No More Pii-U
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But how do I do?
You think They'll still ship out replacement gamepads?
Your point?
The emulator has been around for only like a year and it can already play 48 percent of games on that compatibility list. Thats like 80 percent of all worthwhile WiiU games already right there. Progress is exceptionally fast, I expect it to play most games by 2 years time tops
Will Bayo 2 remain hostage to that shitty console?
This is old fucking news
I'm trying to figure this shit out myself
Problem is I can't find any WiiU ROMs anywhere yet
Shut up nintendrone
i was originally going to ask how complete the game was and what other games there were. calm your tism
PS3 super slim is shit and lateswt PS3s can't be CFW, so I don't really believe you.
I enjoyed Bayo 2.
What does "I enjoyed Bayo 2" have to do with what he said?
Although I do find it out of place to say "held hostage" when it wouldn't exist if Nintendo didn't fund it
It means a lot of things.
And of course, what you said.
Does this make you remember the countless Nintendomination threads just to look back and laugh at the faggots that believed this propaganda?
the 3DS is technically the best selling console this gen even if the WiiU is a complete failure
Nintendomination is real user, deal with it.
tfw I fell for the memes
No need
Yes, it does, but it's not like they'll ever admit they were wrong. Sm4sh hype is probably the most embarassing chapter in Holla Forums's history, no fucking joke.
I am not pissed because they cancel production on old console.
I am kinda pissed because they decided to drop both 3DS and WiiU physical backwards compatibility on Switch.
Enjoy either buying used WiiU or paying again for all games that already owned to play the on Switch. Don't worry Nintendo won't sell 80% of WiiU library digitally anyways.
It sucks but the problem is how would it work in the first place?
You can't have Wii U BC because the the architecture is vastly different.
You could slap some of the 3DS's hardware inside and have BC for it, but then how would you physically play the games?
Though you could say they could have designed the Switch's hardware to be similar to the 3DS so you could play those games. (the screen piece could have been a clam shell with two screens)
And they said that the NX wouldnt replace the Wii U.
I remember thinking the 3DS and Wii U would be a return to form. Fuck.
They can't even do an emulator thing like Microsoft did with the Xbox One since the Switch doesn't have an optical drive.
If (((Nintendo))) make an online store dedicated to previous games/consoles then you'll have to pay for the games that you already have.
Fastest console death? This reminds me of a puzzle.
Same good DS and Wii. Good luck with the Gimmick, fag.
maybe thats because you want isos
Dammit, user, just give Wii U the 2 million, and a helicopter already!
Those people's lives are in danger!
and then they saw the reception and flipped on a dime
they are certain this is their Wii2.0
The list says 22 percent.
X360 emulation was made on Xone. If jump between Switch and WiiU will be larger than between these two you should easily be able to play all WiiU games on it.
About controls really all you need to do is give tablet touchscreen and make it so it displays on both TV and tablet to recreate both 3DS and WiiU setup. Reading cards and discs could be done by addon.
Of course I don't believe Nintendo will do either of these.
They didn't say it won't have digital compatibility.
But with Nintendo it means rebuying your games, only being able to rebuy few of older titles, and thing called eshop.
If this is only way there is no reason to buy Switch over used WiiU. Just like there is no real reason to buy PS4 when you don't have PS3.
I have about 15 games for the wii u. Much fun was had. Over all decent console.
I played over 15 games just this month
Jesus Christ.
This board always goes on about piracy and hacking and now we should BUY A FUCKING CONSOLE FOR ONE GAME.
And goddammit Bayonetta isn't even that good.
Getting a wiiU at this point is still 200-250 euro.
Perfect+playable+runs=48 percent
You actually do not, since its impossible to find isos. I found a Splatoon in Loadline format. To run it in Cemu just browse the Splatoon folder and in the code directory you load the gambit file
After much trial and error I finally got this working
You will need to find a save file somewhere online to get past the tutorial because there is no WiiU gamepad tilt emulation yet making the tutorial impossible to complete
Also, it was selecting my Intel GPU over my dedicated Nvidia GPU for some reason until I overrided it in the Nvidia control panel. I was still getting good frames on my Skylake GPU, however
Getting a solid 50 to 60 FPS everywhere. With the latest Cemu build you might run into a shader cache error where everything looks like you're tripping acid. To fix just keep pausing the game and pressing back and it should eventually fix itself
Keep in mind input is slow at first as the emulator has to build a shader cache. After it does though the game should gradually get faster
lmoa look at this poorfag
And nothing of value was lost
Honest to god Reggie needs to get fired. His incompetence at marketing, being ok with the censoring of games, and the fact that he refused to bring over Xenoblade at first shows that his time is up. Only reason he stayed around so long was because he was buddy buddy with Iwata
Also, if you're wondering why the resolution is so horrible. Thats just the resolution the emu runs the game at. And there's no way to change that at the moment
Funny. I say this to PC gamers who beg for PlayStation exclusives.
Should have made a PC client.
I wish demons souls was on the pc, cant have everything though
I remember when people kept saying Wii U would be Nintendos Dreamcast. Guess they were right.
They did this same shit 10 years ago with the DS, saying it wouldn't replace the GBA. Then the DS started selling and the GBA support dropped dead.
How many of those have you beaten?
Nintoddlers shouldn't be allowed to post this is just sad.
I've been playing games since the mid 80s and I don't thing I've ever clocked as many as 15 games per month, maybe a few times back in the NES days when the local game rental place was still open. No wonder I hear about anons on Holla Forums getting burnt out all the time.
Sad how the only console of this generation that was decent is already scrap. Only console with more than one game to play, an abysmally low like 15 games being generous but much more than the others. Just a poorly though out and executed console that is saddly the best of this generation so far. Fucking pathetic.
Its sad that it was good compared to the xbone and psnogaem. This entire generation was a steaming pile
The only reason Nintendo even continues to exist is because of the overwhelming success of both the DS and 3DS handhelds. If Nintendo never makes a successor to the 3DS and tries to pretend like the Switch or Flip or whatever the fucking new thing is called is it, they're going to hurt.
They're going to hurt so bad.
I don't think you understand how corporate structure works, user. Reggie doesn't make every decision at NoA.
Fastest console death belongs to the Virtual boy.
Why don't they ever try to pump out some more games when consoles flag? People buy games for systems the switch isn't attractive in it of itself, who cares about retarded hardware changes?
Post yfw you never bought a Wii or WiiU
Good. What a colossal piece of shit.
Nigger, I'm not going to play a game that isn't working ((((perfectly)))). Running =/= playable like it would play on a Wii U. Likewise, I'm not playing something with sound not working right or with jaggies and shit out the ass. Fucking emulator-fags are the worst. Not that I own a Wii U anyway, it doesn't even have 5 worthwhile games
There's been good reception for the Switch? That thing looks like the worst of all possible worlds.
Ha yeah. In reality rich people are actually more careful about spending money. They got rich by earning it not wasting it on dead Nintendo consoles.
You wouldn't believe how many Mercedes, BMW and Audi cars I see at the local Aldi.
Just like make game! You're aware making videogames is an expensive and time intensive proces, right user? Nintendo literally can't make 10 great games every year. No single studio can.
This is why Sony has it easier: they don't have to keep the PS4 alive. But the wiiU had very little third party support. So it all fell on Nintendo to save it. And they failed.
The normalfags have been making le ebin twitter and facebook memes for weeks.
The Switch is going to dominate, and I hate it. Of all the things Nintendo had to do in order to get back in the game, why did it have to be this? Why couldn't it just be a normal console with no gimmicks and just good games?
Oh wait, I know, because normalfags don't WANT normal consoles anymore. The WatchStation 4 has a shitton of gimmicks, including but not limited to touch screens, motion controls, and virtual reality. And yet this overpriced piece of trash is the best-selling console this generation.
The Wii U would've stood a chance if it was advertised better. You people need to face facts, the Switch is going to sell like hotcakes.
I'm not trying to shill for Nintendo either, but let me just say that this is not a prediction, this is a spoiler. The Switch will have shit, censored games, but normalfags will eat it up.
Laugh at Nintoddlers now, but they'll have the last laugh. If, of course, they continue sucking Miyamoto's old wrinkly out-of-touch, SJW-pandering, normalfag-loving, Paper Mario-ruining dingly dongly donkey kong donkey dong, that is.
Are you fucking retarded? When you can play the full price of the console on pirated games it is totally worth it. Pretty sure there are a handful of games on Wii U that worth it, like W101, and the fact that you can load Gamecube games on it and so on.
Pirating a console is always worth it and "No games" is a retarded meme. Kill yourself.
This is why PC faggots are faggots. You can even play it online.
Also. I'll give you that the Wii U isn't still fully piratable, doesn't have CFW and you can play DLC on it yet. You can play offline games fine, though. The emulator isn't perfect either, so it's the same shit.
I really believe that if they made a normal console, with no real thing or gimmicks to differentiate it from the other two systems. It would have had a overall lukewarm performance in sales.
They're aiming to revitalize their presence in both japan and US. And while it's not what I personally wanted either, it's probably the only thing they could do to keep from finally dropping out of the race. Either Microsoft or Sony would have to leave before I honestly expect a "standard" console from Nintendo again. And with them going the apple route and making Scorpio and Pro, I doubt either will leave for a good while.
the games are pretty limited, most of the good ones have 1-3 pieces of dlc if you want to play with others.
i'm enjoying my wii and 3ds for piracy, but the wiiu even at the end of lifespan has very little to offer with what's currently available for piracy (and even after that).
LET IT GO user
I mean don't get me wrong, every salty tear is glorious to me. Bayo2 and Wonderful 101 made that console worth the money spent, but there has to be a point where the butthurt stops.
You niggers need to tone down the retardation and look at the facts: the switch is a shitty sub-$200 tablet with detachable controls
A chinese company already did this almost two years ago, same detachable controllers you slid into the tablet and everything
The fact is nintendo hasn't been able to compete at the same level than sony and microsoft for two generations now. The wii was a shot in the dark, it was a repackaged gamecube because nintendo couldnt afford to engineer a top of the line console like the GC had been, not anymore.
But the wii sold shitloads anyway, it was the biggest success story for the company since pokemon
And the wiiu was a spectacular failure, even the GC and N64 had better runs
This switch shit is too big to be truly portable so there goes the 3DS market. And its not powerful enough to be truly nextgen so console fags will react the same way than they did with the wiiu
Most of the market for the wii was fucking wiisports, lots of normalfags only played that fucking game and nothing else
Kill yourself. Tasteless faggots like you that play every piece of shit that comes out and rushes through the games without bothering to learn any mechanics are the fucking problem.
Can anybody explain to me how Nintendo account works? Last I heard, it locked to 1 system, meaning if you have 2 Wii U, you cannot shared any game you bought online. Does this mean you will have to rebuy all your digital game for Switch?
i think the idea behind the switch is to compete for the american college and nip middle/highschool market against apple. most of said group will have a carry area for their tablet anyway.
even as a concept i can't see it winning.
w-why would they lie like this
they experimented a little with cross platform ownership on the wii-u/3ds but that just involved handing a free copy to the non-purchasing console.
the nnid doesn't seem to have a proper ownership concept applied.
Wow user you sure impressed me.
Why do any of you do this.
The problem is that they can't even make 1 great game every 10 years.
Well fuck, does this mean I won't be able to get one without scalping scum ratcheting up the price in the future?
This is an incredibly safer bet than you realize.
You know why they had that guy playing NX at the Airport and on the plane?
because people were doing that already with their Wii U systems.
They're just using all the things people really liked about the Wii U system and rebranding.
It's not an experimental system, It's a tested one.
McFucking kill yourself, Liam.
possibly. I am concerned if nintendo stops making gamepads for it because you need one for the console to work.
Why do the best consoles of their generation sell poorly?
holy shit how sad
holy shit how sad
the cucks defense, tell me how it works then :^)
the entire point was that the game felt like you were controlling a squid
hey, it's called a pc justification thread, pc gaming is the best thing ever and it needs to exist. Now excuse me, I'm waiting for an emulator to become up to date so I can run it on my expensive machine I only browse 8ch and play doom wads on.
This worked so well for Sega.
You sound like a feminist.
I don't disagree that PC is master race, but you're being an agenda pusher.
They never said this
I know, it's the best isn't it? All the console emulation is so good. Still waiting to play JSRF and Panzer Dragoon orta tho. Oh well, at least I can play the entire gamecube library, all 22 games. So nice. Analog triggers though? What were they thinking? I can't emulate those with my keyboard. Such bullshit. Hey maybe there will be some PC games in the next year or two. Getting tired of grand strategy and multiplats.
Are you autistic?
Pretty sure they did, the 3DS one, at least.
the best kind of bait is facts cleverly disguised as inflammatory positions
Fixed it for you.
Part of the point of emulators is so you can play without waggle my friend. I still wish there was a way to play Skyward Sword on Dolphin without having to connect a Wiimotion+ but whatever
that is actually not the point of emulators, that's just a perversion of their intention
Remove Reggie
Let the scalping begin
my charger cable broke and I can't find a replacement sold on the Nintendo EU store. Fuck them, they aren't getting my money with NX, now I can't even play W101.
It was sega of japan who fucked everything up.
I kinda hope the NX flops due to all the stupid mistakes Nintendo has been making over the years unless it has a fucking killer line up, but the Wii U is a decent console. I still play Splatoon and Mario Maker, and I've also been playing games like Tropical Freeze and Super Luigi with my family recently.
Just like the N-gage
Buying a controller is a lot cheaper than buying a whole new console, user.
They have no third party support because they've been shitting on third parties for DECADES.
Speaking of the genesis/mega drive:
Any of you fags got an update on the wikipedia drama?
Its the most autistic bullshit I've ever seen
Wikipedia drama?
Ha that's harsh.
But yeah the wiiU had months when there wasn't a single decent game coming out.
I personally buy a PlayStation for all the weebshit that PC doesn't get (or years later).
Besides playing a JRPG on a PC kinda feels wrong.
Wouldn't trade games like Ar nosurge or Cold Steel for anything on the Steam store right now.
That thing is such an oddball, it doesn't even look like it was designed by Nintendo. I still loved it.
Dreamcast was insanely well marketed (NINE NINE NINETY NINE) you dipshit, Sega Japan fucked everything up.
it was a mix of both SoA and SoJ. SoA's decisions on the tail end of the genesis were stupid and a waste of money. Their handling of the Saturn was like a kid throwing a fit. No sonic? Boohoo, there's a dozen greater games than any Sonic game.
All Japan. America wanted a Sonic game as they the ones making Xtreme. Japan instead forced Nights onto them despite it being completely unmarketable because it was so abstract and weird.
SoA's only problem was letting Stolar block the release of so many Japanese games because "SATURN IS NOT OUR FUTURE" shit.
This only problem is like a huge deal already on its own.
What a retard
Dont forget Sega Europe, the Saturn was released in europe with practically zero marketing, no one even knew it got released.
pretty big fucking problem there mate considering it a massive stream of games that blew the fuck out of the competition and was major competition in Japan. SoA also struck botched distribution deals and ruined their retail presence.
SoJ wasn't perfect, they were pissed with SoA and fucked them over too, poor communication both ways, but ultimately SoA failed to deliver to the audience they were looking to capture.
Fuck nintendrones are stupid
Sure champ, how's that GPU-less rig coming along? Did you manage to run DS games without frameskip yet? :^)
That processor was pretty powerful, though.
It's stupid to shit on an early emulator like this faggot , but there's obviously still some work to do.
An emulator does not use anything from the GPU, its all CPU driven.
It's why for years literal fucking morons claimed emulators ran buggy unless on the MOST POWERFUL RIGS IN THE WORLD!1111
When in reality people would be bottle-necked by their shitty processors not understanding why their GTX9001 couldn't run PS2 games.
Stay salty consolepeasent.
A PC player might as well be an IDORT because all the consoles get emulated eventually.
No I get that, its around the same type of i7 I have, I just get triggered by console niggers being utterly clueless on how shit works.
This isn't entirely true, though
While it's true it's mostly CPU-dependent (unlike native PC games), some emulators can benefit from the GPU if properly coded.
Some PS2 games run like ass on my computer in software mode, and run fine on hardware mode.
So many children desperately trying to convince themselves that the only platform they use must be the best one by shitting on whatever they don't have. As if every platform doesn't have its own pros/cons. You faggots spend more time sperging out than actually playing games on whatever platform you've convinced yourself is objectively the best. You're living, breathing advertisements.
t. newfriend
t. corporate whore
Some platforms have more cons than others. I don't think it's illegal to talk about it
If you're triggered by that you're free to leave/ignore posts
I'm a PC mustard race, what corporation am I whoring for?
whoever your parts are manufactured by. sucking your own dick pretending you're the best doesn't win you favours
Why would I think sucking my own dick would win my any favors?
Usually you suck others dicks for favors and your own for fun.
But maybe that's just me.
You have to go back.
usually quite a few, from steam to gog, microsoft, amd, nvidia, intel, the dozens of ram manufacturers, SSD manufacturers, razer and logitech especially.
Generally PC gamers are even bigger consumer whores.
PC fag?
Valve, Nvidia and Intel are your Jewish masters.
If you're talking about first world "gaymur" fatasses/twitch camwhores, then yeah.
Otherwise, sane people buy what they need.
we're talking PC gaming. There's very few smart consumers who would dedicate themselves to that.
[Citation needed]
Dedicate? It's much easier NOT to buy. Going out of your way to buy more stuff is the dedication here.
you have difficulty reading or are you ESL or is it actually hard to understand? PC gaming is not a smart place to invest your time or money these days. No smart consumer would waste their time or money on it.
So according to your logic purchasing anything from anyone makes them lords over you.
Got it, so that must make to be your lord and keeper right?
ARE YOU FOR FUCKING SERIOUS?. Specially when most homes have a desktop already and all you gotta do is a buy GPU (unless you wanna emulate PS2)?
No, I interpreted it as in "There's very few smart consumer who dedicate themselves on spending their money wisely on PC parts" because your actual point was so fucking retarded I didn't even process it.
Those idiots being Sega of Japan, they're the ones responsible for shit like Saturnday, and hiring Bernie (((Stolar)))
KEK 1995 has called and wants his Gateway 2000 computer back.
Every two years - for more that a console costs.
A console you buy once at launch (or once damn cheap later).
So many children desperately trying to convince themselves that the only platform they use must be the best one by shitting on whatever they don't have. As if every platform doesn't have its own pros/cons.
You faggots spend more time sperging out than actually playing games on whatever platform you've convinced yourself is objectively the best. You're living, breathing advertisements.
Sega of America was under different management during the Saturn period, stupid
But it was all ultimately under SoJ's control, they couldn't really defy them and if they did they'd be removed(i.e. when bernie sanders slashed the prices of the console before launch they removed him
Nobody said Sega of Japan were saints who dindu nuffin', but a large portion of the blame for Sega's downfall comes from the SoA end. Only people who take the Genesis fanwanking material in trash books like Console Wars seriously disagree.
Part of Sega's problem from the beginning was that it wasn't a centralized entity. Each regional branch more or less operated like its own separate company. In contrast, Nintendo early on sought to centralize control in the hands of the Japanese headquarters and it has probably been since NoJ has relaxed its control over NoA that shit has been going bad for Nintendo.
The decentralized character of Sega led to infighting and miscommunication between the branches as SoA's success during the Genesis era under Kalinsky bred jealousy and Euro Sega answered to neither. But while Kalinsky was definitely a better manager of SoA than Bernie, SoA made some serious mistakes under his leadership. One of these was selling the Genesis cheap to third party developers cheap which resulted in large quantity of games, but most of them shovelware and even the few good games being little more than arcade ports or just games that didn't use the Genesis' superior power to the SNES to its full capacity. Most of the games people remember fondly from the Genesis were not Sega developed IP's or even Genesis exclusives. Another bad decision on SoA's part was that it marketed Sega as the cool radical 90's video game company, which by 1996 was wearing itself out. SoA refused to part with this image and understand that Saturn was a different kind of console catering to a different kind of market. Also the main thing that drove away third party developers from Sega was the 32x which was largely a brainchild of SoA. The Saturnday release date wouldn't have been such a problem if it weren't for the fact that the 32x was something that actually existed.
Under Stolar, there was an adamant refusal on his part to market the kind of games that made the Saturn a success in Japan to an American market. He refused to market J-RPG's even as FF7 proved that J-RPG's could achieve massive mainstream success in North America and he put little effort into promoting Sega IP's like Nights as a response to hits like Mario 64 or Spyro the Dragon.
Would it be worth picking up a Wii U if they go for like $50?
Honestly, the best price for a Wii U would be 150. Hopefully the price drops soon
That was the original plan to release it in September. Japs forced the whole releasing Saturn on the day of E3, exclusively to Toys R Us.
Those systems were already dead when Stolar made that announcement. Bernie was talking about killing the Saturn in favor of a new system (the Dreamcast)
You act like Nintendo didn't do the same thing once they were forced to stop their hold on third parties with their exclusivity bullshit. The SNES was licensed to every developer as well.
SATURNDAY WAS THE ORIGINAL LAUNCH DATE YOU NIGGERS. May 11, 1995 was on a Thursday, the day of the Saturn's surprise launch.
Nigger, you tell me how to market an androgynous dream wizard in place of a wiseacre hedgehog everyone recognized. Nights was another mistake of Japan they forced on SoA when it was Sonic Xtreme that should've gotten made.
Bernie fucked up in killing the Saturn early, which itself was rooted in Japan's faults, including forcing it out in May instead of September as planned (aka SATURNDAY), forcing a gay dream spirit simulator as the system mascot instead of their fast rodent, giving no guidance to their European branch, and fucking up the system's architecture making it a nightmare to work with. ALL of that was Japan.
The difference is that Nintendo was a company whose activities were more centralized in the hands of the Japanese headquarters & devoted time and money to developing and promoting its own IP's in an effort to create a recognizable and consistent brand identity. If you look at a list of top 25 SNES games which were also best sellers and critically well-received at the time of their release, games developed by Nintendo themselves make up a good portion of that list and most of those IP's have remained emblems of the Nintendo brand since and many of the entries of those IP's on that system are widely regarded as some of the best games ever made period by many. The only Sega developed IP Sega of America put any effort into marketing was Sonic the Hedgehog, which it marketed in a way that was very different from how Sega of Japan marketed him because SoA wanted to force Sonic to be the edgy, cool 90's foil to Mario despite the fact that he was just a cute wide eyed hedgehog saving his furry woodland cuddle buddies from an evil scientist with his help of his fuccs boi friend and even in his American produced cartoon he took time to tell kids not to smoke.
average Genesis owner in NA didn't buy that or even knew it existed
Again, another Sega IP that Sega of America did fuck all to sell to the North American consumer in response to the success of the SNES' RPG lineup. Can't devote any money to a good game made in-house by us aimed at the same market Nintendo is cashing in on, we gotta sell these kids their uncensored Mortal Kombat 3.
Right, cause these are IP's which produced iconic characters and settings everybody immediately recognized as being Sega's and have remained staple brand logos of the company for generations to come. Most people you talk to who played these games at all probably didn't even know it was Sega themselves who developed them and many people who praise the Genesis' library are sometimes unaware that many of those games they liked were also found on the SNES too. Nintendo was smart in that it realized early on that the company needed a recognizable brand identity that distinguished itself. Sega of Japan wanted to do this which is why Sonic Team started making games like Ristar & Nights because Sega needed a group of marketable icons, but it was always running into problems with SoA, even after they replaced Kalinsky with Stolar, who was supposed to be their mouthpiece but proved even more obstinate when it came to marketing shit.
While I would agree that even a 7/10 Sonic game would have made more money and been easier to market, that doesn't suddenly excuse SoA from slacking off or intentionally sabotaging the Saturn in North America under false pretenses. There is absolutely no reason a game made by the same people who made Sonic the Hedgehog, earns stellar reviews from almost all critics and plays similarly to another hit game like Mario 64 shouldn't have been able to be more successful other than just pure incompetence.
Well now, that's bullshit. SNES RPGs weren't any better off than Shining force or Phantasy star, hell, nintendo advertised a very fondly remembered game these days as being shit.
You've never played either game, have you?
GTX 970 was released in 2014 and still runs most if not all things released currently on ultra.
PS4 was released in 2013 and is already getting a new version because hardware specs need to improve.
You can buy a GTX970 for 230 dollars (260 if it were not on sale)
A brand new PS4 is AT LEAST 299 dollars on gamestop ( preview.don't use link )
or 280 on amazon
One will keep playing games that will be made with the new PS4 and Scorpio or what have you in mind, the other you will have to replace as backwards compatibility between recent gen is not a guarantee.
Yeah, current gen consoles at this point are little more than prebuilt PCs, only they(or rather just sony) actually support physical copies rather than try and sabotage them like steam does.
Sony is still shifting more towards digital media, I'm pretty sure their games are cheaper if you just buy the PSN version of a title anyway. I only see physical releases being interesting if it's a limited edition deal, since you get some cool stuff on the side and a neat box with it, otherwise I just want the game to be able to play and eventually replay it, taking up shelf space isn't always important.
While I agree that Sega didn't market any of their best series in the west, I also understand why they made that call.
This pretty much proves my point. Your average normalfag that plays video games doesn't even know what Phantasy Star is. Meanwhile, every dudebro and his cousin probably owned several Mortal Kombat titles. As shit as it is from our perspective to ignore superior series in favor of ones that sell, it was a good decision from a financial perspective.
Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy III/VI, Earthbound, Final Fantasy II/IV & Secret of Mana all enjoyed relative success in North America, with many of these games being Americans' first introductions to the genre itself which is partly why these games usually rank very high on the best games ever lists done by American vidya journalists. Phantasy Star IV, still considered one of the best RPG's or games ever made by many critics, was released in 1993 in Japan but was virtually ignored by Sega of America until 1995 and it was released with horrible box art that did nothing to really sell the game and with almost no marketing at all while Final Fantasy VI was released in North America just a few months prior and remained a top selling SNES game for some time due in large part to a sufficient marketing campaign by Nintendo & Square. Now it wouldn't be so bad that Phantasy Star IV flew somewhat under the radar compared to Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Trigger (released later the same year as PSIV and with only two months between the JP & NA release dates) but FFVI & Chrono Trigger were merely third party titles, while Phantasy Star was made by Sega themselves and yet the average Sega consumer in North America at the time was unaware of this series that already had 4 titles on the Genesis alone. It's not like when people who had a Sega Genesis back in the day think of iconic Sega characters they think of Alys Brangwin from PSIV. Sega of America even then wasn't interested in advertising nerdy weeb shit (which is what a lot of kids and teens considered those kinds of games) that clashed with the hardcore cool kid image they wanted to build for themselves even if that game was made in house by Sega. Phantasy Star was so underappreciated in the USA that we never even got the Phantasy Star Collection for Saturn, but you would think any company would prioritize creating at least something of a niche fanbase for all its first party titles.
I've owned both and Nights certainly plays more similar to Mario 64 than it does any Sonic game released before it. You seem to forget the levels in Mario 64 where you have to fly and collect shit using the analog stick. Mario 64 was designed to make maximum use of the 64 analog stick and so too was Nights designed to make the maximum use of the new 3D control pad, partly in response to Mario 64 and the 64 controller specifically.
way too much bullshit in this thread. first exposure to jrpgs came from dragon quest/final fantasy and phantasy star. also phantasy star is the flagship title for the master system faggot. if nintendo game a shit about their rpgs then we wouldn't have had to wait till 2003 to play fire emblem.
I think under Kalinsky's presidency, Sega enjoyed much in the way of financial success, but I don't think Kalinsky's business strategy was a very good long term strategy for the company for the very reasons that it's a safer bet to create niche fanbases for your very particular style of making games who can always be relied upon to purchase your products than it is to rapidly expand and sell your console out to any and every third party developer for cheap in order to have just more games to make more money.
With Nintendo, considerable effort was always made to generate devoted fanbases to its own first party IP's with the aim of creating a certain recognizable and consistent brand identity. Nintendo is its own brand, not simply a publisher of other brands. Sega of Japan I think wanted something more like this, being a Japanese company and having this drive to consolidate and centralize, which is why they created things like Segata Sanshiro to give the company a personified embodiment of what it was all about.
presented by Nintendo
you mean that Sega console most Americans don't even know exists?
you do realize that Nintendo will fix it for your for free, right?
Not if it's physically damaged.
have you asked technical support?
segata sansihro honestly could have worked in America. The kung fu super star stereotype had existed since the 80s and lasted for some time. While the origin of the joke may have been lost, people could have easily seen it as a play on bruce lee or jackie chan.
SoJ was smart, and a lot of their negative actions seem mostly in response to SoA's stubbornness and refusal to work with them on certain things.
The Saturn was probably the only Sega console that ever proved to be a real success in Japan. The Master System was a hit in Europe and some parts of Latin & South America but made only a small dent in Japan and North America. The Genesis was a huge success in North America and also was a major success in the European market while being more of a niche system in Japan.
The Saturn was basically the second place console in Japan and this was due to Sega of Japan knowing just what to do with it in that market. How could Sega not know how to market a game like Sakura Wars to its Japanese consumers? How could some martial arts master telling you that if you drop out of mainstream society and become a NEET who devotes his energy to playing Sega Saturn you'll obtain his wizard powers not find receptability among young people in mid to late 90's Japan? Meanwhile, Sega of America thought vid related was a good ad campaign
And? Who changed the management? SoJ started destroying the company due to their healousy from the end of the 16 bit era. Dreamcast was just the last visions in a dying man's head.
SoA was delivered a turd with little time to put together any hype or ad campaign.
Who's buying a switch at launch?
Depends on what differences are made to Breath of the Wild.
Nintendo doesn't like games with stories.
How many Nintendo JRPGs are there anyway?!
I'm trying to come up with some names but I draw a blank.
Anyway JRPGs were never popular, they've always been niche with the exception of Final Fantasy.
there's a few, some are story heavy. mother for example. It's really held in prestige over in Japan.
the megadrive and master system were moderate successes in Japan. The Japanese market is hard to compare to others, you need to seriously scale back for population differences. A game that could sell 60K units in Japan might push 1M in America. Sega definitely didn't win the generation, but they weren't failures.