Based Trump gives isreal green-light to assassinate Iran's top General

kike shills BTFO, Trump comes through with his promise to Netanyahu

We'll never get sick of winning!

US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran's Top General
According to reports circulating widely in Israeli media today, the United States has quietly given Israel the green light to assassinate Iran's top military officer, Iranian Revolutionary Guards al-Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. The leader of Iran's most elite force also coordinates military activity between the Religion of Cuck™ic Republic and Syria, Iraq, Hezbollah, and Hamas - a position he's filled since 1998 - and as Quds Force commander reports directly to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and oversees Iran's covert operations in foreign countries.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have vowed to crack harshly down on protests currently gripping multiple major cities across the country, now in their fifth day, and after a particularly bloody night which saw 12 demonstrators killed - some of them reportedly shot by security forces.

We did it Holla Forums we finally did it, we're really making isreal Great Again!

I can taste those salty tears of leftists and muslims right now…

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Post all your best cartoon frog memes and fashy based smug anime girl jpg's in this thread as celebration of our new world order


On the bright side at least it isn't an actual war that kills American lives, and destabilizes the ME, producing more refugees into Europe.

Feel free to try and put a positive slant on this story because obviously there is nothing good about it, and the best thing you could do is grasp at straws and point out is reports according to Israeli media.
All this posting as if Trump can do no wrong for working with Jews, and calling people Jews if they have a problem with it is obviously self defeating and anti-National Socialist. We dont lie, we dont deceive, we call a spade a spade and a kike a kike. One option is remaining silent and not saying anything, because thats not lying. Thats what I do about it. You people are disgusting though, actively calling people upset about it kikes, as if you arent the kike facilitator yourself.


I typed all these by hand, the responsible conservatives Pierce quote is one I dug out and made common knowledge. I do a lot of reading, and I assure you that what you are doing is scummy, and Im the real Holla Forumsack. Dont like it, ban me. I wont accept this blatant bullshit. Youre the kike, not everyone else whos upset. There are no good Jews. He let his daughter marry Kushner. Hes close to Soros. Youre the Jew. You defend this.


Lol,OP is butthurt
Not USA killing an Iranian General
Good Idea, Merchant! Go to Iran and fight there! Test your skills! I hear you have the best pilots! Let's see what you can do!