Is this worth 24 bucks? I would have just asked in a general but I couldn't find one. I also wanted to know if they imply that the goth loli is a futa in the game, or are those pictures I see just memes?
Is this worth 24 bucks? I would have just asked in a general but I couldn't find one...
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There are no hermaphrodites in Senran Kagura. And only like 4 men. Who are all not playable in that game.
Her special attack is just sticking a giant cannon out of her dress. Senran is celebrating the female form, there is be no futafaggotry here.
This is how you recognize a garbage game tbh
Does she refer to the gun jokingly like a penis? Or does anyone react to the gun penis?
It's not fun and it's garbage
Waiting for the PC version, of course.
24 dollars seems like a decent price. You'll definitely get your money's worth with that.
The shitty rhythm game spinoff isn't even out on PC yet. You're looking at about a year after that before Estival is on PC. If OP already has a PS4, I don't see a point in waiting over a year to save $24.
The PS4 version of Estival does that since it was developed at the same time as the Vita version, hence infinitely less resource intensive than some brown and bloom shooter or unoptimized trash from Bethesda.
You have to buy the dlc missions to finish the story arc, so that was shit, but I enjoyed it. Also, you should play the previous games first if you want to have any idea of who's who and why they're fighting.
probably because the art style is hardly resource intensive
no she just expands her anti tank gun like a dong
you are caring way too much over this and it is getting creepy
Where the fuck do you think we are?
If it's anything like Shinovi Versus, absolutely not.
It won't come out for PC because there's a mode in it with anime references. Xseed doesn't want to pay for the licensing 3 times so they're not bringing it to PC.
just google tits, you god damn cuck. why are you paying for cleavage?
They didn't bother bringing any of that to the western releases on console, either. Why would try try to do it for PC?
Just fap so you don't have 24$ worth of regret.
this. i love senran kagura, but none of the games are worth over $20. then again neither are whole lot of games these days.
Just like KoFXIV wont be, right?
Also reminder
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board.
as a guy who owns the special collectors edition. lemme tell you what it comes with.
when you update the game you get 2 free characters to a already large roster of characters. plus 3 unlockables.
Dressing up characters and being able to love__ your waifu
A mousu with hordes of enemies that need a ass whooping
A somewhat serious plot with fan service and fun all around
long as fuck story mode packed with content
bitching soundtrack
a lovable cast.
cheap dlc
and ayame from DOA is in the game as dlc for like 5 bucks
I streamed it the other day and had a blast.
now the counter points
>shiki is the worst case of this
Although its a fun game. of course i payed 30 bucks for it [got the art book and music cd with the game]
and i'm still having a blast with it.
tl;dr its a fun and simple lewd mousou with a good 30 hours i believe of fun.
Buy it to support the developer, that way more Senran Kagura games are made.
You sound like a massive fucking casual.