Rainbow Six Siege

Some guy leaked a video showing parts of the new map. Looks like an Asian restaurant in a skyscraper, it seems pretty nice actually.
It also shows a glimpse of a new operator, but nothing really interesting.

I read rumors that the new attacker might have grenades that can blow holes into reinforced walls or some shit, and that makes me wonder how less essential that would make Thermite. It doesn't sound likely to be true to me.

Anyone one when they're going to officially release information about it?

is the netcode good yet

Every update makes the netcode worse, thems the rules.

Haven't really noticed improvements myself.

Get this console shit out of here.

When are the Japs coming?

well if you haven't seen constant deterioration, you must live near a server

this is the japan class right

Yeah the SAT. Special Assault Team. They really exist apparently.

Yes, Japan's got their own special forces.

Siege and Vegas are Hollywood CoD shooters, they have nothing to do with the real R6 games.

When will Montagne stop dying to nitro cells? Too many people still toss those things like crazy.

Well, the amount of operators who even have nitro cells keeps sinking. I haven't seen as many bullshit nitro cell kills recently, probably because of that.
When someone does have one, most shield fags are fucked though.

Apparently the new attacker has grenades that make small holes in reinforced walls

Looks find operator tier

What the FUCK


on the bright side Echo practices Terrorwave and is a stand user


theres no way thats real, right?

The attacker looks like an xcom2 reject.

The guy looks normal aside from anime hair

The chicks art style looks off

it's a tranny, calling it now

Yeah… she's REALLY japanese…

That's the most egregious insult I've heard in a long time.

Shens long lost sister who works for ADVENT I bet

ninja and anime girl WEW

Are women allowed in the Japanese special forces ?

well japan doesn't have special forces, so they can get away with anything


Every country has them.

fantasy JDF is usually equipped against giant spiders and dragons not robbers

if you send them in the police can already send condolences to hostage's families if they're still somewhere to be found under the collapsed city

Habiana has something off with her.

Compared to the other DLC bitches there splash arts look normal but Habianas just looks like they got some new guy since Echo looks normal aswell.

Capitao also looked a bit off too though.

They're supposed to release info this week and they're going to have a demo on the 13th and 14th.

A demo? Of the DLC?

He means they'll livestream some people in the office playing it before it gets released.

They even have a youtube as well


How the fuck does that face even work? Are the lips facing forwards or towards the camera?

Jap animators today are too lazy to animate a realistic mouth

Heres a better picture

She actually doesnt look that bad but still needs a half mask like Frost

For some reason this is just adorable.

What I meant is that they're going to have e-celebs play it during a tournament like they did before.

i fucking knew gooksquad was going to have a new drone variety

no comment on Hibana till i see what her gadget is supposed to be, her design isn't that good though, especially considering the female ops in the game already look fr more professional than her

these operators better be good i coulda bought frost or buck by now

i think it might be her gadget, somewhere i saw some one say its some kind of drill but i dunno

capitao would look off if it weren't for the fact he's in BOPE, where i wouldn't put it past them to have a eyepatch-clad boss nigga carrying cigars on the team

balaclava (one slot, not that gimp mask bullshit twitch and rook wear) or half mask can fix anything

this game is trash

Hibana is gonna be a Buck Thermite

IE she can make smaller holes with the nerf gun and apparently she make a bigger vualtable holes but it wastes her 2 shots

thermite will probably still be my main man for making BIG FUCKING HOLES then

Looks to me like Echo is the def, and it seems like his gadget is some sort of speaker for distraction, but it also looks like a quadcopter drone. A def with a flying drone could be a little OP, and would sort of overshadow Valk as the intel-collector. No clue what the not-a-jap bitch will do, but making killholes on reinforced walls sounds solid. Glad that they switched up the genders on this one, having all the dlc ops be male/atk and fem/def was getting old (assuming that is what's happening).

The 1st DLCs had females becasue the base game had 3 female attackers.

They look like they are still filing a gender quota but now we have new female attackers

I hope Hibana has a skull bandanna

shame the headgears are mostly bad and overpriced

I was more referring to his facial structures.

What are the chances of a season 2?

There was a survey that asked people what they want to see in a future season pass, so that might likely be a thing next year. No idea if that necessarily means more characters and maps though.

rumors circulating that red crow will include next years road map

i would be pretty pleased if they keep content flowing in, despite being from ubi they've managed to keep the content up a lot better than other big name shooters right now, and without completely jewing the player

Apparently the art team took suggestions for more realistic headgear in the future

but i want operators

Hope that's just concept art, since that art-style does not fit the rest of the operators at all.

Thats the thing Echo actually fits even if his design is a little iffy since he practices Terrorwave

Habiana looks like they got some new person

That's why I'm thinking it's concept art. It could just be the angle of the photo, but Hibana's face doesn't look like a 3d model but more like it was drawn by someone.

the models never match up with their splash art anyway.

what is that?

Plain Clothes operatin

Echo is wearin Khakis

the GSG-9 boys and girls might have it better with their jeans and sneakers in game

Defender looks alright if a bit anime-styled

Attacker looks like a Black Ops 3 character.

Map idea is cool, high rise restaurant, am excited.


Really liking the look of that map. No idea if it will also be good to play in though.
I remember liking Yacht until I actually played a few matches in it.

like why? just why?

what's wrong with them? i genuinely don't know

please end me

Take the Spetsnaz pill.

is this a jojo reference?