
I had so much hopes for this game cause Guild Wars 1 was pretty fun. When did the devs reveal their hidden power levels as total shit heads who never played the original?

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Playable Charr.

It's pretty obvious - whenever they decided to tie skills to weapons instead of the old system.

Honestly, the only really unique thing about GW1's gameplay was the fact that you built your own skillbar from multiple classes.

Everything else, aside from the awesome music, (and coherent plot fuck you for killing the bro-tier companion in favor of plant bitch)
was pretty alright. Most of the armor wasn't any more overdesigned than in the first one and some of the visual changes were actually pretty appealing. Making jumping actually matter for something other than platforming challenges would have been nice but that's just me.

Really, if they'd only kept the skillbar building, made only humans and charr playable, made combat that didn't feel weightless, had a sensible plot, and focused their resources on just that it would have been a far superior game.

The combat is what I could not stand and the fact the GM/ devs went out of their way to shut down guilds trying to fight each other in WvWvW or whatever. That was the final straw.

I knew it was going to be shit when all the new content and events would always change your hotbar to minigame mode. They would do anything they could do avoid using the core mechanics because they were so fundamentally flawed. So its just a bunch of minigames.

What? Why would they do that?

Well they're pretty open about it. They've also got a tranny or two in there.

I wanted a wow killed but the moment I hit max level I lost all motivation to play the game.

Almost no one who worked on the first game worked on the 2nd and the most fucked up part is they actually think this is something to be proud of.

And the worst part was because it's an MMO I couldn't get a refund or even trade it in.

For me I stopped having fun before I even got half way to max level, the only slight enjoyment I got was WvW until anet fucked that up to, someone was hacking the orbs you had to have control of but instead of banning them they just removed the fucking orbs instead turning WvW into a never ending nergfest.


I won't ever forget. I'm just happy they still have the servers for GW1 running, so if you wanted to get a group to play through it you could. Anyone?

Well, some of the music and art are okay.

Charr > human faggots


Make Ascalon Great Again

The head dev was a woman.. Who didn't even play the original GW. You tell me OP

The Foefire didn't happen but it should have. Fuck off furries.

Everything about GW2 is a disgrace to Guild Wars.

Iron and blood is all you need.

yeah, sure user.


i just feel sorry for them honestly.

When they kicked out the original GW1 devs. They even got rid of the original artist, for Grenth's sake.

I'm still playing the game once a week for the guild missions, but most of the other original guildies have stopped playing, and the guild's been slowly taken over by the clique that wanted to turn the guild into another LGBT Goon clone if it weren't for the remaining level-headed members. Fuck my life, I'm ditching this the moment it happens and the "progressives" win.

Post yfw your favorite video game will never get a sequel made by numales.

I play GW2 but haven't played GW1 and I don't mind it. Only MMO I really care for, even though they've done some fucking stupid decisions the past two years (some Anet, some NCSoft.) I agree the SJW durrvursity vibes get insufferable though on that regard. Homos and trannies here and there because.

Time trialing and breaking their racing minigame to death was the last fun thing I ever did in that game. It has potential to be far better than GW's racing minigame, but they haven't even come half as far in supporting it as they did the one in GW.

the plants are SJW, user. They are all bisexual because reasons, i think the only ones that didnt go full retard are the norm and azura.

Your problem is never playing Guild Wars. You are justifying a shitty game on the sole basis that it's all you know. It's like someone saying that fucking Halo was the best first person shooter because it was the only game they ever played in the genre.

I don't. The only regret is that they gave their money to NuANet instead of throwing it in a fire.

Nigger do you even bloodstone?

Retards can't greentext.

Most of the GW1 devs left and they were replaced by fags, feminists, trannies and other SJW scum which is why GW2 sucks.

I'd look at the MMO genre as a whole, really. Not just GW1/2. Otherwise the argument is GW2 is a shitty GW game, not a shitty game. Compared to WoW and its 6 million clones, I'd still prefer GW2. Friends of mine who played the first say that GW2 really did fix a lot of inconveniences that the first had, but I don't know their points off the top of my head. I intend to pick GW1 up sometime when/if its content and stuff goes on sale cheap.

It wasn't *just* that, although that's definitely the biggest problem.

Another problem that was nearly as big was them deciding to completely homogenize the classes. They didn't want 'unfun control elements', so they turned Mesmers and Rangers into boring old DPS characters, and they didn't want healers so they just flat out removed Monks entirely. The end result of this was a suite of classes that all felt completely and utterly identical. Just different colors of particle effects. Tasteless, bland garbage.

Yet another issue was the removal of the energy system. Without a resource to manage the game literally became about pressing every button as soon as it came off cooldown. Just spam to your heart's content. You don't need to think, you don't need to pace yourself, shhhhhhh, just spam. And with it gone also goes a huge amount of design space. There's no 'this is a hard-hitting but expensive attack', 'this is a weak but efficient attack', 'this ability increases your energy regen at the cost of health/time/whatever', just nothing. A whole dimension of design space disappeared, rendering what was left… even more bland and tasteless.

If they had just fucking kept the core GW1 gameplay then GW2 would've been 9/10 material. Sure, it wouldn't have delivered on all of its promises, but fuck me it would be worth playing. But as it is, the core gameplay is just so goddamned dull that it simply is not worth playing.

You're right to be mad. It's the kind of fuck-up that would result in some heads rolling in a just world. Thinking about that beautifully hand-crafted world and those assets going to waste on such truly garbage, shallow systems is depressing. Better if they made a literal everquest clone out of it, not even kidding.

Probably less than 10% of the people working on it accounted for 100% of the game's success, and most of those left or were "let go" after launch.

It's time to move on.

I enjoyed GW2 more than GW1, and I refunded GW2 after a week.

Come at me.

i have mix feelings about you.

Charr were literally the only thing good about the game.

GW2 is now f2p.
GW1 is not.

What else needs to be said?

Except that: you'll never again troll people with a proper Mesmer, never again pin down, interrupt, poison, bleed and burn assasssassasassssins with your ranger in Fort Asswood, Jade Quarry or Alliance Battles.

That's why multiplayer games at best are like dogs.
Great fun except they die soon and you're left with a void.

Because you can just use Illusion magic to hide your throbbing dick and Adam's Apple? Because you can "persuade" guys that you're actually a LADY and to have sex with you?
Tranny fantasies.

Humanity sharing the spotlight with four degeneracy-pandering races was a warning to all players.

Incorrect, GW2 is not F2P, as someone playing it for free you have an extremely limited account, you can get to 80 for all intents but you have a lot of limitations and the expansion is not free either, so if you actually like the game you need to pony up.

I like GW2 and enjoy the stream of tears from these threads.

That's still f2p.

WoW is the Modern Warfare of MMOs it was never good faggit. GW2 is still a shit though don't get me wrong.

wowfags always arguing when wow was the best and which expansion ruined it is always funny.

tfw now the majority of faggots here's first MMO was WoW
tfw for many it was their only MMO

Not that long ago in an mmo thread there were fags arguing whether mmos ever were good or could even be good at all.
When asked they had no idea what everquest or ultima online were.
This is "oblivion was my first rpg teehee" level of faggotry.

Welcum to Neu-Vee.

I loved it and the people who hate the game only compare it to the first one, are there actual arguments about GW2 being bad ?

No she was hired after launch

The lore got fucked and pre-cucked in EoTN with the whole charr reconciliation shit and introduction of ridiculous new species.

We wore charr skins as clothes, their skulls as hat and there's text that implies the charr ate human children. By GW2 human women are practically sucking charr cock while prince Rurik rolls in his grave.

GW2 still did fairly well financially I think, but I'm really hoping they can go back to the GW1 format with a more modern engine: keep the lobby-based towns and the rest of the world can be instanced quests and missions.

As an MMO? It's not bad at all. As something that promised a faithful followup to guild wars 1? Sure. They dropped complexity for the sake of accessibility.

Older MMOs were arguably never good as well but they attracted an older and more savvy crowd to them so you could get away with complex (sometimes laborious) mechanics and a lot of potential for memery.

Are you talking about the Norn? Because the Asura seemed fine to me, just one more totally fucking alien magic empowered quasi-bipedal creature that happens to be sentient

The only thing dumb about the Norn is that they're giant humans; would have been nice if they'd been giant yetis or ice giants or something

I agree about the Charr though, I really couldn't swallow any of the pro-Charr shit in EOTN or GW2. I mean, how fucking can you when the Charr nuked Ascalon (which you actually care about and the people in it because of all the questing and details).

Actually, they failed to reveal the depth of the game while nerfing the PvE from the beta so that people could get away with playing badly.

I'd love to play GW1 with other ppl once my internet issues are fixed. The game is so much better when playing with others.

I bought it because of the promise that they'd make Fractals fucking awesome again. Fractals during the first few weeks they came out were awesome, especially once you got to the 60+ stages. But they went and made 50+ all but impossible because they were butthurt for some illogical reason. Of course they made Fractals even worse in the expansion. At least it wasn't a complete waste of money since I had a lot of fun exploring the new zones the first time around.

No, it's not. When you put in asinine restrictions where players have to pay through microtransactions/sub/expansion buying to even come close to getting the full experience, it most definitely isn't f2p. That'd be like saying free trials of WoW or FF14 mean those games are f2p.

Read the thread you fucking nigger. Combat sucks, story and characters are garbage tier, dungeons are a fucking joke (so bad that the dungeon designers got fired and anet disowned their dungeons), there were no content updates until the expansion aside from seasonal stuff and PvP was absolutely unbalanced and horrible.

With that being said, GW2 did have some absolutely fantastic ideas and design elements. The world is unbelievably well crafted compared to every other MMO I've played and it even beats most open world RPGs. The game is incredibly stable with a magnificently wonderful net code and a patching system and server uptime that puts everything else in the industry to shame. The cooperation based gameplay is fantastic to play with when you look at other theme park MMOs where other players are just a chore to deal with and/or are just there to steal your mobs or quest objectives. The art style, visuals and concept art pieces are great to look at - and that's coming from someone who rarely gives a damn about any graphic related.

But the good points aren't enough to compensate for all the shitty parts, which is a shame.

t. someone who never actually played uo

Euotopia is the only old MMO other than Anarchy Online that's still good.

Come at me.

And, you know, the gameplay meta built around a synergistic team instead of classes designed to be playable solo, and with combat not relying on attrition to decide the victor.

I don't think there's any other game that's done that besides GW1, or I'd be playing it.

Yeah, that says a lot about the quality of the games

It made no sense to make them playable, unless you were doing some sort of open world pvp thing

You can really tell who never played Guildwars 1 ITT

Don't call it Guild Wars 1. Call it Guild Wars. The second game made by ANet is GW2, drop the Guild Wars. There was never a proper sequel to Guild Wars. Guild Wars 2 exists in the same realm as the Tsukihime anime.

you faggots are pathetic haha

Fuck this gay earth


didnt humans made peace with the char when they killed all the shaman faggots and shit?

In Prophecies, the Charr were introduced as savage monsters from the North who came southwards to destroy Ascalon. They had no characterization beyond that. You learn in the end-game that they worshiped the Titans, and that the Titans gave them the required items and magic to take down the Great Wall. Eye of the North had their shamans, whose gods were now dead, switch to the Destroyers. So you help our the Charr who wish to remove the Fire Legion, because Charr without magic is better than Charr with magic. That said: There was never a peace deal. Merely an agreement to cooperate against the Destroyers.

The Charr believed they owned Ascalon. This was wrong. Humans owned Ascalon. In the original material presented, with the destruction of the Titans, King Adelbern was successfully reclaiming Ascalon. Yes, Prince Rurik was dead, and their was no heir to the throne. But the grass and trees were finally starting to regrow, and life was returning. The Ascalonians who fled to Kryta could finally come home. The Charr were beat.

Nope. The devs for GW2 decided to screw that up. Not only did they give Ascalon to the Charr, but they turned Adelbern into a villain in order to do it. Then they have Rurik's sword to a dirty Charr faggot just to top it off.

Your x-axis is all fucked there. Max level should be like a third of the way in!

This is true.

Yeah, games pretty disappointing. I remember buying it and regretting my decision 2 days in. Havent played it after the first week. Not sure why they'd get a bunch of hacks to make a sequel for a game they never played but bad businessmen are bad businessmen.

Not sure if like or hate

poor imitation of cuhrayzee game combat with no depth
SJW shit
bad story
no balance in PVP

now it's damn accurate

I still don't get why they made it

well, yeah, they fucked up the lore in GW2, but that doesnt mean that you couldnt play as a char in gw2, but it would be nice to play as a tengu or centaur.

What I don't understand is how Colin let it happen. Colin was the lead dev for the duration of the GW2 dev cycle, and he was involved with Guild War's development the entire time. He worked on Prophecies. Izzy, too. It's not like there was no old blood involved in GW2's development, although most of them left after it came out (probably out of shame tbh).

I used to (tangentially) know these people. I was in the Guild Wars beta program for a good while, I even got an NPC named after me for my trouble. They were smart people. How the fuck did they let this happen?

I realized I bought GW1 in a sale on Steam a long time ago and never played it.

Would it be possible to solo the entire content just to experience the story and shit?

It's definitely more than possible; every outpost has AI henchmen you can fill your team with and while they aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch you can definitely carry them through the story campaigns. In fact, if you have Guild Wars: Nightfall then you can access heroes, who are customizable AI companions you can gear out and change their skillbars with, and they work very well and are how most people play the game.

Really, with good heroes you can do just about everything in the game except for Fissure of Woe and the Underworld. At least, that I recall. There may be a couple other spots that are too difficult, but in general they're quite competent.

Alright, thanks.

Can you tell me a good cookie cutter build for solo play? I was interested in the Mesmer class, but really, anything cheesy works.

why dont you ask them? maybe they didnt give a fuck anymore.
what NPC?

i played ranger, you can fuck shit up with your pet, but you need to hunt the elites to make a good build.
I think there is a website that has a list of builds and shit.

The mesmer is extremely strong though the best professions for play with AI are the physical classes running melee builds

To be honest if you get a build given to you instead of figuring it all out yourself you're missing a ton of the fun in the game, and will probably come out not really understanding how the builds work.

With good heroes you can steamroll FoW and do UW without much trouble, only hard part is that one where you have to split.

When they invited Anita Sarkeesian to Anet's offices for a seminar. Regina Buenaobra was the one calling the shots all along, not Colin.

When #Gamergate went down, they were smart enough to scrub all references of Anita from their social media accounts, but some links can still be found.

I don't wanna get into the MMO grindmill again (I've been MMO clean for the past 2 years), so I mostly wanted to faceroll content just to experience the story,

GW doesn't really have a grindmill, though. There's two things you can grind and they're both completely optional: titles, and prestige armour (entirely cosmetic).

Avoid both of those and there's no grind. The game itself is legitimately fun and engaging and you're missing out on a lot if you just try to load up a team build off pvx. May as well just read the wiki at that point.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about builds. Changing specs in Guild Wars is incredibly easy; the game almost never locks you into anything. The only decision you have to stick to for a long while is what secondary class you initially take, but by the end of the storyline you'll be able to unlock all the other secondary classes and switch between them any time you're at town. Until then, though, I would recommend Elementalist.

Beyond that, though, the beauty of the game is that it actually allowed you to be creative. You'll end up with hundreds of skills and dozens of elite skills and every secondary class in the game available, and yet you can only bring 8 at a time. So fuck around and see what works best for you and yours.

That makes sense, or at least as much sense as anything else does. Sad to see it actually happen; too easy to see this shit as some boogeyman scenario that never pans out, but I suppose it does sometimes.

I don't have any contact info. I never really did, to be honest; I'd hang out on the tester vent and occasionally interact with people from the dev team, but I wouldn't have called us friends.

A random NPC out in the boonies who rants and raves about how large the rats are. I'm… not sure if the content he says is in any way related to me or if the names were just picked out of a hat and delivered to random scenery filling NPCs. I can say that a large number of unimportant NPCs scattered around the various expansions are named after testers, though, with extra vowels and consonants mixed in of course to keep it from being completely obvious. It's kind of fun to run around and randomly bump into someone you used to talk to or argue with on the forums or whatever. It's a neat feeling, for sure.

adding to this:

Glassdoor's reviews of Anet pretty much covers the problems with the company.

If only there were actual raids and loot or something

If you did absolutely nothing but play the missions and linking quests for Prophecies, you could do so. You'd be a bit underleveled in the Crystal Desert, but beating the Doppleganger would fix that, if you hadn't somehow already hit Level 20. If you are completing side quests without grinding, or only doing limited grinding, you would be out of Pre-Searing with Level 7 or Level 8 and be at Level 20 around Kryta, about one third of the way through the story. It is, quite frankly, the least grindy MMO ever created.

This was actually a bit fun, except the game was such a mess that there was never any tactics. Whoever had the most people won, because you could never organize and get tactics, thanks to the dumbass building.
Also a clusterfuck where you just spam skills and avoid the circles.
Not really. Realm of Torment, Underworld, Urzog/Deep, and Duncans are all much tougher than anything in GW2.
The only thing they ported correctly.

Actually there was some election event between the bitch and the super cool charr dude for whatever position. You had to fight against Aetherblade(?) waves of enemies and you could amp up the difficulty. You basically had to kill 50 enemies in a short period of time and that was incredibly difficult to do - as far as I remember no one managed to get to 50 before the event ended.

60+ Fractals were originally obnoxiously difficult too. Little to no margin for error and running fractals wasn't down to a science the and game's systems hadn't been completely mastered by the player base yet.

Before they nerfed it Cheesemancer (Elementalist with Daggers, Soldier's Gear with boon enhance and cantrips) and Mesmer could weave in and out of of and disrupt large groups. They also removed Kits that would be useful for subverting blobs like the toy robot, the cloaking and the paddleboard. I've never seen any devs purposely go out of their way to make their game less fun as much as Arenanet has.

Jesus I thought you guys were exaggerating about the SJW stuff. Thank god I left when I did.

You just hit ESC and moonwalk away.

Anyone down to do a mission in GW1?

Winds of Change as well.

you only need to do some sidequests to get some skills and stuff. Just follow the story and do some side quests and you will be fine.

unlocking armor and weapons skins was fun, to bad they put a lot of them behind a paywall or a never ending grindwall.
Also, fuck gems and the trade system
A was a jew trader in GW and loved when the goyim bought my stuff.

God, what I would give to have old Guild Wars back again. The Hall of Heroes was the stuff of fucking legends, man. And GvG was excellent too.

I watched this Webm. I never played that game mode. Is it new? Can't be any harder than that halloween jumping game.

The difficulty in GW2 is virtually all artificial, though. With Guild Wars, difficulty came from enemy skills and numbers. You would have to figure out a way to watch the AI and the team composition used, and out-tactics them. Might be a boss and some allies, might be a whole platoon of dwarves. It could vary a lot. GW2 took out a huge degree of that by cutting down on things like enemy synergy. Instead you get a lot more health sponges that take huge amounts of damage. It's hard in the same sense that the difficult sliders in TES games make them more challenging.

What a fucking novel idea, comparing a "sequel" to the original.
Those absolute madmen, hope you called them names.

"Everything you liked about the original Guild Wars"
"We didn't mean that!"

I'll admit I had fun with Guild Wars 2 but most criticisms levied on it in this thread are on point. The combat is shallow and spammy and difficulty of it is akin to Skyrim "difficulty." GW2 is a like a cheap floozy you'd enjoy on a weekend but then ditch and when you look back you're glad you did because she ended becoming an obnoxious SJW.

Use analogies people here will understand.

Now that you brought it up, I just realized there's no prostitutes in GW2 either.

Like a mini tenga that you kept reusing but then you finally ditch it and when you look back you're glad you did because you realize you couldn't really clean it fully

its related to the winds, airship hippies and shit celebration something, its not that new.

its sad that gw2 turned into a "who can make more damage" game, disable, knockdowns, interrupts, all that shit doesnt matter anymore.
Damn, I remember when i could shutdown a monster monk or elementalist with my ranger to fuck their shit up.


It's been out since the first Bazaar of the Four Winds, which was in the summer of 2013. It's available as part of the activity rotation on Tuesdays and Fridays, which means if you have the game installed, you can go to LA and play it today.


I have a bunch of links to forum posts talking about GW PvP and balance. Should I link them, or do I have to worry about the compromise?

Do it

archive .is/RwYEa - Damage Per Second, or How I Learned to Love The Buffs
archive .is/qyf9L - Focus Shenanigans - How To Break an Energy Denial Lock
archive .is/j9b0O - Adrenaline - The Details
archive .is/5wMFa - Numbers for the Cleave / Eviscerate Debate
archive .is/rRADA - Why Nuking Sucks
archive .is/HOw0t - Where Balance Went Awry
archive .is/q34lk - Where Balance Went Awry, page 2
archive .is/cT03B - General Balance Thoughts
archive .is/sbkFB - A.Net Doesn't Understand Game Balance

hm, maybe there was a better place to break those links. Oh well, I tried.


Why are you breaking the links at all? Is there some poll you want us to rig surreptitiously? If not, why the fuck worry about referral information?

The issue is not the char being playable, but a whole slew of other things. A player race does not matter in the end, but the overall mechanics.

This one confuses me to no end. When I first heard about them not including flying mounts because it would ruin the scope of the world, I thought that was a good idea, and a good point. Flying mounts was a contributor to the downfall of WoW. However, not long after they announced that there would be no mounts at all. That was a bumb idea because now getting across maps was not only boring but time consuming.

that explains itself. No one likes level syncing, and everyone likes realizing the power they've attained after so much work when they go back to a named enemy and kill them in one hit. With level sync, you're still struggling with weak mobs, and it creates HUGE problems. Whem I get back to my PC, I'll make a webm of one such incident.

it would have been nice to buy underwear, but it would be virtual rape to my MC.

After they drove the charr out with the help of the human gods. Did you not read the guildwars manuscripts books that came with the game?
Speaking of just making the gods a non factor was one of the worst decisions they fucking made. I will never not be mad that I can't kneel in front of a statue for buffs.


Of course a brown bitch who did nothing but sabotage an entire campaign gets to be a god while prince Rurik who died in the line of duty while saving his people gets fucking nothing.
GW pantheon wasn't diverse enough. I bet Grenth is the only sane one of the gods.

Something something honeypot. Just trying to be cautious.


I miss the GW1 theorycrafting community. Also for those who are unaware of the game the power of buffs is part of the reason mesmers were (originally) so central as a direct counter to them.

so mesmer.
full mesmer hero teams work.

yeah but Rurik has mental health issues. He did constantly try to commit suicide after all

man, theorycrafting is an essential part of the game.
every time you got fucking wrecked you'd find a build for that area/enemies then dominate it

I knew an autistic girl who played since launch, called it her favorite game in her faceberg profile for years after and probably still plays to this day. I didn't know such shit taste was possible.

it was added with the airship nomad cliffside people.

also the halloween jumping puzzle was never hard

I thought you meant GW1 then.
I forget that by the time GW1 had 3 campaigns and an expansion, GW2 only has one expansion

PvP was even more insane for theorycrafting. One person could change the meta with a great build.

Big deal, player characters do it all the time. Maybe he didn't know he was the protag.

Because making the human gods active would have conflicted with their edgelord Charr bullshit. That's why it was better having the game human only. You, as a human, got to see it from the human perspective, and could learn how other races saw it. They all just happened to be wrong to various degrees, though also with elements of truth.

The Charr had as much claim to Ascalon as the Native Americans have to the Americas.


You might want to switch to the 4chan guild. They support Trump oppenly and aren't SJW-friendly yet, outside charr and asura memes.

Did you even pay attention to GW1 story? Humans nuked Ascalo, not Charr. Adelbern went full scorched earth policy and got Humanity rekted for centuries.


Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather hop to a TTS affiliate they're all anti-SJWs, but most aren't open about it due to LGBT and Goons raising a stick every time.

u wot m8?

Foefire is OOC bullshit regardless. Adelbern fought on the front lines, and even joins with the PCs to fight against the Titans in post-game Prophecies content just to make a point of this. He never would have been back in the castle performing bullshit ritual magic. NuANet added that whole plot and change a pre-existing character in order to make Ascalon seem less sympathetic so newfags wouldn't hate the Charr, even if it meant alienating the original playerbase. GW2 is as canon to Guild Wars as a badly written fanfic.

brain problems

It's time to let go user. Let the game sink into irrelevance where it belongs.

Take your revisionist bullshit somewhere else.

sucks to be you OP

Never played GW, but I sure do like the music– must have been comfy grinding away.

That is completely wrong and does not figure into Guild Wars lore anywhere in the game, must be some GW2 bullshit.

Cautious of what?

GW didn't really have grinding.

Eh, there was always 55 HP Monk farming. Which, ironically, could be done in an area with that song.

In principle you're right, you never had to grind, but if you wanted loadsadosh then one of the best ways to do it was to farm with a 55 HP Monk or Spirit Bond Monk.


I mean it isnt like they couldn't have gone "hey we thought the titans were gods too, these are probably just stupidly powerful people and you're dipshits for relying on them". I think it would have added more dimension to the humans to have them be highly religious zealots instead of bandits 24/7.

except what those people call progress isn't progress

What are materials?
what are title tracks?



And to think I pre-ordered this fucking turd

it pissed me off so much when they removed the undershirts from starting characters. Most of them were way more thematic and appropriate looking than the gaudy modern looking undershirts you get from tailoring or stores.

you deserve it nerd

Easily bought if you were actually picking up drops over the course of the regular game. The only thing you couldn't really afford without farming was a Rune of Superior Vigor. Everything else expensive was cosmetic and optional.

Tangential to the game itself, with only a few having any gameplay impact at all, and most of these, again, being something you'd fill out in the course of gameplay if you bothered to take blessings.


my god

Petition Arenanet to make a guildwars 2

You don't want NeoANet making a sequel to GW. Our best hope is that some other studio tries to make something with the same concept as the original.

Ah, yes. Good ol' Guild Wars 2. I spent more time in that game than I should have, and on my deathbed, it will be my one regret.

The facade was pretty, the promise of an adventure with no escalating endgame grind, and customization of both ability and appearances. Skillful gameplay and unparalleled combat. You could have an impact, letting the wars waged turn in the favor you wished. Your actions -mattered-.

Of course, it was just a facade after all. What it turned out to be a was awful and repetitive, where the point was to grind out gear and then do it again when the ascension armor hit in spite of the promise of horizontal progression. I hope you enjoyed speedrunning through the Ascalonian Catacombs or the Citadel for the thousandth time, just to make a quick buck. For you already had the best equipment at the time, zerker armor.

The world was empty, and exploration was punished. Better go to all the points on your map, instead of going where you wished, otherwise you won't get the zone completion bonus! Or what about these hearts! They're meaningless and trivial content, but you need to complete them, for the zone completion bonus! But at least you've dynamic events to keep you entertained, yes? Except there is no possible way to fail any of them, the challenge nowhere to be seen and thus there's no satisfaction to conquer them. And it doesn't matter if you did it anyway, it would just reset back to the beginning five minutes later.

But at least we have fractals of the mists, yes, no? No, I suppose. Just as it was with Legion and the implementation of mythic+, so were the fractals of the mists a huge mistake of endless repetitive content without a reward. What's more-so amusing, is that they removed few rewards attainable from fotm, only to be implementerat again with the pesky mastery system in Heart of Thorn, an expansion worth remembering, for everyone knew it was to be awful, but everyone bought it anyway, only for it to be revealed it was worth than anticipated.

But at least WvWvW and sPvP was good, right? Ha.

Oh ghod. I'm depressed just thinking about it. Crossrealm is gay. Fuck you, Anet.
And I can't believe morons bought HoT.

I liked the PvP for a while. It's not as tactical as the original, but it was still fun because of just how much movement was involved.

Same here. After the first few weeks of the game's release I spent my whole ingame time in WvWvW (which I considered the only redeeming feature).

Sadly, it was broken because the game had this fucking culling issue where the engine didn't render some assets to save resources. Among those things where fucking player models, so you where being killed by invisible players in a fucking PvP event.

Don't know if they fixed it later. I quit the piece of shit a few months after release.

Before there was a limit, but now there's an option for it, it's no longer automated.
You can set the number of models you can see(for example, all) and their quality. All the same human model with some way to distingush between classes, or show different races, or show different races with properly rendered armors and how they're dyed, etc.

Personally I liked sPvP though. I always liked arenas, with small scale battles.

Good luck handling so many models though, no matter your rig. It's one of the most unoptimized games I've ever had the displeasure of playing.

I had a huge amount of fun in this game albeit in a very tiny window and under specific circumstances. I was on Black Gate and it was great during the window of Tequatal until the end of WvWvW season 1. I also enjoyed the first year of Halloween.

I left after this and I hear the game got way worse. I should temper what I said though. While I had fun, I knew full and well the game was shit. It was the community on my server that made the game fun.

except the battle system didn't cater for good synergy at all, everyone is a DPS hero with self heal. You take a 9 second cooldown to buffer against 1 enemy hit, their battle system was retarded, and made even worst because the game engine supported only one elite mob you all dps on for 4 mins.

The game mechanics are casual tier, along with skill variety. This game was beyond shit.

You could say the same thing about GW2

Expanding on this user's post: this is what made gw1 so fun and satisfying. Once you worked out what the 'key' to the enemy group's efficiency was you could disable it and the group would collapse like a pack of cards. It made some classes-specifically mesmer arguably others depending on builds-require very good knowledge of the game and how skills interacted. A mesmer that knew what they were doing could savage an enemy team in pve or pvp, trivializing encounters… for that group. A mesmer set up to shut down non magic orientated groups would usually struggle with the magic groups and vice versa. So you brought along something to compensate for that and you can already see how the game gets complicated in a fun way.

16 beastmaster rangers were stupidly broken, in the good way. For nostalgia's sake I might be up for some messing around in gw1.

I've been doing just that on occasion. I don't really have time to play committed, but I do sometimes wonder if there's enough washed-up GW players on Holla Forums to party up.