Is there an X-Com 2 mod to get rid of the non whites and women?
Is there an X-Com 2 mod to get rid of the non whites and women?
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Nigger, if you're that hungry for NuCom just play Enemy Within with Long War. It's the best experience you'll get out of Firaxis XCOM anyway. XCOM 2 dropped the ball so hard it's sad.
You realize you can edit EVERYTHING about your soldiers right? It's entirely possible to change their gender
This thread so far is everything wrong with Holla Forumschan right now.
It's called the customize soldier mod.
OP is clearly a nigger faggot and must be banned.
tumblr tier retardation.
It's called intentionally losing the game.
someone ban this cuck
Libtard detected
Fuck off Holla Forums
Nobody likes you, you ruined this site with your shitty opinions.
You should've taken the red pill instead of fighting against us, cuck.
Go back to the cuckshed on 4cuck
It's also pretty easy to change the chance for new females or white exclusive countries. Hell, it's not that hard to change the chance for actual shades of shit to appear
Imageboards are the reverse of tumblr sjws, we're all extremely unPC by default and will treat other anons like shit by default, so good job there.
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Seeing a black woman super soldier just breaks immersion. When I think of super soldiers I think f hite men. A rainbow coalition of diversity reflects the logistics corp and the kitchen corp not the men on the front especially special operations.
i still can't believe how shitty this game runs even on $1500+ systems.
In retrospect, i don't what i was expecting.
youre the one thats supposed to get rid of the aliens thats the entire point
really this game was my biggest disappointment this gen
i knew no man sky was going to be shit after the second trailer but this game holy shit i liked the first "reboot" game thought this was going to be great. nope.
I have a more important question: Have they actually made the game not run like absolute dogshit yet? When I pirated on launch it almost made my PC hit its emergency heat limit so I uninstalled the fuck out of it within minutes of starting. No, I'm not on a toaster.
no they spent the time they would have spent patching the game porting it to consoles, it's still, to this day, fucked
does it run better on consoles?
You don't even need a mod the game has an editor, you fucking nigger.
How so? Genuinely curious.
(((They))) want Holla Forums to tear itself apart since it's the "alt-right headquarters".
Why- in an anonymous message board- would anyone claim to be from X board, or that a poster was from X board?
Someone who wants to play identity politics.
Pics related. A poster can be an asshole who brings politics into everything, but there's as much evidence saying he's from Holla Forums as there is saying he's false-flagging as Holla Forums. That is, none.
If you aren't a shill, then don't fall for bait and de-rail threads with arguing. Report and ignore.
Fuck Holla Forums though.
Fuck off Holla Forums, go paint your Hitler figurines and make more tinfoil hats or something. Autistic cuckold tea party moron.
thats lovely
I was expecting snake tits. But after all, they say that if you want something done, it is best to do it yourself.
A question that leads to so many more questions
Did a bunch of fucking retards break out of their cells and overrun /v? how does this mongoloid not know how to edit his soldiers? does he just want to talk about muh diversity in video gaymes? why am I even here? have any decent mods come out for nucom2(I lost interesst like halfway through)?
also obligatory
That was uncalled for, and you need a timeout.
Doubly so for being a false-flagging faggot that spells interest as snek tier interesst. :^)
Not really.
I don't really care about those. The voice actor for the scientist kills it though.
Nice work guys
How is this Holla Forums?
nigger faggots did stalin
blow it out of your ass, you furnigger.