Why did all the towel head killing in games stop? I loved it. Everyone then switched to Russia and now it seems like everyone has switched to fictional factions.
Why did all the towel head killing in games stop? I loved it...
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Gamers grew up user
It's not fun fighting suicide bombers for the hundreth time.
Artists in general, including game developers, are susceptible to criticism, especially when the criticism appears to come from a moral high ground. People started complaining about how killing jihadis was "Islamophobic," so they took it out. Russians don't really complain about their reputation in western games/movies/etc., so they remain the generic bad guys.
A combination of CURRENT YEAR and wanting to make money from as many people as possible.
hey, I hear a voice.
you hear it too?
…wait, there it is again.
zeitgeist… zeitgeist…
Russians don't give a fuck how they are represented in games set in modern times, but don't you DARE imply the brave heroes of the Great Patriotic War were anything other than heroic, chivalrous champions of justice and the freedom of Europe. I think Russia actually has laws about that now, you can't show WW2 as anything other than a righteous conflict where the Soviets did very little wrong and had the best vehicles.
The previous narrative was that the terrorists were the enemy. Now the narrative is that Mohammed Mohammed Allah Akbar did nothing wrong when he rapes and murders a girl (since she was asking for it, the 9 year old slut). Movies and games change according to what idea (((they))) want to sell you.
CoH2 was a bit too much. From what I read (didn't play since it has too much DLC for my taste) it showed Ruskies as stupid evil instead of ruthless. Flamethrowering their own people for no reason? Come on.
One thing I really liked about CoH 1 is it showed soldiers from both sides as just soldiers, none of them were murderous psychopaths but people in a really fucked up situation.
Gamers are dead
The new trend is rewriting history to play as niggers dinduing whites
Communism is evil.
Islam is evil.
Thank God we are Conservative, Capitalist, Libertarian Christian Constitutionalists.
Commie/Nazi detected.
Name some mainstream games where you kill towelheads? I can't think of many.
8ch is a christian board, friend.
Cool, I always wanted to be a doot
Now it seems as though the only war FPS games where you aren't fighting the Russians either involve Mary Sue BR's, robots OR ayyliens.
Your shitposting only works on people who believe what you do, leftist.
Your hegelian dialectic doesn't work here.
Nice try.
ps go /christian/
There were plenty from 98 to 2012
Not anymore though, likely SJW influence
Why aren't there American Civil War games? Is it a lack of spray and pray weaponry, or is it because of Southerners fearing that the game will depict the Confederacy in a bad light, and Northerners fearing that the game will depict the Union in a bad light?
I can't say I didn't see this happening, but come on, I think everyone can enjoy killing jihads enough that Holla Forums does not need to be summoned.
American Civil War Gettysburg is good.
How much did they pay you to suck this much cock?
It's a lack of spray and pray weaponry. One shot then 20-30 seconds to reload isn't fun for most people. Look at Battlefield 1 where it should consist mostly of bolt action rifles but instead it's loaded with smgs and other automatic weapons since bolt action is too slow
I played this and it was ok.
fuck off leftycuck
Was pretty fun for what it was. I'd personally love a remake to fix the mistakes and improve the graphics.
Also a Total War game with the American Civil War or Revolutionary War in it could be amazing.
0/10 poor bait
Normalfags can't handle slow-paced warfare. Even single/bolt action weapons are too slow for most people (see Battlefield 1 dramatically exaggerating the Great War prevalence of automatics), so imagine their response to a gun that has to be reloaded between each shot.
A couple do actually exist, see , but I wouldn't hold my breath for any new entries any time soon.
Too real.
It doesn't have to be a FPS game.
Gettysburg is a turn-based game on a hexagonal board, and it works really well.
Nah, it's simply too upsetting for the New Europeans.
if you were not a lefty you wouldnt be so trigerred by Holla Forums
If you want a strategy game set in the time period, I recommend Victoria II. Steep learning curve, but it's by far the best game containing the US Civil War (among tons of other things between 1830 and 1930).
Nice false flags, /leftykikes/. You almost had me there.
0/10 you're not even trying.
Nigger you what? The Soviets were highly eastern orthodox and the Nazis were highly Catholic and Protestant.
This person has never played Serious Sam
Please be bait.
go away leftygoy
me too pls
Himmler, the most likely successor to Hitler, had a hard-on for Germanic paganism.
>Thank God we are Conservative, Capitalist, Libertarian Christian
Jews are evil too.
Maybe you should go live in North-Korea if you like big government so much.
The American Civil War wasn't that slow though. It was incredibly bloody too, as neither side used bayonets as they should have.
I'll tip to you.
Gee I have no idea OP.
Marxists declared islam to be the religion of "peace".
That's a nice way to get yourself killed.
When I say "slow," I only mean relative to Call of Duty style twitch shooting in which players run around like a hive of angry bees spraying hundreds of bullets everywhere.
Which Jews?
Torah Jews? No.
Rabbinical Judaism that believes in oral traditions of the Babylonian Talmud? Yes. They are the Synagogue of Satan.
Maybe you should live in Somalia if you like free enterprise so much.
You do know when proper bayonets were invented? Or the cost and maintenance of a repeater rifle as opposed to a musket let alone of the complex mechanic artillery compared to cast guns?
How about of the renaissance body armor and melee weapons had in WW1?
But the United States was founded on Libertarian values and God-given inalienable rights :^)
You know, the young nation that grew to be the most powerful on earth while Europe was decaying under the cancer of socialism?
More like grew to be the most obese cancer on the planet.
It was the Union that used those though, the Rebels couldn't have used bayonet charges, but the Union could have. The losses on the Union side could've been reduced so much if they had used bayonet charges.
Fuck off Ledditor, go back to Battlefield 1.
t. Ahmed who lost his terrorist parents to a U.S air strike
AKSHULLY even though the state institutionalized atheism and banned any sort of religious practices it was rarely enforced and most orthodox christians continued business as usual, even going as far as still being able to attend the churches that weren't razed after Stalin croaked.
Of course plenty of the Russian people remained Orthodox, but the Soviet party definitely was not.
Besides the purge of Christians and instituting state atheism, the ideology of Communism itself is atheist in its foundation. It is based on the Darwinian theory of evolution and the rejection of the Biblical worldview.
The same applies to Germany's National Socialism, except they dabbled into paganism and the occult.
Communism and Nazism are 2 sides of the same fedora coin. They are products of the Nietzschean philosophy and Freud/Darwin.
The French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution are both examples of Christian monarchies being turned into atheist dictatorships through violence and bloodshed.
The American Revolution was the opposite. Pilgrims came here to freely practice their religion, away from Catholic/Anglican oppression or the "Enlightenment" movement that was going on in Europe at the time. The American Revolution solidified the U.S. as a Protestant nation that valued individual liberty.
Whereas the French Revolution was about collectivism instead of individuality, Napoleon elevated man to the status of god.
Aphex Twin has been around longer than I thought.
The point is that the war was so bloody specifically because both sides kept using outdated tactics when faced with new technologies.
The same shit then repeated itself in the Russians and Japanese went to war, and it culminated with WW1.
America getting BTFO in Iraq and Afghanistan and folks getting tired of seeing it in the news every day is my guess.
Which in itself is misrepresented in games since redcoats were trained to be able to ideally reload their muskets in 15 seconds or less.
I know it's still a long time compared to a bullet hose, but it annoys me a bit in games set in that period.
Also, bolt action only servers were popular as fuck in early CoD multiplayer, what happened to that?
It's because of PC culture, same as how everyone pretend the blatantly obvious isn't true and keep parroting that Islam and terrorism have nothing to do with each other.
By towel heads, do you mean Sikh Pajeets?
Well, there never were many games where you could kill them I do remember pic related
Name three games please.
The left is immune to facts and statistics.
Still fun to see Ben Shapiro and that gay british greek guy destroy them.
Is maple syrup the reason Canadians are such massive cucks? What other populace on the planet would have elected a clown like Trudeau into power?
Man people got tired of Harper selling the country to the chinese and dude weed lmao. It made it easy to overlook his flaws. Also for the record I didn't vote for him and my district reelected our conservative mp so we did all we could
That's okay, from what I could gather Harper was a neocon piece of shit and a race traitor, but why Trudeau?
The man can't make a public appearance without embarrassing himself. What kind of idiots do you have over there that they think a substitute drama teacher and ski instructor is a fit leader for a Western country?
There is no hope for you country. Might as well give it to the Chinese.
All your anecdote tells us is that you are related to a lot of literal faggots.
It's not my fault your fucked up country turned a healthy and bright Slav girl into a progressive leftist. We don't have shit like that over here.
You don't have much of anything over there.
Stalin literally killed tens of millions of his own people. Are you fucked in the head?
An alleged zero is still better than a complete negative.
Also, you are responsible for BioWare.
Him specifically or the people in his country? You can't separate a country and an individual, can you?
Get the fuck out commie.
Both, since the people actually voted him into office.
The individual is a product of his genetic and environment.
The other choice was the NDP leader Thomas Muclare, who's personal friends with Anita. His policies included completely open borders.
We have the ability to buy our alcohol without whining to Germany. That's got to be above zero.
Trudeau is a retard but that's a fake meme quote. You should focus on actual retarded things he has said like "Honor killings shouldn't be called barbaric." That's a lot more terrifying.
The good bioware that made the infinity engine games. This was long before they were bought and assimilated into a Californian company. Their output since has been worthless.
you could argue that its been done to death and fighting guys with inferior tech than you can get boring, but its mostly mainstream media coddles muslims for some reason
So the country is even more fucked up than I thought? You had two candidates and both are cucks?
That was Black Isle. BioWare hasn't made a good game, ever.
If you kill someone and then claim honor killing as like "he was fucking my wife"
and turn yourself in, you get a reduced sentence from about 10+ years to 5-7 depending of the circumstances
oh yeah i don't live in the US of Anus of course
I didn't know Bioware was a party in Canadian politics.
Canada is of the same genetic makeup as the Northern states, save for the territories which are mostly Eskimoes. In fact, I'd say Canada is of a purer, more European background, especially culturally, as Canadian culture doesn't take inspiration the lesser races like Negroes and Mexicans. The environment is the same as the states too, a land of extremities, it's either cold winters or hot summers.
That's a big tweet.
Black Isle did Planescape and Icewind Dale. Bioware did Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 and NWN.
Nice video game thread.
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
That still doesn't answer the question of why Canada is such a cucked shithole where you can get arrested and put on trial for gently disagreeing with feminists. Masturbating to racial purity is nice and all, it still doesn't make Canada any less of a progressive shithole.
Mate, you have a fucking problem, and ignoring it won't make it go away.
For you.
Load up BG1 and 2. It has the Black Isle logo in the intro splashscreens.
That's because they published the game, dullard.
Low energy chart
Go back to your shithole
>>>Holla Forums
because all of it revolves around american culture.
ragheads were a popular villain because of the 2001 attacks. filthy slavs have been rivals since the cold war and are the other guys in the spotlight. youll also notice corrupt american corporations and political figures have always been and still are a popular villain.
as for fictional factions, well thats just video games being video games. maybe youll want to say that its people afraid of offending anyone but theyve always been around too.
bro force has you slaughtering terrorists by the dozens and is the most recent game to come to mind for that to be the theme. shame generals 2 got canned but its ea so what did we really miss?
Whoops nevermind didnt mean to link you.
You made the argument that an individual is defined by their genetic makeup and environment. I countered with the statement that most Canadians are of similar backgrounds to the Americans, and their environment is very similar as well, which would mean that any perceived "cuckoldry" isn't something that affects the entire country.
I don't have a problem though. Still can't separate an individual from their country? I guess America is exclusively niggers and hillbillies then, while every European country is composed of limp-wristed queers who think they're superior to the racist bigots in America. Fuck off back to Holla Forums you fucking Nigger.
Stay assblasted faggot
No need to be so diplomatic. Canadians are far more European. For all the jokes Americans make about Europe and Canada, they're the most mongrel.
>You made the argument that an individual is defined by their genetic makeup and environment
Reading comprehension is hard when you're angry I guess.
So? How is America any fucking better? They are getting invaded by spics, niggers run rampant, a coon is in the office and there's a 50/50 chance they're gonna put a bloodsucking harpy into office.
What exactly are you trying to tell me when you say Canadians have a similar background to Americans? That you're both massive cucks? What else is new?
Yet it affects the majority. You can be the special snowflake, it changes fuckall.
Right on the mark.
Stay mad you cuck. I'll be laughing my ass off as your country goes to shit right before your eyes.
And a good portion are part French which immediately negates your point.
Actually we have less french than the us has spics and niggers.
Holla Forums says that things are going wrong, but never provide a solution, like this fucking Nigger.
That's nice, but guess what? So is Sweden.
How is that working out for both of you?
It's not my job to tell you how to uncuck yourselves. We bet faggots over here, maybe you should start with that?
One person can't do shit you fucking nigger. Holla Forums was a mistake.
When is the pendulum going to fucking swing back against mudslimes?
We can only hope this will be what makes people completely fed up with cucked chickenshits' retardation.
Besides you faggots have been up there long enough that anyone going back generations in Canada is going to have French blood in them. Face it user, you're a fucking frog.
You immediately dismiss this retarded Shitter slacktivist buzzword and encourage people to bring some real fucking hate.
Stay mad cancuck. You can stay awake tonight, angry and bitter, knowing I'll be laughing my ass off.
is that image a joke? do canadians even date if the risk of getting financially fucked exists like that or do they just go fuck hookers in montreal
Want to butcher this fucking faggot so much.
Yeah we are whiter, actually.
Canada doesn't have the rape epidemic or any of the problems Sweden has except for the global SJW phenomena which is everywhere. America can't even have a presidential rally without paid leftist mobs attacking it. We took 25k refugees, America took 10k. These are tiny compared to europe. As for you, where are you from?
Literally impossible not to while mudslimes aren't being made to fuck off or die.
why do you keep bringing up Holla Forums? Are you that ass devastated that you see anyone who disagrees with you is Holla Forums.
It's the surrender monkey blood in them. In France it's illegal to do paternity tests to "preserve the peace" within French families.
Canadians are some of the most cucked people on the planet.
Get a load of this fucking commie lover
there is no propagandistic reason to do it anymore, you dont have to demonise islam there is an actual form of islam now that is worse than anything holywood kikes or the psyop wing of the MIC can conjure up.
Also why would "they" want to celebrate killing jihadi wahhabi fuckwits when they are basically fighting for "us" at this point, we armed and funded daesh and all the "moderate" organ eaters and babyrapers along with the saudis, qatar, and probably israel as well.
Its always been about russia but we had to go through a period of wallah snackbar after 911 to set the mood, in line with the geopolitical goals of the decade which were rubbelizing/balkanising the ME and setting the stage for Syria and co
Great grandfather was an immigrant from Scotland. Kept it Scottish. We're not some ancient country.
Witch Mercy is best Mercy. is there Rule34 yet?
Yes, reported for not even trying. We know.
Holla Forums is a den of fucking white Niggers. They go on about pointless shit, like religion and funny frog pictures, never providing solutions to the problems of the modern age. They find funny coincidences and words and turn them into repetitive tripe. By God, if a race war were to break out, they'd be the first ones dead, because they'd just be sitting on their computers sharing their fucking meme bullshit thinking it changes anything. Not one of them has a real solution, it's pointless nihilism browsing and posting there. If I were paranoid, I'd probably write them off as paid shills.
Not as much as Holla Forums
He's right though. Your whole argument strategy is "heh look at this fag". What a wimp.
agreed. They're all so low energy. So sad.
Oh I know its a shithole but I'm asking what they did to you to cause you to be so butthurt?
it didn't, you just put blinders on yourself because you have nothing else to contribute to this board besides shit threads.
jesus fucking christ this is horrifying and hilarious, not entirely true though from what I can tell there is no divvying up of assets and the regional differences have no effect on that. It sure sounds like a slippery fucking slope though, fuckin kanadia lul.
So do you ever actually bother to look up the infografix you post on your facebook walls or just kinda shrug your shoulders and run with what fits
what does that even mean you nigger stop trying to be a hardass on the internet
What games are you thinking of?
I dunno, but I'd love to see the MEC return to Battlefield.
Being a bunch of quasi-defeatists. Repeatedly saying that things are shit and why they're shit without ever providing solutions. Taking words and driving them down into something that can be repeated over and over again without any connection to the original definition. Believing totally insane bullshit will happen like how Trump will annex Canada, nuke Israel, and initiate a race war. Going on and on about "meme magic" without actually understanding what memes and memetics are because Richard Dawkins is just le epin fedora man. I can keep going on and on about the stupid bullshit you can find on Holla Forums, the funny thing is they're right about how the world is going to shit, but wrong about almost everything else.
No we had three, Harper loved Jew cock, so yes we're fucked Fun fact we have two actual Communist parties.
And at least Mulclair was against the TTP.
Cmon son
They dont think that trump will do any of those things, if anything they believe that shit like BLM will initiate a racewar. You could find bullshit like on any board but instead you latch on to jokes, do you also think Holla Forumsacks believe sam hyde is a mass murderer and ben garrison will personally gas the jews?
Not the point. They think some messianic figure is coming, that some end times shit will happen, but it isn't, there won't be a messiah or saviour. Some say it's Donald Trump, which is laughably stupid, other say Putin, also stupid, and other's say that some race war will happen, which is wrong. Holla Forums is a fucking cult.
For petty or stupid reasons, but not for no reason.
If divided among multitudes of mutually adversarial interests, then how can be that called control? The closer to monopoly, the further from basic capitalism.
Thanks for confirming it.
Thanks for confirming it.
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood starts out in the Civil War. I can't remember if you're in the Confederacy or with the Yankees though.
After that though you just go about being bloodthirsty cowboys. Best game in the series.
Oh it's (((you))) again.
No, user, something worse, Canadian liberals.
Capitalism has nothing to do with monopolies. A system where a single company sells everything can be Capitalist, and so can a system where many small companies sell it instead.
And if you add a free market to it, the endgame is a monopoly.
Which is where the government is supposed to step in and break apart corporations that become "too big to fail" but we all know how that one ends.
What does it say about our species that after some 10,000 years of building up civilization this is the best system of governance we could come up with?
It says propaganda works.