Neat. So you don't have to pay/pirate even when it's released?
Even people who can code can't necessarily code game stuff. You think Holla Forums is some sort of magic community where all the niche hobbies are followed by enthusiastic creators.
Both guys are faggots for different reasons.
The community is non existent.
I uninstantiated it because I had no one to play with
Pretty much.
Really? I get at least 3 other guys per match in EU servers. All russians, no game will ever die if it's free and it has decent eu servers
That's nice. It's what I get for being a third world shitter.
Isn't 3 guys not much, though? Arena matches usually have more people.
Just simply telling "no" in the forums would help greatly and we wouldn't have to deal with link gun with cooldowns
I myself stopped playing the alpha because they finally started adding textures and details to the levels and the FPS rate on my toaster tanked hard
The Alpha already is the best modern FPS out.
I agree that most repair people are scum these days, but comparatively that repair guy is less of a faggot than that user. I guess it depends on what kinds of photos user took and whether it's snitch worthy. If user had over the line lewd pics of kids on his phone, then I would say that repairman was fine in snitching. If user had pics of some candids of kids playing in a park, then I'd say the repairman was a faggot for calling the cops and that he should have very solemnly judged user for the fetishes he enjoys.
If you have a problem with the people who run those phone repair kiosks you see in the mall looking through people's photos on their phone, then I don't know what you're expecting. If you truly value your privacy, you would find someone trustworthy (and pay them what they deserve) to do repairs on your equipment rather than Joe Blow who goes home with your phone and uses youtube videos to fix it while jerking off to your CP that's in your photo gallery and simultaneously emailing the local PD.
Not to mention if you have no fucking friends to help you out AND you're really dumb with computers and can't even reinstall Windows, then at the very fucking least give your PC to the repair guys, but don't give them your hard drive. Jesus
nice, thank you blizzard, thank you valve, thank you every casual baby game released in the past ten+ years, thank you
Do you really think that if any of those games you're refering to weren't made, their players would be playing UT or Quake?
Do you really think that?
Because those games came long before Valve or Blizzard made theirs and in the case of Team Fortress, it was a long chain of games all the day back from Quake that people kept following because they prefered it over the previous one.
Xonotic is all right. However, if you want to have any hope of playing the vanilla version you either have to be EU or play on the Holla Forums server, more or less.
It's more or less a dead game and the only thing keeping it alive in NA is Holla Forums's will, for the most part.
If they didn't have the option of playing casualized shit, yes.
They didn't had that option for many many years and they still didn't played them.
did you suck dick
All UT4 needs is more dev time and advertising.