Anyone have any tips :^) on resisting the temptation of basically just cheating?
Internet Help
it's not cheating if you spend more than 10 min in the same place
This. If you simply can't figure out where the fuck to go there's no shame in looking it up. At that point it's just frustration due to bad game/map design.
total carnage true pleasuredome ending
>"It's not my fault I can't get through this one part, so it must be the game's."
Depending on the game, you may just be incredibly arrogant.
I bet you loved La-Mulana
that depends
Fuck off OP.
How about you fuck off back to elementary school, illiterate scum.
That's some strange logic you've got there, user. Are you one of those, "if she's got a feminine penis then it's not gay" people?
the older the game, the more likely i have to look something up
a lot of times, the game's logic and rules aren't clearly defined, especially in older CRPGs where you have to do strange shit to solve a puzzle or use an odd item in a strange way (bonus points if the game is full of "flavor" items that don't actually do anything (EXTRA bonus points if you have severely limited inventory space))
one thousand solutions may come to mind (gee, why can't i just cast invisibility and walk past the guard?), but you have to pinpoint the exact solution the developer was thinking of (making a cat hair mustache with duct tape and gluing it onto my face to make a disguise? even though the guy i'm trying to impersonate doesn't have a mustache?)
whether or not you're justified in looking up a solution unfortunately depends on whether the puzzle is well-designed or poorly-designed
this is why i don't look up guides anymore
I try to avoid help a lot, but the ground rules is at least I give it a real good go before caving in. That or the game frustrates me too much for waiting.
Why would you care if it's cheating in a single player game, OP? You aren't an achievement whore, are you?
It can't be gay if she's a she
Where is YOUR sage then?
No, but I am a completionist.
Why would I do that :^)
games are about the experience more than the challenge if it's a choice between quitting and cheating cheat every time
Watching Gopher play STALKER was a genuinely illuminating experience. This is a man that made mods for TES and the new Fallout games, that played them extensively, yet he was too retarded to figure out carry weight and encumberement and had to have it pointed out to him, despite the games he plays most featuring such a mechanic.
Then you get to see him being completely clueless about navigating the environment, figuring out what he must do, fighting, etc. I mean, anything and everything he kept fucking up, and I sat there in wonder, trying to figure out why, because there is nothing in STALKER that is in any shape or form alien to someone that played FO3 or NV. People just seem to be retarded.
That being said, everyone is susceptible to brain farts. I know I've had several instances of getting stuck in games over stupid shit, and after looking it up becoming apparent what a fucking moron I was.
I do my first run through vanilla and with no help. After that I let myself look stuff up. I don't recall ever getting properly stuck in a game in over a decade, but when I was a kid I would go to bed obsessing about how to get past the blockage and would often dream the solution.
Are you saying you can tell the difference between a normal penis and a feminine penis by how the semen smells?
wouldn't you agree that if you simply learned to git gud then you wouldn't have to cheat?