ITT: we post anti-recommendations

Most of these graphics always have the same games on them (Chrono Cross, Deus Ex, Zelda), so let's make one for all those games that user regrets wasting time/money on. I'm surprised this hasn't been done considering how much Holla Forums shits anything and everything.


Lufia DS.

Tales of Phantasia on the GBA. Play the fan-translated SNES or PSX versions instead - the GBA version has a translation so bad that "Ragnarok" is translated as "Kangaroo" and the battle system is slowed down by a third or more.


it's got all these enemies, but it only throws groups upon groups of one or two kinds of enemies at you
and it's not like there are enemies which can catch up to you like in Serious Sam
this game is pathetically boring


Fallout 4, Skyrim, Wasteland 2: Directors Cut, Spore, Starbound, Tomb Raider, nuDoom, Civ Rev, Shadow of Mordor, one of the Total War games (either Rome 2 or Attila), Duke Nukem Forever, Borderlands 2 and anything after, any Gearbox game, any Bioware game after Mass Effect 1, DaS 2, Bioshock Infinite.

Small list. I haven't played the Total War one, or any Total War games for that matter, but I have never heard anything good about one of them, and heard it was a trainwreck.
I would never say don't play these, but I would certainly say don't pay for them.

What was wrong with Lufia?


It's shit, it's boring, it's filled with bugs because the devs made it for iOS and didn't pay the PC porters. I am currently stuck in the last chapter in the final moments because of a game breaking bug that's really fucking easy to fall into, frustrated I can't beat the game and that if I find a solution I will still have spent time finding a solution for a shitty ass game.

Avoid the frustration, even if you enjoy shit controls and the most boring parts of stealth games.


Darkest Dungeon
Cool graphics and atmosphere, shit repetitive gameplay with no depth.

Don't say that. The waifu faggot will turn up and have a sperg out.

shit taste. it may be an unfinished, rushed game but its still fun

Lufia on the DS is a retelling of Lufia 2 that butchers the original character designs, the story, and everything that made Lufia 2 so damn good in the first place.

then i suppose you need to add notes to all the games

I cant wait for undertale spergs to fill this thread because of this post

But that takes a while. Space is the only good part.
Also, if you are aware of the development of the game and what was planned then I would never say actually play it.
Spore is a very upsetting game to play.

"Slow and steady progress"
t. Jeb Bush


Borderlands Pre Sequel
Dark Souls

True, its unfinished and clunky, especially in the tribal stage, but the editor is still fun to use to show your creativity, especially with mods
vid related

What about third-party, standalone expansions? There were four of them. Weren't they way worse than the original game?

Fallout New Vegas


Ocarina of time
Boring and irrelevant in the present day. Nonsesical puzzles (goron village is the most important) and time sink side quests.

Can't find the caps, but fix your shit OP.

Also going to add Cisquisition to the list, based on pic related.

Japanese games with an anime artstyle that either
1. contains commonly used anime tropes
2. caters to friendless weeaboos
3. is for perverts
4. contains grinding
or any combination of the above.
e.g. TWEWY, Neptunia, Senran Kagura, etc.

Are we for real right now?
What is this shit


That's some hopelessly bad taste, user. Stick to Halo.



You'd exclude Rabi Ribi and Touhou games. Terrible.

Stricter it is.

The Goron Village, and the Mask shop and Big Goron sword quests are the only ones I'd ever classify as nonsensical, and the Goron Village one is the only one that prevents you from beating the game.
I assume you mean the part where you're Young Link and have to get Saria's song and play it for Darunia.

Ocarina of Time is worth playing, at the very least to see why lots of people consider it the best game of all time.

To be fair, this whole thread is personal opinions: the post. Don't get things twisted.

You're seriously defending darkest dungeon? It's an awful game, so awful I thought there'd be no serious arguments.


The Wii version is good. This one? Not so much.

"I don't like how the game is balanced" isn't a reason to put it on a worst of the worst list.
Gameplay is solid, it's enjoyable to play, it has challenge that is mostly fair, it has a great aesthetic, runs as it should, has great music and great voice acting.

It isn't objectively shit by any stretch of the imagination unless you're some kind of autistic child and you're just mad you think one of the updates ruined your save.

How so?

2/10, apply yourself.

How can one person be so fucking stupid?

If this list ever gets made I'll probably want to play every game on it out of curiosity.

Spiderman and the Xmen: Arcades Revenge

Just don't.
I somehow beat this misery of a game as a kid by discovering an infinite life glitch in Gambits stage, so I farmed up extra lives, beat every other level, farned more lives and beat the game with just 12 left


Ideally this would be the most hellish video game experience known to man.

Also I'd add the final release of Ace of Spades.
It's just a piece of trash that is somehow worse than the original version and was sold for an exorbitant amount of money on release


The division

You're literally the only person I've ever heard say that.
It's more RNG than FTL.

Nigger what the fuck are you doing, Painkiller is a good game you disgusting shitskin subhuman.


Any and all ASSFAGGOTS. They tend to have awful balancing and communities, and have probably ruined more friendships than mario party and monopoly combined.

Gas yourself nigger, Deus Ex, Project Reality and Insurgency are great.

let's not get ahead of ourselves

This is going to take a while to finish. If you object to any of the titles listed suggest a replacement.

Hearts of Iron 4 and Europe Universalis 4. Worst paradox games by date.

Instead of Painkiller put in Life Is Strange

Look at this post
nuDoom might be a little debatable as it seems that opinions are divided among people never played it myself
is Wasteland 2 really that bad? I don't know

The rest can go to the list, unless you consider them too obvious. Still Painkiller does not deserve to be on this list because it's fucking good if you really want to put anything Painkiller then at least add one of shitty sequels.



The Nintendo 64 in general.

It's not

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi, important because you can get it confused with the WAY superior Budokai Tenkaichi games. Literal rock paper scissors fest.

Luigi's Mansion, Dark Moon. Original Luigi's mansion was a full game, no interruptions, but Dark Moon makes it mission based, which defeats the purpose of exploring a fucking ghosty mansion. Also each mansion is gimmicky compared to original LM.

Life is Strange, for obvious reasons.

Battlefield 4 and the new Battlefield 1.

Mafia 3, buggy as hell and in no way superior or equal to Mafia 2.

Sports games by EA, they pride themselves on their graphics and "muh realism" but every game is clunky and boring.

help me out here guys.

Replace Painkiller with Mount & Blade. It's a broken as fuck Holla Forums meme game LOL MOUNTAIN BLADE GUYZ where almost all the features don't work, the AI cheats, the combat AI gets stuck on things, the graphics are shit, there is no voice acting and barely any sound, no objective, the balance is so terrible that everyone just stacks one unit type, and everyone plays it on ultra easymode because at normal 100% it's just RNG death all the time.
It's muh immersive combat experience for the distinguished gentlemen of reddit and should never have become a thing here. I blame the faggots on 4/vg/ for resurrecting it.

While many will say you should avoid the entire series, Assassins Creed 3 is pure shit with no defenders

Actually one thing you should avoid is its remake.

Someone more bored than me add all of these.
Also add No Mans Sky, League of Legends, Black Desert, Dota2, Robocraft, Battleborn and all walking simulators/SJW games. Like Amnesia:Machine for Pigs, Dear Esther, Gone Home.

Kill yourself.

Reminder that this is a "Games to avoid list" not a "This game is controversial and I don't like it so I want to add it" list. If you have to ask the question "Would some anons here not agree with this" then it's probably not worth putting up. So basically lets try not to add anything recent unless it's unquestionably shit like No Mans Sky or something.

I don't get it

Oh, Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls.

Indigo Prophecy was actually fucking hilarious despite being a movie game, so don't include that.

I know we say it often around here,
but Skyrim is a perfectly poor example of an Action game, an RPG, and an Open World Game
Its a sequel that exclusively removes any resemblance of interesting mechanics from its predecessors
It ignored all the interesting lore of its established universe
In a series known for its creative worlds, it gave the most generic and boring low fantasy environment possible.
an open world with nothing in it
its an RPG game with no character that focuses on its boring, plain combat
everything about the game is flawed
It is a textbook example of a bad, shallow game which is why its disgusting that people act like it set a standard.

Spore should also go on, as mentioned before.

God of War is the best Vydia junk food you'll get
Silent Hill 4 was a good horror game although a little experimental

MGS 4 ain't nearly as good as the previous 3 but it's a good closure to the series

A shit genere will always be a shit genere

I believe Sean Murray would approve.

I don't see a problem, they seem to have better gameplay and fapbait shit.


Here, some obscure trash.

Nigger you could describe almost any genre this way. You could call the RTS genre a point and click this way. You could call platformers button pushers this way.

You mean Call of Duty?

God of War is the casual version of DmC and Ninja Gaiden.
Silent Hill 4 is just as bad as MGS 4, and even worse when compared to the previous iterations of the franchise.

But that's a very shitty shooter.


What the fuck is wrong with you. That kind of trolling is just, fuck this i'm at loss of words.

System shock 2, Marathon 2, Painkiller, Doom, F.E.A.R., Serious Sam, Unreal tournament. If you will tell me they are bad i'm gonna laugh at you.

Black Desert
Was actually quite decent MMO but was originally p2w. We got non p2w version where you still needed a lot of one time purchase like costumes that gave bonus exp.
But they slowly made it more and more p2w.

They decided to make an Epic Loot update.
Instead of having a lot of parts and lv being your limit, you now have bullshit random loot system like one in Hearthstone.
It also fucked up balance because guys on your level can now get lucky and have end game weapons against you.

Because you refuse to use all games we recommend. 3 strongest dis-recommendations in pic format.
You might as well put LoL in the middle.

Is this really bad? Looks kind of interesting.


Why do you only take one example after another even though anons here recommended you a shit ton of other games that can go on this list?

Please give your reasoning.

I add a game when anons provide an explanation for why it sucks. Corroboration and sanity checks are secondary factors.

It's still a FPS which focuses too much on throwing swathes of enemies at you, instead of having you face properly thought-out challenges. It lacks the balance and challenge of Serious Sam, as playing this game gave me the same sensation of playing any modern military shooter, where I felt I didn't have to use my brain at all.

Purgatory feels rather inconsistent, one moment I'm fighting skeletons in a graveyard, then ninjas in an opera house, then crusaders and hell dogs in an ancient temple, then junkies and gangsters in a Mediterranean harbor, and what else. At least the levels look really nice from a visual standpoint. Most enemies are divided into melee rushers, hitscan enemies (which are thankfully not that accurate), some guys who throw projectiles or grenades, though that's it, really. I still don't know what those Baba Yaga hags were even supposed to do on the field but die. Each level will have you facing visually different enemies, but their individual functions don't really matter in the grand scale of things. One of Serious Sam's strengths was that it used MULTIPLE enemy types at once to create more challenging situations, in Painkiller you'll only fight three different enemy types at most. Of course I'll be able to use the same strategy over and over for a largely homogenous pack of enemies. The level design does little to spice this up. The more interesting enemies like crusaders who fire three arrows in a wide pattern or rocketjumping gangsters only appear in one or two levels before they're immediately discarded. Instead of sticking with a set of enemies and balancing the game around them, the drive to have new enemies in each level makes each enemy feel less unique and memorable as a result. It does help contribute to the overall heavy metal atmosphere, though.

The weapon arsenal looks and feels cool, but functionally a lot of things feel out of place. There is a lot of functional overlap between the gatling gun and shuriken launcher, and while the stake gun does deal more damage at longer ranges, one shot of the rocket launcher usually does the job in one direct hit and is easier to pull off as a rocket does not fly in an arc. While the freeze shot of the shotgun is satisfying to use, having such a hard counter against enemies with more HP begs me to ask 'why even bother facing against enemies with more HP'. It's not like freeze shot ammo is rare, or that freezing large enemies in combat is hard to pull off. Compare this to Serious Sam where switching weapons isn't instantaneous, you are switching weapons all the time to deal with the threat in front of you, and wasting too much time will cause the enemy to catch up with you and make things even more difficult. At least most weapons were mashed together so I don't have to switch weapons in Painkiller that often, not like it'd really matter with an instant switch speed. There's also some combo attacks, like the Painkiller weapon being able to shoot out a razorjack which is quite useless in the grand scheme of things, being able to pierce a mid-air grenade with your stake in order to create a long-range high-damage projectile (which is again quite useless overall considering pulling this off is next to impossible if you're moving), and an actually useful penetration shot from the shuriken/lightning gun.

Then there's the tarot card stuff, which I guess is this game's variant of scoring. Tarot cards make life easier by giving you some bonuses, but first you need to unlock them by completing challenges, such as picking up a certain amount of souls, not picking up armor, and more things which limit you in one way or another. Then you need gold to use them. You can find gold by smashing every single object in a level (do NOT play this game if you're a hardcore completionist, you WILL go insane), or alternatively, monster juggling. Monster juggling works by killing off most enemies so nobody will attack you, and then repeatedly mashing RMB with the Painkiller on a corpse before it disappears so that it can drop bonus gold like a piñata. Which is a neat concept and is fun to do, but completely out of place in a game where you kill legions of enemies at once. If monster juggling could be pulled off on multiple enemies at once, then I'd be down with it, but as it stands it feels completely out of place. Monster juggling is probably also the reason why enemies don't drop souls instantly. After killing an enemy, you have to wait before it disappears so you can eat its soul for health, and usually makes you wait like a chump. Why can't the enemies just drop soul in the time and place of their death, as the corpse remains for juggling purposes? Souls are pretty important, since they are your only source for health as medkits in this game are rather rare. Enemies thankfully don't deal major damage (on Nightmare). Maybe Tarot Cards are more useful in higher difficulties, but I never used one up until the Alastor fight where I didn't want to die from the guaranteed falling damage. Though the extent you have to go through to make a Tarot Card work have me questioning its use as a crutch. IMO Tarot Cards would work better as a trump card if using them also had a negative effect on top of its bonuses like the statues in Bastion, otherwise it just makes things easy for the sake of it.

There's also hueg bosses to fight, though the first, third, and fifth are mostly just 'shoot at it until it dies' as you keep circlestrafing, whereas the second boss is just a waste of time and the fourth boss is actually decent. Separating the phases of the boss by having it break another floor in a tower is a cool idea, however most of the time you are going to receive guaranteed falling damage if you don't manage to fall on top of a pillar, whose position beneath you is guesswork for the most part. The third and fourth boss also highlight the physics engine, where a boss destroys all the scenery which makes for TONS OF RUBBLE OBSTRUCTING YOUR MOVEMENT. Seriously, the rubble is no fun to deal with and I can't blast it out of the way either.

Painkiller is a dumb shooter, and a good choice for metalheads or those who need to shut their brain off. If you just want to kill a lot of things that move with cool-looking weapons, have at it.

Still you know… the problems behind some of those games like Fallout 4 were explained and shitposted to death already.

I think you can add Fallout 4 for being a buggy unpolished mess, Gone Home for being shitty propaganda disguised as a game, Dear Esther for being pretentious.

Although those arguments have some truth to them, they still don't make the game "bad". Nobody is saying that Painkiller is a masterpiece, but it deserves at least a 7/10 for what it does, because the core gameplay is still satisfying enough to be a lot of fun. The gunplay is fun, the enemies are varied enough to pose a challenge. And I disagree with the notion of the game not trying to put you in interesting scenarios, it does although it's true that it also spends a lot of time on simple wave of enemies-styled gameplay. Still even though it's definitely a flawed game, I don't believe it is fair to call it a bad game and especially a game that you should avoid.


What I don't understand is how people do not find Painkiller boring. Constantly fighting the same enemies over and over is boring. Fighting waves and waves of imps in levels with level design equal to Wolfenstein 3D is boring. Constantly doing the same thing over and over without variety is boring. Painkiller may not be bad, but even on the highest difficulty it is boring. It's a mindless grind until the end of the level where the skill ceiling is dangerously low. Whatever interesting situations are present (like the sniper tanks) are few and far between. People rag on Serious Sam for not having any level design, but they fail to grasp that Serious Sam focuses on enemy composition/placement over layout, whereas not even Painkiller can do that right.

Painkiller is really just entertainment for the lowest common denominator. It's not challenging, and it's not engaging either. It's good, if repeatedly killing the same mooks over and over with little to change it up is what you consider fun. The only thing that separates it from other braindead shooters is that you move fast, have loads of weapons, loads of enemies, and not that many bulletsponges.

should also probably add while I'm at it

Shadow Warrior 2 - a decent melee combat system utterly ruined by a misguided focus on RPG and looting elements. 90% of the loot you find comes in the shape of boring incremental stat upgrades, and the levels themselves are reused very frequently in the campaign with some different skins every now and then. The story is a massive downgrade from the first game (which was surprisingly pretty good), and the humor still consists of Wang being a dick against everyone and being funny 10% of the time.

On top of that the game suffers from proper difficulty. You're either steamrolling everything, or you're constantly dying/healing/running due to the fucking bulletsponges. If you aren't minning your weapons to the max, you'll have to constantly deal with your weapons being incredibly ineffective, on top of the UI being absolutely fucking horrid. The leveling possibilities and build variety here is fucking laughable, as there are barely any interesting synergies to create. And whatever interesting strategies and builds are present get fucking nerfed by the developers. The only way you can have fun is to make a build which breaks the game and allows you to sidestep all the RPG bullshit entirely so you can kill everything in one-shot, but a skill system cannot be considered to be good if you have to circumvent it entirely to have fun. There's times where you feel like a ninja badass, but it's dragged down by so much shit, that even the good parts can't be considered worth all the inventory sifting and traveling you have to do

supporting this

shit post because you could at least explain

including City Folk for the frustrating wii cursor bringing up the UI and because most wiis can play gcn Animal Crossing, which has collectible classic games

Serious Sam was just a turret shooter due to the featureless boxy level design, and now with VR, it literally is. It was legendary for separating the bad taste from the good taste in FPS. Your opinion on Painkiller is discarded.

also this piece of shit
don't let the high review scores fool you, reviewers will give a good rating to any SHMUP as long as it looks pretty and is easy

the scoring in this RANDOM (random as in, why should I even bother playing for score then?)
the level design is just awful, with large stretches of nothing being filled up by constant cutscenes and repetitive bullet patterns/enemy formations
the time gimmick is poorly utilized, being hit at most delays your death, and using your cool time powers is bad if you want to play for score
on top of that there is a messy convoluted tryhard storyline about genocide narrated by Hungarian-speaking furries. No really

you should include New Leaf for the horrible mentality the game forces you to have to enjoy it, playing it every single day doing the same mundane tasks. plus the whole problem with villagers just fucking off without even telling you, even if they're your bff and you've only been gone 3 days

Shadow of Mordor really isn't that bad for a first playthrough considering it actually t r i e s something new and does it well, but outside of that, it's nothing special.


It's a first-person mobile (as in mobility) tower defense shooter, get it right.

Is level layout complexity the only thing level design quality is gauged by? Because that would make Descent the king of level design, and the 4D spaces of Aye Mak Sicur in Marathon Infinity would be the best level evar.

The reason Serious Sam has open levels is because you can't fit hundreds of enemies in-doors. I guess you could say Doom does, but one thing you should keep in mind is that every enemy Doom is slower than you and can be outran, whereas you don't have that luxury in Serious Sam. Imagine a horde of Kleers in a tight Quake level (or more accurately, a horde of Fiends), I hope you like to dodge using all that space you don't have.

Serious Sam couldn't do what made it stand out if it stuck to the constraints and limits of Doom clones. It has a large diversity of enemies which are used together in many interesting situations, and even then the effect of level layout in SS levels shouldn't be underestimated. It's games like Painkiller which copied SS and failed to understand that the weapon balance and enemy cast made it work so well. Just look at what makes a SS and Painkiller level different.

OP, add Killing Floor 2, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Borderlands (past 2), Far Cry 3/4, and Kingdoms of Amalur to your pic.
Killing Floor 2 is a game that should have never released in early access, everyone would have preferred waiting another two fucking years before they stopped snorting coke and finished the damn content
Chivalry has been shit and neglected for so long. It's more about playing and looking like a retard doing exploits rather than actually playing the game normally.
Borderlands I was surprisingly ok with, but 2 was so fucking meme-filled and everything just felt worse, and the game really did not want to give you rare shit compared to the first. I pirated Pre-Sequel and it was 2 but enhanced with more memes and feminism.
Far Cry 3 and 4 are literally Skyrim with guns, soulless.
Kingdoms of Amalur was something I was truly disappointed with. The graphics are fine (despite clearly mirrioring WoW), voice acting is fine, combat is fine, writing is fine, music is fine. Not only does all of this make the game feel so average, but it has a nauseatingly low FoV you can't adjust anywhere, and it feels like a VERY empty single-player MMORPG with a LINEAR map. Like every path is a narrow road, but the map is huge. Absolutely shit world design.

I'll play just about every weebshit game I can get my hands on, and I couldn't do it for this one. The art was awful, the story was just a bunch of overused and predictable clichés, the music was below average, the voices for both English and Japanese were garbage, none of the characters were remotely likable, relatable or even entertaining, and the combat was so easy it was boring and physically painful to look at. If someone put a gun to my head and forced me to say something nice about it, I'd tell them to shoot me. It was bad.

downright scathing

The encounter areas are mostly flat square areas with some graphics as background. There is no level to criticize the design of. Have you played it recently? Maybe nostalgia is getting in the way of noticing that the levels don't exist.

Only TFE was like that and it was still ok. It still had some pretty cool secret level, which were anything but flat boxes. TSE had great variety , including rooms with varying gravity, pools and bottomless pits, slopes and big rooms with stairs or elevators, cities and mountains, pyramids which were part of the level. Also an ice lake, rooms playing on light and darkness, lots and lots of fun traps and even open space with meteors falling form the sky. Not to mention secret rooms. Yes, it had some flat square areas to make the rest stand out more. Maybe you have never played TSE?

Stellaris is worse then either HoI4 or EU4. And HoI4 at least has new factory/equipment system that is way better than the abstract IC of previous games.
Stellaris is just plain, boring, rushed, has no content and no replay value and was marketed with something between misleading and outright lies because they talked about a lot of things as if they were in the game and they "didn't want to spoil the exploration" when they weren't.


It isn't a bad idea, OP just needs to keep refreshing the thread every so often.

There's more to level design than level geometry. Not even the most intricate Doom level can be considered good if you place chaingunners and cyberdemons fucking everywhere.
Your criticism was answered in the first half of Serious Sam 3 where levels consisted of tightly designed suburbs instead of large square open arenas for the most part, except that was everyone's least favourite part, as everyone only started having fun toward the second half when the levels started actually resembling what Serious Sam was known and liked for.

It's almost the same shit like what happened to Descent 3, idiots who did not understand what made Descent 1 and 2 work complained how levels in Descent were way too small and restrictive, and their wish was granted in Descent 3 where nearly every level was super open in size now, except this resulted in most of the combat being dumbed down to 'circlestrafe and shoot it until it dies' because of how much space you have.
