Do you think NMS will ever be fixed?
Do you think the developers will ever talk publicly about the game ever again?
Do you think they're just lounging on fat stacks of cash, laughing and watching box-sets of Mr. Robot?
Do you think NMS will ever be fixed?
Do you think the developers will ever talk publicly about the game ever again?
Do you think they're just lounging on fat stacks of cash, laughing and watching box-sets of Mr. Robot?
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't fix something so fundamentally broken, user.
Literally every part of NMS was, from the start, aping other things that were better and more successful, trying to cash in on things like 'wonder'.
It's failing for the same reason Starbound pretty much did: there's not much wonder behind the same generic randomly-generated planets with some cut-and-pasted designed assets placed here and there. It's failing because of false promises and hype that fell flat.
Didn't they quietly shut down their studio then stopped updating their official twitter?
Wow, look at all those employees hard at work.
My mind is blown.
Sony probably took more of a cut of the earnings then they did.
"Ran off to Mexico with all the cash" levels, here.
Yeah very true, but there should be features in there which they talked about before release.
Hopefully, they're working on that shit now. Or at least SOMETHING.
They apparently left their offices, but they are still responding to some press emails (very infrequently)
And they had their twitter hacked (OP pic related) and Sean responded to that with a bunch of tweets (pic related)
But no news on the game………………………
Why do they have MAGA cap
everything is fine, guys, they will make space vidya even greater now
Damn, never saw these. Where are they from?
At least they support Trump. Every cloud I guess.
It seems I'm forced to buying No Man's Sky now.
There's nothing to fix. It's a fundamentally flawed design.
It could literally say anything. There are derivatives now.
When were these taken? That looks like it'd have been right after launch day before they'd get back to work.
Good goy
I wonder if NMS can be fixed. I guess you can argue it has the skeleton of a proper game underneath it, but not much else.
They probably bailed on NMS once it became apparent there isn't anything left they could do. That or they're working on paid DLC, or a sequel.
You guys are just too entitled. There was nothing wrong with no mans sky. It was a pretty good game for an indie game, and as usual V shits on it just because they hate anything that was even remotely connected to the left.
No even Trump could make No man's sky great
someone left a MAGA hat and numales are scared to enter office because Moonman and Ben Garrison could jump them
Fixing NMS would take longer than making a new game. It's dead.
Tbh it's probably some sort of """"""""satire"""""""""" hat like "Make Donald Drumpf Again" or some bullshit
Don't forget they literally have a tranny working for them
I don't think so, I think the design is good, they just left out the things that they said would be in the game
Hopefully they're working on good stuff. But I dunno, I'm not holding my breath
I think they're still working on it, yeah it could be paid DLC I guess, that will really piss people off though
I think they're probably working on a free update, which they'll release and be like "hey guys it's all better now because we made it better! Pls still like us!"
Literally nothing to do with that
Literally everything to do with the fact that this game was $60 and didn't deliver on half the things that were promised in interviews from Sean Murray.
I don't agree, I reckon there's stuff they were working on which they had to drop to make their release date.
I reckon they're now hurriedly trying to finish that stuff as DLC, in the (probably futile) hope that it will save their fan base
And they've decided that they don't want to talk to them because of the "hate" (that is, because they're pussies)
That's my prediction. Cap this. It will happen, I guarantee you. And everyone will be disappointed because the DLC might add some slightly cool stuff but not enough.
Shit b8 to be honest with you famalamadingdong.
jesus user, i just forgot about it.
my sister wasted 60$ on that shit and I told her it would be shit. She bought it about a week AFTER launch
Holy shit, I'm buying NMS now.
Jews that are Orthodox are typically conservative and support the Right (Michael Medved, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager etc.) and often call out how bad the Jews who support the left are.
Not checked, you're post is cancer. I can't tell if you are rusing or not because this is literally how trumpkins act.
Well, you're objectively wrong:
There is nothing to salvage there. The concept doesn't exist, is a poorly thought wish turn into a game in the most lazy way possible.
are you lost?
I thought you paid shills had decided to stick to 4/pol/?
Because them crashing and burning is all part of making America great again.
I bet it's actually a "Make Space Great Again" cap.
Go back to your Godless Emperor Holla Forumsfag and suck his dick. Only the FBI can save him now.
They may as well come out and say it, I don't think even their fans can stand being taken for a ride.
If they are working on a free update, they should at least let people know they're still around instead of having their office look abandoned giving the impression that they took the money and ran. Sometimes devs should keep their mouth shut about stupid shit on social media but this is a time where they really need to communicate.
What's the bet that Sean Murray has spent the last few months undergoing significant cosmetic surgery so he can once again go out in public?
Wew all these assblasted CTR hillshills ITT.
>>>Holla Forums
He is getting surgery to become a little girl?
Lucky bastard
I'm pretty fucking sure Holla Forums isn't supporting Killary, at least not the majority. Most of them seem to be more into romanticizing the idea of soviet communism and/or saying their brand of communism was never used. Maybe Bernie supporters, but Shillary supporters are probably unlikely.
[This are all guesses, I never go there… or to regular Holla Forums… Holla Forums already comes here, so why would I go there anyway?]
I find it incredebly hard to believe that that bunch of hipsters support trump, they even have a tranny on the team. They probably stole the hat from a trump supporter and are keeping it as a trophy
They were taken this Saturday.
Nice divide and conquer Hillary shill. Go back to posting on plebbit nigger.
Whatever you say Shillcuck.
That's right, you show those shills that Holla Forums is a 100% grassroots pro-Trump board, fellow user.
Don't forget to Make America Great Again™ on the 8th November!
Holy shit fuck off
>>>Holla Forums
Rules are inherent to video games, without them you have not a game but a toy.
Why do you want it to be fixed? I want it to be a blunder forever. I want everyone to remember this shit, at least for a few years.
God damn I can't wait till this shitty election is over.
Before all that happened V shit on it. Simply because it was popular, now they engage in schadenfreude over it. Its disgusting.
V hates anything thats popular. Look at how they treated undertale fans on their own board, or even battlefield 1. If it's popular they hate it.
While you're at it, filter "weeb" to "weeaboo"
I don't know why, but the logo feels off on that window
It was a shit thread about a shit game regardless, but I concur with you regardless
If you filter weeb to weeaboo and weeaboo to weeb what will happen?
Weebs/weebos will cease to exist.
The game just needed more things to do, it needed far more structure
Sean always said "you can do whatever you want!" by which he clearly meant "we haven't given you anything to do"
Because the concept is so promising and they fucked it up
They should have just hired another 100, 200 developers to be honest, it's the only way they would have realised their ambitions
Vote Trump
That's very true, they did, but I wouldn't say that's because it's connected with "the left"
But yes I think it was just because it was popular
I was constantly defending it because I had watched/read all the interviews where Sean said you WILL be able to see other people, etc, etc. And I was let down like a chump
But I still hope they can do SOMETHING with this game. Although I doubt they will do anything significant now.
Wew lad
Hey Sony.
You have no fucking clue about anything.
I bet you were one of the retards who got hyped about this shit or, even worse, you were defending it in here while everyone with 1/4 of a brain cell knew it was bound to failure.
Again, there is no real concept here, just a wishful thought that somehow got to become a game. Only some insufferable idea-guy with no fucking clue about game development could have thought for a minute that this cancer had any real game concept going on for it.
Fuck off.
Why did you reply to bait user? Just look at that spacing, who do you think you're dealing with?
You're right. I feel more retarded than him now… at least I didn't bumped this shit thread :^)
Stop by /liberty/ some time you fucking socialist.
Just fuck my shit up.
this thread makes me crave dubs
If the developers weren't retarded, allowed multiplayer, and actually developed a finished game with a storyline, much longer lifespan of resources, and npc's that interacted more, then it could've worked halfway, but instead they turned a blind eye to criticism and released an unfinished walking/flying simulator.
check these
I do actually, he's a fucking moron for making a game of this ambition with like 10 fucking developers
You clearly have no salient points to bring to this discussion
Fuck off
Why did YOU reply to bait, user?
You are exactly right, which is why they should have hired at least 50 more developers, probably more than that
Very good
Heh, no dubs
I meant that as a response to my own post , dipshit. Enjoy your trips
So what happened to Sean tweeting NMS was a mistake
Feels bad
It seems like the perfect groundwork for modders
It was a "hacker"
I thought people have managed to mod it?
Are you always the same faggot going in every thread and using the same flag while using sage as a downvote?
I found you in at least 4 threads now, unbelievable.
Also a big profile attracts more people than just a simple game. Same thing that happened with Freespace. But you're a fucking dumbass that knows absolutely nothing about the modding community so you might as well kill yourself.
They did but it was minimal stuff
Fuck off NMS Internet Defense Force
Fair enough
You're right though I would love to see it modded. All I wanted is to be able to see other people in space :'(
For the most part, the only Jews who are against Trump are Soros, Rothschilds, etc. But other than that, Trump has the Jew vote. Afterall, he wants to wipe out ISIS, which will make Israel safer.
I don't know why it triggers Holla Forums so hard. I have a feeling theres a bunch of shills on Holla Forums acting as Trump supporters to try to paint him and his supporters as antisemitic.
Wow, it's almost as if I'm on the video game board
I doubt that would ever come about even if it were modded tbh
Oh you've done it now
i want my dick to be in and around fio
I don't know if he "has the Jew vote" but obviously right-wing Jews are on board with him, yes
Also he's very pro-Israel, he says it all the time
Erm, lad. Holla Forums has been anti-semitic since its birth
Why not? Modders managed to give an online multiplayer to GTA: SA so why not NMS?
You're the only cuck here, fuck off
More like Goodbye Games!
I really doubt you ever discussed games, ever, on this board. I know who you are. You shitpost every thread you personally dislike, no matter if it's good for the board or not.
I don't think you know anything about no man's sky. The core is solid, it just lacks content, variety and diversification of the environments, which are the perfect goal for modders.
You're a faggot.
Literally the lowest kind of effort shitposter. You bring nothing to this place. You might think you're doing good but you're the cancer killing Holla Forums.
Please feel free to wrap a plastic bag around your head and keep breathing until your lungs are filled with nothing but CO2 and you slowly drift off into a sleep of nothingness, finally ridding us of the faggottry you bring to this place.
GTA SA already had multiplayer, or at least I'm pretty sure it did.
I think modders just improved on it.
Why not wish for a proper game with a similar idea that isn't shit?
No Man's Sky runs on a bastardized version of Horde3D, an obscuro open source engine that influenced several other engine designers but no one actually used. Technically they're violating the Eclipse Public License by not making their contributions and fixes public (not that developers would benefit from Hello Games' spaghetti code), so if enough noise was raised they could potentially get in huge legal trouble on top of all the shit they're already dealing with.
More legal trouble than lying to millions of people?
Dunno man it seems pretty hopeless at this point, maybe it'll happen in a decade or so
Maybe just ignore him. Or give low effort posts because that's all he deserves.
Really? Online multiplayer? Before it was modded? I didn't think it did
Star Citizen looks very good but I don't have a gaming PC
Even so, it's obviously a very different tone of game to NMS, which I think could have been a really good game, because it looks really nice, and the basic mechanics work well.
If they really wanted to (and if they hired a bunch more developers, like they should have done a long time ago) they could write a good story mode for it, or basic multiplayer functionality, or base building. You wouldn't even need to build all of those, just one of them, and people would love it.
Why don't you explain since you claim to be so fucking smart?
It was my belief that SA didn't have any online multiplayer built in
Wikipedia says so, and I do remember my PS2 SA saying it had multiplayer features.
I can't talk about the PC version, never played it.
Its not a real MAGA hat, its one of those anti-Trump hats where the "great" is replaced with some other word. I saw one of them wear it in a photo.
Sure it does.
Your post is cancer. If you can't tell that that's a shill trying to still desperately market NMS then you are severely fucking retarded. Then again we already knew you were since you are not supporting Trump.
Holla Forums doesn't come here, its the other way around, a lot of Holla Forums goes to Holla Forums. But most Holla Forums never come here. Secondly, why would you go there? To learn the truth. A lot of good research done there daily.
If they manage to deliver half of what they promised in a working package than it will be good.
Wikipedia mentions:
And that's the only mention of multiplayer. So presumably no multiplayer on PC, and also I think those rampage missions are local multiplayer, not online
Thought it probably would be
I think it does, do you not?
Can you get the fuck out of my thread please? Thanks.
You didn't provide evidence for SA having online multiplayer before the mod was made, and I can't find any on Wikipedia, so I'll continue to believe that I'm right, because it seems that I am.
Exactly, that's why I'm pissed
It's so fucking stupid, they could literally save their reputation, and they're doing more and more damage to it every day
I want to be charitable to this game, but my patience is very much running out. Don't see why you should support developers who are so blithe towards their customers
prove it
I want cuckchan to fuck off
Back to the pot
Cuckchan has hated this game from day one
If this thread had been made on cuckchan I probably wouldn't have got half the positive responses I have here
==M A K E M E==
.. how do you still not see that you were scammed?
I don't own the game, I just followed the hype train for a long time. And I'm still hoping they'll do something good with it because the premise is cool.
Cuckchanner confirmed
Go back to Hiroshima you piece of shit, NMS was always going to be a piece of shit just for the fact that it was bound to a PS4 and promised shit beyond its capabilities, especially processing power.
Space Engineers and Empyrion did it first and better, Sony and Hello games just shilled it for the consolefags and normalfags, it was never going to be good and only a retarded cuckchanner consolefag much like yourself could have any hope on it.
I have no doubt that you actually bought the game OP, you retarded nigger.
If I didnt know you were retarded Id call you delusional.
>==M A K E M E==
Hey Mark, how about instead of welcoming every cuckchanne's POZposts we begin by telling them to lurk more so they aren't fucking cancer?
Post purcharse butthurt
Don't know why you're getting so mad bros
If you don't want to discuss this game then fuck off, go discuss some weeb shit or whatever you're into
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, the >>>/cuckchan/ club is two blocks down
Why hasn't anyone taken a dump in their office yet
it wasn't a hack, they said it was a disgruntled employee.
Criticism is fine, shitposting is not
Well its a good thing halfchan is here to tell us when criticism is shitposting or we'd never be able to tell.
What gets me is this could've kept the normalfags happy. These devs are so incompotent that this seemed too hard. All they had to do was release regular small updates. They are absolutely useless. "Boohoo, those gaymers hated my game!!" Stick to fucking software and stay out of games you hacks.
return to top, rinse and repeat.
Why hasnt anyone taken a dump to this thread is the real question here.
Just because it runs doesn't make it solid.
Adding multi player alone will mean at least a major rewrite to the backend engine,
We'll have to see what happens but since its abandonware don't get your hopes up since major bugs in the modding module could kill the whole effort dead.
I did and the faggot mod volunteer banned me for an hour or so. In order to properly fuck a thread out of the board you need a group of people… and less retarded and faggy mods.
This is either a poorly made shilling thread or a fucking refugee from 20buckschan/leddit trying to shit up the place with the obvious scam he was hyped about for the last couple of months. Either way, he doesn't belong in here; Moderation is shit, let's moderate the content on our own, it's the only way to keep this place from turning into cuckchan 2.0 (even more than it is now).
dubs thread?
What is it?
That's literally the fucking player character model and it's hilarious.
Look at how cartoony, absurd and stupid it looks.
They tried to hype this shit up before it was released saying "Most players will never see their character but the first time you meet another player in the stars will be the first time you get to see what you look like. It'll be [insert bullshit] experience"
Yeah it's a bullshit experience alright lmao..
This post is more jewish than Mark
One day we'll find out that Sean Murray never existed, it was a psy-op.
Is this really the office?
I can kinda see the green beam at the top, but it doesn't really look like a kindergarten.
Would that work like this or what?
is that why youre here from Holla Forums "defending the homefront" you cum guzzling drama queen?
But I thought the game had no player characters.
well, yeah, if the game is not pushing your political agenda, you shouldnt buy it.
They weren't hacked though. Anyone without autism can tell that he made that post, regretted it, and pretended they were "hacked and stuff".
the devs will just end up working at other companies and no one will give a shit. this is what always happens with shitty game devs.
How are they nu-males?
They got millions out of idiots and got away with it.
That sounds pretty alpha jewy to me
More like zero man's sky.
So far if you didn't care about NMS and didn't buy it it has done nothing but good for the consumer. It has really exposed the rotten marketing side of things and shown that even the mass market won't stand for straight up lies.
That champagne bottle is so fucking perfect lol.
Sure, THAT'S the mistake he admits to.
Man, that was oddly depressing.
i'd prefer if the word filter didn't exist so it's easier to identify people
God damn. Just when you think they can't get any scummier it turns out they have more to give.
Care to give an explanation? Don't quite understand.
Charging people the full price of a AAA game for shitty vapourware and lying about what it contained was scummy enough, then to find out that they used an opensource engine to do it and didn't follow the licensing agreement? That's extra scummy.
I hate you more that you could ever imagine.
Not the poster, but I think what is meant is that the game is built on an open source engine that stipulates in its liscense that it is free to use with certain stipulations, including making modifications to the enigine public. Hello Games never published their modifications, have thus breached the liscense and could be sued.
Maybe we misjudged them.
I mean, NMS did have some pretty innovative design concepts and the environments were fucking beautiful. Do you think the project was just fucked over by a few liberal kikes?
In fact, how many of us have actually played the game? How do we know the faggots on youtube haven't been intentionally making the game look worse just because they disagree with the political views of the devs? It wouldn't be the first time.
I'm going to buy a copy and report back.
Thank you, friend. You are my greatest ally.
I can't fucking wait for retards on Holla Forums being all nostalgic about "how good the game could have been".
No, you faggots, it can't be fixed. There is nothing to fix to begin with.
Actually, everyone is there, you just can't see them.
That's literally what v is about though. Doesn't matter if the game is good or not, what matters is what the developers write on twitter.
The game is fucking shit. Don't waste your money on it just because one of the devs might be a Trump supporter. Even so, the lead programmer is a FtM tranny, and unless their name is Bruce Jenner, I don't think that they're all that conservative.
Thanks, I really hope this is another layer to the shit-cake of this saga.
Damn, what a sucker.
Those are some nice chairs.
I want to steal those chairs.
You trusted some dude on the internet.
It says there was only one fake tweet from the hack, but all of them look like hacked tweets except for the bottom one - which leads me to the unfortunate conclusion that the only tweet that's actually fraudulent is the one saying that they're focusing on customer service and working on the game.
Noone will give a shit about Hello Games in a few months.
To "fix" it you'll have to make it again from scratch, so no, never ever
The devs took the money and run, I don't think they'll ever talk about anything publicly again
Nah, I don't think they made that much money with the amount of refunds and a huge chunk going back to sony
The offices are procedurally generated, you could encounter devs working, the reality is, the likelihood of that is tiny, basically.
More like
What's wrong with it?
This is the lowest I have ever seen it. Do we have a game lower rated on Steam than NMS? Will it ever reach overall "Overwhelmingly Negative"?
What if a jew wore that hat on purpose…
There's lot's of other game's that are Overwhelmingly Negative, but I don't think with that many reviews.
how much did they bungle on this?
What's the bets he grew that numale facial hair so hard so that he could shave it+plus his head to try and dodge being spotted.
Ground combat is shit, space combat and movement is shit, straight lines look like saw blades. Ships are all the same bar looks and hold capacity. Sentient races barely exist yet 3 occupy 18 quadrillion planets with a skeleton crew.
No gas giants, all solid planets, no neutron stars or binary stars, no movement of any space based object bar tiny fighters which are pointless.
Only good thing about it was sort of how it looked for about 20 minutes.
Mods aren't going to fix this, procedural generation is literal cancer in digital form.
send me back to 2007, I'll take that over this.
probably not that much, sony and volvo are all taking a cut. they have enough money to not go bankrupt, but that'll happen soon since no no one would ever fund another project from them, even the shitty mobile games they made before this don't seem likely.
Waste of energy, they'll probably never touch it again outside of tiny patches. The thing is a poison chalice, there's nothing they could do to make it good enough.
>>>Holla Forums
Just played an hour of it and it was really fun. Fucking liberal cucks like you are just shilling and spreading disinfo. I'm almost tempted to buy another copy just to spite you.