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jesus christ it's beyond parody
You'd think a superhero would have a problem with someone that has people murdered on a regular basis, but I gues HUH VAGINA overwrites any sense of right and wrong.
In the scrutiny of media, the truth becomes relative.
Is the singer out of tune at times, or am I losing my hearing?
Listening to shillary for exposed amounts of time does fuck with your hearing.
I've been looking for this for ages. Thanks user.
is that the hero that saves a /fit/ citizen, instead of a fat guy?
You heard me, fgt.
fite me irl fgt!
got bored did thing
im shocked
To be fair Killary works too, its just the actual names
Thank god the day of the rope is almost around the corner.
Sometimes it doesn't even work depending on case. It refused "Bill clinton", for instance. It would be interesting to see the code.
Kek, you are right that is some shit list they got there. Mao Zedong and Jozef Stalin work
I like pepsi a lot more. Taste is pretty damn nice. I dunno, coca cola just isn't as pleasant to drink. I also prefer some of the cheap coke here over it. But if I had the money for daily pepsi..
Do like aging faster and being weaker?
Where's STALKER 2, Sergei?
Julian Assange is helping us work on it, stalker. :^)
I like soda on occasion. Like once or twice a year. Nothing to do with health or anything, it's just nicer to me on special occasions.
To be fair, Coca Cola is pretty damn tasteless. I don't remember it being that bland back when I was a kid.
If you really had self-control you would be able to go without it, wouldn't you?
But Israel isn't any of those things.
I never said you couldn't drink soda; it's just that pepsi is shit.
Seriously, though, I'm pretty sure that "Trump" is trademarked.
Hah! This is a great parody of the state of comic books these days!
Why is Hitler or Adolf not allowed though
I wouldn't know. Back when I was a kid I drank this fruit juice stuff produced in my country a lot. It's pretty nice even now. Did Coca Cola taste nice back in the day?
>lighting the gassed jew
All of the day bro.
I'm fond of Mexican Coke, the stuff made with sugar and not corn syrup. Has the same bite but a sweeter flavor. Good shit.
Can you share a coke with Adolf or Benito?
Back to 55chan, Bukowski.
I get this stuff from the supermarket called Uno. Unlike the other cheap cokes it's quite sweet with a nice mix of fizziness. It doesn't go off too fast. The Lidl brand coke is kinda shite in comparison. Billa's Clever coke is also pretty good.
Out of all the bullshit that mexico has done it's nice to know they haven't fallen for the corn syrup meme.
Nope, Adolf isnt allowed.
I have fond memories of it, but that's all. The flavored ones were nice, too, like the vanilla or cherry ones.
Traditional or regional cola is still pretty good. Around here some brewers make and distribute their own sodas alongside their beers.
I bet you play the video jews too, you degenerate.
As said by someone earlier, they got shit code going there. Upper case only first letter on some of them and they won't work.
le day of le rope
Nice one
Fucking 5 star post m80.
Tee Hee
I've been waiting for this.
Well duh. Pretty much that's the only reason I keep hearing people want to support her.
What the hell is this abomination?
Wonderful. Reminds me of when Holla Forums was remotely decent and actually made more effort to make fun of this shit.
This thread truly is a treasure trove.
That was the final fucking straw for me.
I know. Never thought I'd see the day either. I can't believe how joyless its all becoming. So static and devoid of passion.
I'm gonna be that guy.
Powerlines are thousands of volts. Only gets dropped down to 240/120 when going from the transformer into your home.
But user you know the news media doesn't know anything about the real world. I actually did that on purpose good job catching that.
I think they learned the hard way from that thing with Gawker. Mein Coke or whatever.
>you can never have a relationship with Isabelle in-game
Fuck I hate Animal Crossing. Fuck I hate Nintendo.
Post of the month.
Have you got any more lewd Miku
Almost. Now it needs to be combined with
It's not vore but I do have this.
now edit it to make the lines sag down a little more and you've got gold
To add to that, the interactions with neighbors is so shallow that I'd consider VNs more of a game than Animal Crossing.
AC as a whole is hot garbage, and the sad thing is that it wouldn't take much effort to make it good and nail the concept. Too bad Nintendo is impressively lazy with Animal Chore
They're impressively lazy with all of their shit these days. But AC is beyond lazy. It wouldn't take a fucking genius to improve that shit.
I wonder
just checked it.
It rejects Hillary Clinton, but allows HILLARY CLINTON, but the same "bug" doesn't work for Trump. For some reason.
Sitting on power lines wont shock you unless you have a path to ground. Thats why birds can stand on them.
Truly, the only good Star Trek was Voyager.
There's also either voltage or amperage differences, can't remember which is which, but each wire is only half the circuit, so as long as you're only touching one wire and not grounding it, you'll be fine.
Every name in the post is written in full caps
Voyager was fucking shit just like Enterprise. DS9 and TOS are the only good ones.
Imagine a world without Israel
can't tell if it's satirical or not
The pope said something against the godemperor?
There was nothing wrong with Voyager you shit. TNG is the worst of the lot right next to the garbage that is Enterprise and the movies.
You forgot the joke.
Oh crap. I confused Voyager with DS9 again. FML
The pope is a socialist goy who bashed the democratically elected president (Macri) of his country of origin (Argentina).
Pope Francis said that building a wall to keep people out is un-Christian and something along the lines of people needing to build bridges instead. Not too long after trying to take on Trump, his popularity among Catholics sunk, I wonder why that might be.
Are you
I said I fucked up alright
I think that's a sign of mental illness
it all checks out
Voyager started out stronger than most of the series I've seen in Star Trek but holy fuck if I don't like half these shitty characters.
Neelix is jar jar binks tier annoying bullshit comic relief, Chiqote? and his "muh native american heritage" every five seconds and a captain who won't stop going on away missions and fucking everything up make the show a chore to watch at times.
I do really enjoy the holo doctor's character and I'm surprised by how well done the diversity hire vulcan tactical officer is played though. Between the two of them they make some mediocre episodes far more enjoyable.
As for the rest of the bridge crew, they're nothing special. Kim is a poor actor but he has his moments, and Tom Parish's character development through the first two seasons has actually been a well written part so far.
Though, I still think dynamic between Picard and Riker was the best example of how you do the captain/first officer characters best.
Oh, almost forgot.
Half Klingon chief engineer is a good character. She's got good character development and her actor does a good job. It's a shame she doesn't get more development on screen.
I hate her.
She starts out as a miserable character, picks up through the 2nd season.
They honestly could have done much more with her to make her an actually GOOD character and didn't though.
A shame what happened to the end of the series.
make the scout's VA say that
I hope someday for gulags filled with leftist subhumans, where they are rightfully forced to do useless labor to death while they are raped and mutilated at the will of their captors…. Imagine a fucking leftist numale having a mental breakdown coming to terms with its fate, eventually being reduced to a grunting basic animal sleeping in dirt and pissing on itself. Leftist cattle scum deserve the worst treatment that humans have to offer, leftists are sub-animal, they are below cockroaches and ant, they should be treated with no mercy or respect whatsoever.
So is absolutely every publisher pozzed trash now?
Man, those writers were really optimistic about just how much human diversity would continue to exist in the hippy globalist future they all wanted. protip: by 2100 native Americans will be effectively extinct.
Man house demolishing must be fun.
The first one is good though.
the "muh native american heritage" was all ad-libbed because the actor really wanted them to fire him because he felt the show would ruin his career, unfortunately the writers loved it and kept him on the entire run
They biggest thing is they never did anything with the fed/maquis divide, it just fucking disappeared after the first episode.
I vaguely remember popes doing that kind of gesture in the papers before, but as a miscreant I wouldn't know much about it. Could we get some catholic input on this ?
Do you have to get a game over to win this game?
Shitrim with mods.
LOL I hope she enjoys being electrocuted to death. Pic related.
RIP batto, u went too soon
Someone is going to get mad at you because your image features chromatic abberation.
That's a perfectly good reason to get mad.
If this isn't a prototype for Hiroyuki to put the whole thing behind a paywall like SA then I'll eat my hat.
Didn't it display the duration of the pass, also? Things like "Pass user since 2013", "Pass user for 6 months" and so on.
yes, you can do that outside that board as well iirc if you purchase the cuck pass
Shit man, it's been years since I've seen this. Thank you.
You're welcome, mayn
This is just fucking depressing
I've often thought that it could be interesting if her face didn't get fat as hell too. In the realm of 2D, it's always possible.
eggscellent taste m80
Is this an Astartes Issue jacket? If I had one of these I could finally be a big guy ;_;
Is this some sort of polish knock off or something?
It looks like those hospital wall drawings in Russia.
Christ, imagine fucking any of them, even their cartoon avatars look like hipster jew orcs
Freaks and idiots need rampant delusion to keep the reality of what they are at bay.
It's not strictly a 'liberal' problem, it's more a mental health issue gone untreated, same with trannies. Retards and the deficient tend to glom onto whatever system will allow them to be the fucktards they've convinced themselves they are.
The problem is the lack of asylums and nut houses to chemically quell these walking embarrassments to our race. The governments that presided over their closing are as to blame as the lunatics now walking the street.
It's not *all* of the left, some of them have actually have reason and sense in their heads. As per usual it's the extreme edge of fucking utterly stupid retarded thought that lets feminists, niggers, trannies and mud run their fucking mouths ad infinitum poisoning those susceptible to the idea that a melting pot can be created with the ingredients of a stick of dynamite.
Half of them are just misguided, they can change, I did, though I was never a supported of any of the above to begin with so I was probably more centrist to begin with.
I'm fucking pissed. My ex had one of her nipples pierced and sucking her tits was fun for both of us.
Impressive. Very nice.
did the other one fall off or something?
you go all the way, or go home
She only pierced one for whatever reason.
at first I thought you meant "did her other nipple fall off" and I laughed like a stoner
but that's exactly what I meant, user
that's not how it works you fruit
What is this from
like half of the faces are the same face flipped stretched or shrunk.
erin dies alone
Only on tumblr is tumblrart so popular.
Devil's advocate, but isn't Trump a legit registered trademark? Unlike the other names I mean.
And real Coke with real sugar is delicious. I tried American Coke once, with the HFCS, and I nearly fucking gagged on it. And Vanilla Coke is the bestest of all the flavours even though I'm on a health kick ATM.
To be fair 240V could power the neighborhood, it's the wattage which determines how much stuff you can power.
But of course Power = Current * Voltage, and so more voltage means more power.
Double bump
Imagine how gross those piercing holes are
Always good
Fucken saved fam.
kind of makes me miss moon over june
Love it
Voyager was fun, and Janeway is the best captain. If only they got to explore stuff like the Evil Voyager idea more often, Nazi Janeway is cool.
I want to fuck Erin
I would really like to know the sales and profit/deficit numbers American comics make nowadays. I am willing to bet a huge amount of even mainstream Marvel comics lose money every year but they are continued for propaganda purposes.
Get some fucking beta testers ffs
Volts do not go through you, electric current does which is in Amperes.
And power lines would have thousands to hundreds of thousands in voltage anyway, not 240 V.
Except if you touch several power lines at the same time like the fat woman is with her giant ass. Birds are unharmed because they stand on one line at a time.
I give up where's the loss?
Last year, the pope said "A Christian would not build walls" and then Trump tweeted an image of the gigantic wall around the Vatican
Good goy.
Waifu fag dumped his 3dpd girlfriend, made that image, then made a thread here about his waifu and posted that image about 5 self bumps later.
Lack of sleep is something to avoid everyone.
based on their conversation I think 'because she's 300 lbs' is a safe bet
No, but the file name was originally in terrorist speak.
I didn't know this was a cringe thread.
The .RAR thread is whatever you want it to be.