Let's have it out, once and for all
Okay, we know that every thread on our little Javanese butt-tattoo board eventually get shilled to shit with JIDF kikes playing both sides of the "Drumpf is a KIKE!!!" debate. They often have pics related to back them up. The purpose of this thread until it gets shoahed by some faggot with admin is to marshal the best arguments for Donald Jew Trump's sometimes-puzzling actions.
In other words: Is he now, or has he ever been, a Judean Candidate? I lean toward no, and I'll start off with reasons why I think so:
1) All the Jews were betting on Hilldawg in '16. When she lost, kikes and shabbos goyim both were on legitimate suicide watch. Globalist kikes are still there with their degenerate friends.
2) Donald Trump has used his term so far to go after traditional centers of Jewry, such as:
a. The Media
b. Hollywood
c. Foreign policy (((elites)))
d. Immigration/white genocide policy
I find it hard to believe Donald Trump, a former real estate developer in (((((((((New)))))))))(((((((((York)))))))))(((((((((City))))))))), doesn't know anything about predatory Jews and their tricks, or where to find them scheming. From this list, it seems like he's going after their haunts and shoo-shooing them away, or at least fucking with their heads.
3) He has a documented history of fucking over (((Wall St.))) with his business deals.
4) He does an awful lot of very superficially pro-Jew things, like Jerusalem, but more than a few deeply not-Jew-approved things that really matter, e.g.: not fighting Assad and Russia when he totally could have.
As for 88D Chess. . . Well, I also find it hard to believe that one man can hold a complex, multi-year false-flag operation in his own head while he's busy Presidenting. I suppose it's possible he's not redpilled on the JQ at all, in which case we're autizing over random actions by someone who's too successful to know we exist. Which genuinely hurts, like those dreams where someone you loved is alive again.
Arguments Con:
He could also be a paid-for kike shill. I guess he does a lot of (((based))) things, and God knows every other ZOG boss is a complete Jew-worshipper.
For those who try to sell the case he hasn't done enough to fight the kikes, please grow up. Power is far more subtle and attenuated than LARP in the park. The President is never going to 14/88 GtKRWN! on live TV. Even Nixon, the reddest motherfucker who ever held office, kept his Jew talk to private chats with close staff. Trump could be a raging antisemite, and he'd never tell /us/. There are 6 million really good reasons for this, and most go without saying.
So, Holla Forums. . . What's the verdict on Trump?
And please keep your Trump-shill/Trump-is-a-Jew bullshit contained here, and stop wrecking the board