Im at a tie between pic related, the one with the indian girl, and >>>/loli/50447 because degeneracy
You can stop the production of any one game, what do you choose?
Other urls found in this thread:
Well hello there /loli/, lost your subtelty on the way over here ?
I would go back in time and stop the production of tag.
Can I just give Miyamoto a terminal disease?
Even if some monkey paw shit has him still live long enough to fuck up another franchise reboot (f-zero?), I think it would still be a net gain.
World of Warcraft. It single handedly ruined MMOs. They've still yet to recover from what wow did and it's been 12 years.
Half Life. Gaming would be wonderful right now if cinematic corridor shooters never got popular
Youre kidding right?
Good bait
No Warcraft 3 means no MOBA
What in production right now or stop the production of a game in history?
The former; I got nothing. Everything's bad except the few rare gems. Can't think of anything being stopped that would actually make things better.
The latter; probably Halo and I say that as a guy who played a lot of the Bungie ones. Its not so much their fault but MS, who locked it down and got all the sponsors and press buzzing. From there, they unveiled a good shooter which would unfortunately become the industry standard 15 years later. They would also introduce online subscriptions to play the games you buy.
Can I just stop MS getting into the gaming industry? Things might still be shit without them, but they definitely ushered in a lot of bad.
Gonna agree with this guy, a lot of the shit that's wrong with the industry can be traced back to Microsoft.
I wuld stop production of this thread.
This. Also, if I can stop a series from being produced, I would kill EA's biggest cash cow or the cash cow of Ubisoft or Bethesda or whatever.
I can't disagree on that.
Fuck games, I'd stop the production of Pacific Rim 2 or Power Rangers… It's hard to choose just which one though.
Or you know, get to the core of the issue and nuke Hollywood.
This shit right here. Fuck WoW, it killed a genre with limitless potential
That said I would have wanted to stop the production of League of Legends, mostly because it killed any sort of growth in the Aeon of Strife game genre.
Just Nuke California as a whole
yeah, I agree
Imagine if HL didn't happen and Sin became the hot shit flavor.
sin episodes was the first episodic game I remember, not sure if that's too good of a thing
Starcraft actually
Why not go further and say Quake if you're going to follow that train of thought?
Oh geez, you're right. They really set a horrible precedent. It was like proto-early access/season pass fuckery.
and they got bought so only one episode out of nine was done
Right, I remember now. Empty promises much like early access too. I guess I blocked that out for some reason, even though it's probably the reason I'm a cynical fuck now.
Civ VI (or VII, yes I know it's too late) for historical revisionism, Ada fucking lovelace was not a scientist, let alone a great one and name one thing Carl Sagan has contributed to society. Really if you want to piss me off revise history.
but Pacific Rim is a good concept you faggot. Power Rangers is absolute cheesy though
Hollywood does something right for once, then proceeds to ruin it not even a decade later.
could I just prevent a whole company from developing anything ever again?
Can I just shut down Bethesda?
Star Citizen for the butthurt
Battlefield just to make the casuals who think they are hardcore for not playing COD mad and hurting EA.
Halo 6. You know Microsoft will try it, but they mustn't.
I'd stop making Undertale 2, but I need the money to fund White Supremacist Militias in Liechtenstein.
Just what exactly are they trying to accomplish here?
Kill it.
That looks so bad
Holy fuck thats even worse
Are you gay?
Anyway i'd stop producing Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games so Square enix can focus on making new stuff instead of eternally milking the same shit, i mean final fantasy hasn't been good since 2009, and Kingdom Hearts should just have ended in 2, they have lost almost 10 years making nothing but rehashes.
Wait, what game with the Indian skank?
I really had the first one in mind but yeah. I probably chose poorly. I just want more sexy and gore from the west again.
Is it odd I find whats her face attractive, minus the fact she has some serious man-chin going on.
I wonder if they based her off that one Italian model/actress, cause those are the only women who look like that without looking like hideous shovels. Though this bitch is severely cutting it close, sin is fucking cool though.
Gotta check them ovaries.
League of Legends
Hard to say… What caused early access and pre orders? That thing, that's what I'd kill.
That patreon/kickstarter/gofundme shit I cant even keep up with crowdfunding anymore
Oh, that game. I thought she was supposed to be Mongolian or Bhutanese? Honestly I thought the bitch was Mexican at first but apparently that's not right.
Either way I could come up with far better character designs and you know, not beg for the money to make it meme into existence.
Though honestly I'd just slap a giant rack on all the women, but you get my point.
Fallout or Elder Scrolls, they do most of the damage. You're average CoD kiddy only bothers to player shitty action shooters, but your typical Bethescuck fag thinks they're actual gamers and shit up other games outside their faggoty Bethesda trash.
New system shock or new underworld, either or.
Let's cut MS some slack. They did balance the Japanese dominance in vidya. Don't let your weeb brain fool you, a lot of Western games are good or even better than Jap games. Probably we should have allowed Sega or Sony to do some of the good things MS did such as create Halo and bring in more first-party Western devs. The only big things that need to be changed are that paid mp/dlc doesn't exist and make it clear to devs that a gaming experience on a console is very different from a pc experience. Think about this, why did nobody ever get the idea to create a Goldeneye, Perfect Dark or Timesplitters PC clone back in the day?
What difference will it make
Call of dude, Halo and Final faggot
Remove these 3 from history and gaming suddenly becomes way less casual and cancerous
Honestly it's just a cancerous cycle of everyone thinking they're true gamers
On the bottom you have CODfags and then you have Battlefield and CSGO fags who think they're better then CODfags then you get the Bethesdafags who think they're better then anyone into shooters and then you have people like us and we think we're better then all those other fags but we're just the same, there are probably some people playing fucking Pong who think they're better then us. Honestly the whole "I'm a true gamer because I play [x]" is fucking retarded
spoken like a true 14 year old trying to fit in, adorable.
Tennis for Two
Hey Lincoln
ahaha youre it aahaha cant catch me slowpoke
Even if you can make the argument that it isn't bad on its own, you can't argue that it wasn't extremely detrimental to the 7th generation of games.
It was the only FPS that wasn't a WW2 game or Halo clone at the time.
pongfags are the original meleefags. space invaders rox ur sox
Microsoft and Sony
Might as well post Half Life 2 while you're at it since its the one that started the trend of linear cinematic FPS games.
People saw Notch becoming a billionaire out of a halfway done game and wanted a piece of that.
That's why half of the EA games are survival shit.
what would removing that do to improve video games as a whole?
the lack of terrible games doesnt necessarily mean any more good games would be made. plus we might not have terraria, if that was at all inspired by minceraft
this is bait
Somebody hasn't read the interviews or seen the casting for the sequel I see. Hope you didn't want to see giant robots in your giant robot movie. Hope you wanted to see drama and BoyOOGA courting another white actress. Hope you didn't want to see the main character of the last film in this.
Seriously, the new director said in an interview he wanted to take the focus off the giant robot fights and put it more on human drama. How in the world do you fuck up so bad?
Also, nuPower Rangers is just shit, enough said.
You dummies said the same thing about Star Wars. Boyega was good if not the best character in the movie
Sure, if you like characters that don't make any sense and actors that can't act.
Madden, that would be a seriously huge blow to EA
the fact that ea has exclusive rights to make nfl games is some of the most disgusting shit ive seen.
Can I erase Tetsuya Nomura from existence and all of his involvement?
The stuff he did on Chrono Trigger can stay
no thanks, we're already irradiated with what feels like the entire sun on our doorstep
I've only seen him in Star Wars. Was there a movie he actually acted in?
He's not even in the movie, the nig ranger is some fuck who's only done one and a half movies before, also he's replacing the faggot ranger so, whatever.
Reread the posts then try again friendo.
What did he mean by this?
I'd stop the production of their end game.
That looks fun af tho
I would have said Guitar Hero is Bobby Kotick didn't do it for me already when the series peaked. I think he made the right choice in axing (no pun intended) the Guitar Hero and Rock Band brands because their next installments would have probably flopped until it became a parody of itself with Guitar Hero Beck.
Instead, I would want to issue a C&D the Borderlands franchise. What can I say about it? The first game took a drastic shift in art direction midway through development, opting for a dab of faux-toon shading, that looks bad, for lack of a better word.
It also turned out to be a bad idea to make Diablo into a first-person shooter because the enemies take numerous hits to kill (not worried about wasting ammo because it falls out of the sky and it's cheap at vending machines), the damage that guns can do is dependent on their stats, your level, and your skill tree selections, they sound flacid, look like a kindergärtner went apeshit on it with his paints, and have illogical, ugly designs. Among the shitty weapons you can get: there's a shotgun you can get as a reward early in the game that shoots bands of blue water(?) in a very wide spread and the individual projectiles hit like a bitchslap from Ruby Rhod. In the end, they all feel like that, really.
So need I say more about Borderlands? If I ever find a genie: My first two wishes will be that Borderlands gets killed off and buried in the sticks and everybody who works at gearbox ends up as big a loser as Anthony Burch.
Boyega was okay. Hell, they should have just referred to his character as "Boyega" because it's the most Star Wars name I ever heard.
But, you know what: Star Wars 7 is shit because of its lead actress. A miserable, prickly cunt with a personality as bitchy as her accent. If it weren't for her: that movie would just be the first Star Wars with ADHD, a strobe light, and an obnoxiously loud boombox.
It would still be shit
It's because gearbox liked this short film so much they decided to steal everything, and give no credit or payment to the artist.
The crowdfunder one. They also did Skullgirls i think
but the spats, man!
That way videogames stay in the dark.
Tennis for two was a better game anyway.
I'd go back in time and prevent the idea of games in general from ever being invented.
I knew faggots browsed this board, but this is a bit much.
With a gun.
Persona 5
Fuck off virgin. U mad?
Quake Champions. I just want Beth-id-sda to stop raping their good franchises
Torn between Mario, Final Fantasy and Nep.
spoken like a man of shit taste
The next Danganropa.
uh ohhhh
Alright, Satan.
Since Nobuyo Ooyama has gone senile and has dementia, your wish shall be granted.
Valve cocksuckers are the absolute worst. They have never made a great game. Every title of theirs that I have played felt like the most "okay" game I've ever played. Not shit, not excellent, just there. You cannot be a Valve fanboy and have much gaming experience outside of their titles without being completely delusional.
Careful user, Valvecucks might be the best goys to jewgaben.
They'll come after you like the diseased shitstains they are.
Halo 1. gaming would never have reached the dudebros, developers might still be making games for us instead of the lowest common denominator, and online players might actually be good and be able to handle the bantz. who knows, maybe the sjw menace would even be more muted, since fewer reactionary crybabies would be online without their haloz to pwn nubs in
even though i have nothing against halo personally, i agree and i wouldnt miss it all that much. i dont think microsoft jumping into the console business was good for us at all given how theyve been weening the common man on to these korean tier business practices like paid subscription based online matchmaking etc.
all good things must come to an end
steam and valve were great back in the day inb4 i never used steam :D do i fit in
tf2 was a good game before hats valve just won't let it die, overmeme le stop liking what i don't like.
he doesn't remember how awesome counter strike was.
best girl
its true though
Skywind, I want it to fail so all the retarded skyrimfags realize the only way to play Morrowind with better combat is to make it happen in OpenMW which means more people will contribute to it and the morrowind modding community will grow.
I want Bethesda to die and this is the best way for that to happen, for OpenMW and OpenFallout to become significantly better than everything they can do in every conceivable way.
Minecraft. Let it die, release the source.
I like Quake a lot, I was just pointing out how ridiculous logic is.
Well it can't be worse than the 3 anime, I'm cautiously optimistic for it since they won't have to try and explain it within the context of the other two since they've given up on doing that.
Seriously the retarded setting of 2 simulation being hacked by alter ego Junko was absolutely the only way to explain another mutual killing game without retconning everything like 3 will be doing. This series should have just been about a fucked up recurring game show from the start because that would make much more sense and allow for indefinite sequels. The tragedy + hope's peak bullshit is completely retarded.
Fuck off
Just stop Dota. It's "development" over the last 2 years or so has literally made the game worse with every patch except in the couple cases where it was so bad it was almost completely unplayable and they brought it back up to shit tier.
I'd like to say Overwatch, but that's just a symptom. Whatever started the MOBAshit/competitive/esport bullshit casualfaggot genre. Have that game removed, please.
War Thunder or World of Shitters.
Eul was a fucking cuck for handing his highest potential work to Icefrog, which bent over to valve.
Regardless, AoS was a shelter for RTS rejects and Blizzard failed to see through all the shekels it could've mde.
you could say that about the vast majority of UMS maps. tower defense is the first thing to spring to mind