There's no denying it at this point

There's no denying it at this point.

This is happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who even cares? Resident Evil has been dead for well over a decade


Well it's undead now.

Also this. What the FUCK is this bullshit?

Does that mean consumables are microtransactions now?




Didnt Metro Last Light do something similar?


Metro 2033 RE7 here.

Last of Us made hardest mode a DLC

you forgot the period

Wait, they're selling difficulties as DLC now?


for fuck's sake, capcom

Who could have guessed. Don't forget to preorder now goys

If you didn't see this shit coming after the SFV shitshow then you're retarded

Wasn't Metro: Last Light the first game to do that?


As long as you pay more for it later you can have it too. There, problem solved, goy. :^)

Oh wait, there's more
www.please use

How long until they announce another 1k$ edition with some jacket nobody really wants?

The pain never ends.

Fucking Metro Last Light couldn't get away with this bullshit. Are they seriously trying for this?

better than 4 Resident Evil. don't know how they fucked that up.

Still better than the giraffe getting a blowjob that was RE6

Saint's Row went there already. And it cost $10,000 IIRC.

1,000,000 dollars

Eidos did it.

What I find funny here is that they're not even Jewing right, If they made the easiest difficulty the DLC, the casuals would eat it right up. They'd be rolling in shekels.

It did, it is and always will be bullshit.

conspiracy, maybe?

I have never been able to unsee that


no fucking way. In what?


New Deus Ex. The real kicker is that they were tied to one playthrough.

Dropped, thanks op

when will this shit end

never ever

You know what's funny about this?
It's not normalfags who buy into this shit. They get the base game, play it until they get bored (not finishing it), don't give a fuck about "DLC" and move on.
Publisher's problem: Such a $60 game is not profitable alone.
So they fleece completionist autists, so-called whales, who buy every DLC and spend thousands of dollars into micro-transactions make such a scheme profitable. The kind of manchildren who lurk Holla Forums. Less than 2 % of the player base. These make this shit super-profitable.

what the fuck, i thought this was an edit

its fucking real

Just pirate the DLC on PC you dolts.

You can probably hack it without even needing a crack.

See? problem solved.

can you pirate better gameplay ?

I doubt that. You sure it isn't just greedy publishers trying to bamboozle their player base?

Depends on whether the jew difficulty is better.

Don't you mean A Resident Evil :^)

The DLC is free if I'm not mistaken
On the store page it says it's only an early unlock.

Whatever, this is not even a Resident Evil game.


The way it was meant to be played.

$30 dollarydoos for the season pass lmao



so you don't have to play through normal then hard then extra hard to get it
they could have made it available from the start

Those poor Russians only wanted more shekels to make another game :^)

It's just an effective method to artificially increase the content in the game.

Top jew

THQ needed the shekels, didnt do them any good at the end.

But seriously, does anyone find this shit scary? Maybe it has to be experienced in VR or something.

I guess SFV didn't give them the money they wanted and they're just scummin' it up even more with RE. I fear for remake and any DMC they make in the future.

I joked about this with my friends and now it's real.

Truly this is meme hell.

B-but… they're still making REmake 2, right?
They won't ruin it right?

I'm sure it'll be great. Everything you wanted it to be.

Just as much as Final Fantasy VII is.

Christ, I remember back when that was first announced and people were shilling for that shit.

What have we done. Kek has become too strong. Memes are transcending reality.

Daily reminder that muh immershun faggots ruined the franchise.

You just proved that ignoring the fans is the only way to prevent franchise decay.

Jesus fucking christ capcom.

I remember buying it for about ÂŁ5 in a steam sale 2-3 months before they announced the remastered versions and playing through it on ranger mode for my first playthrough thinking I was hardcore and didn't need to play casual mode shit or something.
Although looking back on it ranger mode was fairly easy aside from one section.
Kept dying in a QTE and I didn't understand why I was dying because there was no button prompts, and this continued for about 10 minutes until I figured out that they randomly shoved a QTE into a cutscene, I think it was one of two QTEs in the entire game too.

If this turns out to be a walking simulator and not a FPS, this will be the first RE i will not even pirate.
Even 6 i tried to finish, tried

It's an FPS.

I must be missing something here.

tbh japs have had better records with first person games than the west. maybe they can save the disgraced genre.

The Last of Memegames did it, so all kwell games will do it too


breakdown and kingsfield you worthless bitch

So as it turns out, Madhouse difficulty is an EARLY unlock, and not an exclusive at all. There goes OP, trying to start shit again.



Ok I didn't even wanted to try the game but now I'll pirate it just because. Fuck Capcom, you can't be this much of a jew


They're Ukrainian.

I don't know about you guys, but to me this is just encouraging me to pirate it even more. I wonder at what point will people see pre-order bonuses as a reason to pirate instead of pre-order.

Oh wait, nevermind it is not happening.


This industry.
The jewery behind it all.

weebs say the darnedest things

Resident Evil: 8iohazard! Purchase now and receive the ending!
Why wait until the game comes out and play it?
If you pay us now you'd have already beat the game!


DLC difficulty was Last Light, not 2033

So whats the difference between this and outlast 2? they look like they're set in the same place.

If Outlast 2 includes a hard mode and weapons I'd definitely choose it over the new RE for the enemies alone.

No user, they said there will be no microtransactions. It's just a booster pack to help you in the game. It's either this or people bitch about them cutting content for day one again. Capcom has become immensely paranoid about public backlash lately with Resident Evil 7.

You say this like there is any difference comrade.

aren't your expectations too high?

Only because there is, tovarisch.

go back to having your cum siphoned from your tiny dick by your cummaster-5000 because you can't masturbate properly you burger worshiping fat excuse of a living creature. kill yourself fat

I sense some projection here

Where the fuck is a "NOW IM MODIVADED :DDDDD" variant of this?!


So like Devil May Cry 4 Devil Hunter Bundle including Unlock All Modes, then.

Still a retarded move, Shekelberg.

Valvedrones will defend ANYTHING, user. The Fat Bastard has been slowly JUSTing them and they're always gonna lash out at the rest of the audience instead of Valve.

Never forget

Difficulties can be artificial, but RE games are typically pretty good about unlockable difficulties heavily rewarding you for gitting gud with some kind of cool exclusive content.

Do we know if anybody ever bought that?

This is pretty obviously a joke because they're trying to build a franchise on being ludicrous and wanted to see if they could get away with it.
nobody bought it afaik

Pretty sure they could be sued by that

Real talk, Holla Forums. If you were some sort of Martin Shkreli-tier multi-millionaire and you wouldn't give Anthony Burch a cent if you bought it, would you have bought this?

no, I would enslave you and make you into a cumdump

Sorry user, I'm not a cute girl or trap.

The problem is the fact that this is in the game in the first place you kike apologist


First Outlast hardest mode had no save points and if you die you return to the beginning of the game, the harder mode previous to that one was 2 hits = you're dead so I guess they're gonna stay the same for the full game.

Outlast doesn't have any shootbangs or herb mixing.
Its basically run from a murderer and collect keycards/reports/batteries.
Also its actually scary

So you're a degenerate?


I don't doubt it was legit, just that it was a part of the overarching marketing. It's not like any of the shit listed was content for the game.

i would have put together some codemonkeys to make my own game with that money

Assume you have even more money for hiring codemonkeys and drawfags, then.

Did anything come out of that demo?

What is the problem here? They're not offering anything that you wouldn't get in the game anyway, right?
It also makes logical sense with each other.
You pre-purchase and you get your difficulty mode unlocked from the start. Since your dumb ass will go straight for that difficulty mode here is a bunch of fucking healing items so you can make it long enough that you learn how to play the game.

I swear to god you guys are intent on just finding shit to bitch about for no other reason than to just bitch about it.
They're not giving pre-purchase costumes. There doesn't seem to be any exclusive pre-order sets per store (as i've seen with so many other games).

Fucking Christ. Can we purge the retards from this board, please?

You can start by leaving


also unlocking higher difficulties is just artificially extending length of the game, especially since hard is gonna be easy anyway coz modern gaming

This is true.
I've always found it to be a bit of a shitty thing that games would have locked difficulty levels.
But yeah, on one hand it is artificially extending the game but on the other hand I have a suspicion that its meant to keep retards from trashing the game as too difficult or whatever.


Difficulty options adds replay value because you want more of a challenge from a game you enjoy. It's not "artifically extending" the game.

No you faggot, including higher difficulty levels aren't the problem. Arbitrarily locking higher difficulty levels until after you've completed the easier ones is the problem. All difficulty levels should be available from the start. The only possible exception to this is games that actually put significant effort into designing their highest difficulties with different enemy placements, new applications of old mechanics, etc. By locking those away they can force you through the original setup to establish mechanics and make sure you know what you're doing, and then they can throw whatever they want at you in higher difficulties without needing to worry about tutorializing.

There are lots of games I wouldn't bother replaying if I could get to that highest difficulty right from the start. Hell, in most instances once I get a feel for what that new difficulty level is I tend to just discard it about 1/3 or at most half way through especially if there is no reward at the end.
So while you're right about adding replay value, that value is sort of being forced.

In my view, someone should want to replay most games because of what they can unlock by doing well. Sort of how like RE2 was. You want to replay it to unlock whole other game modes, costumes, shit like that and what you get is entirely dependent upon your knowledge and skill at the game.

You first, fuckboy.

Fuck No, especially after SR3. Volition doesn't deserve any money

You came from there, so it's a bit more fitting you go back.
Pleb and proud.

You mean Square Enix did it.
People need to get off of FF's dick and realize that SE is one of the worst publishers.

First they started selling patches and DLC bundles as standalone "definitive editions", then they started selling save locked consumable preorder DLC.

Nothing that I know of, I remember they added some shit in a month or two ago that didn't actually do anything. One was a basement key I think

What they should do is lock you out of everything else until you beat it on the highest difficulty so retards like you will have to prove they're worth a shit before the game will give you anything.
Don't defend pre order bonuses man, you're better than that.

Bethesda did the same with the PS3 version of Oblivion. In fact I think you couldn't get access to any of the DLC unless you paid out again for the GOTY edition.

Here's the point where everyone seems to be failing…
This shit isn't exactly a bonus is it? There's nothing here that you couldn't just get from playing the game anyway.

You guys got to stop being so black and white about shit. These practices of preorder candy and DLC and all of that shit is NEVER EVER going away. NEVER EVER. One more time, NEVER EVER.
What you can do, however, is recognize and encourage when there are steps in the right direction and when its being done in a way that isn't trying to just basically punish your wallet further for even bothering to buy/play the game.

In general, anything IN GAME should be acquirable simply through playing the game. In essence, any pre-order bonus or microtransaction should act as substitutes for playtime &/ skill.
So when I see this particular pre-order bonus this is a step in the right direction in my opinion because it is doing just that. It is circumventing play time through lower game modes and just unlocking that higher one right off the bat. The items you get are the same items you could get in game.
It isn't putting a costume out there I couldn't get otherwise. Its not putting a level or a weapon or some other game-changing thing out there that I couldn't get otherwise.

Just for the record, I believe DLC is fine if it is an additive to the game and not some large chunk that COMPLETES the game. Like a plate of food, the DLC shouldn't be a side-dish it should be a garnish, a seasoning, or a desert. Separate from the main game and not an integral part of it.

So far the only good example of microtransactions I have is in Overwatch. Its all cosmetic shit you can get through playing the game. Only the truly obsessive with money to burn or are just impatient are really going to buy into it and honestly such faggots should be the ones being taken advantage of. They like it anyway.

They did show a first person screenshot of the player holding a handgun.

First they murdered Megaman and shit on his corpse, then they decided Devil May Cry doesn't need to exist anymore, now they are doing fuck knows what to Resident Evil.

Is everyone at Capcom on acid or something? What the fuck is wrong with them?

Then they can never ever get my money, you apologist sack of shit.

Please, microtransactions in any form are absolute cancer, because in order to "encourage" people to pay for them devs make it so it takes 3 times longer to earn the (for example) XP to unlock shit than it normally would. MMOs are the most egregious example of this and FPSs are getting as bad. Compare how long it takes to hit full XP on a weapon in Battlefield 3 and its equivalent in 4, it's a fucking disgusting practice and it needs to end.

you have no refutation and thus you are fucking retarded. Go virtue signal that you belong to the Holla Forums club to other fucks.

I agree with you. Those are shitty practices. But remember, my best example of this practice was Overwatch.
You have the "loot crate" which is 4 random items pertaining to purely cosmetic values. No gameplay is to be hindered or enhanced.
These cosmetic values you can get through natural playing of the game.
Once more, you can not directly purchase what you want, you can only, through microtransactions, purchase loot crates themselves.

Basically, this is a system that ultimately punishes those who are impatient and greedy. Who value these cosmetic values OVER the actual gameplay.

What you must understand is that this is a practice that is never going away. The best that can be done is that we make sure that it is a practice that falls in these lines of essentially economically punishing those who can't be bothered to deal with the time or the skill…and we must also make sure that we're not letting them buy their way to supremacy over the game.
Although honestly, I find little fault in that last part because if some faggotwad wants to spend all their cash on a game to stay on top then let them. Its like watching someone who doesn't know how to swim want to suddenly jump in the deep end of a pool.
You got to let the retards doom themselves.

Ok well that I can agree with, as long as the game isn't gimped because of it.
And that I completely agree with.

Hey fuckface, stop posting NotResident Evil movie pictures.

I don't need a "refutation", you are stating microtransactions aren't a big deal. I disagree and refuse to support them.

Yea I'm not chucking money at Horse Armor DLC so I can show off to all the cool kids, that must be it.

You are the cancer killing multiplayer games.

I think they know that people who pre-order games are the retards that can't operate two thumbsticks at a time.

"Madhouse Mode" difficulty makes it sound more like a "whacky" game mode as opposed to being an actual difficulty mode.