Post the last three games you played
Those are all pretty good choices.
Don't go medieval on my asshole if you can help it
Is SOMA any good? Heard it was on par with A Machine for Pigs because the developers insisted on "MUH NARRATIVE" over good horror elements.
That looks fairly based
As for myself - pls no bully for Minecraft. I know it's autistic, but I play it in the background while watching Vietnamese Bambo Engravure shows. Which may or may not make the entire matter worse.
+FTL, Ys Origin
+Rabi Ribi, Spelunky
It is not as scary as Amnesia, but it is very P H I L O S O P H I C A L, if that's your thing.
All good apart from zenith which is a shitty rpg with Reddit tier humor and free domain music made using unity assets
Literal fucking cancer.
I'm sorry user
I'm so very sorry
>picked up an authentic N64 at my local game store for about 60 bux and now playing BK for the first time N64 emulators are shit + it feels nice to be playing on the real deal
Haven't had much time to play anything serious lately. The last game I beat was Deus Ex about 3 months ago.
+Minecraft is okay for being autistic
+Postal 2
But first you must identify the games by their best girls.
I'm not a faggot so I don't know
Fuck graphics, I want fun.
You posted on the wright board, newfag
Its okay, user, I forgive you.
Do you like to hurt yourself?
Probably GGAC+R, verdun, and GG Xrd -SIGN- in order from most to least recent
I'm probably going to refund verdun even if I like the gameplay, 20 bucks is too steep for a multi-only game with netcode this fucking terrible
What's wrong with FFTA2? It's a pretty cool, relaxing game.
1. Because I enjoy the multiplayer.
2. Beaten about 6 times, currently on my first hard mode play.
3. First time playing, about halfway through disc 1.
I found recently that the guys who made gotta protectors are the same that made SoR 2.
They even released some design documents on their blog.
Arma 3
Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Playing them because I've never played them before. Everyone goes on about how great they are, except maybe Pathologic, but I do hear praise from other people, and I might as well give it a go.
That being said, System Shock 2 is really annoying me with the constant enemy spawns, to the point where I can barely use menus before I get mugged. Is it like this for the entire game?
Also, E.Y.E. is fun, but also suffers from the constant spawns, and the enemies just die in 1 hit, then drop 20 bullets for your weapon of choice. Translation is jarring but manageable.
I'm not very good at any of the 3, as I stopped playing vidya hardcore for some time. Haven't touched an FPS or Adventure game in months, just enjoying my simple 3DS games.
that chick from the witcher
who cares
dungeon keeper 2
Pokemon Showdown
i'm a poorfag, and i don't like weebtrash
Good taste
Aria a best. EB and FF6 are the most overrated SNES RPGs in existence
I've heard the current devs are major scumbags, something with taking revenue from people who originally worked on the PC version.
No doubt. One of the collectables you can find are floppy dicks with SJW indie games in them like Gone Home and Nuclear Throne on them while a character talks about how they are so fucking awesome. The irony of the game taking place in a police state where the main villain burns books and hate sex and nudity and censors everything is somehow lost on them.
Left 4 Dead 2
Payday 2
it's practically western at this point
naw, both E.Y.E and SS2 are shit-tier and you would do well to move on from both.