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Gothic Thread
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New Camp best Camp
Swamp Bros were alright
The pirates were the best in G2
Old Camp so that later you can join the New Camp
All of them were shit in Gothic1.
Which is great, after all you are in mining colony run by prisoners nothing is supposed to work.
In Gothic2 all of choices were decent but I would go with Fire Mages.
Saying to people they should just do something without you doing any favour to them is great.
I wish more RPGs would allow you to be some kind of noble that can just order plebs around.
>you will never join them because they look cooler then the other factions, but rather cos that's what would make sense for you in that situation aka good roleplaying
I love G1 so much
It's so good
PB pls never give up and make something like this again
What went wrong after G2?
Got overambitious and the result speaks for itself. It'a shame their new sci-fi post apoc fantasy RPG looks mediocre.
I had their concept designer do a lecture at my uni.
He designs monsters with little to no thought. He just draws them "until they look cool". He doesn't give a shit if the design is practical, or if it would ever work in real life. He literally just draws some fantasy creates until they look cool.
I really hate this.
also Templars is best faction
They've been trying for years, with little success. The main selling point of every game they release is always "It's going to be like those good ol Gothic days!" but it never is.
Maybe they should forget about it, then?
Gothic was something unique, chemical, that can't be replicated.
Maybe they fail because they try too hard to make another Gothic, which could be impossible.
Maybe they should just let it go, start from scratch and just make a great game again.
I know for a fact that they can, I enjoyed Risen 3.
It wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't a complete failure, it did lots of things right, like character building.
More like not trying hard enough.
Risen 3 has really shitty combat and they have been streamlining their games since Risen 2.
I really hope Elex is good.
Is there any hope tho?
Working for Water Mages while being officially a Fire Mage was even better. All the perks of your choice with flipping the bird to your superiors as an ever available option.
Everytime you get a game and you see a "JoWood" sticker on it, you can bet it's shit.
I have several diferent games that bear The Mark and they're all fucking shit.
Consider The Guild. As good as it was, it was also deeply fucked. Now there's Guild 3 coming out, no JoWood this time around. If they deliver a good game, my theory is proven: Jowood turn everything they touch into shit.
They also wanted to compete with TES: Oblivion. One guy at their company said "This game is gonna be the Eastern European Oblivion!" and they fucking failed because they didn't have the numbers or the time to pull it off.
I'm not sure if I follow your shitposting.
As a German, I'm offended.
But you're right, tho, JoWood had a nasty habit of fucking over their devs. Literally every game they did between around 2004 until they went belly-up was rushed since they had to cut every corner they could since they were living from paycheck to paycheck at that point.
It was actually Gothic that killed them. After Gothic underperformed because it was a rushed, buggy mess with some major flaws, they actually booted off PB and handed the license to Spellbound. The result was Arcania, which was even worse and dealt the final blow to JoWood. If I'm not totally wrong, the license should be back in PBs hands by now.
They'll make Gothic 4 eventually, r-right, guys?
Nigger I'm not sure what mental illness you suffer or what shithole you leaked from but shitting on objectively good games won't make you fit in any easier
True, but those came out before JoWood was in its death throes.
>They'll make Gothic 4 eventually, r-right, guys?
Trust me, you don't want the current Pirahna Bytes touching the Gothic franchise.
You know, they could actually make Gothic 4 if they focused. Think about it. The first one didn't have an XBOX HUEG map. It was actually pretty small. But packed with stuff, characters and interesting places.
The second game had a bigger map, sure, but I think they went overboard with 3 where the map kinda looks like it wants to rival Oblivion.
Of course, if you don't have 200 guys working on your game, that map is gonna be a fucking wasteland.
I'm looking at my collection. Besides the The Guild (1 and 2) and Gothic, I can see a couple more games that really, REALLY made me mad.
The worst might be spaceforce captains.
Fucking turd of a game. I got it for 3€ and I still feel ripped off.
It's basically a reskin of Heroes of Might & Magic but in space. Except they fucked up pretty much everything. No diferent factions, only 5 or 6 diferent units. Abilities have no descriptions, or the same descriptions. The economy goes tits up because nothing has any rhyme nor reason.
And the story is pretty much a cutscene, then some text boxes that pop everynow and then. They're not even connected to the initial cutscene. It's like the guy writing the story got shot after the intro and replaced. And then the replacement got shot after a paragraph and the whole company decided it's tradition and went through 20 diferent writers.
That was one game that really impressed me. How much one company can take a solid concept for a game and still fuck it up.
I said Jowood fucked things up.
Fun as fuck and yet it's riddled with bugs. The second one being worse. Not only it was rushed, they were also forced to abandon it, and a lone programmer was left behind to work some comunity patches with the fans.
Same deal. Great idea, good game, poor execution. Again, the whole thing reeks of "talented people told to work and make a game with a shoestring budget in less than a month"
I take it you haven't heard of the cut content?
Or the missing voice Actors?
I take it you haven't seen the unfinished areas that were binned because they had to ship it before they were done?
And like said, these games were made before Jowood was desperatly clinging to life. They had their share of problems, but they were still a lot of fun And I replay them several times every year.
But Gothic did something to JoWood man. I have the games on my bookcase to prove it.
A little advice: don't put words on another user's mouth. It's not only rude, it doesn't really help you make your point.
I don't know. As far as I know they're still mostly the same people. Granted, I haven't played any PB games since Risen (which was pretty good), but I haven't really heard anything bad about Risen 2 and 3.
Fuck you and fuck your damage control. What you said is right up there black on teal.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you guys just replay the same games you already beat over and over?
Sometimes. I like to try new things Currently trying Clockwork Empires but every now and then I get a binge to replay some old gem.
Games like G1 are very solid games. They did amazing things back then and are good even today. Everytime I pick it up, I always have a blast and very few games can garantee you that.
It's kinda like Deus Ex Go ahead and re-install it. The new one's are… kinda fun. But then you go back to DE and have fun like it's the first time playing it.
It's not a "hurr, old games are better, new games suck". I've found plenty of good games nowadays that I like and replay a lot too. But these sort of games, these solid mastworks that stay fresh, engaging and fun, they're rare user. And most of all: subjective. For some folks, it's Doom for instance. It will always be THE BEST for them. I'm not into Doom, for me it's either Rise of Nations or SMAC for instance. Or Supaplex
I supose you have one game that your remember fondly and replay every now and then. Everyone does.
Last (you) you're gonna get out of me. There's a motherfucking world of difference between calling out jowood as the kikes they are and this shit you're pulling, muh damage control only makes it worse. You don't even have the balls to stand behind your post.
Ib4 triggered; you bet your ass I'm triggered when some duplicitous little shit decides to stroke his fedora over some of my favorite vidya.
Go fuck yourself.
Man, someone must have pissed on your cereals this morning.
I'm not even sure what you're doing.
Are you defending Jowood?
Are you claiming they did good games?
Are you just shitposting?
Are you ad hominem and anonymous poster?
Two of the games you posted (The Guild, Spellforce) weren't even published/made by Jowood. It was Runic Games salvaging a lot of their IP's.
I think you're getting awfully mad here for some reason, and I really can't tell why.
House Telvanni tbh.
I think he's trying to say it was weird that you said the games were out and out shit, yet later went on to say they were actually pretty good. He kind of has a point, he's just acting like a major league autist about it. From my perspective, you just exaggerated your disgust like pretty much every poster on this fucking board and he took it personally.
user, I'm not talking in german or moon so that there's a need for a translator. And I'm fairly certain this is just bait but you can't let some shit slide or Holla Forums Holla Forums already won.
Look man, he didn't like the games as much as you and I did. You gotta learn to let this shit go or this board is gonna shorten your lifespan
Well, if you don't exagerate your digust people assume you're a shill so… damned if i do, damned if I don't?
I kinda am disapointed in Spellforce and The Guild though. Those games do have a ton of cool shit, but you can see a lot of minor tiny things that make you wonder "why didn't you put just a little bit of effort here?".
If you play a game were you keep constantly thinking about this, you end up wondering where the effort went.
Of course though, those games only made me think that half-dozen times.
I remember playing Skyrim when it came out and thinking that every 3 minutes. To further expand what I said about replaying old games, it's precisely because of this too. The effort devs took in certain areas of the game.
Most of the effort today is spent on:
Problem is, these things are nice to LOOK at, but not fun to play with. Especially because they're not things you interact with. They're just kinda there. To enchance something. And if there's nothing, well…
You could see the other areas being worked on in older titles:
Sometimes a dev will think "How do I make this game tell a good story". That usually ends up being a good game. Bad devs start with "How can I turn this story into a game". That nearly always ends up into Gone Home shitfest.
Dude, I go on Holla Forums
You just pulled that shit out of nowhere. Nothing I even said relates to libshits or the collective cancer that is Holla Forums
You can't possibly tell me The Guild couldn't have been better. You can't possibly believe that Arx Fatalys doesn't need the missing content.
Even your most beloved game has flaws. And understanding that, aceepting those flaws just like how you accept what it did right are the best way to enjoy games.
Stop putting shit on a pedestal and trying to stake people who so much as get near your beloved games.
Fire mage → Water Mage → Necromancer
Plus a crossbow as a last resort weapon.
Why are germans bad at literally every game they play?
How is gaming culture in germany anyways?
New Camp >>> Old Camp >>>>>>>>>> swampfags
magic is for fags. 1h mustard race
Do you also hate teleportation runes?
Also, my webm can't be uploaded for some reason, so have a link instead:
Why settle for sword when you can have SWORD
I've been wanting to give this game a try but never got the chance.
Does it run on Ugh… Windows 10 ?
Teleportation runes are okay
But I can already kill them with a left>right by the time you unlock 6th circle magic.
It's already easy as-is if you git gud with the melee combat. Hell, in G2 (NoTR) I can full clear the orcs around the castle in chapter 2 without sleeping or using consumables. Mages sure as fuck can't do that.
Because 1Hs attack faster for a very small loss in damage per hit compared to 2Hs, resulting in a higher DPS, and since almost every enemy by late-game will die in the same amount of hits between both 1H and 2H, 1H is obviously better in every way.
If swings could cleave multiple enemies like they do in Risen, 2H would be on par with 1H, but as it stands it's just a wholly inferior option.
the one in the pic
I don't know man, I just find wearing robes and casting flashy spells so much cooler. But kudos to you man, I wish there was a way to play online multiplayer.
I'd pay 60 dollarydoos for that.
I finished Risen. It was okay-ish. Now I want to play Risen 2, but even the upgraded GoG version is still so badly optimized it hurts. I'd have to beat the system before I can beat the game itself.
Risen 2 isn't even worth a playthrough. They broke the combat so fucking badly with melee having these gross, stilted animations that just feel like shit compared to Risen.
Go play Gothic 3 with the fan patch instead.
I'm pretty sure that they will only make Gothic 4 if they can be sure to have the ressources needed to make it like a proper Gothic 3.
Basically they need a huge hit beforehand and with all the Risen parts, they have been way too conservative, possibly still out of fear that the game will suffer the fate Gothic 3.
This is very evident when you look at how modular Risen 2 and 3 are. You can easily cut out some parts and still have an intact game
Done with Gothic 3 as well. I liked it for the most part, going inside houses was really comfy. All the nice wooden furniture, beds made with hay etc. They fucked up the character models however, everybody looks like some half-orc.
Man i fucking loved gothic 3, i was a retarded kid when i played it but it was perfect in every way but the combat system.
I don't know how in all the playtesting they had nobody looked at that shit and went "hmm, maybe a 2 second animation when you get hit where you're vulnerable to get hit again and turboraped by 3 wolfs in the endgame shouldnt be a thing."
If they just removed that animation everything woulda been fine.
This game is non-stop glitches, I swear.