In case you missed it, nigger and sjw twitter, kike h3h3 and the whole youtube whores are attacking and reeeing at some blonde white guy for showing on video the japanese suicide forest.

Other urls found in this thread:




Before I hear muh eceleb shit, I think this is important this time because I noticed in the comments a lot of 12 - 14 white girls defending him. I expect the jews to use this opportunity and try to shut him down.

there it is

The only decent response until now it's this.

you will never be white

looks like an opportunity

It's weird how these people are so triggered by the mere existence of blond hair and blue eyes.

Jewtube is cancer.
All the fake outrage and numale whining is so indicative of our society - everyone leaping to social signal their moral righteousness, without giving a single solitary shit about those around them.

search on google logan paul and 4th result is the kike ethan h3h3


meme potential


So obsessed are they with fecal matter they imagine their children as elephant dung. I mean I get it, the kids have fun and the adults get a cheap snicker out of their child appearing from a chute connected to a large animal rectum, but still…. only the jews.

Is that real?


I thought the suicide forest was shut down.

It's good to see some traditions still stand.

Logan Paul is jewish, retard

What's the big deal I don't get it


Oh okay I didn't realize he was /our guy/



He doesn't look like it

Big deal in terms of what the public is discussing. I wonder if he is Jewish or jist claims to have ancestors so the kikes let him get away with KKK snowmen

literally who?



The public have the attention span and long term memory of a gnat.


(fucking heil'd)



It's yet more manufactured infighting designed to distract you. Might as well try to Ben Garrison the guy and maybe redpill a few of his followers.


Fucking shit. The absolute state of this board and chan culture

All these ecelebs are having problems with content age of the sjw is over
Its boring its repetitive so what your seeing is alot of creators are in a cycle where they are reaching for anything they can latch onto to still remain "relevant" in b4 alot of these cucks fade to black
but the brillant thing is they wont go quietly itll be kicking and screaming because no more easy shekils



most of the white guys I know are illegal immigrants from central america; they seem kinda indifirent on all this because they have a job and they rather focus on their novelas

is that possible?


I drew this and got banned from Holla Forums
(also didn't say what he did was right/wrong to the user responding me on the thread, just enjoying the shit storm)

Why is Logan uncut he's a 56 percenter?


Oh yeah, it happens all the time. This idea that all white people are the same and are born from the same place is just jewish propaganda that jews create to ease on the (((anti-white))) sentiment. It makes "whites" seem like the only ones that are in a box.

That's not what "Aryan" means.

Your numbers don't lie

Get the fuck out.


For what? Its unusually for an American to not be circumcised

Wheres the video?


its reuploaded somewhere on dailymotion or some other video site probably

If you told me a year ago that the mods here would allow some youtube drama about a literally WHO like this then I wouldn't believe you.

Then again, this is nu/pol/ we're dealing with now so there are no depths that I know of anymore. Might as well post cuck porn since this is cuckchan now.

Stefan's right.
TL;DR of situation:

TL;DR of stefan + custom spice:
Shut the fuck up.
The showing and hiding of death is absolutely nothing new to humanity.
When they want to pull tears out of people, they show the death, they show the dead kid they dragged across the beach to make them let migrants in.
When they don't want it shown, they call us despicable Religion of Cuck™ophobes for showing the dead little girl a muslim shot in france
They constantly go on about muh holocaust
They suppress and deny the 100 million+ souls communism has claimed
They're complaining about seeing death of this or that
Well guess what? Death comes for all of us. There will always be death. It's just a question of how much. And when and where.
Commies want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore the deaths from the awful realities they don't want to acknowledge.
How many deaths is your 'perfect system worth'? 100,000,000+? And it still doesn't work? Too steep a price.
How many deaths is gun ownership worth? 5k+/year? 10k+/year? Absolutely buy at that price.
You see that? I considered the facts and came to a conclusion. That's called an opinion. That's what an adult does.
That's what we have to do to live in this world. Those are the decisions we have to make for the things that are worthwhile. How much death and where.
You comfortable, sheltered, privileged faggots.

Holla Forums mods have a double standard with shota compared to loli


Honestly this is good, help bring YouTube down or something.

He isn't.
This is likely nearer the truth.
Yet another (((one))) giving humanity a bad name.


Commies don't just want to stick their heads in the sand.
They actively want death, the death of their own countries as a priority.
See this thread.

Holla Forums is mentally ill, to the point of mass suicide. They have no real political beliefs, they just worship a cult.
As for whoever the fuck stefan is and these other nobodies with attention seeking videos, the simple fact is that he is a faggot foreigner and should respect the place where he is.
He deliberate sought out a way to be disrespectful to seek attention for himself.
You post on Holla Forums and likely don't want a bunch of shitskins raping the children of your country. Well, that's their culture, rape happens, whether you want to see it or not.
It is comfortable, sheltered and privileged to make a profit off dead people, as it is to watch the videos from your home on the other side of the world.
You faggots don't know up from down anymore, you really don't know anything.
Respect the dead, respect the country you are in. Don't be an attention seeking spastic.

pray tell. what does aryan mean, young anonwan?

i thought he looked jewy

I am clocking the jews at over 1 billion white souls murdered and slaughtered by the 'jews' over the last 2,000 years…but I am including all their Death Cult activities like the torture and murder of the Inquisition where homosexual males as part of the 'church' tortured little children in front of their parents and wives in front of husbands. We would be the largest demographic in the world without their constant slaughter and parasitism off our people.

Look at the date on this quote:

"Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet."

~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn

And (((they))) still do not want to shut him down. All the while aut-roight twatters are being removed left and right by the twatter nkvd as we speak.


And FFS, what is with this overhype about nipland? Fucking weebs and e-celebs really.

Niggers are a plague. I wish they'd just fuck off to Africa.

You're an OPM fan.


Circumcision is way down recently. Ironically enough it's mostly practiced by niggers now if I remember correctly.
And 56% meme is a divide and conquer shill strat based on a lie in the first place
Here's your (you)

Checked, and thank the Gods. Mutilating little babies is some sick shit. It should be down to zero percent.