Nips can't code

I have a 970, 4690k, an 8GB but I and other people get slowdown on these titles (which I did not buy (^: ) that I should run easily. I get 60FPS the whole time on DOOM and Dragon Warrior 2 it just makes no sense. The japanese videogame industry has zero idea how to code for PC and it shows. Will this ever change and have you ever experienced bullshit issues like this?

what game are you talking about user?

The first part of my post got cut off. I was talking about:

1)DoDonpachi Resurrection
2)Yomawari: Night Alone

I was talking about how computers that are made to play games in the west can obliterate 99% of home or game computers in japan so why is it that these games can't run 60fps all the time even though they're 2D. Nips can't code.

pic unrelated

If I had to guess, I'd say the games are running on a single thread. Couple that is some inefficient code and that lone CPU core is probably getting bottle-necked.

pc gamers

step up your bait game boy

when faced with facts, insecure, delusional fanboys often cry of trolling & bait, oblivious to how small their platform actually is

I don't get what's wrong with that picture, NISA not getting money is a good thing.

nothing is wrong with it, it is supporting evidence that the platform is small and devs don't expect to sell fucking anything on it which is why they don't waste time on making good ports and why the library has been 90% ports.

It's only evidence that no one on PC wants to play a shitty NISA game. Rocket Star made over a billion dollars on the PC release of GTA 5 a year after the initial release. The PC has the largest selection of games of any platform. You can't just publish mediocre shit and expect it to sell because its one of the few descent games on the platform, like the consoles do.

Are you literally insane? Every household has a PC or two.

wow you don't say, a major AAA game sold a few million copies? (5m currently) And the game itself sold 40m in total? Making PC sales a joke compared to other platforms?

are you retarded

Stop pretending to be dense. He meant PCs as gaming platform and you know know it.

Modern PCs can play tons of games, sure not every AAA blockbuster one, but they can at least play the two I mentioned and many many more. It's a giant platform.

Try selling any game a year after it came out on another platform. Hint, your not going to sell as much.

As for player base, steam alone has 125 million active users. PS4 has only sold ~50 million, XBone ~20 million. And that's assuming every unit is still actively being used.

The consoles will sell greater numbers of a single games, but PC's will sell more games in total. That's because the console selection of games is so small. There is just no competition between games.

try selling any game on PC, doesn't seem like it's going to sell much of anything whereas if you released it on console instead. Kinda seems to be proven with every game that gets released on console and PC. Unless you're making an mmo or a moba or something.

these numbers barely matter, a reliable audience is much more important. Nobody cares how many accounts are signed up.

well that sure doesn't make sense, I wonder if you have difficulty breathing if you think about it too much.

Where? On average 12-13M people use steam every day and only 3M actually ever do a anything. Or do you mean the people who have steam accounts, but never log in more than twice?

no one in nipland plays on pc so they only have to make it work on various shitboxes also known as consoles

That's what "ACTIVE" accounts are moron. The number of people how current buy and play games. Not the number of people who signed up.

I'll sorry for talking above a second grade level. Maybe this will be easier.

Hope that helps.

Where did I mention steam in either of my posts?

I forgot to quote the guy below you.


Is it the japanese devs that make these PC ports because they don't come out in Japan so maybe their western studios do the porting. Like Yomawari is NISA and they're notorious for fucking up the console versions they make which is just supposed to be translation. If they're porting the game I can see them fucking up so bad that a sprite based game has trouble running on a 970.

That the number of concurrent players you can see online at peak times. Not the number of people a day.

What? Over a million were playing DOTA at once during todays peak hours.


The biggest problem with DDP is that it may or may not start up on your rig for no reason. But if it does start up, they just messed up by adding too much slowdown to BLA, though whether or not they'll fix it is yet to be known.

nigga it's 2016, all you got is multiplats that are either shite or late and shite

shouldn't you be complaining about goyworks or something?

PC gaming in japan isn't a thing.
You're not their target audience.
They don't give a single shit about you, they port this shit in the most rushed way possible just to squeeze a couple of bucks out of your baka gaijin ass.

Is this clear enough, do i need to draw a picture for you?
Wait, i'll actually draw a picture.
Here you go, i hopes this is clear enough.

They can't speak English do you expect them to know how to optimize between "if" and "case".

Japs seem to be of the mentality of "if it works release it" without understanding much of even why it does work, even less how to make it better and how to fix issues. Maybe because English is not their first language and programming and all info related to it is in English, or because they work all around the clock shifts and they function on a 4 hours sleep schedule gotten at 1pm to 5pm where they have to go back to work.

nips are trash kill youself

That is a Japanese game, dumbass.

League of Legends for example easily hits over 6 million concurrent players at peak hours.

Is reading that hard for autists like you?

Funniest shit I've seen all day.

fucked up posting so many goddamn times

Is reading that hard for autists like you?

Funniest shit I've seen all day.

I hope one of these goes through

thanks for translating the OP into English, user.

Capcom's MTFramework games (DMC4, Lost Planet 2, Dragon's Dogma?) and the FOX engine games (GZ and TPP) all run very well. I think the japanese games I've got on PC are all fairly well optimized but there are some weird design choices that don't make a lot of sense for PC

It was understandable in the early '90s that they had little idea of how to code for PC but today it's so goddamn easy and there are so many games to copy the interface of that it points to some sort of learning disability with gooks.

Is reading that hard for autists like you?

Funniest shit I've seen all day.

I love sucking cocks

Thanks for making fun of my retardation. Now I have to kill myself.

Thanks for making fun of my retardation. Now I have to kill myself.

Thanks for making fun of my retardation. Now I have to kill myself.


Might be related to the fact that a lot of Japanese PC gamers still use XP.



No shit sherlock

I'm on to you Satan!
Although in truth, consider the economics behind it. Anyone who could code well probably got snatched up by an engineering firm. Younger people/less experience people code games to boost the resume.

If I recall thats the reason ps3 games has such a huge discrepancy. Most nips at the time couldn't wrap their heads around threading, which to be fair ,was newish, when ps3 came out. Microsoft directx environment apparently did some threading automatically, things like controller inputs and network functions wouldn't hold up the queue for the 360 apparently. Directx does network, inputs, and sound functions, who fucking new, I thought it was all video.

As far as for PCs, especially xp machines.

from Forum posts for DiretX 9.

If they are using it with directX 9 in mind "the highest XP can natively go", then that might be on issue, but it most likely because of shit programming.

I think user meant nuDoom.