Other urls found in this thread:
He just realized that the truly scariest thing in the world is the reality that we live in. Nothing needs to change because we are living in a horror show.
Fuck off.
Just go for a walk.
You need to take action in your life.
It wasn't profound. Are you bots?
You sure are edgy, are you 12?
hi reddit , bye reddit
I lost it
Will do a Carol for Christmas
I'll try to get an IRL friend to do the instrumentals
Also we can get someone to recreate it if we had a screenshot
Good job Mark
Good fucking job you cunt
Fuck you.
Don't listen to these naysayers Mark, I still love you (no homo).
I couldn't expect better from you Mark.
kill yourself
You too, fat fucking kike.
How about instead of pretending you celebrate christmas you give us your jew gold.
holy fuck faggot kill yourself.
That's one way to fuck up.
Of course, why would i expect a minimum of proficiency from a hotpocket
from my recollection it was a dark theme with 4 skeletons anime girls like this ,one in every corner , dancing seductively. and it may or may not have had some appropriate music playing
You guys wanna see something really scary?
Reminder that /skele/ is still up, you lazy cunt.
You also could've asked me to make one again, I hate your faggot ass but I'd do it for Holla Forums.
also had this
or was it this one. i remember both
Amber's a better board theme tbh familia.
Oh fugg, I forgot that you helped us out last year. I'll apply it now
of course you'd forget something like that
you also forgot that the initial version broke things and nobody liked it
It's not letting me save the CSS. Fucking hell.
Sorry user
Try it again you shithead.
I keep trying and it just goes blank.
It's really fucking broken
It's been broken for ages now
It just takes a while. Keep trying.
I asked for a fix on sudo a thousand times, no responses
Dunno maybe you can pull some strings and get it fixed for good
That's a good idea. We need some powerful Jewish influence to get CM to fix his shit.
Looks like we have to do Halloween ourselves. Post spooky.
GosT - Reign in hell (Dance with the dead remix
What song/artist is this?
Watch your back, anons.
artist is Gost. Has been my favourite synth artist recently
That ain't scary!
>tfw i actually applied for jannie for this guy
genesee avenue is his best also, secret arcana was dogshit
The user who made it recovered it. Problem is that I can't apply it
thx Jim boy
kinda miss the talking potato tbh
We all do.
Why do some of us find our supportive structure scary?
You think there's some alien out there that has a human skull mounted on his desk with a description of humans being insane war mongering creatures with the capacity to weaponize anything?
(Time to bust out the skelefolder)
I think it's because people tend to find parts of the human body scary, for example, people would be scared too if they only saw organs, or any part of the body alone. The fact they are scared of us too is because they just find us spooky.
Would be more surprised if not.
We were the skeletons all along.
No wonder your parents hate you and think you're a fuckup
hard to argue with those digits
This is pretty avant-garde. Couldn't expect better from /mu/
great job, you kike.
I love you Mark
im scared
Well, I see it.
Is this fucked up for anyone else? I can't click on some post numbers.
It's working for me.
What is happening? I can't see shit
Can we all watch a spooky movie together?
Am I the only one this is happening to?
Dancing skellingtons, but no spooky music? Step it up!
Pic related
Have you tried killing it and raising it from the grave again?
I get issues with closing images because of the floating skulls .
spooky family
Particularly spooky
This is getting a bit too spooky for me. Any good horror games to soothe my mind?
You're right, it looks like the skulls have a ton of empty space around them that can't be clicked through.
This is shit. Oh well, back to yotsuba b.
Thanks, OP. Your bellyaching saved Christmas Spookmas
Also, thanks /skele/
Mark can you move the floating skulls to a less disruptive location? See:
Someone stream Army of Darkness please. It's the definitive skeleton movie.
/skele/ was just a test board for last year's spooky CSS.
stop using botnet browser fag
Problem is the skulls are blocking the drop down menu for posts and the button for closing webms
You mean Democrats?
We are not getting political in this spooky, scary thread
Post more skellies
Get the spooky music on!
Pic related is really scary, if you understand what it means.
I think that that punk-saxofonist on the metro tunnel, mp4/webm/YT-link (with the 4chord insanity+sick leg moves), could be the theme music.
Shit what time zone is mark in? He slept in all morning. What was he doing last night?
you had no right to open them in the first place
He was worrying about which amazon order he would have to cancel to pay the bills after he gave away a $110 dollar cash prize for a get
It was an issue last year as well, but Mark lost whatever fixes were applied that time.
Mandatory for today
Because we know he'll never cancel those overwatch microtransactions.
Why are you still the head hotpocket?
Agitated skeleton music
Because he won the eating contest
Have said it before and I'll say it again. Women were a mistake.
Hilarious, but what does that have to do with skeletons?
It's from the PDF posted.
he ate the competition
You make it very hard to like you, Mark.
Trigger Warning: Post contains skeleton
That's kinda hot
when that meme was born, i though it was about the ride was so long that the passangers died from starvation and became skeletons
I'm kind of tempted to post creepypastas I've had lying around for years on my computer, but none of them seem particularly interesting now.
anyone has any good ones? seems fitting considering it's Halloween.
Something similar happened to my cat as in- the kittens inside her had died but for some reason she wasn't giving birth until they started coming out decomposed. And when I say decomposed, I mean full corpse smell, skin coming off and organs falling out. There were like 5 of them and I had to bury them all. This is why it's not wise to use those cheap hormonal injections on female cats to keep them from going into heat. The good news is that she became completely sterile after this, so we didn't need to pay big money to get her fixed.
Thanks mark.
youre still a kike with shit taste on vidya who should ve gassed
jesus fucking christ
As long as they are not vidya related, those are just boring.
Because I am
y-you too
Yeah, something like that happened too with a stray cat at my parents' back when I was a kid. We knew she was pregnant and we hadn't seen her for a few days, so my dad tried to look for her despite her not being ours. She had gone behind our house to give birth but didn't manage to. The kittens were still inside of her, crawling with maggots, but she was still alive. My dad took her to a shelter and in the end I never knew if they managed to save her.
Finally the spooky theme kicked in
She might have survived, if the shelter workers took her to a vet instead of putting her down like most shelters supposedly do to sick/gravely injured animals. My cat survived with very minimal vet involvement in the form of a single shot of antibiotics. Cats have pretty fucking amazing recovery abilities.And they are rather spooky
polite sage for not videogames (not that it matters in this thread), I just figured creepy shit would fit in the spirit of the holiday.
Unfortunately, all the creepypasta I have is not as good as I remember it being.
Cats are designed to be very nimble even if they lose a limb, and Animals in general don't give a fuck and tough out injuries just fine. However this doesn't mean they have a good tolerance for Vet care and many Human saving surgeries are more or less a useless placebo effect or so temporary it isn't even worth the effort to try. Plus the hard limit of the number of surgeries you can do on animals is very small for each area.
fuck it, I'll post some anyway.
I'll excuse myself by saging i guess.
fuck me why does it spoiler shit.
I don't remember this story at all, but I briefly read through the first part and it seemed entertaining enough.
I love those darkweb greentexts, any more?
unfortunately no, my creepy folder is tiny and I was kinda hoping to get others to dump their stuff.
here are some I didn't bother checking yet, no guarantee on the quality.
I don't know if you found it or not, but i need this CSS for my board. Gimmie gimmie.
Jesus Christ this is spooky.
a spook bunker sounds fun, how would we execute it though?
beyond just posting skellies and creepies in the thread i mean.
also i realized i didn't post the rest of so here they are
How does that work?
that shivered me timbers
It's true
I'll finish my mini dump on a more positive note, I'm kind of bummed out no one joined me, it's been ages since i've read fresh stories (if there are any)
Good taste
Good spooky moobies