What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Took out unarmed, which was half the fun of the first.
Playing as a 4-headed, 8-armed man.
Something went wrong?
No idea since I've still not gotten around to it. I suppose part of Grimrock's charm was the simplicity and that could easily be ruined.
Nothing, really. It's fucking great. Flawed, but great. Maybe you would like to start saying things that "went wrong", OP?
It was probably a lot like the first lame entry
What went wrong?
I tried to like it but it gave me fucking terrible motion sickness and the puzzles made no sense
The overworld areas didn't add anything except more walking.
The reworked skill system feels even more restrictive than the first game's.
also this. Taking a rogue and turning him into a monk was great.
The bait was too weak.
Nobody played it.
real time blobber with grid is fundamentally broken design
This is the true answer
I think it was here when something went wrong
firearms being bad
Also no coverage from casual gaming press which means grimrock 3 never
I seriously hope you fucks don't bump this
I came here to post this. What a waste.
Balance was a lot worse and puzzles tend to be a bit too hard. I think they added too many hidden puzzle mechanics where grimrock 1 based pretty much everything on a switch, pressure plate, or item alcove in some way. Fewer hidden switches but they were more hidden.
The world design was pretty good though. I liked the size and layout. I'd say 2 was the better game but they're closer then they should be.
They is nothing wrong with it. Its a great game.