Tfw no game based on the Soda Wars story

why live

Pepsi Invaders?

Where's my heroic condiment game, nips?

ill just leave this here

Are you telling me that brotherfucker has a lore?

Kingdom of Loathing parodies it in a certain area.


Come on now

How to you fuck a liquid?

Holla Forums has sexualized walls and lines, why stop at cola?

That's not dedication. That's degeneracy.



Dedication leads to degeneracy, user.

If you can fuck jelly, you can fuck liquid.




Well, at least you're not sexualising the cola, as you are sexualising everything else.

Shut the fuck up and enjoy it.

You asked for it



It's been forever since I've seen that image posted. Thank you, user.

That's all there is and ever will be.

Now, can we please get back to the subject?

We can't. I'm noticing people don't remember/don't even know about the Soda Wars.

You're also getting shadow-saged, by the looks of it.

Fucking Jews.


Like I said a couple of times, Sprite is a lot sweeter and powerful than 7Up's taste, while 7Up feels refined and fresh.
Likewise, Coke is a fine, refreshing and "thin" drink, while Pepsi is overwhelming, sweet and "broad".
All sodas in the Coke brand are very refined, and have a feeling of majesty and freshness, like Stratocasters. But then there are Pepsi brand drinks, which are more like Les Pauls, they are powerful, fatter, rounder.

Nigger 7up isn't pepsi, 7up is the Dr pepper's shit. You're thinking of Sierra mist.

7up is Pepsi in Australia