How can I get that feeling back?

Holla Forums as I have grown older, the adventurous and beautiful feeling that comes with playing video games simply isn't there anymore.
I don't know why. Even when I am playing my favorite games from childhood, it always comes down to me playing it for the sake of finishing and basically only getting a kick out of min-maxing.
That beautiful feeling of swinging a sword, or doing magic, or fighting in a war. All of it being amazing just isn't there anymore and I am so sad because of that.
Games for me have basically become tests of reflexes, time management, and min-maxing.
I feel like a fucking business manager when I play. The only thing really gets to me now is a nice art style and well designed characters. Story can be nice if it is paced fast and written by someone who isn't a fucking liberal retard.

How can I go back?

Play EDF

1) Stop playing games for a while
2) Play something outside your comfort zone. I suggest a game not made in US (assuming you play mostly US made vidya).

That's only because you listened to bad memes and haven't played fallout 4.

I just want the sense of exploration and adventure back.

Last time I got it was either Metro: Last Light on Ranger Hardcore or Dark Souls.

It is a bad era for immersive worlds. Everything feels hollow and pumped full of liberal vomit.

It's because there is no sense of danger in video games. You can always just drop it and do something else.

You are a man, you need to overcome difficult odds to stay interested. Consider MMA/Boxing and start getting into competitive sparring.

Alternatively you could decide to get into hunting which will cover both the danger and exploration aspects that don't do it for you in vidya anymore.

Vidya is only a simulation meant to stimulate what you're really meant to be doing. The simulation melts away after awhile and all you see are the gameplay mechanics.

Doing the real thing requires more finesse and that's what you were designed for. Shooting a real gun is nothing like vidya.

If you haven't already, play Terraria. I don't know exactly what it does but it somehow manages to evoke that sort of feeling of adventure and childlike wonder. Your imagination tends to take over and what happens in the game feels like more than what's just going on on-screen.
I thought I was just weird and autistic about this but I see lots of art like pic related for the game, and you don't see this kind of art very often for most games. I think it is because it inspires people and to them it does feel as epic for lack of a better word as images like this make it seem.




For me, it's because I have a job and shit so I can no longer fully forget about the shittiness of real life, I am always worrying about it.

But I can still enjoy vidya on weekends.

Todd pls go.

I had ear protection on and that shit was still loud as fuck. I was expecting mild pop noises, but even 9mm is like a fucking cannon going off.

I forgot to mention all the hot women at gun ranges. Holy shit they show up in droves.

Outdoor like .40 and below is reasonable without earpro.

Never going to fire the .303 or garbage rod without at least earplugs. I fancy my hearing too much.

Play freeware games.

Vidya [and entertainment in general] is a supplement to real life motivation. It can make you feel great if you have something to live for, but if you have no reason to wake up in the morning, it's not just gonna fill that hole.
The alternative is that your real life activity is stressing you out too much, in which case you just need to relax. watch some moeblob anime and decompress, you'll be relaxed and in the mood for something more stimulating

Trust me, I've been on both ends before. I had to figure all this shit out myself, the least I can do is give the knowledge to someone else.

Well, fuck me

Reported for posting racist imagery. :)

But user, life IS meaningless.

Last time I got that feeling was Dark Souls


I cant wait for Dragon Warrior builders to come in the mail. That game is comfy as fuck it gave me that care free experience where I was playing just to play. Went back to Dragon Warrior the other day. Loved the aesthetic, music and its brilliant puzzles for an old NES game but that Grind is unbelievable. I don't even remember it being that bad back in the day, but its worse then bad. I also have started to actually enjoy Senran Kagura just for the comfy factor. Story in video games (aside form a nessisary game play mechanic in RPG's) was a mistake. "Story" that doesn't play the role of being a puzzle mechanic is usually what breaks my sprite.
oh and based on that pepe, quit playing "Souls" games. Quit for a long long time. They stop being fun if you forced yourself to keep playing. In fact they have stopped being fun along time ago and it always kills the fun when you are forcing yourself to enjoy a game just because you fooled yourself into thinking its something you still love long after it worn out its welcome

I had this earlier for a year at least. It comes back naturally there's no way to force it. The only reason I enjoy playing games again is because I started blowing off my priorities and not giving a fuck anymore.

Nothing will ever be the same. Time only moves forward, and at a constant rate. Time changes all things. Be it for better or for worse, that is for you to perceive and decide.
First, you have to let go.
One thing I like to do when I feel stuck, is go to a place overlooking the city, and say to myself, "but look at all this dope shit!"
Also, addiction, tolerance, etc. Just take a break.

Play drunk.

This will be the third time we have had this thread in a week.

There is no going back. That adventurous feeling is just the beginning. I don't even feel ANYTHING anymore. Nothing makes me happy, nothing makes me angry, nothing makes me sad, I don't feel lonely, I don't even feel like killing myself. I can hardly eat food because there is no taste. Nothing gets better, and everything gets worse. I don't feel alive, I'm starting to lose grip on the very sense of "self". I have a deep suspicion that this is what they call "growing up", and can only assume everybody else is more or less the same. We're all dead men with no souls, dancing the dance of "society" every day.

Y'all need to do some drugs

The worst thing, the absolutely worst thing, is that even though DaS3 is miles better than 2 was in almost every way, I can't have any fucking fun playing it more than once for one reason:
DaS3 has literally no worthwhile character build variety, everything feels the same and everything feels like shit. As this is the one thing DaS2 did really well, I have no idea how those gooks fucked it up this hard in 3, but it really ruined it for me.

Also, to add, when you're tired of vidya in general, you just need to watch something that requires no input (I normally shift between a week of vidya and a week of weebshit, seems to keep me at least mildly excited for each).

I wished a long time ago I was an agent of a rad anarchist gang. We would have secret bases scattered through the city, steal and hack top secret shit, then haggle our plunder to underground black markets.
When the cops come we'd fire our homemade weapons and make a getaway on high speed motorcycles or grapple hooks. Afterwards we'd play arcade games, eat pizza, and sleep in an abandoned movie theater watching old movies.

I dunno, now that I am old enough to actualize my childhood fantasies, I still feel like I'm unable or too busy to do those things on my own.

but that is the exact opposite advice form and honestly a75006 is right. When you use games as a drug to escape reality it stops being an effective drug. Not giving a fuck is honestly not an option.

DkS3 is great in my opinion, but I can't even bring myself to play Demon's Souls anymore. Speaking from personal experience, when you have been religiously playing these games for 6 going on 7 years its time to take a break and the "lore" will never top Dark Souls 1 because how do you beat entropy/antinatalism/Chaos/Nihilism vs Theocracy/Order/Prosperity/Hierarchy as a theme. Its like the most red pilled vs blue pilled video game ever. Anyone who unironically trust Dark Seeker Kaith and thinks the dark ending is "Good" is not a trustworthy friend IRL… they probably vote Hillary too. Only game more red pilled is Dragon Warrior One

You got baited losers. Trolled hard.

this thread generated some interesting discussion though.

I live out in the middle of nowhere so I just take long walks out in the country.

Just because the OP fucked off doesn't mean we can't have an interesting thread among ourselves.
This isn't reddit, threads aren't made for all the posters to suck OP dick.


The industry needs a major shakeup

Look at these losers in denial. Got trolled so fucking hard. ????

honestly, weed
there really is no other way

Even more crying from people in denial about getting trolled hard.

DUDE WEED LMAO makes me fucking terrible at vidya, and makes me not want to do anything but listen to music and sleep.
Booze, on the other hand, makes me have much more fun in any vidya in which I can rely on muscle memory (especially shooters), and as such I normally drink a bottle of hard liquor and some beer or sake every week.

Filtered and reported

I think you're a shill sent here to end all discussion of superior games that pose a threat to the company that you represent.

well get better weed breh
booze is good too, but much less healthy for you

I'm sure I'll get bored with it eventually but the extreme max level fights seem to do it for me. I forgot how much fun a game can be when it actually punishes you for being a shit player.

Stop masturbating. You blew out your Risk Reward system in your brain so Games don't entertain you anymore. Alternatively. start working out to level out your brain's feel good chemicals.

Where do you live? I'll call an ambulance so you can get to the burn ward.

Imagine being this in denial about being trolled

No, I mean the most basic effect of all weed on me is an inability to think clearly or care about what's happening.
Meanwhile the effect of alcohol has on me is that I overthink things less, and thus actually think clearly and make decisions faster (until the break point where I get the spins, then I have a smoke and go to bed).

Hahaha get owned loser

play splatoon

Why not ask him to buy a Saturn so he can play Lunar.

Honestly, it's about on par with the N64 as far as the exclusives go and it has more exclusives than both the PS4 and XBONE.

Why don't you just play indie games?

So no gaems system?

I do

Nothing wrong with a small collection of games. W101, Mayo 2, Star Fox, Dong Freeze, Mario, and my used copy of Xenoblade X were all worth my time. Still plan on getting a few more games for the console before the Switch comes out.

I find that getting some freinds, IRL or internet buddies, to play with can be helpful. Just so long as you have someone to bullshit with about the game, you can get some laughs going and make games fun again. alternatively drinking helps as well, letting you loosen up and try shit youd normally not be in the mood to do.


NEET's btfo again.

Try not playing video games for a while. Maybe during that while, you can find something else neat to do. Thing is, if you spend too much time doing something, it becomes repetitive and job-like; therefore, causing you to treat it like a business manager.
See, repetition is what kills fun. If you're trying to have fun too often, it becomes a job to have fun. That's no good. It doesn't help that games today have predictable stories and shallow gameplay. You've got options though: find a game you wouldn't dream of playing and give it a try use your head, pick up a different hobby for a while so you can offload your fun-having from vidyo, or stay here with us forever.


Not an argument m80. :^)

Well that makes two of us.

nice blogpost


is not an argument, and brings up a retard point that I dismissed.
This is not what you were implying

polite sage

This. Fuck out of your comfort zone and take a break.

I bought SimplePlanes on a whim after being angrily bored. It looked fun and well made and was completely the kind of game I never play. Its silly physics and style cheered me right up. I made the first SP thread this week, with great success

Anyways try something new. I also picked up a book on mineralogy and kind of want to head off to my local hiking hill to collect some rock samples. I bought a polished hunk of hematite (iron ore) for $5 and the idea of making a gemstone or ore collection interests me

You can't user. Go hiking innawoods and have irl adventures. If it doesn't make you feel any better, wait for a bear to come and maul you.

Pls nintendo fan. Leave the bias at the door.


I replayed the shit out of all metros, originals and reduxes, I squeezed 100% of their content.

I wish they'd develop more. Its atmosphere is really something unique.

I have to admit even though I don't own a Wii there where some comfy exclusives. Bayonetta 2 was worth the entry fee. I'm a bit jelly of the nintoddlers tbh fam.

Funny, I only managed to enjoy anything even marginally when i stopped giving a fuck entirely. Not giving a fuck is freedom.

Are you honestly telling me that grabbing the wii audience and their sudden love for amiibo kikery is a good thing? Holy fuck, you are a nintendrone through and through.

t. former nintendo fan

no user, you are only saying that now but not giving a fuck is death. Death is not freedom.

You fucked up before the race even started boy.

Only good replies in this thread. The problem is, video games at their core are all the same, and you're tired of doing the same thing over and over again, years on end. Try becoming a dev and making the game that you thought games would have evolved into by this point but didn't. I'm talking about VR, btw. You know, the culmination of all of the things your vidya abstracts away, like actually going to amazing places, actually swinging that sword, actually being terrified by an enemy, actually eventually slaying that enemy (and actually slaying that princess pussy, too)

I dont know if you were here during the Testfire, but Splatoon gave a lot of anons that feeling again, myself included.

You've been a fag all thread, give it a rest.

Holy shit, man.
If I ever make a horror game, I'm gonna sample this video.

Oh I read everything I just didn't have anything to say.


Have you played Pathologic? Does it make you feel like a business manager too?

Weed. Lots and lots of weed.


Oh dont be such a roman and live a little.

Suck on some grassy jew, only to fall further than you were before.

But living for me is going out and doing shit or writing.
Weed gives me no benefits for either of those.
Physical activities cover stress much better anyway.

See a head shrink. That's what you have is worrying. Anhedonia and depersonalization episodes. Google the meanings of these terms and check if they fit. And of "schizoid personality disorder". This type of people doesn't recognize when they are depressed. They notice the symptoms, but they don't register that as a bad feeling, It's no feeling at all for them instead.

*That what you have

Don't wait till you will have derealization as well.

Well OP, I heard an enhanced version of Skyrim just appeared recently. I played like 300 hours and I couldn't stop, I was just so immersed in that game. Give it a try.

As someone already pointed out: the risk-reward system in your head is fucked up. You play vidya because you can't find anything else to do.
I.E. you come home from a 10 hour shift, have to cook tomorrow's meal, have to take care of your shit and you have time for, maybe, 1 "thing" to do, you're not going to stress yourself even further right? I mean, you earned that right to some time with your waifus, anything else can wait until tomorrow.

That's the wrong kind of thinking.

Join a gym. Can't afford it? Take up running. Live in the wrong side of the tracks? Join the YMCA or drop down an give me twenty on the floor of your home. Thyroids turned you into a shapeless blob? Learn a third-fourth-fifth language, even if by the end of the year you're only able to greet someone and flip them off you'll find that the time spent on that activity is worth far more than you think. Can't into studying? Red Cross and Food Kitchens take all kinds. Can't into people? Join a book of the month club or, as the thread suggested, anything that will take you outside of your confort zone. In the end it's all about forcing yourself to do shit that will marginally improve your life.

I remember back in the day I was into wow, raided religiously with people I grew to hate but couldn't break out of the cycle because, what else was there? Turns out leaving them behind was the best decision I ever made. I even heard the fuckers were hyped for Legion…boy, did I dodge a bullet there.

Was there too user. Thing is, too much of a good thing becomes bad. i.e. playing your favorite games only.
Hell, do what I did. Play games you walked past in rental stores or play games you never heard of.
I just recently played Disaster Report and Raw Danger recently on my ps2. Never heard of these games before and love the shit out of them. Little blemishes here and there but actual survival with no gunplay or killing but trying to survive an earthquake or flood is great. All that wonderful item management.

Here is what is debatable though. Eather buying the game from ebay/small shop or emulator. Personally under buying camp because the idea of acquiring something through ones own work, instead of free, ya tend to appreciate your assets more. Doesn't mean I haven't made bad purchases though, Fuck you Data Squad.

you need the mindset of a kid. kids can be picky but theyre not as likely to scrutinize every detail and let one thing completely ruin the game for them. imageboards are masters of not having fun.

You can't. That adventurous feeling was literally because it was something new and your brain was less developed so things feel grander to you.

I was doing this for a while but developed a habit. Just remember everything in moderation.

The feeling died when I started developing videogames. I keep just staring at every single little detail in the game and break them into three columns:

1) Cool things I should probably incorporate in my projects

2) Mistakes that this game did that I should avoid like the plague

3) Interesting concepts that I've legitimately never ever have seen before and would love to explore

The last time I've added shit to the third column was when I played Thaumcraft, which is a fucking mod for autism blocks.

The researching mechanic made me feel wonder and feeling of adventure, like I was a real wizowd.

you're in for a treat man. I played it on vita and absolutely loved that game despite it having shitty fps on vita

I don't have unrealistic expectations or anything. I just feel jaded after all these years for some reason. It's not like I take breaks or anything either I just feel like stuff needs more depth even though it's less of a problem with the game and more with me.

It's gotten so bad for me that I've been making up headcannons/fanfiction for games I've played that I found interesting in my own mind before I go to bed each night because no game has really met my insane standards for escapism that I need. Believe me I read solid novels all the time (often more than 4 at a time) I just feel like there's something I'm not getting out of them. It's become a real problem…

I realize it's autistic but I'm to drunk to give a shit. I actually have an established, made up lore for Zelda: Twilight Princess that I've been working on since this September. Every night I go to bed, I work on it more and more. I establish character traits, push narratives and even polish dialog between characters in specific scenes between and during actual gameplay bits in the game. Every time there's something left out or left blank enough to be misinterpreted I fill in a gap and refurbish the games story to make more sense or seem more engaging than it actually is. Like what was Midna like prior to her Imp Transformation?

Ask me anything up to Death Mountain in the game. I can probably explain a plot point that wasn't explained well enough or didn't satisfy you well enough that I made up. Honestly as autistic as it is I feel like I'm really on to something here. I've gotten to LotGH tier in terms of politics in the Twilight Realm prior to the events that have lead up to the actual game. And I've even put an established timeline on characters you only meet a few times in the game. The worst part about all this is none of it's written down. It's all in my head.

Jesus Christ somebody put me out of my misery I can't go on like this for much longer

peanus weanus of course


We'll monetize your autism by turning you into the Vaati of zelda games.


Smoke a good sativa

I'm the most jaded guy I know, and after a good get-up-and-go strain like Strawberry Tahoe, you cannot get me to not spend countless hours getting hugely invested into my character and the surrounding in-game universe

Chronic depression. Feeling nothing is pretty useful, at times. You can keep a clear head when everyone else can't cope. I'll admit, I still feel anger, and that's all that gives me motivation to do something other than sleep.

The advice given was good; separate yourself from games. The human mind thrives on perceived differences. If you always play games, it becomes your mental "typical day". The problem is, having the will to do something else with your time. Doesn't work for me, though. My typical shutdown response to any suggestions or internally-generated ideas is "this will only cost me money, and my job is killing me enough as it is".

Play Dragon's Dogma

Play Ace Combat, Take to the skies user.

Congratulations. You're finally growing up!

Turn off any sort of distraction (smartphone, social media bullshit, IMs, email notification)
¨Put on headphones
Play Rez
Don't stop until you get the pink butterfly ending.

Fuck achievments.
Fuck 100 percentng
and fuck save files even.

Completely drop any intention of saving the game and continueing later.

Play skyrim and Oblivion like their Daggerfall!
Use as many time resets on Majora's mask as you want. just don't put the controller down until your ready to clear all your data.

Accept that everything has an end, including that feeling.

Just kill yourself.

Shooting a gun in kind of boring. I only do it to stay good at my job.

You could always just kill yourself. Really! No matter the outcome, you win.

A) There is an afterlife
While you wouldn't be you in the traditional sense, as everything from your favorite smells and tastes to your personality is merely electro-chemical signals in your brain, you're a fucking GHOST, nigger, and you may even have access to racial memories. Fly around and explore the galaxy and shit as a blob of energy. Ever wonder what ayylmaos are like? You'll be able to find out!

B) You are immediately reincarnated… as yourself
The existence of Deja Vu could be evidence of this one. You've got a set course in life that can have small variations (Berenstain/stein), and you have lived this same life forever, possibly hundreds or thousands of times, and when you reach the end and die, you immediately reset and start over to experience the same things again. Just think, you'll get to experience all of those amazing "first times" in vidya over and over again forever and ever!

C) There is no afterlife or reincarnation, you're just rotting meat
At first, this may appear to be the scariest possibility, but I'll explain why it isn't. Sometimes you may lie awake in bed late at night and try to comprehend what being dead would be like with a complete cessation of consciousness. Obviously our brains have never experienced that, so the natural reaction is to get this cold, creeping feeling in your gut. That's fear, and that is what has driven men to worship a sky daddy in one form or another for thousands of years. But it doesn't have to be scary. Imagine no worries, no pain, no hunger, no itching, no fatigue, no physical or mental discomfort of any kind. That actually sounds pretty nice, right? Everyone who has ever lived, and will ever live has died or will die. Just a sweet cessation of consciousness, like flicking a light switch.

Think about it, user. It might be the best thing you ever do.

fun platformer with a great soundtrack and pretty good gameplay that challenges
no time limit and is as comfy as Harvest moon but you can get monsters to water your crops for you and there are dungeons where you can grow one season of crops
same but major arc ends after 2 years

but really user I hardly play games that aren't in some way productive, like japanese or russian versions of Influent, I hope to one day watch anime without subs and talk shit with the slavs in vidia

also I learned some tech stuff and wrote some guides for them that I posted on >>>/poltech/ and that was pretty fucking satisfying and made me feel like when I was young and had to figure out how to get dos games and ISOs to run on windows XP for the first time, that's another way to get that feeling back, learn and achieve in real life

also I second this for decent advice

it's all in your head