They make a game together

They make a game together.
What's it about?

What about the Hello Games cunt?

he'll be in prison soon.

he will do the marketing only

They make a game where you can do a lot of things.

Perhaps they will fuse into one being and create the ultimate gaming experience!

You see that mountain?

You can marry it!

The story revolves around one small guy trying to fit in his crazy world of big guys with a climax against the biggest guy on a plane.





I want a true zombie survival game. i was hoping this would have been done during the zombie fad, but apparently nobody knows the appeal of a zombie apocalypse. i want a TPS similar to freedom fighters in an "open world" city. i want build mechanics for my home base, and the ability to build a city.

The idea of the game is you start with minimal supplies in some dead end spot in an urban setting during a massive happening. you hole yourself up in some building, maybe a basement. maybe a roof while you bar the doors shut. you put supplies in a box or some shit there and go out looking for supplies. you find survivors, bring them back, have them defend the base. recruit them to come along with you, etc. maybe eventually you secure an entire building, maybe put boards down to run across multiple rooftops, maybe turn the roof into a farm as you clear rooms for people to stay in and use. maybe lock down parts of the street by putting big ass barriers. maybe eventually finding a working car to help you loot supplies from grocery stores and gunshops. people left home defend/cook/maintain. you can ask people to come with you, maybe take a squad and go clear a building.
even though its a TPS i want it to sort of play out like mount and blade, so securing a home base is a difficult feat. the enemies in this game are more than. progress of your base will be the focus of the game, and be very difficult. melee isnt viable because a zombie would ruin your shit and getting bit kills you. guns/ammo are hard/limited until youre able to loot a gunshop. maybe setting up base in a gunshop is a viable strategy. maybe you can build an army and take the entire city back.

a few games have tried this and failed miserably. (minecraft, state of decay, dayZ)

though dayZ is the closest, but faisl because of the online/multiplayer aspect.


that's what makes this game so great!


I mean clearly it's about everything, it's the greatest game ever made

He is eloping with shotgun.

What isn't it about?

They make a MOBA with character customization and RPG skill progression and it becomes one of the biggest international sellers of all time. Literally every normalfag on the planet plays it and will mock you for not playing it yourself. 8ch has hundreds of generals for it.

Wathever it is they will announce things that won't be in it

Now I wonder who gets the better deal.

sensible chuckle

>half the game is missing

He better work on how much he says yes before he gets in there, or he might end up biting off more than he can chew

dead state seems the closest to what you describe

In fact, what you describe is pretty much what EVERYONE wants, but nobody seems able to deliver for some reason

It's a game that does literally everything, and it just works.

You see that mountain over there?

We have painstakingly re-designed gaming, to ensure a brand new form of entertainment. That mountain isn't just pre-programmed with feelings, it actually develops feelings based on how you interact with it.

You notice how there was an earthquake when you tried to climb it? That wasn't pre-determined, that mountain ACTUALLY did not want you climbing on top of it, and that has been our goal for this whole game. To have the environment actually respond, in real time, to the actions of the player, as if the environment itself is a character.

Then you must nuke it or take control of it.
