anyone up for a game of terraria fresh start?
I've never been past mech bosses or have really played with anyone and i have over 200 hours in the game also I would be a terrible host
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd dig it, but I've got exams in the next few days.
Hell I've played enough of this game for 3 lifetimes. IMO hardmode is where the game stops being as fun.
What happened to Terraria Otherworld?
Not out yet.
Last news was it being postponed indefinitely because they didn't like how it was shaping up.
could always try a mod like N
I hope they know what they're doing
I'd love to play it with people. I'll be monitoring the thread in case anyone wants to host.
If a server is set up I think using Tshockand the serverside character feature. That way everyone starts with the same stuff and dont have to worry about people bringing in endgame characters.
this game is immortal
Best. Damn. Purchase. Ever.
Anyone know if Super Terraria World works online? Either way I am down with playing a fresh start with OP.
im down aswell i never did multiplayer
I still go with a Tshock server and slightly accelerated start via the initial load out. Made the sscconfig.json for this encase anyone wants to use it. The other advantage to this is players who join late wont have to take as long to catch up.
Gold Pickaxe Light
Copper Pickaxe Light
Palmwood Hammer Light
Mining Armor Set
100 Rope
25 Torches
50 Wood Platforms
5 Wormhole Potions
Magic Mirror
I also have seen a bit about "N Mod" which makes Terraria more of a RPG by adding classes and such.
*For the file extension .json, site didnt like me trying to attach a .zip, .7z, or .txt so paste of the file here
It's amazing how much of a difference the Mining Armor Set is for the early game. It really shouldn't be an uncommon drop from the mining skeletons only.
I dunno mang, when this new latest update is out I might give it another go.
Maybe starting from scratch each time is not good idea after all.
i would like to join if anyone makes a server, fresh start right?
update is already out, unless there's a new one that i dont know about
See if this mod tickles your fancy
Does the ride ever end?
What version is it now?
That last patch just added sandstorms and unique monsters to go with that weather event.
I get the water effects, but what is the first webm supposed to be, some sort of teaser for a boss/event?
tbh Terraria's earlygame hasn't really improved much since 1.0
It's a teaser for something, but who knows what.
Mostly been smoothed out for casuals and such and not as unforgiving and guide reliant like it used to be
meant for
A friend told he gave up on Terraria because he couldn't progress past the corruption and its boss. It never occured to him to break the shadow orbs or summon skeletron at night.
They also have another rare side-grade piece of armor akin to the Frost Armor, but focused on magic/summoning.
The full set lets you summon a small tornado where your cursor is- at no mana cost.
It'll never be enough to account for everyone until there's shiny popup achievements and quest markers telling you precisely what to do next and where to do it and what you need to do it.
Ya, all the weapons are very niche and not much use. The Lamia vanity set was probably the best part of the patch
Most retards can't play without quest markers, for example this guy's favourite game was Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite
I wonder how many kids now wouldn't be able to finish Super Mario 1-1 because they have been conditioned to expect a game to explicitly tell them how to do everything short of press the actual buttons.
They could beat the first level, but I doubt they could get halfway through the game before calling it impossible.
Sure fag, what's the server
I made four hallowed armours on four different characters. Each time from scratch. Fuck me but I can't even start a new 1.3 run ;_;
>I've never been past mech bosses or have really played with anyone and i have over 200 hours in the game
my dude…I have clocked 500 hours and haven't killed Moon Lord yet
I refuse to fight duke fishron until I get the cosmic car keys so I'm just grinding martian invasions for so fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffucking LONG AHHHHH.
Jesus christ I am such a fuckup
Clentaminating is typically faster than nuking (but more expensive) for corruption removal. Well, except for the part where you have to go through with a map editor to make sure there wasn't some block in some tiny corner of the whole thing you missed that'll corrupt everything again.
And it's never too late to start building decent bases (although it's often best to start early). I started off probably worse than you did, and I eventually got better.
Why did I think tediumcore was a good idea?
goblin invasion was an inside job
That is an absolute mess of a base. What were you thinking, user?
he was thinking "this will be safe from goblins as long as nobody lowers the shields"
It was supposed to be just the first 2 or 4 rooms along with the leafy room, but I was too lazy to ever build a proper base so I just made more rooms instead.
I always force myself to stop and fix shit instead of letting it get out of control like that, especially since I only play on Expert these days and everything but a well designed base with an arena just gets ripped apart during eclipses.
Also holy shit don't play on tediumcore. If you want a challenge that forces you to git gud, go huge map+expert solo.
Seconded. That's all I play anymore, when I do play.
Also start building your houses in the air, or deep underground. There's methods to both that make it easier to deal with solar eclipses and shit.
Also make sure you always have an arena right next door to take the fight to them if needed.
I wish I had the willpower to do that. I haven't even built a new base ever since 1.3 or something when I decided to abandon my old base.
I've already beaten the game on solo expert, and several kinds of hardcore runs on normal mode.
Expert in itself isn't that challenging to me anymore, other than the occasionally tedious beginning where it starts to rain and you're swarmed with flying fish and shit before you've gained any weapons or found a cave. That's why I was trying expert on mediumcore, but I didn't expect the goblin army fucking me over like that.
how would you prevent your npcs from getting annihilated by wraiths and reapers?
New day someone set up a server large expert fresh characters.
i can't seem to get it working for my self don't know how to bypass the Found server or connecting to problem
I'm talking stone layer. Unless they changed something since the last time I played, they don't spawn if you're not on the surface.
Hell that stuff doesnt bother me in my storage world (pic related, still a work in progress) which is just a hundred and fifty or so down from surface.
run me through hosting and I can try, it's been a while.
Not that user, but from the wiki page:
I more meant if we still use tshock and what not, but I looked through the thread again and we do. Give me a bit and ill set something up.
So I can't use my cyborg ninja i just made?
come on man, starting the game fresh is getting tedious for me.
It's not so tedious if you go with other people.
if we have enough people we can easily get to hard mode in few hours at least.
if your solo of course shits gonna be tedious
eh, alright.
I'd be down for it, but I'm just another user who wants to play without hosting.
Ok i've almost got it set up, what does everyone want me to do, set it up like the other guy did or what?
Yes Tshock :D, and are you going to use the file I put for sscconfiog.json?
As for a guide
Basically set static IP (and port forwarding if needed)
Download Tshock
Extract to location of your choice (I put mine in the folder where the game keeps the maps and saves),
For setting up server side characters you need to change part of config.json and sscconfig.jscon
In config.json make sure "RequireLogin": true,
In sscconfig.json make sure "Enabled": true,
As for the other configuration in sscconfig
I posted a new starting load out here and pastebin of the sscconfig.json
What would you say we start with? I thought Gold Pickaxe, Mining Armor, few misc items to speed that part (look here )
Woops one more thing dont loose the auth number you are given right after creating the world in terrariaserver.exe that number will allow you to give others admin privileges if need be.
So you didn't change anything besides the sscconfig file? Everything else I've already done before.
yeah, speed up the early game a bit, because nobody likes it.
btw give everyone 0x33's aviators
or shades.
While I wait for an answer let me reset my internet so there's no problems. The longer I leave it on, the more problems I tend to have with it
For server side characters the only required setting in config.json is that "RequiredLogin" = true, (it is false by default). Other then that it is all up to your preferences.
Fuck it I can always fix shit later. How did the IP get shared last time, I don't see it in the thread. I'd rather not just throw my IP out there, but I can if I have to, and have before.
Just do it, user, the worst is some faggot throwing a DDOS your way.
That worked for me, let me know if it doesn't work.
What core are we creating our characters?
can't we just use gameranger?
I assume easymodo
server is full?
suddenly DC
OP is increasing the limit
Back up. Also whoever Ash was, i increases the server player limit, so you should be able to get in.
Server is full rip
Trying to figure that out now, i set it to 100 so it shouldnt be, and i know for a fact i've had more people on my servers before.
What is your port. Still says kicked server full
default, 7777
Like I said though it shouldn't be kicking you and i'm trying to figure out why it is.
server is full????
I think I fixed it now, in the config.json it was set to 8 max for some reason.
OK I fixed all the stuff that was a problem so far, we shouldnt have any more server resets for a while.
What he said.
Thought I'd re-run in expert but quit once I was about to set up for WoF becase that shit is just brutal in a way that makes it tedious. At least grinding was fun in normal difficulty.
There's only so much you can take. Otherworld will be a fresh take but nobody knows when that will be out.
so we can play on
new world
players who die need to leave and cnanot come back.
Server is still up at
we've reached early hardmode, but everyone has logged off for now. I'll leave it up for anyone who wants to catch up with me and Mcbeans, we've been doing some pretty heavy progression.
Hardmode is tedious, not expert mode. Expert mode is more fun because of exclusive items and more loot.
Come on son, get good. Just make a very long platform, potion up and shoot the fucker while running like hell. If you're melee, use the bee sword and accumulate bees by hitting the minions.
waste of time.
You just need to bust a hole through any tall buildings.
I wish I wasn't too neurotypical for this game
Looks like heart crystals are fucked and nobody's getting any health. Can you set the default to 400 or something? 200 for mana?
Looks like the new content is this crossover shit. Looks okay I guess.
dude it's literally 2d minecraft with more content
Stop saying that. Minecraft is an unfinished autism toy. Terraria is more like a metroidvania where you build your own town.
those look super out of place.
The sprites themselves are OK- but yeah.
Going off the goblins we already have the DD2 goblins are very different. The troll is OK- but large non-boss monsters have looked weird for a while now (Ice Golem for example).
The Dryad seems to become an enemy in DD2- but some sort of evil/corrupted one. They also get the Floating Eyes. I assume Eye of Cthulu and Slime King will appear as bosses.
Now that I think of it, this kinda looks like what Terraria Otherworld is all about; defending something with turrets and shit. I just hope you don't have to play DD to get anything.
Also here's the video without youtube.
Im not sure what you're talking about unless you're not playing on my server.
Speaking of which we're still up at default port. Clearing mechanical bosses, we're at 2/3, just me and one other guy. Would love to have more people.
They never have before when they've done crossovers with other games.
is there a sex mod yet
Here's a fantastic clip of our first exciting encounter with Plantera
I dunno, I never actually looked for crystals much myself. Somebody wanted somone to post it, I think it was that Corey guy
i got terraria as a cheap bundle with gmod. played like 2 hours and got bored. a part of me wants to get into it but i feel late to the party at this point.
I tried to join yesterday but it was just connecting forever.
I can't fucking beat planteria on my own. It's frustrating because even with the hard mode bosses it's about positioning as much as being able to take damage, but Planteria seems to be about boss arenas and shit
I beat it alone by finding the longest railway in the underground jungle, and used that instead of an arena.
being bad has nothing to do with it. the game is just tedious as fuck at expert.
If preparation equals tedium to you then sucks to be you I guess.
The Gamepedia for Terraria is your friend.
Mine out a large open space to fight plantera in, and only use platforms. It's spikeballs bounce off when they hit solid objects, so don't be afraid to make the arena deeper than need be (but the spike balls will fall through platforms)
Make sure you can lure it nearby, and make a hut- complete with bed, heart lantern, star in a bottle, honey pit, and boosting stations. Don't forget to smash the back wall, as it gives planetra less to hold onto in the second phase, lessing the chance of it grabbing you.
Then, abuse the fuck out of hookshots/flying and anything that lets you move around quickly. Bare in mind Plantera can move through solid blocks at times, so the hut isn't "safe".
If you're desperate, make the hut 2 rooms, and move the Nurse and Dryad into it.
Ranged combat is better for Planterra, use Chlorophyte, Crystal, or exploding bullets. Venom Staff does a lot of damage. Allegedly. Bring Warding modifiers if you're fighting it in melee.
And go fishing for potion materials if you need them.
Bad idea for plantera seeing how much it likes to shove it's appendages into your face. Exploding bullets also damage yourself.
Speaking of bullets, a friendly reminder never to use meteorite bullets. They seem attractive because they pierce enemies and bounce around, but they also give the enemy invulnerability time which causes shotguns to only hit once, and rapid fire guns to miss like every other shot.
We're about to start farming solar eclipse, we have some hand-me-down armor if anyone wants to join in.
It's on your end then, nobody else has had any issues like that.
On a side note I wish I had more terraria art
How come it's always sandstorm in any desert in any world, but now that I actually want it I've been sitting in this stupid place for 3 hours without a single drop of sand.
I love you
Ok seriously you faggots where is everyone. We had like 10 people first day.
If it weren't for tshock i'd still play.
Hell I'd even build some stuff, experiment.
I've done fresh start to early-hardmode so many fucking times it's not fun anymore.
well if it makes a difference, we're late hardmode now.
not really.
I just don't feel like playing on a server where I have to leech off of others.
I already got my shit, why can't I just bring it over?
BYOB, y'know…
Tease me more
yuropoor server that doesn't get boosted in progress overnight when
As soon as I beat wall of flesh the game becomes shit instantly. Goddamn, they need to work on that.
what the fuck are you faggots complaining about hardmode? shit is easy to find weapons that do damage. The only thing that's a pain is making a damn arena for every boss. the only mechanical boss that is hard is twin eyes on expert. Skeletron prime is piss easy as well as the destroyer with the right arena and buffs and decent hardmode gear. you fuckin casuals.
You mean the gear you get from going through the teirs of hardmode metals /one at a time/, collecting god-knows-how-many souls of faggots, waiting for y lucky drops off of x monsters, and so on? I never said it was hard. I said it was grindy as shit. Before hardmode, you need at most to build maybe two or three picks, find maybe two types of ore for armor, and so on, and it's all very natural a you explore a world.
Hardmode takes place in a world you've already explored, forces you you build a new pick for each material you want, relies more on enemy drops than ever before, and so on. It's an annoying, slow, stupid grind.
That entire procedure takes like an hour, tops.
**But really tbh, I kinda want a new server without
tshock. And either have the server tediumcore chars or yuropoor hosted.**
oh come the fuck on
Is DD2 any good? I remember watching my bro play the first, and that looked pretty fun, but I, for some reason, remember hearing DD2 was turned into a moba or something.
Alright I'm shutting down my server at It's pretty much ran its course.
In the end we just didnt feel like trying to beat moonman anymore.
I hate to say this, but… tediumcore expert when
Is there a server? I remember having loads of fun with you faggots.
Moonman isn't even that hard if you know what kind of arena to build.
I can already feel the butthurt from people stealing each other's items.
Well there was one, but it's dead now because suddenly we were all done with it. i'm waiting for the tediumcore expert server now
I can't say if DD2 is good because I only played it for a couple of hours, but the moba aspect was scrapped completely from the game.
What the fuck is that? I see that in animu pictures all the time. Is it supposed to be some kind of harelip or something?
I guess that's my daily quota of autism fulfilled. I flattened a small world to height 100 and stored everything I got into chests. Market up to 0 height bit didn't feel like clearing the terrain up to that yet.
I originally planned to remove the entire map for science, but I don't think I want to.
It's a stylized way to draw drooling.
t. anime anatomy expert
its drooling
But why is it the same color as the inside of their mouths, and drawn in such a way that splits their lip open?
if i had to guess it would be because you touch yourself at night
But I touch myself all the time user. I browse with my left hand on my dick and my right hand on the mouse.
shows how much i know. guess im as lost as you are
hey dont die terraria thread
well if someone host another server i'm game for it again would like crimson world put the problem is people need to stay playing or shits gonna happen like the other server and the end resault is gonna be 4 or so players will stay on the server progress it at a bit faster pace and people who play only for like a few mins comeback the next day go like wtf why is everything so advanced so quickily when i wasn't playing.
also no europoo server
unless we wait for the terraria/DD2 crossover event for new server
If someone hosts, I'll join too.
I suggest we do that. It's only a week away anyway, might not want to burn yourself out of Terraria before that.
When is that, again?
15th (Tuesday next week) according to the official announcement
Do people here usually play mediumcore or softcore characters? I've only ever played mediumcore but (58 hours of playtime) have never been able to defeat any of the hardmode bosses after Wall of Flesh, and it's a pain to always go gather my gear and resort it.
There's a reason medium is called tediumcore. Almost everyone plays with softcore characters unless they're doing a challenge run or something.
I guess I will try that too. Then other question, should I play elite mode or whatever? Has unique loot and stuff? When I last played Terraria it didn't exist yet.
Depends how much you like the game. As far as I know there isn't any other special loot than unique boss drops and developer vanity armor. You'll get an extra accessory slot from one of the bosses which is nice too.
Some of the enemies become ridiculously strong (jungle tortoises will basically 2 hit ko you) and if you have trouble with the bosses on normal mode you're not going to have a good time on expert because they'll get new attacks and phases on top of being stronger. The basic enemies like zombies will scale in power as you progress, by the time you reach endgame, blue slimes will be able to withstand a hit from the strongest melee weapon in the game. I'm not exactly sure how the scaling works, but not all monsters do that.
At least I got armor with a stat modifier and one of the update items not yet released for consoles due to the inventory glitch that was once on.
It has barely any content in comparison
I know, it's even worse since due having the SDMG from an inventory glitch I can tear through everything in the trashy version. It's not even the Nogames4 version that's somewhat kept up. I believe it ends at either the Christmas raid bosses or Fishron. I'm not sure. though the game still is good, I just won't buy things from nagging friends ever again.
because of how terrible starbound is, i decided to make a permanent terraria server. ip is ""
tfw no starbound server
what is the error? if it doesn't work, just use the ip
and why is my name op?
shit aint working
it just says "connecting" forever
email and name carry on to all the other threads if you enter in those fields and dont delete them
Can't connect
also that server better have crimson
it does
nice server
Tuxedomario, did you remember to enter the /auth-verify comand?
We tshock now
no, is that bad?
Become an Admin
Run TerrariaServer.exe. This is your server.
Select the world you want to use or create a new one.
Select your desired server port.
Note: Default settings are: Server port (7777). You may hit your ENTER key at each input to select the default setting in parenthesis ().
Once the server starts the console window will have the following message: To become superadmin, join the game and type /auth [authcode]
Run Terraria, join your server, and enter: /auth [authcode]. This will give you the ability to create a user account on the server, giving you access to all commands. This gives you one time super user access. This is intended to be used once at the very start and every subsequent admin operation is done under a superadmin account.
Note: In order to join your own server, you can enter: localhost or (which are the same thing, assuming the server is being run on the same machine that you run Terraria), or you can use your own External IP address, which can be found simply by going to a website such as
Next, enter: /user add [username] [password] superadmin
Example: /user add john qwerty superadmin
This will add a user to your server that a player can log into, allowing them access to admin operations. This is intended for server owner only, do not give your account credentials out willy nilly.
Log in with the superadmin user you just created by entering: /login [username] [password]
Example: /login john qwerty
Finally, to remove the "auth" message on server startup, enter: /auth-verify
If you don't remove/auth someone can come in and make themselves an adimin. your lucky I was the only one on the server who knew how.
alright I'll reset for that
What's wrong with tshock?
I'm forced to start fresh.
But I could just go fish.
Where we at?
It doesn't make you use a new character and skeletron has been defeated.
I'm sitting in motlen armor atm
also would note can't summon bosses can't paint
getting frozen/stoned when throwing bombs and shit.
i mean with the last tshock server the limitations were not this restrictive
should most likely be fixed now. if summoning bosses don't work, then move away from spawn.
Why don't they just expand the gameplay to other planets in the solar system?
That way they could do completely new things without having to cram new shit into the old map over and over and being forced to balance it around that, and they would have an excuse not to create Starbound-like space exploration (since a solar system only has so many planets). For example they could create a boss that wrecks the terrain by putting it onto the moon where it's mostly just stone and sandy stuff and player hasn't built anything. It would be more exciting to explore a new world than a slightly modified version of the same old one which you do after WoF.
Or they could pretend that the map is an island (since there's a sea on both sides) and allow you to travel to other islands (maps).
i should rephrase that, Terraria is about fighting, mining, and building, but Starbound is more of an exploration game because of its "infinite planets"
Because they're done with massive content patches, and are now focused on a spinoff game and a sequel.
b-but otherworld has been postponed indefinitely user!
It hasn't been postponed, they're back on track and getting shit done after firing the art director and hiring one that will produce less starbound-y content.
what was the issue with the old one?
what do you mean starboundy content? was he making shit golems?
It could have perfectly passed for starbound assets, which have a very distinct pixelshit artsyle. You can see it in the earlier screenshots.
Because Terraria's engine is running on ducktape and a prayer.
They seem pretty dedicated to keep adding stuff though. Tower defense mechanics coming in next update.
They certainly are. And they've managed to do things that previously they have said couldn't be done too. Still the engine was never envisioned for a game as large as it is and there are a few hard limits as well as "firm" limits to what can be done.
But I hope they keep going for a long while yet. I want more Christmas and Halloween content. And hopefully some asian stuff too. And to be frank I'm not satisfied with the desert yet. Pyramids need to be a mini dungeon (and associated biome).
So where's the designated shitposting server?
Never done this before.
How do you fix this shit?
It was announced just a few days ago m8000
You can't, it's inevitable due to the nature of the game.
You'd have to plan the server start a few days before you do it so more people could join it early, and/or somehow prevent people from rushing too much, for example using disable bosses and then unlock them one by one every now and then and let people build and minmax their gear and autism it up in the meantime. New players can grab leftovers from other people. Dunno if it's even possible to do that though.
How is that a bad thing?
Seems fine by me.
It is not about the gear user, it is about doing something together with other people. Achieving success as a group.
Fucking autists on Holla Forums i swear…
So i'm currently doing a expert-mode solo run fresh. I'm currently in final ore in hardmode and trying to figure out which mech boss I should try to kill first, any suggestions or tips? I don't have any of the hardmode bosses beat yet and my gear is all pre-them.
Do the destroyer first. However try to get a Slime Rder (which you more likely got) and Godly Amarok (a power HM yo-yo you can get early though there are better letter on) from the Winter biome with a Yo yo bag accessory or any weapn that hits through multiple targets. Then create a Sky bridge away from your house (he's huge as fuck) and just make a house nearby for the nurse. It'll take a while to be it simply because of health but you should win.
a skybridge? I don't want to do a super thin vertical arena? How would I even keep him above the ground? or am I getting the bridge high enough where the head can get above it, but he can't go much further?
No, he will always be able to get you, he uses thrusters to move. Alternatively, you can just use a Sky island and build an arena similar to Eye of Cthulhu without walls, which is what I used to beat the Destroyer.
You do NOT want to put yourself into a situation where it's hard to dodge his head in expert mode. It does a fuckton of damage.
A Daedalus Stormbow with jester arrows will obliterate him in case you want to go easy mode. Make sure you have both vertical and horizontal walls you can hide behind (but not too much so they won't block your attacks), his lasers can get pretty overwhelming sometimes and you'll want to get rid of the flying drones without being in the midst of it.
Skellington Prime is the easiest. You need a bit of horizontal space to avoid his reachy melee arms.
The eyes are usually tricky, but when you get the hang of their behavior they're actually pretty easy. You'll probably want to do long sweeping vertical movements rather than running away from them. You should run when the green eye gets to second phase though.
Is the Meteor Staff just as useful in Expert mode as it was for me in Normal mode Destroyer?
Yes, especially with the Golden Shower. However, that requires your world to have Crimson.
>start playing again anyway
The Golem's a disappointing boss considering he's the second to last boss. I just stood there and kept him hitting him from range with the Terra Blade.
I wanted to get the Steampunkers goggles and made a normal mode world to work towards getting them since I didn't know when the Halloween event would end. I logged in to get ready to fight the Destroyer just to be told a fucking Pirate army was on its way; in the end I made another normal world and sped through the bosses to find out the googles wasn't really worth it. On the bright side, the original normal world did have the Arhalis in it and the new one gave me a Lamia tail.
Don't build your base at spawn. That's where you should build your boss/event fighting arena, since invasions happen there anyway.
Could just use the statues to warp all the NPCs away to a safe zone. I do hope my idea of building my base into a giant Terrarium will keep out Blood Moon/Eclipse monsters. Does nighttime logic sensors activate during an Eclipse?
Some where around 1.3 they changed the mechanic so that invasions spawn around any town NPC as well as the world spawn.
okay faggots i don't have the autism to shift through 214 posts
what's the server IP?
build a house that's impossible to get in and out without teleporting in space and put several teleporting points around the world on hotspots you like or arbitrary distances you picked, make it so if something ever gets in all npcs can attack at once
Anybody have a torrent/download of the latest version?
Autism continues, the world is now flattened to 0 height. Since I have nothing better to do, it's actually kinda enjoyable to just remove chunks of land and see what I can find and clear way for the sea to level and stuff.
This world has some pretty interesting properties now.
Shoah'd it myself
decent looking harpy model
wheres the porn
Anyone have any good images/guides for roof styles? I'm trying to improve my building and roofs seem to give me the most trouble.
mind dropping it again?
spelunker potions
For the 5 people that are playing terraria on 3ds there's gonna be a new update