Space Thread: Screenshot Simulator Edition

Let's talk about how good it feels to remove Xeno scum, Pirate, and staring at Loading Screens.

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Going through the jets of a Neutron star unnerves the shit outta me

Mostly staring at loading screens though

Did anons ever get to making space charts?


Also for reference, when this video starts I'm ~220 AU out from the Star

What's the current opinion on X:Rebirth?


It's trash cancer that can't be saved. Egosoft should stop suppoting it and make X4

I wish ED was less grindy and getting around was faster.

Supercruise acceleration should be faster definitely. For the first little while I basically just cruised between nav beacons and the nearby station doing bounty hunting, but any time you want to go from Deciat to Khun to engineer up a ship, you're fucked

IMO it doesn't get grindy until you hit the Vulture in terms of ship costs. Then you hit a wall. I only got past it easy because of that CG that payed out 100Ms

The worst part is, they constantly keep flat out killing the best ways to earn money. Long range smuggling is now worth 1/5 of what it fucking was.

Honestly, it's not supercruise I mind, it's getting around the bubble. Especially if you're in a combat ship, which for some reason they all have shitty jump ranges, you have to watch what amounts to a bunch of loading screens to get anywhere. For what purpose.

Also, we can call ships to our current station now, which is nice, except they take a while to get there, which again, makes no sense. Why? Realism? This isn't a simulator, it's an arcade game for fuck's sake!

Oh and, they didn't fucking make Jaques Station sell fighter bays, or tourist compartments, even though it's a fucking tourism economy, so I'm stuck without playing any of the new shit, and I really don't feel like flying back to the bubble.

Now that the (entirety of the?) original KSP crew has been fired or quit, will Kerbal Space Program ever be meaningfully updated again? I’ll still never pay the spics for it, I just want to know if the best rocket sim game yet made is dead.

Fdev think making ships more annoying to travel in is a good way to balance them. Even though it makes no difference to any other aspect of the game besides travel time.

I just wish it was a good game. That's the biggest problem with it at the end of the day.

Still complete shit. Just doesn't crash as much.

They've actually hinted they are. God knows if anything will come of it though. I'm just happy enough with Litcube's mod. I've been enjoying that lately.

Literally sitting at 3.6k/4k profit per ton trade loops and I only ran into one trader this evening. I realize that doesn't compare to the retarded 100k+ per ton sothis shit but you also aren't making 15 jumps in and out of the bubble every time.

They should overhaul rare trading and toss in long range hauls demanding those goods for a good amount of credits. Would be acceptable to the sothis babies and to those looking to rob them.

Is there any trading near 4k that doesn't involve trading slaves?

Was the Diamond Vision run nerfed? I loved only having to make one jump for that run and still making damn good money


All trade missions across the board have been nerfed. You can find delivery missions which pay less then 10 credits. I think the bgs and markets have been stuffed up too, there have been reports of two cmdrs going to the same station at the same time and getting different prices.

Don't know if it's intentional or not but passenger missions payout quite a bit and you can make millions if stacked, although they don't follow the bgs as much as the devs said they would.

Why wouldn't you want to sell Imperial Slaves?

Yeah payouts for missions involving moving cargo does seem to be messed up somewhat but commodity trading works just fine still. And yeah if you run the 2nd class/basic passengers around you can make good money so I'm told in the right systems.

You need proper standing with minor factions to get any good passenger missions though. Someone will find two systems that give out passenger missions to each other mark my words.

I hate the empire and it's citizens?

and you shall perish with the fed scum

actually I'm just independent but prefer the Alliance and Federation

Name a better light cruiser in the Star Wars universe

Hint:you can't

looks like a cut dick

Also so you all know, if you don't open your inbox when you get a mission critical message it won't trigger the mission change.
Probably a bug but chances are it won't get fixed till 2.3

Then you should love the idea of selling and profiting off of indentured Imperial Citizens. Independent means you get to profit off of everyones suffering. It's great.

Go big or go home. Light is another word for not good enough at it's job.

Out of the way you shit!
True Imperial design coming through!
You don't even have missiles!

The horizon always rises to eye level.




Nice game nerds. Now check out a real game:



I know you're all desperate for a good space game but damn playing ED is pretty bad.

if you're autistic enough to roleplay it helps

the fact that I actually spent 230$ on it in the first place makes me ashamed of myself

You could always play STO.
We are selling great quality ships at the moment.
Much tech. Very advanced. Exotic Kelvin timeline design.
Decent frigates not available

Why isn't the technology there to actually make a good sized space game? No man's sky looked good in trailers but turned out to be shit when it actually came out.

Star citizen looks pretty good but the game isn't out so who is to say? Are consoles holding back game technology advancements? Or does the industry need government subsides to make improvements faster?

The tech is there user, E:D, Outerra(has a free demo), Infinity Battlescape and SC all exist at a technical level. We have to wait and see if one of those or anyone else do it right however.



What's the comfiest space game? In which game can I just be a trader traveling through space, listening to music and just generally be a happy merchant who wants to be the best ally that he can to a planet?

Because what everyone really means when they say good sized space game is a handcrafted elder scrolls style design with the scope of a quintillion star random generation design.

Hence ED, really really big with basically nothing to do or see. Or X3 where half the systems are filler and certain systems are just objectively better for things(like Ore belt being the obvious early place to earn money). It's easy to do the big generation, less so the fine detailing.

The best you can hope for right now is a game with robust content creation/customization tools and a big universe. Then we can let the community build the content instead of expecting 5 men in a frigid office somewhere to populate these colossal environments.

Hmm? What's that? You said something about missiles?

Oh yeah. You get K-13 and an Indiana Jones mission. Not the worst update to come to that game.

In what universe? Oh yeah I actually remembered Spore

Still, it's odd how writers work in STO.

Writing was always shit in STO, then it went full retard in Delta ans stayed retard so my brain just stops working right once NPCs start saying something stupid.

Acting first officer: Captain a ship has just dropped out of warp and more enemy reinforcements have beamed down to your location :DDD

What the fuck are you faggots even doing up there how could you allow this to happen??

You try commanding a ship with all bridge officers unseated.


Fleet mods required for tier 6 ships is the reason i left the game. Still have a soft spot for the con tho.

Good thing you weren't around during last september.

eh, how did you trick the jews to give you back your shekels?

I completely forgot about N7 Day, I can't wait to see how they're gonna poz Andromeda.

They tried to guilt me into revoking my claim so I pointed out that the promised release date on kikestarter was two years past and that chris roberts told lolygon in an interview that they honor all refunds.
After that they replied that "at heir own discretion" they'd decided to acknowledge my refund.

they claim being your refund?

Yes. They said they spent the specific money I gave them and therefore they'd have to take the sum from someone else's pledge, and that it therefore would be mean of me to demand may money back.

delet this

My. I need to proofread more.

You can stay believing in the heliocentric fairy tale, but I choose to accept reality.

have you considered that earth is a sphere and you cannot go in a straight line through a solid sphere if where you want to go is on the other side of the curvature?

This is more amusing than infuriating, like these people don't understand what great circle routes are. Something that takes literally five seconds to look up.

Then again, even if they did, they'd still believe it was nothing but propaganda, so there's no point in convincing them otherwise. Just point and laugh.

Polite sage for being off-topic.

Nice proof famalamadingdong.

People are waking up to the truth.

This just makes it more ammusing.

Both are false in the eyes of Lord Steven Christ, son of god and great truth teller of the CONCAVE EARTH.
This guy is totally fucking insane

I came in this thread to laugh and pity you.

Cognitive dissonance. Yawn.

earthlings are so stupid

I'd love to have a game about this. Gotta credit that Eric Dubay guy for putting effort into what ever he believes.

Go home lizardman!

500 years of deception and lies are about to be over, Satan is panicking..

More and more people are realizing they do not live on a floating ball.

are you faggots hungry or something?

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Science wins.

The ball earth myth is over.

Berenstein-Earth was superior, I want to go back.

House of the dying sun just left early access. Anyone played it?

That looks pretty cool.

looks like it would get repetitive really fast

apparently it's like an hour long and basically a VR tech demo. drop it like it's hot.


Escape Velocity Nova.

Can Elite Dangerous been pirated ? i cant buy it for now on steam bank problems whit credit card ;_;

A pleasant surprise from the forums. Expect us to be implemented (or denied) along with bug fixes in the very next update. As of today, the community manager reviewed our application for a faction and the application has gone "upstream" for further review and processing.

No, the game has online only drm. Which is bullshit.

Fucking neato. Any idea which system will it be?

Fack, welp shame ;_;

No clue. Once the patch comes in assuming I don't get a rejection letter, I'll be on the lookout at the ones we requested

The real question is…Are the Goons going to have a faction and will we declare war against them?

Honestly, ED would be fine if they had competent game designers. Its problem is that the game design part is led by a fucking retard and they are constantly catering to 50 year old men who hate fun.

Give ED EvE style player interaction, fix the netcode and stop parroting the bullshit "but we cant afford servers" line that nobody with a brain is falling for, and put a competent game designer in charge of things. Wow, problem fucking solved.

To all the ED anons

HIP 10716 and Wu Guinagi are the systems to run passenger missions between. Cmdrs are claiming 27m/hr in profit. Fit economy cabins. You should be able to fill them within 2 or 3 relogs.

That means


Every thread like clockwork, although I think this is your biggest catch yet user. Nice Job.

Apparently this only applies to the planet landing in HIP 10716. So Horizons only. I'm looking for an alternative with two stations.

SUPPOSEDLY Ceos/Sothis is good for passenger running, plus you can stack data missions. I'm going to head out there and see if it's true.


Squad is claiming it was just rumors?

Why do flights from SA to Aus go that way? Not enough fuel? Too little demand for the route, so they chop it into two?

Anyone post the new WIP Space Engine screenshots? Now serving up volumetric nebula action.

Also this new tech should make supernova explosions and non-shit clouds a thing at some point.


Volumetric clouds on gas giants makes my dick ROCK FUCKING HARD

what if the greatest threat to humanity isnt aliums, but humanitys own hubris AND aliums?

It's because we live on a flat earth.
It's a direct line from SA to Australia.

Check out any of the numerous videos posted here to learn more.

are all planets flat?

There's a rumor the renderer is going to get a rewrite at some point as well, although I haven't been able to confirm it. Either way what's currently incoming is quite nice.

Also apparently these new volumetric effects will basically be able to have a use in pretty much every circumstance that doesn't directly involve planets, including accretion disks and galactic disks. So even if they stick with what they currently have it's a pretty damn big overhaul.

If you wanna see live WIP of the guy contributing to these new effects, he's on Shadertoy.

Protoplanetary disk:

Contact binary:

Black hole binary:


Dusty nebula:

Most traders trade in solo. There is no benefit, and a lot of downsides for trading in open. Plus there are a lot of 3.6-4K loops.

Yeah, medical diagnostic equipment.

thank you but that isnt what i asked. wouldnt it be interesting if only the earth were flat?

Sothis and Ceos are giving out complete shit. As someone without Horizons this fucking sucks that I'm missing out of fucking huge amounts of money because I can't do a planet landing.

Looks like I'm headed back to the bubble because Sothis and Ceos give out NO transport missions. It's all VIP passengers

It's what I do, I enjoy piracy and mining and If I can find a route people travel on all the better. At one point I could easily pull 10-20 ships in a evening, now I'm lucky if I get five. I realize most forumdads hide in solo or combatlog the moment I send my stop for scan message but I still do it because for every combatlog or empty system I on occasion make a new friend because they enjoy not being murderhobo'd.

If I recall Facece is a permit system locked behind Imperial rank but I'll check it out nonetheless this evening.

When Eve Online goes T1 f2p is anyone going to bother checking it out?

I'll be playing again. Even with the skill nerf I can use my main to trade semi-effectively. Having unlimited access to the market means I can earn PLEX at my own pace.

shit and it just hit me. I haven't even been thinking about my alt accounts.

What did you guys do?

Having our own player faction added called The 8th Imperial Syndicate.

None of the Elite dangerous powers or factions feel right for me

The empire is run by bloodline royals with whims of their own and senate that largely cowtow's the general ideological preference of the current monarch.The Federation is split down the middle with a clearly insane social progressive Felicia Winters and the overly corporatist Zachary Hudson again cowtowing to the general ideological preference of corporations.

I'd like to see a patriarchal militaristic faction with genocidal undertones. The empire doesn't feel like it does this. Basically i want the "Vaygr" from "homeworld"


[Angry gargling of capsule fluids]


That's nice.
Too bad factions are still underdeveloped shit.

So the Empire from House of the Dying Sun. Every objective in that game boils down to Murder Rebel Scum and Murder Civilians that are in the same star system as Rebel Scum

Yes yes ,oh god yes. I want warrior clans and feudal warlords and everything is settled usually with tribute/"danegeld" or conflict. Also the feudal lords and clans work together to crusade into empire of fed controlled systems.

Then how do you deal with starfighters, then?

cgi is finished!

How about point defence weapons more advanced than what WWII had to offer?
No wait, star wars don't have that…


Wish it wasn’t, because now they have no excuse for not continuing to fucking update. Thanks.

the problem i have with elite is that there is ZERO sense of scale to the stars. canis majoris looks exactly the same as a star 2000 times smaller there, and given its in space there are no scales queues, save how long it takes to get around the thing. Also the surface textures are shit, stars dont ripple like a pond. They churn slowly. Its horseshit

There are serious problems with sense of scale with the new planet models even too.

not this kind of finished

Canis Majoris and other red hypergiants should look like churning pieces of popcorn. They wouldn't even be spherical because their thermal pressure almost overcomes gravity.

We sent in an application to rename an existing minor power to '8th Imperial Pilot's Syndicate' so that we can grind to barely affect this faction that we have little real control over as an excuse to keep playing this shit game. But hey, it will be the base of operations for a few anons here, so at least we will have an entire system to shitpost in

And so shitposting becomes systemwide…

there is a part on the forums for freelance reporting too which you can have showup in the our stations news feed. There is a way to apply for a community goal for our faction too I think.

What really gets me is the absence of protoplanetary disks in stellar nurseries. The Milky Way forms roughly 1 Msun/yr, and protoplanetary disks exist for roughly 10 million years. They ought to be rare, but the fact that they don't exist in game at all triggers my autism.

Neat, how much shitposting do you rhink we can get away with in our local system news?

apparently with VR headsets the sense of scale has been nailed by fdev. Ofc space legs would really help too so I'm hoping we get that for season 3 rather then atmospheric landings.

It's not automatic someone has to put it in manually so no idea. Not much probably unless we do our own page or something for it.


Oh my god. They finally did it, the absolute mad men.

Also, if you opened the box with any other race than feds you got either a Tier 6 Romulan bird of prey or a Klingon D7.

With the same 1% or less chances you would get a tier 6 connie.

You realize that Canis Majoris is not dense and is colder then a normal Class M star right?

any good games with a cockpit view? the camera used in games like freespace make me feel like im smashing my face against the viewscreen

I could have sworn there was some shit about them not being allowed to make a T6 Constitution because reasons. Then they release the (((Kelvin Timeline))) variant of the Constitution and people sperged out over muh T6 Connie. So they release a T6 Constitution anyway despite them saying they weren't supposed to and weren't going to

The T6 refits of the Akira and Prometheus look really great though. Too bad they're pretty shit in gameplay

i was just playing house of the dying sun, good but short.

Im just sitting at the edge of my seat waiting for them to officially release the T6 assault cruisers.

Any kind of replayability or same missions over and over?

I just played through the plot a couple months ago. It's a disaster. Most of my time was spent fighting the ship AI (I was determined to not give up on core X gameplay), like trying to figure out why my ships would just refuse repeated orders to attack or what was causing trade or transfer orders to get stuck. Only having one ship and a couple fixed weapons was bullshit, especially with the DLC laser that is so powerful you'll never use anything else. Everything is so needlessly convoluted and equally irrrelevant, I can't imagine what people went through trying to play the original version where stations had to be constantly re-scanned just to trade. The few brave enough to play it just skip all that mess and cap ships for money which is embarrassingly easy now.
Skip it. Restart an X3 game if you're tempted or even play the older games, do not play X Rebirth.

Yes, I realize that. Most of Canis Majoris is less dense than a laboratory-created vacuum. Doesn't change what I said.

So guys, after being disappointed with New males sky & stellaris;

Is this game worth a torrent? (Or even a purchase?)

what game?

I have been doing this for last few days but not for credits but for Empire ranks, so passenger + data missions. Went OK until today: Morgan port in HIP 10716 seems to not give any kind of passenger mission anymore and regular missions i can only get from the only non-empire faction.
What gives?


Would you enjoy looking at your cockpit for hours on end as your ship autopilots from station to station as an interstellar truck driver?

As underwhelming as HotDS is, I really like the wrappings of it. I mean, I like the gameplay, the ship ordering is fun but I haven't got a good grasp of it, but man every time text prompts pop up I get a FOR THE EMPEROR erection.

Is Batlefleet gothic armada any good?

It's pretty good.
Story mode has you playing as the Imperial navy, multiplayer and player vs ai modes allow you to also play as chaos, orks and eldar and if you are willing to pay for DLC (or can find the download link somewhere) you can also get the space marines and tau playable.
More races are to come according to the devs.

Huh, i might just get it, since i'm a 40k sperg. Thanks user.

Knock yourself out dude, you're still paying $30 either way.

Did they finally go full retard and release a T6 Borg Cube?

So is it worth the purchase?

No problem, just remember these few rules and you will make a fine admiral.


did elite dangerous fix the warping DIRECTLY AT A FUCKING STAR yet because that shit was obnoxious

eve does it right by having you warp parallel to it

I think so. But know that flying around in space and shooting things is the only experience that it delivers well. Every other game system is forgettable at best, and FDev doesn't care. It should still entertain most people for about 100 hours give or take.

If you like the first Elite or Oolite, want to do Space Engine but get paid in game dollars for finding shit and also actually play something along with exploration, or like space trucking, it's just fine.

If you like Frontier Elite 2 or Frontier First Encounters, maybe. There's been some plot retconning but broadly things have progressed as if you fired the Mycoid Missile in the third game. Broadly you'll likely feel comfortable here however there's no Newtonian flight model anymore.

If you like the X series you probably hate all the Elite games anyway by now so don't bother in that case.

That cube is about the last thing they have to release. Once that's done the game is well and fully ready to bury, unless you consider the Delta expansion in which case it was there about one or two years ago.

No, but that's not a problem though. Just kill your engines in the witchspace pipe. You'll be facing the primary at a safe 30km/s.

Of course even if you did jump off to the side, contact binary+ star systems are still quite dangerous to jump into either way.

it is a problem if you step away from the computer for a minute too long and come back to your ship melting

…what's wrong with your ship then to produce that much heat? With dead throttle it's at least half an hour before you hit a nasty spot, if not longer for larger stars.

If you are in the bubble and online you probably shouldn't be away from your screen anyway but if you are exploring it's quite sensible to kill your shields, at least when you aren't trying to land on a planet. That'll cut down on heat a lot.

My joystick has a throttle lever and I put it at 100% so I don't have to input keys while hypersuperwhatever traveling?

Mine does as well, but hitting the X key (at least that's my bind) will zero out the throttle for me regardless for my stick's setting. I just have to jiggle the physical throttle a bit to get going again but until then I'm at snail's speed.


Star Citizen is much like the current American election. No matter what happens, there will be immense salt to be had and it'll be great. I don't know who's salt I want more honestly. I just know I'm in a winning position either way.

Wait till a black friday sale or something, I'm enjoying the game but I"m an autist that likes flying endlessly for hours and space trucking. I also have a hotas setup and makes me enjoy the game even more.


Well you know those dead people suddenly come back to life on election day user. They don't stop by to see loved ones but at least they get out and vote.

I'm not sure if I would feel bad or not. Roberts is a bit more talented but I'm not sure he's a better person, and considering I'm saying that in comparison to Derek fucking Smart that is saying something.

2 spoopy.

did anything happened?

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

The existence of nukes means we will never be able to progress technologically from any sort of earth war.

So you're saying that the only way anyone can progress technology in war again is to have wars in space?

Downloaded Escape Velocity Nova, like a bad goy. Any mods/patches i need to download? got the v1.0.10

We need to fight something we CAN'T just beat with nukes.

villains from DBZ?

Human beings are galacticly regarded as war genious. Every single xeno is scared shitless of us suddenly developing space travel technology and conquering the universe.

There's two total conversions that allow you to play the previous two games in the series which were formerly mac only don't play the second game, it's meh. Game is good on it's own.

That's almost as jewish as pic related.

As it should be.


For those elite players seeking big money for no effort, I'd suggest loading up with cargo space and collector limpets. Make your way to the 3rd planet in the Maiki system and find the persistent Unknown Signal Source. It'll show up as a USS even when you've targeted it. Drop in, collect precious gems, log out, log back in. Repeat till hold is full and sell at a black market. Get it while it's good.

Shit. I made a nice mod for EV:Nova some time ago. Can't find it now. I know I put it SOMEWHERE.

ain't long lived now

I thought they patched that out a while ago

I also bet the conda that was in the open instance I zoned in to got a bit surprised

It's still there. Limpets away!!!

Why not copulate with them instead? Why do you embrace the cold void of death instead of basking in the warmth of life?

Btw where is the best place to sell these?

fuck if I know, I've checked a couple of systems around 60-130Ly away with different economies and they all give about 60-70k per ton

Sometimes I wish FDev actually knew what in the everloving fuck they were doing.

I might come back for this so I don't have to grind so much to check out fighters and engineers stuff.

Did you try finding place like this?

I didn't bother checking the closest systems since I'd imagine them being "saturated" already and giving lower prices due to that

You give ED's economy too much credit. You can't saturate or drain resources from a station, they're reset to their default values hourly IIRC.

Where did you find the best price so far? I only found 12-14k, far from the 60-70 it's supposed to be worth.

i would take a qt robot companion

Gridge, you get about 70k.



Aren't xenos cold-blooded anyway?

Do you like playing Eurotruck Simulator?

Do you wish it was in space?

Then E:D is the game for you!

Whatever happened to Enemy Starfighter? It seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet.

it became

There's a wave based survival mode where you get ranked on leaderboards, the missions also have challenges within them and multiple difficulty levels. after beating the game you get a super difficulty where your supposed to do everything with just fighters.

The first three Wing Commander games had full cockpits. X-Wing and TIE Fighter had them as well. I've seen some cockpit mods for Freespace here and there, but I don't think anyone ever did a full set and released it as a completed mod.

I don't know what it is, but i find this screen absolutely hilarious.

I mean, that xeno is adorable compared to a human.

Can you find a race of space elves, conquer and enslave them turning them into a race of cumsluts?

I have some of those faggots next door.
And i can enslave xenos…

its time to speciesmixing


holy shit they molded an entire race after feminists.

Elves don't have to be *turned into* cumsluts. They already are. Especially the dark elves.

does it have space dwarfs?

ready to go to space with Holla Forums?!
already made my preorder.

No thanks.

I-I-I might buy it?
if it drops super low on sale

She wants to love you too! :)

spooky, sure you didn't just stick a lamp in front of her face?
still hug her


The diversity and anti-nationalism card will surely win over more players and not at all in any way piss off the core audience even more than they have.

Nothing could possible go wrong like CIS-busters

I'm all for technology, but I'd rather fight an actual adversary in the ensuing war.

No, but for some reason it has klingons and people with some sorta hair tentacles.

Commander creation is going to be a mistake.

They could go the full cuck route and do would gary did to Rust and lock character creation to a random set of IP numbers to auto-generate a character for the player. That'd fuck off a lot of players.

Nah the game is full of roleplayers, if they can't design their won character there will be hell to pay


I recently got the urge to play lots of space games, anything with qt. humanoid Xenos you can recommend? Preferrably something I can run on a poorfag PC.
Apart from modded Stellaris

is there a space game with dwarfs, elfs, orc, humans, halflings, etc? that is not warhammer 40k?

Phantasy Star maybe?

Holy shit that's great.

It didnt really lead to anything, i just had a slightly harder time infiltrating them and turning them into a slave race under my jackboot.

CoDfags are too busy being triggered over MUH SPACE MUH BOOTS ON DA GROUND and MUH MODERN WARFARE REMASTURD

The funny thing is every WWII CoD game including World at War had a tank section and the modern/pseudo-scifi games replaced them with boring turret sections so it's pretty much all infantry and CoDfags either don't remember this or don't care so they keep screaming BOOTS ON DA GROUND without knowing what that term actually means

Also there are some marxists that complain World at War's campaign was racist because Nips banzai charge you and flamethrowers. Have fun making sense of that.

It has blue teddy bears with beaks, green people and cat girls, but it doesn't have Tolkien races.

Closest thing I can think of to modern+ games with that kind of shit is Shadowrun, which has some limited space options…mainly still confined to the PnP game rather than anything on a computer or console.

I dunno fam this is a game where just getting a different basic colour of your ship costs real life dollarydoos, I wouldn't put it past them to make commander generation randomized and if you want to design the character yourself you have to pay extra from the store on top of Horizons.

I'd expect eve style character customization. You can do a lot for the physical looks, since its hard to rationalize selling blue eyes for real cash, but anything like clothes or accessories and you need to pay cash.

I think this will be the case; basic clothes and suit but face and body will be adjustable. Nice and/or meme clothes for golds.

you have to break some eggs to make a spaceship omelet

It's kind of shit that the only modern space games to look forward to, where you can pilot ships, are ED and Shitizen.
I mean, I'm playing ED and like some things about it and the flight model, for me, is the most fun thing; but I'm starting to lose patience with FD's idiocy. If only they would have the balls to rip out most of their shitty gameplay systems and skill to replace them with some actual fun stuff: just give players tools for playing in this huge sandbox. Real tools not time sink rng carebear bullshit.

And for SC I have no home of ever releasing in less than 2 years and in a non broken form and being, god forbid, fun.

I now want to play a race that acts like the aliens from XCOM now though trying to infiltrate and subjugate.

You just saw pretty much all of the content related to doing that.

It came out under the name House of the Dying Sun, and it's good. They cut the scope back by a fair bit, but it's worth playing. Especially if you have VR.

There goes my interest.

Why make it with your own when you can make it with the eggs of your enemy?

How does their OC donut steel Enterprise play? Is it called the Odyssey class? Been fucking ages since I played it so I can't remember.

The one you got for free during an old anniversary event? It's shit. The ones (either in T5 or T6 form) you get for spending (((Zen)))? Fuck you I ain't wasting 6000 (approx $60 or more) for 6 copies of the same goddamn ship

Have you seen how much they charge for lifetime subscriptions? Pretty sure last time I looked it was something like $200 or $300.

It's on sale right now.

I'm guessing it's no less than $150


Outside sales, a 3 ship bundle for the Odyssey Dreadnought is 3000 (((Zen))). Which is about $30. There are 2 bundles for the Ody, one at tier 5, one at tier 6.

As for Lifetime Subs. For it's price, they give you a shitton of perks and extras that normally you wouldn't get unless you have 2-3 years worth of subscribing, and even then some are exclusive to lifetime subs. Furthermore, you get a stipend of 500 (((Zen))) which would take about 6 months to get enough from the stipend alone to afford one of those 3 ship bundles.

So it would take 40 months (3.25 years) for the lifetime sub to pay for itself if you bought it for approx $200 on sale. Otherwise it's 60 months or 5 years normally. Still a pretty big investment for a game that went to shit despite all the fancy perks you get.

How the fuck am I supposed to finish Tannhauser Gate?


Have you tried C Beams?



It's still working. trying to make up what I lost from buying a beluga liner and getting stuck in the mailslot like 3 times

So I just installed FS2 Open with the Installer. Unfortunately, I'm already having problems. For some reason, the MediaVPs aren't working for FS2 or any FS2 mod I've tried, and the FSPort says there are 73 errors in the mod files. Where did I fuck up and how do I fix it?

I cant even rob them, because everyones is in solo or private doing it. I hate this game sometimes. I just want to be a god damn space pirate but frontier fucking refuses to just make open trading better then solo/private trade and on top of that random ass bugs that they can't keep fixed allowing for ez money.

One of the problems is that the discrepancy between combat and noncombat ships is extreme, and if someone in a combat ship interdicts you, and just feels like killing you (or even if they are a pirate but want an unreasonable amount of stuff) they can kill you right away if you don't run immediately.

So nobody hangs around to find out if it might be a legitimate pirate, they just run immediately or play solo. Because not running immediately means death if it turns out to be a griefer.

If they made open trading better than solo/private, there are ways to make sure other players never get instanced with you, so that wouldn't really help.

I think part of the problem is that ships are overly homogeneous in scale. If trade ships were vast, hulking things that a combat ship couldn't possibly kill without prolonged contact (but could bust up the hull enough to get some outer cargo coming out), then traders would be more likely to hang out in open. EG if they were more like capital ships. Maybe not quite that large, but you get the idea.

But that's not how it is - your average trade ship is scaled similarly to combat ships, but is very fragile and slow in comparison, and can be killed in very short order.

This is going to be a problem with boarding action, too - nobody will board a ship and nobody will think defending inside their ship would be a good idea because the engineered combat ship can just trash your ship from outside.

Well another thing to consider is Engineers content. Before that came online you could expect a certain range of equipment and prepare for that to a certain extent. Open trading usually wasn't much of a problem, even for a CG. Now on the other hand, there's no way you are going to have much of a chance against someone who's heavily tricked out and just wants to slag you.

Ultimately turn powers into what you'd otherwise have in a proper game with 2 giant opposing factions
Imperials could have better shields (Cutter is already an airliner with shit weapons and big shields), while Feds could have slightly better weapon systems and the Alliance could have fancy bobble-heads and larger cargo
E.g.: Eagle speed 3x as it is now, but is made of glass and has crap energy weapons. T-9 is tank, has large jump range but turns like a skyscraper on skates and has no access to advanced weapons like PA.
Obviously because they are hard to get. These second-hand ships may be wanted in certain systems for weeks, may be completely empty module-wise and are usually damaged.
No access to opposing side.
Engineer in power X would not have knowledge of Y to modify module Z PROPERLY. The engineer in this case would ATTEMPT and RNG it. Otherwise he has the knowledge and he'd make the upgrade based on a slider and a "how much do I like this asshole" system.
Then if you bring a blueprint that the Engineer didn't have, you'd have to complete missions (gather resources, steal info from bases, whatever) for the Engineer to learn it, and after each mission the engineer would apply the slightly improved version to your ship (meaning that the sliders will punish you less and less when you increase a positive attribute)
Have rare tech commodities that you'd have to resupply for the Engineer every once in a while. There. Immersion.

Trading, space tourism and mining are still accessible (those ships are not locked to powers) to anyone. You can still play as independent and still get any ship with the SAME effort as if you climbed the ranks in the faction.

Here. I fixed Elite for ya.
You have diversity, you have variety and you have less meta and min/maxing - because it's more accessible for everyone and yet varied enough to make others less overpowered. You can't have everything perfectly upgraded this way unless you have the skill and waste weeks on shit, and most people could get a basic, good enough upgrade to their ships which helps them compete with those who have the skills to get the better stuff.
You have short-term and long-term GOALS. You have achievements as long as you are good at the game and not just at grinding. Bigger/better ships would be accessible to those who are good enough at the game and not to every damned degenerate fucktard who can sit in front of Elite and do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over AND OVER again until eventually they get what they want and then go cry on the forums for FDev to nerf/fix shit because the game is too hard and/or muh immersun. FFS Elite rank should mean something other than just a badge for having done the same thing for 500 hours.
I'm probably overthinking some things but this is already objectively better than the homogeneous shit that FDev has implemented so far. I'd like Anons to criticize it but I'll kindly disregard those who blindly defend any of Frontier's decisions so far.

Another FS2 question: Does "cycle primary weapon firing rate" actually do anything? I'm not noticing any difference when I try it.

This is terrible for the same reason delayed ship transfer is, it encourages the player to tab out and do something else.

Everything else seems ok though.

Are there any games that actually give a feeling of slightly harder scifi? I play these arcadey space shooters and the scale feels so fucking small.


nah, fuck yourself with a rusty spoon

It doesn't make sense for you to only be able to join the army of two currently cold war locked factions. However if they did do it they need to provide a way to get the other factions rank locked ship which is currently the biggest reason why they haven't I'd think.


Stellaris: is enslaving xenos scum viable?

In a little under 3 hours (spec. 2h45m) something is scheduled to happen around Novas A 6 in Elite Dangerous. Not sure what, maybe something around there's going to blow up. Anyway, if you want some potential fireworks then you might want to have a look.

Why? This hasn't been a problem going back about 23 years now with the Frontier games. There should be other metrics tied into equipment accessibility; for example Powerplay's system could be more robust. And speaking of, just because you have rank in a state military doesn't mean you serve the President or Emperor per se.

For what purpose? Rebuy can be painful enough as it is, and if you lose your ship during a combat CG, that's a lot of money and vouchers down the toilet because of CD. It would also effectively murder PvP gameplay.

The other suggestions…some of them are alright, some of them need more work but aren't as immediately objectionable as the other two I've just gone into.

Although everyone will hate you for enslaving people, except of course other enslaving empires.

don't enslaved pops get a production malus + rebel n sheet?

Is the game actually worth playing since the Heilein update or would it be best to wait for other expansions?

Yes, they produce shitty amounts of energy and science, but they do produce some decent amounts of metal and food.
Now if only i could transport food between colonies…

Also they changed the way faction handling worked.
Now you can just put on a constant suppression by ticking a box and it eats a small amount of your purple space mana over time.

Meanwhile at the guy's BF1 review

Stop shilling bought-out channels.

Titanfall 1 was pretty good so no reason 2 can't, no idea why he enjoys the BF1 campaign though >paid shill.

Compared to COD maybe. Still a shit game for ADD kiddies.

Did you even play the multiplayer at all? The skill ceiling on that game is nuts. Especially with how fast many players move it's difficult to pop heads to begin with. And it has source engine levels of bhopping since it was made in source.

Well they removed the bunny hopping, fucked the netcode in all the wrong places, ruined the Titans by removing customization shitty perks dont count and shields and the maps are eh at best.

Hell they outright removed Titan weapons.
The only good thing they did was to kick the auto targeting cancerpistol to being a one life perk and adding sliding.

t. Someone with too many hours in Titanfall 1

the slaves get salty about it tho, right?

What does that matter?
Slaves are there to work, not give you opinions.

I mean the "uneasiness spreads across slaves" thing.

For that, just use the factions menu and keep them repressed.
If they get too uppity, some more options that cost more space mana will pop up.

It's still plagued by all the same problems cod 4 was. The spawning is dogshit, aim assist is still a thing, the average retard you play with is someone who is dumb enough to buy titanfall, fists kill in one hit where bullets don't. I could go on but the gravest sin is not giving the mechs any upward mobility turning every map into a fucking mech traffic jam because all people do is play peekaboo with them then get flanked and die. It's fine if you want to just see a bunch of flashing colors and numbers on screen and hear a chick tell you how great you are for your 360 noscopes that totally weren't because of aim assist, but they if you want that you have shit taste.

Don't let me forget

holy shit im fucking retarded

i just want to play videogames!

I think i will go blind with this tiny letters

just play Endless Sky


It's been quite some time since I played but IIRC it's a bit of a misnomer, and actually refers to linked fire vs cyclical fire when you have more than one pair of the same primary. In other words, it has no effect if you don't have more than two of a particular gun.

sound like you're already blind, faggot

Star Citizen red pills

anyway of making the font bigger?

Get a bigger screen.

cant im a poorfag

Can you post the exact text that appears in the error message?

When you select a mod in the FSO launcher, you should start a new campaign specifically for that mod, so the game doesn't look for assets from a different folder. If that doesn't fix the problem, check the installer and make sure you have the correct MediaVPs. For example make sure you're using FSU 2014 MediaVPs for FS2, and not the FreeSpace Port 2014 MediaVPs meant for FS1.

Best post it on halfchan for better effect. No one in this thread actually gives a flying fuck about shekel yiddizen and if they do they are just baiting.

I think I might know what you mean. I've noticed that if I have two banks of the same weapon, and switch to full guns when I'm firing one, the two banks will fire one-after-another instead of linked, but this only lasts until I stop firing. After that, they're linked. Is that what you mean? Because I've also noticed that the "cycle primary fire rate" button doesn't create that effect if I press it when the guns are linked.

I don't think it's possible to have more than two banks of one gun in Freespace, since I don't remember any of the fighters having more than two gun slots.

I think it might just be the installer's fault. When I tried to proceed with the campaign anyway, the game crashed outright, and the error message said something about the command briefing animations not being there. I think the installer didn't download them for some reason. When the installer finished, I also think I remember seeing a message that the it failed to get the voice files for the Derelict campaign. I'll probably just have to run the installer again until I get what I need. In the mean time, I copied the FSPort files I had from an old backup, and those work fine.

Actually, the Hard Light wiki says that's not a problem anymore, since they overhauled the way pilot files work. I'll still do it, though, since using one pilot for everything would give me inflated statistics and an overflowing medal case.

Urge to exterminatus… Rising…

I don't know, that actually sounds like a pretty good deal for the people they take. Being completely taken care of and protected from all harm, and their only responsibility is to breed? I think I'd sign up. Of course, that's assuming they're being honest.

I believe they are being honest.


I wouldn't trust those big heads. Maybe they'll just put humanity in some sort of psychic matrix-like world with their xeno mind powers, then placing the blissful people in plain cells with a glass wall they can look at in their little xeno-zoos. You know, like in the pilot episode of star trek.

3rd day of gathering Precious Gems in Maiki. Tycoon rank getting close. Oh god someone free me from this torment

I feel you user. At least I finally bought an anaconda. Now to save up for the reactor that costs more than the ship itself.

Why do you want to A rate your Anaconda power plant? What do you want to do with it?

More dakka.
