Simpleplanes General

Rev up those nazi aeronautical abominations, it's time for another round of simpleplanes.


user in the last thread found a multiplayer mod but at the moment there isn't a Holla Forums server. Link here if you want to check it out:

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh boy, this is gonna be gud


It's too bad you can't fire all of your bombs and missiles at the same time, but you can fire all of your miniguns at the same time.

Why in gods name would you try to roll while taking off

Someone set up a server

I didn't realize I had no elevators.

You need a mod for server support

I know, I'm waiting for someone to set up a server.

Holy shit, does it allow multiple people at once or just 1v1?

I dunno, I'm trying to figure something out now.

More like Simpletonplanes.
If you want to make 3D models that aren't blocky crap, why not get Blender for free or "legally acquire" some 3DS Max?

pic related, what i'm working on in Blender

Congrats on missing the entire point of the thread you heathen


what the fuck does making models in blender have to do with a video game where you build flying things? are you fucking retarded? you just wanted to show off your shitty car for some ebin internet points didn't you?

You fags want to try this multiplayer shit out?
PUT FILE IN YOUR C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\Mods\

Put in your name and the server IP is



Well, no, it seems like if you're going to be an autist and spend 5 hours making a plane you might as well make a good one.

Is anyone on the server? I can join but it appears I'm the only one on it.

This is a video game, user

You sure you joined? I didn't see anything pop up on the server console

I don't even understand how it's possible to miss the point this hard


Yes I can see you, Filthymemer. Fucking server console doesn't have chat commands lol.

I'm not a faggot who likes shotas so that's one worry out of the way.

Good, so I did join. Now other faggots need to actually join the game and fly around so we can be autistic together

For the record, the way I joined was by connecting to the server, but that didnt work so I had to set my name by typing "SetName [Name]" no quotations or brackets of course, then I typed "Connect [OP's IP]. Hopefully more people join.

fucking hell, now I can actually make badly painted but good looking planes.

How do you put a whole lot of blocks faster? Must I do each individual one? I know I can mirror and save groups.

Right click clones blocks

You can right click on a block to make a copy of them. If you make a big section and want to past the whole lot a few times you can drag it into the top left to make a subassembly too.

How do I chat? And does pausing the game pause it for everyone?

Use the dev console and type "say "put what you want to say here""
and no, I don't think so. Remember this is mod enabled multiplayer so it's barebones as hell.

I joined. Flying around the starting island with the three boats.

That's the ~ button right?

I get an error message. wrong number of arguments.

Can you guys see other planes? Like I was flying around in an Su-37. I was just wondering if downloaded planes are transferred to other clients.

Yeah I think the say function is really rudimentary, keep messages to low numbers of words and spaces and it'll work. if you want longer messages you'll need to use _ as a space.

also if you join and it seems like nobody else is on, it's probably because you didn't join

Is there an archive of the previous thread? That shit was wonderful.

my abomination




Learn to record, dipshit.

I think you destroyed the server.

wew didn't mean to post that, at first I thought he had output and base resolution fucked up.

To the user who asked about my Einhänder, yes I made it myself. I had to compromise a lot on the aesthetics in order to get it flyable, particularly around engine placement. Here's the video from last thread. Glad to say I've got a much better launch system now.

I would have replied in game, but it keeps crashing. Both the game and the aircraft, often at the same time.

This game is comfy as fuck. Also rate my plane. Too many guns?

If you go left from the end of the runway, there's a winding canyon track. My plane isn't agile enough to make any of the corners though.

I saw it spawn and immediately explode before it crashed. Guessing you nuked everyone's server with that.

yeah I'm trying faggit, OBS is weird and it's hard to get good quality footage when I'm recording up to 5 minutes.

Great, my failure will now last forever.

I want to wait for a sale but at the same time I really want to play this. Is it worth the full price?

I could also pirate it but I thought that I should maybe support the dev.

So will mine

holy shit bitrate, what am i doing

You're doing two things wrong:
The bitrate is way too low, try to get as close to 12 MB as possible.
You're converting in vp8. Use vp9.


Anyone still on? All I can see is some guy with a ship called straight up teleporting between 70 and 40 miles away from spawn.

Pirate for now and see how much you think it's worth. Link is in the OP.

You're supposed to pull up while you drop bombs or you're going to hit yourself.

This legend needs to be written into the annals of time and space.

Is it the latest version with absolutely everything?

Does anyone at least have that one disc that OP tried to make fly?

r8 my blane

If someone has the webm still I could recreate it

I tried.

It's the one I'm using and works in multiplayer so I assume so.




I fucking hate the sea. Only thing it's good for aside from our water and seafood supply are beaches and even then hotsprings and resorts are better for anime tiddies.

the last time I played this was a year ago, do you still have to edit the dimensions in the XML file to get decent looking planes? I wanted to recreate some shmup planes but XML editing was too tedious a so I stopped playing

Holy shit.

Man the map is so damn huge. There's probably a mod that makes it smaller or gives the game a minimap.


Stuka's cousin/10


Were going to need a bigger airship

Behold my shitty creation. It flies suprisingly good.

Now make Heero's true vehicle, the stolen ambulance.

I believe you can fly in its head, but I haven't managed it, yet.


I rather try believing in a sign of Zeta it's not going so well

Server guy here, I'm going to be going to bed soonish and I'll probably turn the server off but I do want to say I will probably turn it back on tomorrow and make a separate thread so that server info and instructions are all up in the OP for people to see. I kinda hope this becomes a weekly thing.

Call me daddy and fuck me silly because my recording settings take up a lot of space. 1920x1080, 4000 bitrate and 11 second of video takes up 57 megabytes.
Here I uploaded some footage of Oblivion with my normal recording settings to Mixtape. 1080p.

Make sure to use Game Capture, better performance with it.

What the fuck are you recording with and what bitrate is it?
Or did you just fuck up WebM conversion?

I'm running out of ideas.

What version of OBS are you using? My settings look nothing like that.

Do the Twin Mustang

Studio 64bit 0.15.4

How did you build that? Are there wings embedded in the fuselage or something?

Oh and make sure to use your GPU hardware encoder instead of software like a idiot.

I did something similar while fucking around with the in-game mustang

I just realized what you meant. I didn't make that plane. I just found it on the site.

I think im hearing "somebody help, we had some casualties"

or at least try to shoot at it

Please fucking tell me someone saved the webms from the last thread.

I have really tiny wings on the outside of the engines, but all they're doing is letting me take off and keeping me from going into a dive when i pitch down. I also attached my elevators to rotators so that way I could roll without having an extra set of wings.

I tried my autistic heart out

Christ, I'm amazed by what you people can do, but at the same time, depressed that I can't do shit by comparison

Just pic something and copy it then tweak it until it looks good.
Protip: it doesn't even have to look good.

Just pic something and copy it then tweak it until it looks good.
Protip: it doesn't even have to look good.


best post ITT

you've only got one prop m8

uneven lift

The other one detached because the VTOL flips.

My idea from the last thread. The wings extend out when it flies.

From the previous thread

It was inevitable.
Actually, I think I can do this better.

I chuckled.

War thunder's naval CBT is looking really nice.

These simpleplane threads are generating some really nice OC

So I made one of my favorite military tools of all time (based on acronym alone): the SLAMRAAM


I just fucking want that one of that retarded looking circle covered in propellers not to be lost.

Protip: Set the turret to use pitch and roll, then enable the mouse joystick. This will result in a sort of ghetto mouselook.

I guess I could do that for ground vehicles. I'm making this next.

Mm..nothing's clicking. I think I'll stick to spectating. Thought about making a car myself, but I'll save myself the frustration. I need handholding on the tier of Nuts and Bolts to make something even resembling a usable vehicle. No Twisted Metal future for me here!

Nuts and Bolts was the shit, If it weren't a banjo kazooie game and had so much fucking filler it'd be a pretty good game

Didn't really care if it was a Banjo-Kazooie game, but the building was butter-smooth. I could visualize a concept and have it fucking done in 5 minutes or less. This simpleplanes is giving me a headache by comparison. The best I can do is achieve beyblade status for 4 seconds before self-destruction. Shit doesn't even TURN

Whiskey alpha hotel, what are we gonna do on the runway? Over.
Papa oscar mike foxtrot, you have permission to engage.


How does multiplayer even work? Doesn't this game require restarts if your plane blows up and shit?

Is anyone on the server right now or did I not do something right?

You probably have to use the console. There's a post with the commands a bit below the server post.

However, the owner did say he was going to take it down for the night.

You probably have to use the console. There's a post with the commands a bit below the server post.

However, the owner did say he was going to take it down for the night.

I'll try in the morning

Somebody stick fuckload of bombs on their plon and ram that thing, holy fuck.

could any pilotfag educate me how do I twin-boom and center of mass, I keep ending up with the engine being too heavy and the whole plane keeps flipping.

Just asking to confirm something:
Did that double post happen with a captcha post?

Still having a good time though, reminds me of the old Besiege threads.

Anyone up for a fun group project to recreate the Thunder Birds opening? I'm shit at video editing, though. Dibs on Thunder Bird 3.

Yes. Captcha has consistently been doing that for me.

I think so. The "success, you may now go back and post" popup after completing the captcha has been removed so it might process the initial post and then also have another line that says "post again" or something after it has completed the captcha.
If you get this double post with an image, both images have the same file name in that random number-letter string. But super interestingly, if you post a gif and get a double post, then start them playing out of time, they'll be perfectly in sync regardless of when you start each one.

Press space when you're making your plane to see the centers of mass, thrust, and lift. Ideally all three should be lined up perfectly but with the center of mass in front of the center of lift (from front to back: red, blue, yellow). Move your wings to the back of the plane and your heavy things to the front.

Dear god Holla Forums I haven't laughed this hard about video games in over a year. Why are video games so fucking good when they're like this? People can just fuck around and make the best shit.

Thrust in the front seems much easier to make stable, although I'm sure there are maneuverability tradeoffs.

This piece of shit flies pretty well, at least until its engines shake off at 1200mph

Is making this possible?

Post the rest. Bonus points if the others are also birds.

joke filename
Although I did name it Bird With Arms. And I do prefer trying to make crazy shit work over real planes.
I also posted the spinning cockpit launching machine in the last thread. Maybe I'll make a jet powered trebuchet next.

Meant to post pics

It's not very aerodynamic.

I was trying to make a Hydro Thunder-ish vehicle, I failed, but was able to finally make something that I can take off with in water.
Someone make some hydro thunder vehicles these designs are too good


love it

My planes keep vibrating into non plane-like objects over 3000 mph or so. Any suggestions?

don't fly at hyper sonic speeds?


I don't understand.

Anyhow, longer, narrower wings helped. This is turning into more of a missile.

Kerbalfag here, got a realistic aerodynamics mod installed, building the Horten 229, as someone requested in the last thread, am I welcome here?

Where are the engines?

I'm cool with it

I put them in last, let's do this shit

the complete lack of tail fins is making it sideglide, but it does take off

it works

god damn.

Anyone got that guide from Kerbal that explains where you should put the center of mass and which wing shape you should choose for your plane?

Lower the wing from the center of mass, higher the maneuverability, higher the wing, higher the stablility.

Farther forward the wings greater the efficiency (less drag from correction) Farther backwards, greater the stability (you always want to stall your nose DOWN, if you stall backwards you're in trouble.)

Then stop fucking making 1920x1080 resolution files with 4000 bitrate. Just make it 800x450 and drop the bitrate, the video clearly doesn't need to have super high detail and making it 1920x1080 only ends up making the video playback lag for a lot of users along with needlessly bloating the filesize.

You should install the Ferram Aerospace Research mod for realistic Aerodynamics (KSP's default aerodynamics model sucks and lets planes that shouldn't work work) and Principia for true n-body gravitational calculations (KSP by default only accounts for the single greatest gravitational influence currently being applied to your ship, that's a decent approximation and is what got us to the moon, but you can't do Lagrange points and Lissajous orbits, which is the highest quality of autism


Nah, I'm playing SimplePlanes, I just need that guide

oh- oh gosh

user, please fucking post the one with the helicopter disc.

follow what said and you should be fine

Well dangit. I actually got this thing flying.

This one? I need to overhaul it so it doesnt fly in an arc destined to crash and burn.

what the fuck

You can attach two elevators/stabilizers fine, just mirror it around.
Also, found the squid, just head right from your starting airfield and fly low enough to spot any suspicious islands.


nice boat.

Coming soon. Still need to tweak things to actually make it flyable.

that thing is a platform you can launch from in the game i only made the shitty gondola.

Indeed I did. I'll be home within an hour and I'll get up the server then. Also would you guys be open to using discord or something to chat instead of the really shitty console which pauses the game? Any suggestions are welcome. I hope the devs put actual multiplayer in soon so this mod-based solution isn't the only solution.

I expect that to explode into autism very fast if its more than just a one off thing. Generals and everything that become a semi daily thing are bound to turn into cancer sooner or later. Id be up for it. But lets be careful.

see and for how to connect
Since the in-game chat command is shit due to the multiplayer mod being a 3rd party thing and the console pausing the game in the client when open (making you appear frozen to everybody else) I made a discord room just for game communication. Try not to turn it into a circlejerk.

Well I meant just to use as a chat when we play this instead of using the garbage console. It wouldn't be a replacement for these threads or some sort of circlejerk, and I can't really think of any chat clients that let you just make a chat for a set period instead of making a room or channel of some sort.

That was great.

Tried to make Wing Zero.

Mostly got the transformation going.

Flight is still a problem.


Well, I just spent five hours building something that I can't even load. Motherfucker.

It looks like its throwing a tantrum

I have reached peak performance

I tried making a recreation of the StuKa from WW2.
It's air worthy only problem is that there is a lot of weight on the front of the aircraft that I don't know how to fix.

Balance it by adding weight in the fuselage in the back?

That's a big plane



That's a very sexy piece user

Didn't even think this design would work.

Holy dam, thanks for the link Op, game is pretty comfy for now and glad to see i dont need 128Gb or ram to make it run smoothly.

glad to see someone make a better KSP whithout the lag

1.2 optimized ksp pretty good I think.

Yeah, I'm glad this can run perfectly on my atrociously shitty laptop.

The colors are shit but other than that bretty gud 7/10.

Good news, inspired by
to make a pod racer type thing and works pretty well. Not perfect but it flies nicely so it's good enough.

I even got some webms to share



Is it a vtol?
Please tell me those engines rotate for vertical landing.

No, the one circle covered in propellers that completely flipped over and slammed into the ground, exploding into pieces while music played.

Nah, tried doing hat though.


has anyone flown that canyon run yet?

I tried.

I dont remember doing that. You must be mixing me up with someone, user. Sorry.


Mother fucker. I used to play this game at least 14 years ago that was an army capture the flag game. The jeep (the only thing that could take the flag) could go over the water and would fold its wheels under like that. Is that based of anything?

more air :^)

the faster you go, the more the "thicker" the air behaves, like water or a solid. this is why supersonic aircraft climb to a higher altitude where the air is thicker.

The SR-71 had to be built from titanium to keep it from melting from the air friction

Yeah, the "drive on water" cheat from Vice City. I used to play that game a lot when I was a kid.

The OP from the first thread.

Thats an actual thing that some amphibious cars do, the wheels are folded to provide better bouyancy

This game is comfy as fuck.
Where is spook island?

Anyways I'm going to take a try at recreating some of the terran aircraft from starcraft.

Head about 75 or 80 degrees from the collection of rock spires near Bandit Airport. You should pass a small island on your left, another on your right a bit later on, and then see it in the distance.

I don't the serb worked for me

I am proud to announce that Wing Zero is now capable of controlled atmospheric flight.

Should a pilot be skilled enough, it might even be possible to land it.

It's probably down.

Learning from nature is the first step in creating an intelligent design.
I don't think most seagulls explode, though.

Excellent work
Shorter nose, higher mass in rear, more larger flaps and ailerons, shorter wingspan, gun counterweights engine mass ideally- They put a ton of work into making the Swordfish aerodynamically believable, but the main stipulation is that you can abuse the thrust direction to steer. Not so much the case here.

Oh fugg :DD

Does anyone know what the different foils do if anything?

Also I made a venture into not cthulhu and made a webm for it.

server when

Is there an 8ch archive that actually saves webms? Because that's the only way I'm gonna fucking find that one based off
at this point.

This was kinda a hoot. Tearing down someone else's F-14 build and rebuilding this god damn monstrosity. I even did some XML modding to give the engines 4 times their normal power, which lets the plane have a max speed of 1100 MPH. I would have tried to get 4000 MPH like it had in the show but I could never get to it without massive stability issues.


well done

Try and let me know if it works. Kiwifag so expect lag.


yee swatkats!

how do i place objects

your serb doesnt work


What do you mean?

I cant add new objects to a plane, clicking around does nothing

and if you meant what do i mean by how it doesnt work, i mean i cant connect

Imagine if there was an unannounced update to Kerbal that put Cthulhu in space.

More games with large open worlds should do things like that. Just imagine planning an orbital traversal in Kerbal when your trajectory line suddenly changes and wraps around a random point in space. You decide to send yourself there and find out it's an enormous space creature of some sort.

Did you do the tutorial?

what are you, gay?

You're still being retarded if you refuse to do the tutorial when you're sitting here like a dumb fuck, not knowing how to do anything.

I can't believe this flies

What kind of engine will give me the longest range?

not doing tutorials is for real men

I associate hovercars more with Vigilante 8 personally

Yep, and there's enough room to go out his other eye socket if you're a good enough pilot (me fucking up in the webm is me trying to get the landing gear down). I'm also surprised that this hasn't been done yet It took me way too long to get this to turn out right

It could have happened already and he's just chilling on the south pole of the furthest planet

The deep sea games that seem to be coming out are doing that Like the Hermit crab that uses a fucking Yamato battle ship as a shell

What are the system requirements? Can an core2 duo and an R7 240 run it?

Nice work music was a nice touch.

All it needs now is, guns, missiles, missiles that turn into motorcycles/jet skis, a hover car, the cockpit section able to separate from the plane body (on the ground) and VTOL capabilities and you will now have a jam packed clusterfuck of an aircraft like the one in the show. (I'm probably missing something else it could do but those were the ones I could remember off the top of my head).

If only this shitty game had some way to script things you could make a real helicopter without having to use ailerons and elevators for control.

took it down. is back up though and it's pretty fucking comfy.

Nigger you can use motors and bind them to keys.

i don't know how that morgan can say so stable at low speeds

i was the arsehole in the flanker

Still wouldn't be a real helicopter.

There's some crazy engineering going on with that plane. DeltaDragoon's plane turns on a dime too.

Hey fags, get on the serb.

I would have made it if I straightened up at the last second.

I'm still having issues joining
I get a failed to connect message everytime I try to join

you can get a failed to connect message and still join the serb

as long as you get a joined game 0 message, you're good

I made a flying cigarette. It actually handles pretty well for being a sliver of wing attached to a fuselage and an engine.

Were will this message appear

in your in-game console

What if I don't get a single message and I don't see anyone when the map loads?

type "connect (ip address here)" in your console and keep trying

When I input this into the console nothing happens

How long should I keep trying, I just keep getting "failed to connect"

Aside from the failure to connect message

you are trying to connect to right?

everyone's spawning from wright airport so pick that and turn on iff using r air-to-air mode to make sure you've joined



Ok, connected. Where is everybody?

activate your air to air weapons and every other plane will have a grey square around it.

turn on iff using r key to switch to air-to-air mode

press tab to switch targets

default planes are bomber, twin prop, tutorialplane and enemy so anything with a different name is a player

Has anyone made any F-Zero machines yet?

After some refinements to the controls, I'm ready to .webm it up.


I looked into making a land vehicle

Fuck. I was trying to build an autogyro (to see if it would even work in the first place), and I realized I have no idea how to attach main rotor. Rotators have limited range, and I can't attach anything to a wheel. What do?

You can set rotators to rotate freely.

how do?

You know what I'm building

we've really got to work out a system so we don't spawn inside each other.

Press the gear button with the part selected.

just spawn in the air if you're a plane, like "Wilbur Approach". Just be sure to go into throttle and put up your gear when you do.

I made this really simple P-38 Lightning

it's actually /really/ fun to fly

Well, can you believe it? Rotor actually auto-rotates! Too bad it drags autogyro sideways for some reason, causing it to roll and crash during takeoff.

You disappointed me user.

Well, if you insist.

Also bonus fuckup video.

Okay, it seems that you can't build an autogyro in this game. This thing takes off without its rotor spinning, but if you get it to spin, then it gets all kinds of fucked. And it keeps veering to the left, for some reason.

t. Cierva

try rotating the blades

I tried, same fucking shit - it crashes sideways. Besides, autogyros are supposed to fly without changing blade pitch.

Are they for looks or for fuel? You can put fuel in the fuselage sections in case you didn't already know.

This game is so comfy, and people can create crazy shit whit it, if you look on the website of the game, you see people doing even whales and machines.

Top tier game.

Whoops, missed it.

I don't think autogyros would ever work because this game doesn't actually model aerodynamics.


That's some high quality autism, user. I approve.

1 1 1 5 M P H

look what i found

I already made
but please go ahead. I bet you can do better.

On another note, If you want to get even more autistic with building retarded machines, theres also Machinecraft which some japanese one man project and is free on steam and also DRM free on their website. It also has inbuilt Multiplayer that just seems to work by itself so no server setup fuckery needed.

Its a bit obscure and most of the userbase seems to be either japanese or russian.
Its really good and allows for massive autismal shit like transforming mechs, animu grills and other shit. Pardon the cringy embed but its the only thing i found that properly showcases the borderline retarded shit you can do with the game.

How do I make parasite planes
or, how do I set autopilot to affect only a certain group and not every control surface?

it's good but simpleplanes does flight and combat better

I agree the weapons and flight mechanics are a bit gay in machinecraft. Stuff in Simpleplanes also feels a bit more meaty. Maybe due to everything having sounds of some sort and actually being able to break. While in machinecraft everything feels like toys.

i also like collision damage and not having such a low speed cap

Consider the slant of a successful Autogyro
I doubt it'll work either way, but still

Floatplane, everybody


I got this for my phone and just played the SAM dodge mode in 2014/5.

I'm surprised nobodies attempted to make a walking bot

I don't get this game or what's fun about it.
Hell, it feels like an incredibly gimped version of Kerbal Space Program with mods.

Before you say "combat", I'll have you know there's at least one decent combat mod out there.

This feels like KSP for stupid people who can't into orbital mechanics.

no bully

unintentional ornithopter?


hahah i like this one ever more

The multiplayer in this game doesn't suck ass.

server is back up
see and for joining details
Today's project


Did KSP multiplayer ever improve? If it did then lets play it you nigs.

Joining in a few minutes.

Post more experimental ww2 flying death magic.

Fuck off faggot, this is a simpleplanes general, not a flight sim general. Make your own thread. Alternatively this game is only 300MB and the multiplayer is pirate friendly so download and join.

KSP's multiplayer is pirate friendly, its a mod, and the game is only 3 GB


Would this even work?

Yes someone made it in the last thread.

Where should I pirate it

I dont have the webm, but it was tested in the previous thread.
It worked.

There's a link in the OP.

Fug, I'd love to see it. Also, did some Anons upload they planes (.splane files)?

their* planes goddamnit

Sorry for bumplocking this thread

.splane files can only be uploaded directly to the simpleplanes website, it seems. I did it with the Turbokat and I was a pirated copy, so all you need is to make an account.

it's because this game is both a pc drmfree/steam and android game, there's no steam involved, it's all through them.

If you don't want to create an account, aircraft designs are stored as xml files in C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\AircraftDesigns

Holy shit it actually works.
Flies better without the bombs though.

Why yes, I do have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour BRRRRRRRRTT.

I sunk a carrier all by myself with it though. Even survived the landing as well.

Can my toaster run this?

Fuck this mountain how the am I supposed to dodge the those missiles and land inside the mountain and I can't destroy those turrets since they have to side turrets that destroy all bombs and missiles that come near it

Group effort?

My toaster does so I'm pretty sure yours also will. The filesize is pretty small anyway so it's worth a try.

Try harder.

I meant inside not on it but I did figure it out.


See you space cowboy…

Nice work user



Flies a lot better than the little aloha. Not having wings and being massively off-balance will do that though.

Rockets are taken out by lasers though. They don't show up on the air to ground targeting so they probably can't be destroyed.

I've been trying to build J7W Shinden. I've ended up with unholy child of a rocket car and X-Wing, and I still can't get the damn thing airborne.

Add canards maybe.

Believe me, I tried. they only make whole thing wobble back and forth once it gets off the ground, causing it to crash.

Replace the things holding the wings up with structural panels, they look exactly like wings but don't fuck up your aerodynamics. Find them in structures

is your center of thrust lined up with your center of mass? I can tell your center of lift is way off but the only way you could fix that is to use a structural panel rather than a wing for the top section.

It is now. Still nothing.

This works really well. I emptied the fuel from the wings and put fuel in the front fuselage pieces and the canard. If your center of gravity is too far backward that might help.

Found a way to stuff infinite amount of bombs on one spot, no idea how to replicate it.
how do?

What's the best way to go fast?

I like this video game.

please rate