CENSORED Sword Art Online Hollow Realization
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Wait, why does he look more shocked because she's wearing a bikini? Shouldn't that be the other way around? Plus I'm pretty sure anime fanservice games can get away with a lot more
should have been outright banned for retardation
He's not used to a clothed elf
Elves are inherently whores
Why do you want the game banned?
I think it might be pretty mediocre though maybe that's just because I really wish we had a new .Hack trilogy
The pics are sequential. He's wondering where the fuck that bikini came from so quickly.
But he also lost his towel and is wearing swim trunks.
Is that such a rarity?
Why the fuck would someone be bathing in a bikini or boxer shorts?
haha nicely done
Yes, actually. As I said, elves are whores and a clothed elf is like an elf saying "No, don't have sex with me right now".
That's insanely rare, almost impossible.
Doesn't matter, though. Only good elf is…
You're asking for common sense and competency from censors, user.
This is not possible.
Why I haven't learned Japanese yet?
Couldn't they just cover it up with steam or more soap or something that makes sense?
The anime tits and other lewd stuff is the only reason to buy this. Baka.
Now, is this recently released as in actually recently released or the "a year and a half late to the party, but since it only just now came west, we'll call it recent" kind of recent release? I really can't tell from this article as they mention the developer possibly having a hand in the censorship, and the difference between the two is the difference between Japanese devs self-censoring or if it's just another case of shitty localization censoring tits.
Because you can't
this tbh
You could complain and shout RACISM that they dare cover up a strong beautiful black woman, see if you can get something started.
That won't work because she actually is beautiful.
There are more characters in the Japanese language then there are atoms in the universe.
Good, if it actually decreases sales(which doesn't actually seem to happen, maybe weeaboos are okay with this) then i hope it keeps happening.
What is this, the 1950s?
Show me the boobies.
JP got it two days ago I think, while everyone else gets it two weeks later.
What, so you could play a shitty licensed game of a shitty anime? Do you not have any standards?
What purpose does this serve? Her nipples are already entirely covered. There's soap everywhere. They didn't actually censor anything> You still see pretty much the same amount of shit either way. You'd expect them to censor the cleavage itself. Putting a bikini on does fucking nothing to this scene. This is such ass backwards thinking I can't even begin to try to comprehend the mind that said this was an important change that needed to be done.
But it's already covered
It's just petty spite directed against male nerds.
No, but chances are it will happen the same to any decent translated VN. I want to know Japanese before that.
But its only out in Japan right now.
better than danbooru, but still complete shit
I learned to in college, was good enough to poorly read their newspapers which is no small feat as they don't hold back on the kanji. But it's apparently not like riding a bike and is a skill forgotten quickly.
Not technically an elf
who gives a shit.
What the fuck, they changed Kirtoe's towel into trunks
I'm getting tired of this concern of depiction of women in video games. I've just about had it.
Time for devs to abandon creating women altogether and just do traps if they want feminine characters. Then we'll see how much they like that.
What, don't you bathe in your swimming shorts?
This idea will be even worse, because now the vocal minority of mentally ill retards that are trannies will come out of the woodwork talking about how they're being exploited. If you thought feminists were annoying, wait til you see an entire demographic who is mentally ill start shit. Trannies are in vogue since Bruce Jenner started acting like a woman (by the way, Bruce wishes he could go back to being a regular man now that others are doing it; go figure! He's a hipster tranny! But his doctors already told him, your cock is gone bro, you can't go back it's not going to work right anymore… Guess he should have stayed a crossdresser instead!).
could you fit any more exclamation marks in this post you reddit faggot lol
There is a potential.
It's the Japanese version that is censored though. Wouldn't help in this case.
Okay now that I think about it the majority of the films are shitty now, but the EU was great.
This will end well.
Languages are like muscle if you don't use them often they melt, but you never really forget and it's easier to pick up a again if you where once good than it is to learn from scratch user, do it, you can learn Japanese !
off yourself you waste of air and space
Clickbait harder.
It was released uncensored but got censored after they released an "update" to the game
Also, people are getting pissed because this ecchi content is the only selling point for games like these
Jude, go home.
Sure smells like cuckchan in here.
It's probably a shit game but it doesn't deserve censorship.
Just one of the miracles of buying games online. Remember GTA:SA?
Fortunately customers with a physical copy can play up to that moment and then update
How can you possibly tell?
is that shit even worth watching?
It's the future, sadly. Though, it does have its advantages.
Only if you think mental retardation counts as cripple moe.
They released this censor patch like 4 years after the game came out
That's a different issue. Updates removing content that was provided at purchase should be against the law. I think a lawsuit making this argument would have a good chance of success and rectifying this behavior, but I doubt anyone with the financial clout to bring the case would care about anime video games.
I was specifically taking issue with the language of the headline. A single homicide isn't a massacre.
Some people shower with their underwear on when they're in groups. Being naked with other naked guys means you're gay or something.
I do not compromise with my freedom.
One simply doesn't negotiate with terrorists/moralfags.
What's the problem again?
Smells like cuck chan
You sicken me.
Fug it, I'll still play it. Thank fuck Vita now has piracy though.
You're a man with taste.
the censorship CONTINUES
What's the matter fag? can't get your cummies anymore?
When will this faggotry end? ==When will this faggotry end?==
Just google "hot anime tiddies" and grab your snake.
Are we being raided or something?
nigga ill fuck you up.
shut the fuck up you work accident of a crackwhore
So now it's censored ON TOP of hilariously bad translation? Or are they finally getting the hang of writing things in goddamn English?
user, you are the cuckchan refugee.
I'm here for videogames, not anime tits.
You could only make it more obvious if you'd start asking where the gold pass is or whatever you call it on cuckchan.
But keep on going, now I'm genuinly interested how stupid you actually are.
the "problem" is that they're censoring a shitty game based on a shitty anime.
Fuck, another one bites the dust. Just fucking brand it 18+ and tell censors to eat a dick
You need to go back
you nigers shut up I bet you didn't even play quack attack you little shits.
no, i'm being off-topic and don't wish to bump the thread.
yes, because you're still a hormonal little shit who does nothing but jerk off to anime garbage.
get the fuck out of here, /a/.
I've heard reasons why the site's shit, but do not remember (it might have included underhanded/immoral action on the part of that site's owner).
Could anyone refresh my memory?
Only 2 ways to deal with this. Easiest (but not actually easy) and most rewarding (for yourself) is learning Japanese. Second is much harder and may or may not work. You need a bunch of people to send the parent company emails showing you cancelled your pre-order because the people they told to handle the localization censored the game and now you don't want their product any more. You must also convince thousands to not buy the game as well to stop this censorship bullshit.
The problem is getting others to care. And that's way harder than motivating yourself.
Wew lad
you're not reading the thread. This is censored in Japan even; via a patch. Fingers crossed that the non-JP versions aren't pre-patched. The waifubait sluts and lewd/sexy CGs are practically the only redeemable thing about SAO games, and they're fucking it up.
What a snide little cunt.
My mistake then. I knew it was from an update but that's a very odd thing in general. Can't see images or most links from the PC I'm using. Patching out lewds though? Just what kind of bullshit was pushed to make this happen?
Then again, who else would it be?
Are you that faggot that made those Drakengard videos?
makes me wonder. Bamco has their heads so far up their own asses you could make a mold of their noggins out of their colons though. This is so senseless. It's stupid. Hollow Fragment had some decent sexy CGs.
We're talking about Bamco here, they're the company that decided it was a good idea to put Denuvo in a heavily multiplayer focused game
Why the fuck are all these faggots coming here
You haven't seen the new news, user.
pic related
halfchan is getting more railed by the day, and more of them are being shaken out of that rat's nest and coming here instead.
I'm pretty sure that's why the call for Holla Forums mods is being sent out, to deal with the influx of nu-fags
nu-fags are worse than newfags since they bring all their neo-chan "lingo" (aka reddit and tumblr memes) with them
I wish Asuna had a point.
I also wish you did not get to sleep with YOUR SISTER THE INCESTUOUS WHORE ELF
Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so!
From what I hear that isn't even your sister, that's your cousin, but it's still redneck-tier shit with an elf.
Is this supposed to be some new revelation? The Jap Jew was always a liar. Also I love how the Watkinses are trying to play sides now it's their old enemy who owns the rival imageboard.
There's nothing wrong with brown elf
Not brown elf, blond-haired elf.
Serves retards right for buying video games for any reason other than the fucking game.
Censorship apologists have been a problem here and everywhere else for quite some time. These people fuel an entire industry standard of censorship and meme localizations because they legitimately hope buying this crap enables publishers to shovel more garbage down their throats. It isn't just censorship, the scripts are awful, too. World of Final Fantasy is a cringefest of downright awful writing with everything from memes to obscure references to American television that go back to the 70s. You can tell it's a combination of old, clueless writers trying to appeal to millennials assisted by some faggy redditors. Anywhere the game is discussed you'll find people defending it to the bitter end.
You can't blame cuckchan, this cancer has infested weeb gamers.
Face it fam you're no better than the faggots who buy a game for the cinematic experience.
SMH TBH fam you're using words you don't understand.
r/the_donald is calling you. Seriously, stay the fuck out of Holla Forums, too.
Alright let me break it down for you;
1.You get triggered at the stupidest shit
2.You don't understand what "Censorship apologist" is.
Shouldn't you be avatarfagging with Anita Sarkeesian rather than Trump?
But you CAN
You have to be 18 years old to vote in the US elections.
I don't think it's old writers, since they would simply translate that shit and replace whatever cultural reference Japan put in there with something they are familiar with. We had censorship before, sure, but it was mostly removal of "adult" or "controversial" content, the vidya landscape back then was very much different than it is today. These modern fucks take shit and outright rewrite it for no good reason, or simply replace it with memes because they are lazy, infantile hacks.
What we are seeing is what happens when tumblrtards and nu male cuckolds get put into editorial positions and abuse them to prove to the world they are "better" writers than the people that made the fucking game.
We know for a fact that the butchery takes place after translators are done with their job, so this is mostly a problem of superfluous, unprofessional, leftist editors smearing their feces over everything, partially because they hate the source material and actively want to ruin it, partially because they hate the audience, and partially because they have massive, fragile egos.
You'll always find good goys wherever nerds gather. There's always a large percentage of weak willed beta orbiters that think cucking themselves online and acquiescing to female opinions (thinking that female approval equals female attraction) will get them laid eventually.
They don't even believe what they are preaching, they have no strong ideological core, all they are, all they will ever be, is thirsty betas desperate for pussy, and preferably for gamer gurrl pussy, with whom they can discuss the finer points of Smash Bros and horsefucking. Basically, get rid of the beta orbiters and you fix the problem, because then the cunts preaching leftist shit don't have a legion of white knights drowning out all the criticism.
Will this be the new Tay?
Oh boy, a shitty weeb game got censored. I cannot wait to have a trillion more threads about it.
Maybe you should go back to cuckchan, you'd fit right in
I want that, it would be funny.
Really nigger?
yes, and even the animes made a better SAO than SAO. SAO is the big bazooper theory of japan.
SAO is shit.
In the same way that Microshit tried it with their AI and ended up with what could be described as the purest essence that makes up Holla Forums?
Yes, that was Tay
Jojo was around long before you were a sperm in your father's sack, trog.
Comparing it to SAO is like comparing Ernest Hemingway to a fan fiction author
It always amazes me how far a little bait will go these days.
nigga its not mostly because of cuckchan. A lot of these faggots have been showing up lately, many of them from tumblr and Neogaf since we're kind of well known now it seems.
Look at Holla Forums, that board has gone downhill fast.
Not him, but SAO is the very definition of everything you DON'T want in an anime. You got everything, the OP, bland as fuck self insert of an MC, every single girl INCLUDING his sister lusting after his dick, and of course him facing no challange at all because he's the ultimate self insert that the Otaku love
In fact I remember hearing that the author of the series got pissed off that there were a large group of people who hated the series outside of Japan. He went on some rant about how westerners prefer self inserts while Japanese love to create their own characters and shit. Very definition of damage control./
Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is that it does not go down the harem route. Blueballing bullshit.
I've noticed a good amount of manga and anime's seem to be doing that a lot. Konosuba being the biggest criminal.
Fucking Japanese otaku need to be gassed, they're the ones killing anime,
Mate, you'd be hard pressed to find ten anime out there that actually go the harem route. It's a travesty that a genre built on pandering so massively fails at it.
Oh, for sure, I'm tired of all the cockblocking plots and pussy, passive MCs that are about as interesting as a cardboard cutout and seemingly incapable of being proactive.
Fuck me, Grisaia was like a breath of fresh air. A harem plot that isn't just one long string of sexual encounter and an MC that you can at least understand why the girls are attracted towards.
The Japs for some reason want to feel attached to their one precious waifu, aka the "pure" one. They hate tsundere's and the slutty ones because they know they can't get that kind of girl in real life. By self inserting as the MC, they can lust after and finally have that one pure girl they've always wanted.
See this is why I wish 2ch wasn't closed off to foreigners. Would love to rip apart the Japs on their and point out in detail why they're wrong about everything. Then again they'll just call me a gaijin and think that because I'm not Japanese that I can't get why they love bland MC's.
I'm not convinced you know what versatile means.
Wanted to add:
Its sad because Love Hina was the anime/manga that kicked off the whole harem thing lusting after the MC's dick. Thing is with Hina, the MC was actually likable. Nowadays Japanese manga/light novel authors want to go the cheap way by writing shitty harem stories and watch them get published.
What I love the most is that almost every single one of them will thrown in random references to Christianity, seemingly because the Japanese are obsessed over that religion, despite barely 1% of the country being Christian
To the determent of the plot. It's why harem stories are stuck in a perpetual status quo.
Slutty ones are shit though. That's veering dangerously close to NTR territory.
Just how many people actually want to be the hero instead of cheering for him? Am I strange when I'm not putting myself in his shoes and would rather enjoy a protagonist that is capable and proactive and genre savvy enough not to walk into the dumbest traps?
But with the harem ending they get their pure waifu, and more.
He still let the girls walk all over him and tolerated their unjustified and overbearing abuse like a whipped dog.
Nothing wrong with harem stories if done right and if you manage to avoid the usual tropes and pitfalls. What's really sad is how near universal the same shitty story, with the same protagonist and heroines the market seems to be awash in.
How fucking difficult can it be to write a story that subverts the usual tropes and has a protagonist that isn't some average/loser high schooler/salaryman that has a hint of backbone and intellect present and actually behaves like a real human?
It's more fashion statement than religion to them, just like Westerners will do the same with Shinto and Buddhism.
Theres a thread on Holla Forums about educating here. Shes handling the language barrier pretty well, all things considered.
Who cares?
nice get uwu
Fuck I have no Pelinal images
Anime wouldn't exist without otaku, you retard.