How cucked is Sweden? Sweden seems to be in the end game of Western degeneracy...

How cucked is Sweden? Sweden seems to be in the end game of Western degeneracy. They look like a fine example of what other Western nations should not do.

well pol?

I'll assume you're new, since Sweden has been a textbook example of how to fuck yourself up for some 10 years now, and they just refuse to stop being a mighty bunch of faggots.

I'm a Dane, so while my inherited antagonism towards the Swedes does bias me slightly, I wouldn't wish upon any enemy, what has befallen Sweden.

"Who God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad"
is a very eloquent way of talking about the Swedes. They were a highly developed, insanely rich and right-wing country before 1946.
The trauma of recieving thousands of Jews during the World War, economically supporting Germany by trading with them, and having been among the founders of modern race-theory and eugenics, must have somehow crushed something within the Swedish spirit. Made them want to prove how not-evil they were/are, and how they've moved past their horrible racist past.

Sweden has been subjected to the same kind of propaganda for the past 70 years that Germany has. Swedish media has been Jewish owned since before the war, Bonnier Publishing is no small firm, and the Swedes elected a Social Democratic government which lasted them most of the 20th century, and it was only too happy, brainwashing the populace and indoctrinating them to be the perfect little soft-core socialist society.
The only thing that really kept Sweden manly, was it's focus on heavy industry, and it's role as the strongest capitalist power in Scandinavia, posing an actual threat to any Soviet incursion. (Denmark and Norway relied heavily on US guarantees, and Finland had a precarious existence as a buffer state)

When the Soviet Union fell, whatever kept the Swedish will to survive alive, vanished. And it happened in conjunction with the famine and collapse in the Horn of Africa, the end of the prolonged wars in the ME and the rise of a Western idea that we could soft-power rule the world by standing in the shadow of the US.

Sweden got prestige and won great praise for taking in asylum seekers and the scum of the third world in massive droves. And for some reason, even to this day, there are Swedish politicians who see their country as a "Humanitarian Superpower" whatever that is.

Sweden is in essence the culmination of massive national trauma, heavy indoctrination from pacifist and (((disruptive))) elements, coupled with the vestiges of a very disciplined and orderly society.

I think most Swedes worry in their heart of hearts, since law and order is in their soul, along with their unquenchable thirst for the blood of Scanian infants, and the way their nation is slowly falling apart internally frightens them.

Plenty of Swedes I've met are great people, who don't care much for Muslims and would wish them to wherever the pepper grows. So calling Swedes cucked as a whole is memey at best, and I'm certain some of them must be getting tired at being the laughing stock of racially aware people everywhere.
But they are cucked, on an institutional, spiritual and intellectual level, that is either irreparable or will take another century to recover from.


Come on, Sweden. Prove the gay OP wrong. Run the invaders through with your legendary iron that still has cross-hatching on the cylinders after 221,000 miles and a severe overheat.

I'll long have died from AIDS from my faggotry before Sweden rights itself.

Disgusting. That's like praising and rewarding children for cutting themselves.

they don't have a century left at the rate they're going
i think 2018 needs to be the year we start seeing white on non-white hate crimes in western and northern europe

No more cucked than any other western country. Scandinavian autism just manifests the cuckoldry in particularly galling and obvious ways. But the end result is no different than American gun-lover fake tough guys finding reason #587968034785 for not overthrowing the federal government. The end result is fewer white people.

here's my folder
polite sage as to not spam frontpage








It is all in record and all traceable.
Swedish people themselves didn't seek any of this, if you fucking faggots can't tell the difference between kikery and the population of a kiked country, you should be disemboweled and hung in a tree.


Most here can. This appears to be a D&C/demoralization thread though. I know Swedes are a good people, and they need to be saved and put to work making iron blocks.

Swedish should be put to work purging the entirety of europe with a bio-weapon that targets anyone with 1% sub saharan DNA or higher.



What do you want to accomplish with all of this kikery.
You aren't naming the jew, which is the cause of it all, nor are you suggesting a solution of action.
Divide and conquer paid kike.

Don't let your memes be dreams.

Takes 6 years to turn a dying country to the greatest country in the world, if you have the right leader.
The viking is in their blood, no matter the level of indoctrination.
It took 800 years for spain to free itself from the muslims and jews, but they did it.
It can also happen much much faster.


read the post you replied to, kike

The Swedish sate will not last much longer, I give it 15 years at the most. Whether or not the Swedish people survive depends on how successful separatists and survivalists are in wild Sweden. The subhumans cannot live outside the cities, especially with their climate preferences.




