Warcraft Lore

Why were the horde such marry sues in Warcraft in general. I know WoW lore is Orc circle jerk 101. But the rest of the games seem to be that way too.


Reminder that garrosh did nothing wrong. But Thrall mcGaryStu just HAD to kill him in a duel that he cheatedin.

They were fine in WC1 and 2, when they were just Warhammer orcs with the serial #'s filed off. WC3 was when they started to be what OP is talking about.

Well at the very least it's good riddance given that Garrosh cheated against Cairne too.

I always thought it was symbolism

The Horde and their territories represent third world shitholes
The Alliance and their territories represent the developed first world

who is the leader of the trolls now that vol'jin is dead?

Universe created

Titans and Old Gods and a few other deities and a handful of living creatures exist.

Titans go around creating world that will house life for … well, life to live on.

Old Gods (who were created by void lords outside of existence for the sole purpose of ending existence) proceed to go around corrupting titans creations with curse of flesh turning them from immortal stone creatures to fleshy mortals.

Sargeras is the only Titan that actually goes around killing Old Gods and their BS constantly. Eventually starts housing demons because he is curious as to why they are so unrepentantly evil.

Comes across Nathrezim homeworld. Nathrezim are (((demons))) whose only rule is to not kill another nathrezim.

Sargeras locks them up and realizes what made them so evil.

Their planet was actually a "titan soul" a primordial titan corrupted by an Old God. Should it awaken it can single handedly end existence.

Sargeras brings this to attention of the pantheon of titans. Titans respond "nah fam, s'all good".

Sargeras proceeds to annihilate everything in and on the planet leaving only a husk remaining, if you could call it that, and proceeds to form the burning legion to annihilate ==ALL== life and in the empty universe he hopes that life will somehow arise again… probably via his magic or some shit.

Titans don't like this and try to stop him.
Key word: Try.
Turns out sitting around tinkering with bullshit for makes you a lot of things; anything more than another body to a man who has annihilated worlds as his main job for his entire life, not so much.


Elemnentals are chilling on Azeroth doing their thing while some stone life forms that the Titans made also chill and do their thing. IE, making continents, plants and animals and earthquakes and shit.

5 Old Gods take one look at Azeroth, who is also a Titan Soul, and decide to corrupt it to y'know end life as per their entire reason for existing.

By the time the Titans come back to check up on their baby sibling (this is prior to Sargeras initiating his plan to Make Existence Great Again by removing Old Gods, though one of them may be good (jury is still out on Elunes true nature) interestingly enough.) the Old Gods have corrupted the Elementals and covered nearly the entire world with their taint in what is known as "The Black Empire".

Titans are shocked at how an Old God could corrupt a Titan soul when they weren't watching even though it had already happened a few times before!!!

They Annihilate almost all of them except for the OG 5. They seal these away in 5 spots on Azeroth and this time put in so many failsafes the entire planet is basically covered in layer after layer after layer of them.

Create NEW stone creatures and pretty much press the reset button but not completely.
You see, one of the Old Gods had penetrated so deeply into Azeroth that when he was pulled out it left a gushing wound.
It was healed but the blood from Azeroth congealed on her surface forming the Well of Eternity.

Now one of the first flesh creatures that naturally arose with Sapience on Azeroth were the Trolls.

Trolls have numerous sub races but of note were the Dark Trolls.

These Dark Trolls set up camp by the WoE and over millenia evolved into the Night Elves.

From Night Elves came Highborne who were basically NE but really really high on magic.

Like… theres a reason they are called Meth Elves.


Something evolves into Tauren roughly around the same time as the Night Elves… they exist now.
As do Furbolgs because fantasy.


Highbourne eventually give birth to some bitch called Queen Azshara who is a 10/10 but uses magic to make herself a 12/10 because she IS that egotistical.

Highbourne = Ubermensch

Night Elves = Untermensch.

Unter-er, NE are pretty chill with this because everything is perfect and everybody is living it up.

Queen Azzy though… she wants more.

SUDDENLY Sargeras, attracted by the WoE, which is essentially a big fucking neon sign saying "life here" to the Burning Legion, contacts one of her advisors named Xavius.

Xavius introduces Sargeras to Azshara because he was promised power.

Azhshara agrees to let him enter their world and they begin the summoning.

Meanwhile Cenarius god of trees an' shit is training Furion, oh im sorry MALfurion and his brother Illidan (a cuck who did nothing wrong).

Illidan isn't cut out for it and leaves to go work for ravencrest, a nice highbourne and become a sorcerer. This has the added benefit of not hearing the woman he loves, Tyrande, getting rump ravaged every night by his brother.

Demons invade.

Entire empire is destroyed.

approaching ravencrest manor.

Illidan sacrifices the lives of his underlings to absorb their magic because 100 level 4 mages can't fight back thousands of level 12 demons because all they got is fireballs but a level 16 wizard/ lvl 5 druid whose min-maxed sure as shit can.

He does.

He is ostracized for doing what was needed and sacrificing his feelings and hardening his heart to do what had to be done.

He runs off to join the legion as a double agent and to gain their power because their arcane shit cannot beat fel shit.

Sargeras burns out his eyes to give him fel sight.

Illidan has prestiged into Demon Hunter.


time shenanigans ensue.

and a relaly powerful mage and a dragon named Krasus finds themselves in the past.

Krasus resists the urge to bang his Queen as he is his consort just not "her" consort as he is her consort in this time but this isn't "his" queen and he decides not too because he doesn't know if that would mean he made himself a cuck by cucking himself.

(BACKSTORY, Titans created flesh creatures known as Dragons. gave 5 of them, each the head of their respectively color coded dragonflight, super powers rivaling deities and in many cases surpassing them.)

( also at this point all Titans have been nixxed btw)

One of these leaders known as Neltharion known for being wise has ironically enough been driven into insanity and proceeds to foolishly listen to the voices telling him to build a "dragon soul". To do this he needs his 4 dragon rangers to contribute some of their power.

He gets them to agree under the pretext of him being wise and also it'll help to fight the demons.

It does.

It also is the key to release the Old Gods as they were the whispers fucking with his head.
He corrupts his entire flight (except not really as there seems to be one good one popping up every so often when Blizz wants a special snowflake)

Now then the dragon, the wizard Rhonin who shares a mutual bromance with aforementioned dragon, and an Orc (who was also sent back in the past) named Broxxigar all team up with the elves to fight the legion.

All seems lost when suddenly Neltharion shows up and one shots nearly all of Sargeras' invasion force.

The Old Gods try to get him to release them but he resists NOT because he doesn't believe them or whatever he just really likes the shiny thing in his claw-hands.

Broxxigar, with an axe enchanted with the might of Cenarius himself decides to heroically charge thorugh the demon portal and hold them off.

Sargeras himself shows up because he is causing such trouble.

Brox is satnding atop of a MOUNTAIN of corpses.

Sargeras goes to kill him.

Broxxigar cuts his foot. Sargeras shocked and slightly miffed crushes the annoying green thing as the rest of his army that was destroyed reforms in the twisting nether (where all demons go when they die and gradually reform).

Sargeras is coming through the portal but it cuts off at the right time because of Malfurion, illidan and Rhonin being badass and it destroys his physical form sending HIM to the twiting nether in the process.
Premanently (as of now at least.)

People form future go back to future.

Neltharion sunders the world by destroying the WoE

Illidan tries to create another WoE but fails.

Neltharion is sealed in the earth where the Old Gods proceed to reprimand him and admonish him.

The world is SUNDERED.

The super continent (fantasy pangaea) is now Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms (called somethign else at this time).

most highbourne die and sink into the sea with the WoE which rests at the bottom of what is now The Maelstrom.

N'zoth, one of the Old Gods corrupts Azshara and her highbourne into becoming the Naga.

MEANWHILE this whole time

the Old Gods creations the Vyrkul have been corrupted with the curse of flesh because of some of the watchers overseeing the Titans Failsafes were corrupted and let Yogg sothoth out of his cage.

Vyrkul gradually become more and more deformed and smaller and weaker.

The king orders all of these filthy untermensch to be purged.

Some parents dont do so and take their children to what is now Eastern Kingdoms and they become known as Humans.

As a result of this the curse of flesh spreads to the dwarves and then to the gnomes who also become fleshy.

They form a rudimentary alliance since they are basically just different sizes of the same thing and they feel a kinship.

Up at the top though some highbourne create a Sunwell, partially because they didn't learn their lesson and partially because THEY WILL LITERALLY ==DIE== without it.

Over the next 10k years they evolve into the High Elves.
who look like pointy eared, slightly taller, humans.

over the next 10k years Illidan (who did nothing wrong) is locked up in the Wardens jail cell for killing his fellow mages, trying to create another WoE (ok so one thing wrong), and also killing some innocents to keep up apearances while working with the legion.

He gets cucked for 10k years as a reward!
All while Maiev presumably plays recorded audio (via magic) of Tyrande screaming in pleasure while Malfurion fucks her.

Well… when Malfurion isn't napping at least.

Play Warcraft 3 for what comes next in this storyline
tl'dr though Illidan unleashes the fury of 10 thousand years (of getting cucked)
and Arthas (up until he went to Northrend) did nothing wrong Make Stratholme Great Again!


Archimonde (Archy), Kil Jaedan (Kil J) and Velen (The ProVet!) are chilling and leading the Eredar.

Super powerful with magic and generally having a great time what with the world peace and all.

Suddenly Sargeras sends them a message: unlimited power and aliens worshipping you as Gods in exchange for eternal servitude and joining his crusade.

Kil J and Archy are down but ProVet is hesitant and wants time to think.

Kil J is irritated but is sure his V man will come around.

Archy doesnt care at all. Already masturbating to the thought of UNILIMITED POWAH!

Velen has a dream that night of his wife dying along with being told his child dies.
He also sees his people mutated into evil beings as a result of the deal.

the next day he is distressed and prays to a crystal who reveals it is a primordial being known as the Naaru and reveals it sent him that dream.

Velen goes and tells his friends.

Kil J doesn't mind and Archy is already shaking Sargeras' metaphorical hand so to speak. whilst jerking off with his other at the power he's about to get.

Velen runs and gathers other eredar who dont want to be evil and they escape in the crystal which is actually a spaceship.

Kil J is REALLY ass-blasted over what he percieves a betrayal and kills Velens wife before he can rescue him and says he kill his son but actually trains Velens son to be a good BUrning Legion Soldier so that 13k years later he can laugh at his old friends tears

They rename themselves as dreanei, which IRC means Exile in Eredar (which becomes the de facto language of the Burning Legion)./

They crashland on a planet coincidentally called Draenor.

It is the home of the Orcs.

Orcs are shamans and like weed.

Dreanei are shamans and like crystals.

They decide to not fuck with the other and just chill.

Except for the Orcs who have a really long-standing tradition of killing each other because "war solves everything, except when it doesnt but whatever problem arises because war didn't solve said issue will itself be solved by war until war DOES solve the problem"

Dreanei are somewhat bewildered by this logic but since the Orcs don't include THEM in their BS they let them be and worship their crystals and shit.

Velen is made aware that a giant rock the Orcs worship is actually a dormant Naaru which is absorbing souls to heal itself, the souls themselves though go onto paradise.

Velen goes onto tell the Orcs of this and how it connects them.

Drek'thar takes it as an insult because he thinks V man is calling his ancestors souls week.

Nah, Allyniggers are Communist trash.

So theirs this orc called Ner'Zhul who is respected by all the orc clans.

All clans hate each other but love Zhul because… because.

he has an apprentice named Gul'Dan.

Zhul is tricked by kil jeaden who assumes the image of the elemental spirits and his ancestor spirits and tell him to purge the Dreanei because… weeds better then crystals i guess.

Zhul the good little lemming he is doesnt bother to question it and proceeds to unit the clan into The Horde (first but NOT the last) who proceed to begin purging the space ruskies (dreanei)

Zhul comes back expecting praise but actually finds the REAL spirits callling him a monster. He attempts to redeem himself BUT Gul Dan who was listening and doesnt care goes to tattle to kil j by attempting to communicate with K man.

K man answers.

K man approves.

K man reveals himself to Zhul and Zhul like a lemming goes along with it anyways.

Dreanei escape again. Kil J is made again and leaves the Orcs to their fate for now.

Meanwhile the Orcs proceed to ravage the land because they have nothing left to war with.

Ner Zhul failed to capture Velen and Kil J is pissed.

In a last ditch effort Zhul opens up dark portal after dark portal ripping Dreanor apart till it becomes Outland.

he goes through one of them and kil j rips him apart but leaves him alive because kil j is that powerful. Eventually traps him in a suit of armor where he becomes known as The Lich King.

Gul Dan is now leading the horde.

He and Kil Jeaden begin the invasion of Azeroth.

This is fucking retarded.
I am embarrassed that I ever play Warcraft as a kid and WoW (Vanilla/BC) as a teen.
fuck the horde, fuck the alliance.

Undead Affliction Warlock for life.

WARCRAFT ONE backround.

Humans create the Council of Tirisfal. a bunch of powerful mages that go around killing big monsters.

Unfortunately big monsters are sometimes to big. They decide to channel all their energy into one person known as The Gaurdian.
Eventually one comes named Aegwynne. Shes super powerful even before becoming the gaurdian.

She becomes aware of the burning legion when Sargeras attempts to open a portal via some random scrubs in what would become the Broken Isles.

She goes and stops it but it takes all of her power to do so and falls unconscious.

All according to Keikakku to Sarge though who proceeds to "implant his soul" into her so he can possess a child that she has later on.
If she didn't have a kid who knows what would have happened.


Either way the kids born and when he becomes of age and he is given the gaurdian power a la inheritance it brings Sargeras out to the forefront who proceeds to construct a Dark Portal in Azeroth and summon the Orcs to Azeroth with the aid of Gul Dan on the other side.

Canonically speaking Orcs win Warcraft 1 and ransack Stromgarde.

Medivh gets killed but comes back in Warcraft 3 because of reasons which i do not know.

Also a half dreanei/ half orc named garona Half-orcen proceeds to assassinate the high king of stromgarde (later retconned to being called stormwind) because she was under control of the Shadow Council.

(Medivh when he comes back to life for a short time has a kid with her because they fell in love with each other, likely due to them both having the whole "mind control" thing to bond over" this creates Medan a 1/3 orc, 1/3 dreanei, 1/3 human who is a warlock, a shaman, a paladin, a mage, and also a rogue)

WARCRAFT 2 happens.

Orcs are driven back to the dark portal
a band of humans which includes Alleria Windrunner, Uther and Turalyon invade Outland and fuck shit up

Uther sent back and portals closed from that side.
BTW this is around the same time Ner Zhul fucks up and fails catching Velen.

Apperenlty right as vel left the alliance showed up.

they corner ner zhul whose been opening up portal after portal as mentioned prior.

Ner zhul is beaten and in a last ditch effort jumps through a portal and is caught by kil j

portal collapses stranding Zhul with the Kil.
Remaining Orcs stranded on Azeroth.

Orcs enslaved save for a scant few in the arathi highlands.

Stormwind is liberated.

Variann Wrynn is crowned king on his recaptured throne which was stolen from him when his father was assassinated by an orc who the king had trusted and had his homeland ravaged by dirty dumb orc scum.

Proceeds to enjoy beating the shit out of orcs.

Events of Warcraft 3 happen and im not covering that.


wait until they add in alternate timelines with warlords of draenor.

TL'DR you go back in time to kill the Iron Horde led by Garrosh who has united nearly all the orcs under his banner.

Archimonde sends that timelines gul dan to our timeline to start another invasion.

Because our gul dan got killed by Sargeras for attempting to usurp him and steal his power.

Because our gul dan is a retard but this gul dan learns from our gul dans mistakes.



TL'DR No demon can truly die unless you kill them in all possible unverses

im going to sleep.

ill continue when i wake up with warcraft 3

Shit, there's a bunch of armor pieces that when worn together looks very similar to that in Dragon's Dogma.

Thanks bro, good read. Ill check it out when I get up as well.

Here is something I noticed in Karazhan.

The tower is apparently a link between other planets. All the planets that are linked to the tower are now legion worlds so them wanting to take the tower as a communication hub/transportation hub makes a sense as they explained.

Right before you fight the last boss, you are in the study and if you go up to the second floor, there is a planetarium kind of thing up there. The first planet you see is Azeroth and there are a bunch of others as well. However, next to Azeroth's model is another planet, the only other one where you can see its geography. It has the exact same geography as Azeroth as well. The only difference between the two is the second one has snakey and foreboding clouds over it.

Is there any lore hinting at a second Azeroth or that the titans made more than just one planet sized titan?

what a victim complex

u still sleeping?

Reminder that Malygos is continuously being proven right, even after his death.


The thing with Ner'zhul and the portals happens during the warcraft 2 expansion, not before warcraft 1.

No he didn't, at least not knowingly. He was unaware that Magatha poisoned his weapon.

The planets are already there, it is just that some are baby titans.
What the titans do is shape the world so that the emerging titan will be on their side.
There are probably unknown titans wandering around that never managed to make contact with the ones in the lore, and there may be some untouched baby titans.

I'm back different computer though

If anybody is still interested I can go over Warcraft 3.

ill monitor this thread and if anybody posts in it wanting Warcraft 3 lore and Warcraft 3 backround lore that takes place in between W2 and W3 then ill go over it.

This is canon WoW nonsense?

yes. it is


omg. I fucked up the embed. just kill me

let me do it the right way

plain text boxes aren't html. they're plain text boxes
when you see html elements in posts on the forums you obviously go to, they're are just hacky embedded html

obligatory "go back to your forum, shiteater"

nigga do you not see the proper embed vid I did below.

I know how to embed.
My brain went full retard for a moment.

if I don't punish you for every minor mistake, this isn't an image board and you aren't learning

lol fair enough

You know I thought I was past caring what WoW did. After all it was doing shit after War3 so I could just play the RTS games and forget that nonsense. This basically exists to say "LOL SCREW YOUR THE ORIGINAL LORE YOUR GUL'DAN SUCKS OURS IS BETTER KEK LOOK AT ME I'M THE ONE IN CHARGE NOW!!"


Didn't mean to sage. Have an ampharos.

Because Orcs are a parallel to niggers, and niggers dindu nuffin' in liberal's eyes

Orcs are shit, pure shit, there's a reason they never made up the majority of the player population on the faction they're supposedly the leaders of. Only fit for those with a truly foul self-image, or literal niggers. Thrall learned how to be civilized from a human which he later betrayed and killed lol
Humans might have managed to become good again but Blizz had to keep forcefully cucking them to make their obvious superiority less offensive for their fragile fanbase. Most of the eastern kingdoms would be reclaimed by now with very little effort if the setting made any kind of sense and the writers didn't have to pander to both sides.
High Elves would still be good except muh corruption meme striking hard. Used to be daredevil dragonhawk knights, rangers and archmages yet somehow failed to immediately go and purge the forsaken upon learning of their necromantic existence. Degenerates
Night Elves would be interesting if Blizzard ever paid attention to their own worldbuilding, instead they started being generic fantasy elves and irrelevant the second WC3 was over. Maiev is my wife
Dwarves are just pg13 friendly warhammer dwarves, most direct copy paste between the two franchises that exists. But these ones aren't even racist for fuck's sake. Should be using gnomes to fuel the fires in their huge forges while they make weapons for the actual fighters, humans.
Gnomes can take their quirky bulbous crystalline magitech shit aesthetic and get it the fuck out of fantasy artwork forever, jesus christ, such a cancerous influence for being an entire race of tiny retards

Other races don't matter/only there to bait sales from furfags because no one else cares anymore. Anything I missed?

besides Dreanei being space ruskies escaping communism nah that's pretty much it.

oh and furry bait- er, worgen and (((goblins)))

You are spot on.