How does he do it?
This hunk is 53 years old
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Figure of speech
CGI. Lots, and lots of CGI.
How does he do it?
Jesus Christ, that neck.
he's taller than todd howard
literally your dev-waifu is shit and you need to get you some fucking taste nigga.
Because he's too cool to talk to just anyone user.
I wish that game was good.
Being shorter than Todd Howard would be classified as a disability.
why would you post this user, there are people who ccould've been scared even before opening that webm
Daily exhibitionism
I need to get underwear like that.
I shot web all the tiem.
Healthy eating, too
I hate oxymorons.
Jesus Christ, who is that zipperhead still slim?
Rigorous exercise
You're a manlet if you're not part of the 9ft+ master race.
Do you even /fit/?
what do you have to prove here
180 is absolute lowest a man should be, lower than that makes you a manlet
Watch your calories and you can eat whatever shit you want m8.
Video games
Video games
I can speak from experience that if you try to eat super healthy and you don't have a very strong motivation to continue doing so you will eventually get sick of eating grass and stuff your face into fries and shit. Just eat in moderation, a little bit of everything, healthy food and junk food. Living is just preventing cancer from taking your body down anyway, you can't stop it.
This is what manlets actually believe. Anything under 6'0 is pathetic manlet territory, even manlets call you manlet at 5'6
Is there anything this man won't lie about?
i wonder how many groupies he's given AIDS to
your never gonna make it
Where'd he claim this?
Got tired of penis size charts?
we should call all manlets on Holla Forums "toddlets"
manlet pls
They're clearly not serious, user. It's a /fit/ meme.
Wish there was a way to make height gains.
tfw 175
I don't understand this feet shit. Where's the meters?
As was the penis size charts
oh boy here we go
Wait, what kind of measurements is this?
So I just realized that the CWCKi is dead. How long has it been down? Did our favorite tomboy kill herself?
Chris-chan's been begging for more money each week due to different reasons and being a fat kike so no. Didn't know the wiki died though.
well, maybe it's not dead, maybe it's just temporarily down. I went to check it just now and got a 503 error. I'll check again in a bit. Can't find any info about it being taken down or anything, so maybe it's just a knee jerk reaction on my part.
This is "her" latest video.
Didn't it change to Kiwi Farms? If so, it's still alive with the blessings of Null the Site Goblin
I really feel sorry for this guy. Is he still rubbing estrogen gel on his chest?
Hell, I don't know. I don't really keep up with the people who like to archive his life on a regular basis, but every now and then I get reminded that he exists and decide to go check up on him. I thought kiwi farms was some funnyjunk alternative or something. Guess not.
Call it, "it". It's an abomination, nothing more, nothing less.
Yeah, still doing the whole tranny thing and begging for excessive amounts of money. He looks lovely in a dress.
How can I use such measures if my feet is bigger than yours?
Basically if you eat only one of those per day and don't eat when you're not hungry it's pretty easy to keep slim.
Also exercise.
Back to school with you.
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with his neck?
Copyu thatu
kojima dindu nuffin
Literally "p-p-please acknowledge me as an alpha": the board.
It hurts anyway
That's not a possible combo.
Why do his legs look so smooth. From the knees down he looks hot.
no it is possible. He is a manlet to whites, but lanklet to gooks
Kojima is metro sexual, he also does a pretty good job of hiding his oldness by wearing jackets and accessories that hide his scarred, adventure ridden body. It's aging 101.
He's also a fucking 53 year old virgin.
Maximinus Thrax and would approve this chart.
it took him 53 years to grow a beard, I think he's hitting puberty now, guys
Doesn't he have a wife and son?
Japs are elves.
The guy's been married and shit. Back in the MGS2 days he even included a joke conversation between Raiden and Rose that was based on a conversation he had with his wife at the time
Always related.
Though a while back he didn't have long hair.
gorillas are taller than you and jews are smarter than you.
t. manlet
well, he is the superior race after all.
He's Japanese. As soon as he hits 60, he'll be a fat, bald dude who hangs around the onsen waiting for girls to drop their towels.
I'm sure he's considered a lanklet in Japan.
That's a myth. Israel's average IQ is lower than the US', and the US' includes niggers.
Aren't those hooknoses inbred as fuck over there? Might explain some things.
Most 50 year olds look as old as he does, then age rapidly after that. It's just that he's skinny so he looks younger. Btw the meme that asians don't age is nothing but bullshit.
Mudshits are so inbred it's apparently what makes them all utter lunatics.
Yeah, no. Asians tend to stay looking younger for MUCH longer. I knew a Taiwanese man who was 32 and looked like he was 18~. He admitted himself it made it hard to find women his age when he looked so boyish.
Yeah, I'm sure user. Whatever you say. ;^)
Well that doesn't mean anything, right? :^)
What's their excuse anyway? I know the mooslems have mostly their retarded religion to blame for fucking their shit up, but what about the shekel grabbers?
Well after six gorillion of them went up in smoke LOL they didn't have much of a gene pool left, considering it's their religion to marry only other jews.
the jewish world population grew from 1933 to 1945 though, the holocaust is a lie. but jews are still very inbred.
He was making a joke
5'8" is a manlet, manlet.
Prove it
t. manlet
It's a completely average height, but god damn it man.
Being tall helps socially and I've even had women take photos with me (which is fucking bizarre). I'm also not a lanky fucker and exercise, which is fortunate. I hate talking to people, though. I'm too awkward.
Things that suck is that you will hit your head if you head if you aren't careful, and especially in my case since I'm taller than many doors. I get spider webs in my face and hair. You can't fit into many cars in the US and not a chance in Europe. People ask if you play sports all the time with the first thing I usually get asked is if I play basketball or football. You will also have faint spells and even black out if you get up too quickly if resting or sitting for extended periods of time, though I've never blacked out before.
Lucky bastard.
Yeah of course, I am 180 so I am average, at least where I'm from, and I've barely seen people who are as tall as you're supposed to be to NOT be a manlet, and I've been around many places in Europe, and I still had a hard time finding such tall people.
I'm 181.
I literally don't give a single shit if someone is tall or short, in fact i prefer shorter guys, they're more fun to pick up and fuck.
If you're straight i suppose being short is more of a disvantage but i've seen tall women getting hooked with shorties just fine.
It's all about personality, if being short makes you develop a complex, then your personality suffers from it, and you become this bitter, unlikeable manlet.
It has more to do with you becoming a spergy angry dwarf, than being short in itself.
Of course people won't fuck or hang out with you if you're unlikeable, how tall or short you is sorta secondary compared to that.
and here we go
ITT fags on Holla Forums shows how gay they are by judging how good looking a man is.
I don't think I met anyone who matches my height. I think I went to a basketball game once, but I didn't know who any of the players were or their heights. Closest person I've met is 200-201 and he was a bit unnerved. I wish I could meet a woman who is 185+.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but women tend to pay attention to you. When I was a kid and 180+, women would make passes at me. Stopped when I started approaching 200.
Those places don't exist user. Come on. Even here in the netherlands where there's a lot of lanklets the average is still around 180~.
If someone feels too short, or too tall, or too ugly or whatever, always remember that this motherfucker right here got laid.
He got laid multiple times.
Sure, he doesn't have exactly pleasant memories about it, it was mostly with a girl that had a specific fetish, but the fact still remains that he set out to get laid, found a community of people that were into it, and managed to get laid.
If there's will, and a decent amount of discipline and dedication towards what you desire, you can accomplish your goals.
But I don't want to just get laid. I want a woman I can relate to. I want someone who can at least almost stand shoulder to shoulder with so we don't have to be outsiders alone. She also needs to be able to handle my dick.
Have you thought about midgets?
get 3 or 4 midgets, have them stand on each other, BOOM, gf to go
he gets life energy from succubi
Gooks don't age user. A gook lady at 20 looks 15. You'll start to see his age around 80.
never change
just get a husband instead
Japan is almost 100% nigger free.
Midgets probably can't handle anything beyond 4 inches.
I don't think I could live as a faggot giant. I'd get too many questions.
Well then, just hang yourself.
If your feet don't hit the ground hahahaha
Giantfags BTFO
I'd be angry, but I'm already used to people making jokes about my height.
But what about being a giant faggot?
I should have known trying to make you mad was a TALL order
Asians don't age like humans.
I know, beautiful isn't it.
Rice, squid penises and the tears of Konami executives.
blood libel
Was he designed by Soejima?
Why is Vivi smoking the filter?
he has got quite the big neck
>tfw I get a bigger kick out of being a submissive fuckslut and letting a tall hunk piledrive me until my legs shake, I begin screaming, and my insides are a creamy, scrambled white while my prostate is swollen beyond belief as pre-cum drizzles out of my sensitized little cock
I may shit huge blood clots every couple of days but at least I'm not a faggot nor a manlet.
God, that disgusting, degenerate fetish makes my stomach hurts and makes me want to puke out my intestines. I can never understand why someone would be turned on by that.
Why do you shit blood clots?
and yet you're here
I had diarrhea and since I had no toilet paper, I went for a really low quality paper towel from my kitchen, damage done to my asshole made me bleed and both skin and veins merged.
Indeed, I am a lazy piece of shit. I constantly get angry, sexually frustrated, and that apparently makes me great at sex, but I have tons of personal issues to go along with it. When I hear hookup greentext stories, I get angry and frustrated and want to fuck someone's brains out, or beat the everloving fucking shit out of them. Help.
What the fuck, explain.
It's horrible, because I used to have an intense self-hatred that I didn't look like a total /cuteboy/
My body was hairy and I hated myself for it, then when I heard stories about two guys having sex, I shut off the computer and literally sperged out, sobbing and screaming as loud as I could into my pillow due to the HORRIBLE loneliness+frustration combo that ate me inside
As I learned to accept myself and be the best person that I could be, I stopped being awkward and a lot of people saw me as charming, that softened the blow, that, and I no longer browse gay sites, because every now and then, that angry, satanic feeling, still lingers inside me and makes me want to slaughter a bunch of twinks, elliot rodger style.
It's past experiences that made me into a bitter fat, slob during my teenage years. Now I've improved, but it's still there, It just isn't as malignant.
When you cut deep enough to reach a vein in your rectum, and the wound heals; your body can't really tell between skin and veins. My white trash family told me to just shrug it off and walk away I had this for over 2 years and it's only gotten worse, with cysts/external hemorrhoids worsening. It takes me a few hours to take a shit and I can't no longer take a shit in 2 minutes and continue my day as I'll end up with spheres full of fluid that make it extremely difficult for me to clean myself and it kind of messes with your senses since you can't really tell if you're done taking a shit as you're stuck with something blocking your asshole.
Only way out of this one is surgery and I really don't know if a full recovery is possible, may as well an hero if the surgery isn't a complete success.
Stick to toilet paper, go to a doctor instead of listening to white trash family members, and you shouldn't have a problem like this
Its based on the length of the U.S whenever someone uses our measurements they are enforcing American values.
Stay salty eurocuck