On a scale from barely not dead to so dead it fossilized how dead Spiral Knights is?
Spiral Knights
more dead than ultima onlines=
So dead I didn't even remember it until now. That game was so fucking boring and grindy I could barely play it for an hour.
It was nice they removed the pay to play aspect of the elevators and do some stuff, but then they added some kind of spirit familiars and I got bored of it. Good aesthetic, could have passed as a Bomberman clone if it wanted to.
Gremlins are fucking hot.
Three Rings and everyone else who worked on that game needs to be gassed.
Except the composers.
If I had a disgusted reaction image I'd post it. Female knights are cuter.
I'm pretty sure I remember reading all the original devs left years ago because they kept getting forced to work on shitty DLC.
So you're saying it was SEGA's fault?
That actually makes a ton of sense.
*Sega of america
This is important.
how can one country ruin such an easy industry
I believe so. My memory is hazy but I played one of the very first public alpha builds. There were maybe 50 people on the server (which lagged the fuck out of it) and there was very little content, but at the time there were no hints of the energy bullshit they ended up pulling upon release.
I was excited when the game finally did release but then promptly had my heart broken because of the awful system they added.
It's so dead that I didn't just forget that it existed, I was starting to wonder if it ever actually existed in the first place.
What do you mean ruin? Western games were always garbage, nothing changed.
Jap games are as glorious as they always were too.
It constantly pops up on steam, this is why I asked about it.
There is such a thing as too much ass
Thanks, but no thanks.
Says you
I got a new halloween mask this year!
Anyone want to party up?
each to his own, i guess…?
This game could be so much fun as a single player diablo clone with co-op option.
I actually had fun with this game back in 2011, until I realized there was absolutely nothing to do after FSC except for some stupidly-unbalanced PVP and grinding for redundant or trivial gear. And then, despite the lack of content, OOO, SEGA, or whoever thought it was a brilliant idea to add more grind and palette-swap costumes instead of, you know, more fucking content. This could have been a fun little casual Zelda-like hack 'n slash MMO but either the developer's, or publisher's, or perhaps both's greed ruined everything. Now it's only populated by furfags and underaged spics.
This game is like one of the poster children of the evils of F2P gaming - make a game that's got a good core but leave it only as a minimally viable product in order to chump furries and small children out of their autism bucks or their mom's credit cards.
and that's how it went for me, seriously. Same goes for that crapfest DFO
It's so dead that you could be charged with necrophilia for fucking around in it.
I was happy to play this with Holla Forums back in the Summer of 2013 when they took down the elevator energy requirement but overall, the game got grindier, there's no new content being added, I just don't get how anyone could keep playing it.
I thought Sega of America were based. I get this impression from the positive role they played in the success of the Sega Genesis and the Dreamcast, unlike Sega of Japan who I believe actually hindered the success of these consoles purely due to the fact that the Americans were not Japanese and so it hurt the SoJ's CEO's pride to see them more successful than himself or something.
Sega of America are responsible for Spiral Knights' death? What did they do and what are their stated reasons for doing what they did?
This raises a question for me: Why is this game still running?
Grey Havens, a group of former OOO staff, are trying to keep their games alive including SK. They already made some small updates like the guild chessboard and some gold crown casino (more gambling lol), along with bugfixes and all that. Maybe they'll add more meaningful content sometime, but I don't hope much for that yet.
I fucking loved this game at release.
I liked the game structure better in the beginning, and there were a lot of patches later that made the clockworks easier, which I didn't like.
The only thing I regret most was that there was no way to ease up on the elevator costs without completely ruining the progression.
Like, if I bought crystal energy, it would be better used to trade for gold and just buy the end-game gear, rather than to pay for elevator costs and save up my own to progress through the tiers of hear naturally.
I did manage to save up enough gold on my own to trade for a little bit of crystal energy, though. I could use that to cover crafting and elevator costs. I played the whole game without paying.
Then they added that bomberman pvp, and it was fucking awesome, and the crafting item you could win from it sold for a shitload on the auction house.
That was the best iteration of bomberman I ever played. But it got killed by them adding the control-points pvp.
I had a ton of fun since I just liked delving down on my own or with a friend and the runs made more money than I spent on the elevator cost so I had more than enough to practically play forever for free.
So dead it hasn't had an update in probably 2 years now.
Which sucks because I really want a singleplayer version of SP, or at least a game with the same composer and world.
Oh christ Lockdown sucked massive dick. Unbalanced up the ass and the netcode was probably one of the worse I've ever seen.
It's dead Jim. Not even the "Pay-2-Not-Wait" patch back in 2013 saved it.
I actually had fun in Lockdown until they introduced heart pendants. Sure it wasn't balanced anyways, but at least the speedy furries with pointy sticks were rather squishy until then. Then to make things even worse, they made UV rerolls safer, meaning you could stack 3 BiS UV's far more easily if you had the money for it AND the fucking rocket hammer.
I really enjoyed the gameplay and challenge it posed, the art style, the atmosphere of it all.. but I fucking hated the grinding. The idea that I'd need to run the same dungeon a few dozen times (assuming it was lined up right on that day) to get a few rat asses to build a slightly better helmet which would take all my money and 48 real fucking hours, or longer, to build before I could equip it and use it to get a little deeper to get more legendary rat asses to build better armor and weapons.
Nigga all of that was millions of years ago.
Currently Sega of japan is one of the best video game publishers and developers.
SOA are just bunch of asshats.
That game was one of the most fucking effective at draining my wallet for microtansactions. Then they doubled the prices of everything and i finally quit.
"Dead online games that are still running" thread?
I'm seeing a pattern here, all these games have very good aesthetics and character design.
Yeah, but Blacklight turned into a shitty console port when it was originally on PC.
And really gud gameplay that eventually got fucked up with grinding.
Fuck this world
It's been dead for so long that it became oil and got scooped up by goatfucking, exploding desert semites.
Here's hoping they bring back the crafting system pre orb/crystal bullshit. I have failed the 70% forge too many times, and the right kind of orb NEVER FUCKING DROPS. They also need to bring back the old interface while they're at it. The updated inventory icons/health bars have no soul. And the "spark of life" system sucks too.
But don''t you like PRIZE BOXES?
They won't bring back the splash sarong ones, fuck them
Ah that was a lot of fun. Shame it is probably dead now
Old OOO employees made their own company, bought the IP back, and are now keeping it on life support. I don't expect them to do anything new, this is probably just the equivalent of putting one of their old IPs in a nursing home while they work on their newer and more lucrative products.
This is why we can't have nice things.
If anyone wants to play sometime, look for Sosoni-Kyrie.
The orbs were a necessity since 3*+ gear required more energy than the one you can get from mist and having to be dependent on CE to progress was a very fucking retarded idea, but they do really need to be more common in higher tiers. Or just merge all orbs into a single one and rise the number of them required to craft higher star pieces while also considerably increasing their drop rate.Same goes for crystals, or just remove them entirely as you said. At least I got a fuckton of 5* orbs from FSC before the droprate was nerfed lol
Agreed. It feels awful and it's a clusterfuck in a low resolution. And wtf is with the portrayal? They could have putted the weapon wheel in there, DMC4 style. The old one looked really clean and the 3 tone icons were pretty nice too and there was plenty of room to put the battlesprite skill icons, although they could use some more detail on said icons since it can become easy to lose which is which. Something like the Half-life weapon icons would do nicely.
The sparks of life themselves are good, it's the fact you can't revive allies with your own health that sucks dicks. The life support recharge every floor also casualized even more the game. At very least they should only recharge at the terminals.
If you aren't getting alchemy orbs, you need to start playing on elite. They're really common on that.
I wish it was dead.
Fucking hate it. Wasted so many hours grinding useless shit with penalties so high I may as well have been trying to illegally mine real life resources in somebody's mine.
why does the hub theme have to be so comfy? it's like and ex-gf you absolutely hate, but she's too fucking hot
If Neople's relaunched DFO didn't have that awful fatigue system make a comeback, and had a stable launch, the game would have been a hit. The Koreans have their own superior server, let them have that. The rest of the world isn't going to kill themselves playing DFO 25 hours a day. It didn't help that the first month of the relaunch was so unstable.
I guess it's supposed to squeeze money out of players buying stamina potions, but that's incredibly scummy on top of the avatar system and the way weapon upgrading worked in DFO. I could have lived with one or two terrible evils, but not much more. It's too bad, but has the right of it. MMO beat-em-up with a wide variety of classes that branch even further but the worst money grubbing system around.
Music, character design, and art direction were top tier for this game. Is SoA hadn't ruined the potential this game had, they could have had so much more success with it.
Nigger I was playing on elite. That was my default setting for every run
The last time I played SK, I made a complete boatload of crystal energy.
when they updated the game to have orbs, i just so happened to get back into the game that same day (i had no idea there was an update). When I looked at the new stuff being sold and used for crafting, i did some quick math and i found out that i could buy a ton of X from shop vendors or something and the kiddie babby retards that were playing the game would fight for the shit in the AH for at least 150% of its base cost. This was a while back so i can't remember the specifics, all I know is that i kept buying a certain something at a certain price that EVERYONE could get at that price, and sold it on the AH for a ridiculous markup. In the span of a single night I made hundreds of thousands of CE which is all still sitting there in my wallet.
Having gotten "rich" off the blatant stupidity of faggots who can't into basic math, I know fully understand why the game nosedived into the ground, as the people behind the game were mostly concerned with jewing these same dumbasses out of their real money.
It's pure garbage. I played it during the 2011 sale for the coal thingy and now I'm stuck forever with this bullshit in my steam inventory, as a badge of shame.
Kill me now
You faggots are making me want to reinstall, just for the nostalgia.
Played it for a little while but then hit a wall where I suddenly never got orbs or whatever needed to upgrade my gear so I couldn't level up or go deeper into the dungeons. Basically meant I was stuck grinding the same few levels over and over again for days until I finally got the orbs. When I did upgrade, I got access to maybe 5 more floors before the next wall. The enemy variety didn't change enough from level to level to bother continuing so I quit.
Comfy as fuck though. Also beating one of the bosses and then realizing there was another floor after I'd burnt through all of my recovery shit and was on fuck all health less was pretty rad especially because it was an entire floor for a loot room.
Also why the fuck isn't there more clang of the female knights?
stop having such shit taste
Shit game, dead as a door nail, but comfy as fuck music.
Theres just so much to worship
You like massive ass, so you're a nigger.
You like men, so you're a faggot.
2011 saw a lot of F2Ps arrive that died the following year. The only reaon I ever played this garbage was to get that Team Fortress 2 hat. After I got it, I uninstalled that shit, and never touched it again.
You and several thousand people who did the same.
You know 2011 had a lot of trashy F2Ps that Valve for whatever reason decided to have promo items for. Maybe they did it to promote the Free to Play section on Steam, and also since TF2 went Free to Play that same year, but damn man. The games they picked were awful.
Granted it's SEGA and had potential, but after a while SEGA stopped giving a shit and everyone moved on to better things. The only people who play this trash now are autists and kids.
Holy mother of shit. This game was fucking dogshit. Filled with hackers, buggy as shit, looks like shit, runs like shit, with gameplay that's shit. Just looking at it graphically and the game is basically shit incarnate. I feel sorry for those who had to play this fuckfest for hours just to get the Bolt Action Blitzer.
This one was trying to be the poor man's Call of Duty, with some interesting new gamemodes like a payload mode where you have to escort a tank, and one player could get in the gunner seat of the on rails tank. So what happened? Hackers, bugs, and devs not giving a shit. It was basically a quick cash grab with the goal to take the money and run, and Valve fell for it. The sad truth is every TF2 player has played this trash just so they could get the Black Rose.
i only played it for the tf2 hat
what about smnc?
Have you ever seen the Twitter account for that game?
Whoever ran it just went full 14/88 out of nowhere, it was hilarious. The account ended up getting b&.
these are truly the meme ages
Every time.
I do like the game, but it's become very difficult to play due to the grind. There's no proper support any more, all they do is introduce a new cosmetic box for players to spend money on. I know I'm wasting my time, but I hope that the original devs will figure out what to do with it. Always wondered what would've been at the planet's core. What a waste of a universe…
the lead dev is long gone. His departure also marks about the time when the game stopped getting actual content updates
He's making Slime Rancher now. It looks w/e
Anybody remember when bombs were actually usable as a primary weapon branch until the devs fucked their shit up?
That's a shame. I do remember when the lead dev had left (Nick, right?), but I don't know who else is still there. I take it the entire design & aesthetic of both Spiral Knights & Slime Rancher were from him? They're nice.
Shard bombs RIP
SMNC is good. Problem is the community left a few years ago so it's impossible to find a good game.
Bow to slav vidya master race.
Spiral knights was pretty comfy for a while. Me and some pals were in a guild together; he had an uzi and a quick slasher weapon while I had a rocket launcher and a guts sword the size of 2 men. Like battle buddies we dived down floors compensating for each other's weakness until we reached deeper and deeper depths. It was a good time till they made it super grindy. To this day I still wonder what's at the very bottom…
This is the meaning of life.
Trump supporters get treated like jews in Poland when tweeting.
Like GG2?
Every time.
Not even Grey Havens is doing anything but reaching for easy dosh.
It's a cute girl, made out of energy
liar, it's just the harder boss variations area
The core was never completed so we'll never know.
the only cutegirl is the one in front of the core, valerie or whatever
It's grinding simulator. I'm a completion it's so I play to get everything, however it's so Grindr one can't play more than an hour or two. Also I don't know many play it still, but the main town always has people there. Servers can have Wonky connection at times. Like you have a fantastic connection to everywhere else yet spiral lags like fk
Going to be hilarious when he gets elected. I don't imagine banning people for supporting the actual president will go over too well.
Feels like it died a long time ago. Lots of great things (revives, the Arcade, mist energy) were gutted in favor of systems that don't even work as well.
Read the history of communism, you'll see.
I mean, at least garfield the cat stood up for his beliefs there's always that.
Garfield cart thread when?
I wish it weren't so. Honestly I feel the devs are to blame. They could have made something great and getting rid of the elevator paywall gave it the potential for being a decent f2p game. But they seemed more content with repackaging retextured armors for whales than creating actual content. Shame considering the aesthetic and soundtrack are godtier and the gameplay is alright.
I did it. I reinstalled.. It's still fun and comfy
One problem, repetitive stages
Played with my br
other until I hit the paywall, fuck that sort of design.l
After a couple hours of playing, I remembered why I stopped playing. I very quickly hit a wall where it kept badgering me to buy energy so I could upgrade my weapons.. which requires heat crystals, which you can only buy with energy.
Literally the only thing keeping this game afloat in people's memories is all the furry porn of it.