"Trump Is a Kike Shill" Containment Thread

Let's have it out, once and for all

Okay, we know that every thread on our little Javanese butt-tattoo board eventually get shilled to shit with JIDF kikes playing both sides of the "Drumpf is a KIKE!!!" debate. They often have pics related to back them up. The purpose of this thread until it gets shoahed by some faggot with admin is to marshal the best arguments for Donald Jew Trump's sometimes-puzzling actions.

In other words: Is he now, or has he ever been, a Judean Candidate? I lean toward no, and I'll start off with reasons why I think so:
1) All the Jews were betting on Hilldawg in '16. When she lost, kikes and shabbos goyim both were on legitimate suicide watch. Globalist kikes are still there with their degenerate friends.
2) Donald Trump has used his term so far to go after traditional centers of Jewry, such as:
a. The Media
b. Hollywood
c. Foreign policy (((elites)))
d. Immigration/white genocide policy
I find it hard to believe Donald Trump, a former real estate developer in (((((((((New)))))))))(((((((((York)))))))))(((((((((City))))))))), doesn't know anything about predatory Jews and their tricks, or where to find them scheming. From this list, it seems like he's going after their haunts and shoo-shooing them away, or at least fucking with their heads.
3) He has a documented history of fucking over (((Wall St.))) with his business deals.
4) He does an awful lot of very superficially pro-Jew things, like Jerusalem, but more than a few deeply not-Jew-approved things that really matter, e.g.: not fighting Assad and Russia when he totally could have.

As for 88D Chess. . . Well, I also find it hard to believe that one man can hold a complex, multi-year false-flag operation in his own head while he's busy Presidenting. I suppose it's possible he's not redpilled on the JQ at all, in which case we're autizing over random actions by someone who's too successful to know we exist. Which genuinely hurts, like those dreams where someone you loved is alive again.

Arguments Con:

He could also be a paid-for kike shill. I guess he does a lot of (((based))) things, and God knows every other ZOG boss is a complete Jew-worshipper.


For those who try to sell the case he hasn't done enough to fight the kikes, please grow up. Power is far more subtle and attenuated than LARP in the park. The President is never going to 14/88 GtKRWN! on live TV. Even Nixon, the reddest motherfucker who ever held office, kept his Jew talk to private chats with close staff. Trump could be a raging antisemite, and he'd never tell /us/. There are 6 million really good reasons for this, and most go without saying.

So, Holla Forums. . . What's the verdict on Trump?
And please keep your Trump-shill/Trump-is-a-Jew bullshit contained here, and stop wrecking the board

Other urls found in this thread:


Kike-free zone.

The verdict is GUILTY.
The sentence is DEATH.


straight up denying them greater pissrael was all I needed tbh.


Oh it's this thread again.

His previous wives and children are Jewish. The problem is that Christianity used to be an anti-Jewish ideology. Judaism has grafted itself onto Christian ideology (see Vatican II council and the bastardization of Protestantism into a feminist religion), and now in Trump's mind and the minds of many westerners is that there is no difference between the two.

The founding fathers were anti-semites. This country is founded on anti-semitism, not "Judeo-Christian" values as Trump puts it.

You really don't understand anything do you?

Heads up guys mainly you new fgts if you get all your infomation from pol or half baked site's with out doing your own research on matters or people u may as well be watching CNN and get all your information from kike media
you may have the right answers but none of that information has been earnt or reflected on
same goes for the trump dnc bs most old fags know how they feel about trump and the shilling only affects those who have no fucking idea on whats actually going on
Fuck u and your shit thread

Nigga its an important hot button issue, it isn't destroying shit its something that needs to be discussed.

Source for the second quote? (((Wiki))) says it's fake.


The argument is that it's fake because it isn't archived at the Franklin Institute, but that claim was absent from its first major publishing (pic related). Before that, they claimed Pinkney never kept a diary, but that was proven false, although no copies have surfaced.

Shit, yeah I have some troll ones saved.

Fuck off shit-stain.

Sage for off-topic.

The problem is the mods and their bullshit. People are getting fed up of having up to 7-8 stickies of Trump and co related threads. There are just too many stickies, and many good threads get anchored. The only solution some came up with is to spam ==FIX POL== and "trump is a kike shill" because who the fuck reads /polmeta/ lol. Either the mods fix their shit and stop stickying every single fucking Trump thread, or having 7-8 stickies up for that matter. Remove the world filters because conversations turn into hardcore autism due to shit like Religion of Cuck™. They should also be more transparent or things will get worse until Holla Forumsacks just start shitting up the board due to the mods lowering the quality of the board and stifling real discussion. All the threads now are just news article where you get to say "yeah, that happenned" because what else do you get to fucking discuss on shit topics being posted. Also bring back book threads, self-improvement threads, natsoc general (for newfags) and redpill threads. Or y'know ignore all that and let the shitflinging, shilling and mass bans and deletions continue because ==YOU'VE BEEN KIKED!111===


Fug u kike mods stop dumbing down Holla Forums :DDDddDDDdddd

because it's a shill thread.

report and move on



The verdict is that you're a faggot

What was the purpose of this thread? Just like said you won't get any real shills here and due to threads dying out so quick no real arguments are going to be made. Hell If I were you I would use the mods tactics against them and make your own /trump/ board with premade threads so that you could link any shills trying to make any thread into a trump thread. If it took off it would do 1000% more good then just making a thread to complain about the issue.

He's having the buttsex with Rothschild right now, mah dude.

t. secret service

The same guys who say "LOL 4D CHESS DRUMPFCUCKS ARE THIS STUPID" think jew-funded mainstream media is playing 6000000D chess by shitting on him at every opportunity. It's the same mindset that leftists have when they say things like "the media was too easy on Trump and too hard on Hillary".
I've learned long ago if jews are kvetching, something's going well. I don't think anyone on Holla Forums really thought he was going to be the second coming of Hitler, although some may have been optimistic, but he was a way to show that running a campaign based on nationalist interests can win you votes.
Places like Holla Forums should keep on his case, though. None of this retarded /ourguy/ shit. We need to put pressure on every government apparatus to support pro-white views. Don't let them get away with fuckery.

You mean a guy suckered by bankers into a World War who will lose it after betrayals? He's looking pretty second coming of Hitler right now.

Is this your first day here or what?

campaigned on America first.

delivered an Israel first presidency.

The Dems are opening supporting Antifa, while Trump cucks himself.

If Trumpberg and his Kike handlers think a coalition of Israel loving boomers, based black men and spic "natural conservatives" are gonna give them a second term then they're in for a shock.

He's a civic nationalist at worst, literal Nazi LARPing as a civic nationalist to hide his true power level at best. I personally hope for the best.

Or the third option, he's an orange con man being used by his jewish son in law that will say anything to get elected..

You can't just drop a few "cucks" and expect to fit in. This isn't 4chan.

The non-stop attempts to make this board only say nice things about Trump no matter what is happening will be the death of this board

I eagerly await your "cucking on daca is ackctually 44d chess" spin in a few months.



Go bitch in your facebook news feed, queer.








Only the jew-funded left-wing media attacks him. The jew-funded right, like Fox, is on his side. It's no different than with Bush, and it's the inverse of Obongo.













This does feel like a repeat of Bush.

Donald Trump could end up being the most hated man in American history, despised by both the right and the left. Only given praise when the jews wheel him out to attack anyone further right than him, like they do with shabbos Bush jr.

Its like you were in a coma during the entire Republican primaries.

well I think the jews are behind it for one maybe we can agree on that

The Trump cult is insane.
Kikes need to create division, even if Trump is their guy. Every US president has been there guy, hasm't stopped some side of the kike controlled media from shitting on them. It's because if the entire US population is behind their president then he has no reason to bend the knee to the kikes. I personally don't think any president, whether it's Clinton, Obama, Bush or Trump goes into the job thinking they want to only shill for the jews. But they then see the nature of the beast and the benefits it gets them then realize they have too.

Only pretending


The onlyproblem people faceis that they need to realise a huge proportion of those they interacted with online for the past few years promoting Trump, already knew this and were lying to you,as that's what kikes do, they lie and cheat you all the time.

The solution is to destroy each and every resource pushing and promoting Trump as a legit white nationalist over the last few years, which was obvious to all but the most retarded cunt on Earth, every single alt-right representative was in on it along with the Kushner corrupted chanboards and the like

The one great thing that I think trump should have and could have done is to increase the purity standards for the white race in America, and to have stronger support of the European Right.

The EU must be destroyed: this is already a common thought here, and has much democratic sentiment among the right in America. Problem is, you have the neocons complaining about "muh russia": offering strong support for the so-called far-right in Europe in exchange for dropping it's pro-Russian stance should satisfy the neo-cons to some extent. Not only is it imperative for the white race that Europe remains safe and pure, America greatly benefits from a good source of white immigrants. Couldn't the US stage a coup in Europe to a far-right regime?

Shouldn't the US jew controlled slaves just fuck right off with their jew-controlled international interference which is the primary cause of every single Western nation being destroyed since WWII?

Americans have shown with the embarressing jew-hoax of Trumpstein that even the best of them, are braindead easily manipulated drones the jews can make do whatever the kikes want them to do.

I think that at this point, only the US can undo the terrible world that they created. How can Europeans organize a great rebellion again like in the second world war? Does the new European right have a chance without any freedom of speech, intelligence agencies compromising them, and being divided by language and ethnicity?

White Americans are a large number of whites with the same language and freedom of speech. They have the best chance.

As for being against interventionism: as much as I sympathize with traditional non-interventionism of American conservatives as the founding fathers envisioned, as American intervention as you say has truly destroyed the world (diplomacy is not a strength of the American political system, the founding fathers knew this), I think that intervention that has positive effects is OK. I don't agree with non-intervention for the sake of non-interventionism.

Yes, it's true that the world pretty much ended in 1945, and that everything since is just Jewish drama. But I don't think it's so bad to have some hope, even if it's false.

Yep, that sure doesn't look as if someone is sperging.

Here's one really simple trick to make the hasbara kike-jews on pol really angry

jews run, manage and control Holla Forums

Here you are for starters kikes:

imkampfy mask slipping

Board log

Mods supporting porn

imkampfy being a faggot again

For the archives:

Never discuss Nasa Moon Hoax

mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings

Evidence of narrative crafting


Kushner Company Bought Ads on pol

Other kikery


There's plenty more exposing this jew infested shitpit

Shilling for Tommy Robinson

Though Shalt not openly prove Le ZOG Emperor and every other movement Holla Forums shills for, is completely kiked


Still shilling for trump even after several attempts to overthrow Assad


Honestly this shit is endless

now hold on dubs guy
tits do not equal porn
a woman feeling herself does not equal porn
anything with a dick in it is porn

That's not bad porn, as you demonstrate the female form is beautiful.
Sexually explicit images is where the harm lies, the Imkampfy mods spam blacked/skat and other perverted filth whenever they want to shut down a thread.

ah yeah you're right

As beautiful as distracting.
Pornography may lie in the sexual act, but anything suggesting sexual attraction (nude female body) works as well as distraction, as it makes easier for MUH DIK to take over and actually make you watch porn.

The jews are good actors. They will help in the storm and destroy the Cabal reptilians.

Get ready, patriots.

The Jews are the reptiles you nigger

Just paraphrasing Eustace Mullins:

Not content with having a friend in the White House, J. Henry Schroder Corporation was soon embarked on further international adventures, nothing less than a plan to set up World War II. This was to be done by providing, at a crucial juncture, the financing for Adolf Hitler’s assumption of power in Germany.

People need to remember how intense the infighting is among republicans/conservatives when it comes to Trump, so I wouldn't say it's equivalent to Bush, there's a very big divide.

All of his replies are to literally one ID that's shitting up the thread. He may be a sperg but you don't need to lie either.

Yes. A collapse would suffice to save Europe.

The military industrial complex,Israel and Trump all have their on selfish reasons for what they do.
If those selfish reasons are beneficial to all 3 parties,it is the perfect triumvirate for fucking the middle east

I forgot the saudis,whats a quadumvirate?

"Trump could be a raging antisemite, and he'd never tell /us/."
Are you fucking retarded? Guy has all his kids dating and/or marrying jews and even converting to Judaism. Puts Goldman Sachs people in office. Gives speech in AIPAC. Recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. What more evidence do you people need to realise that he is a like puppet?
