What games are on your gaming blacklist?

What games are on your gaming blacklist?

Anything published or localized by NISA. I refuse to give those cancerous fucks a single cent regardless of how involved they were with the localization.

Your thread
you may give me a

Animeshit with either
1. Girls with technicolor hair
2. VN, dating sims, or the likes of that
3. Grinding
or any combination of those three

Really that style is fucking boring to me, and I'd rather play LoL with normalfags than play weebtrash with Holla Forums.

All resident evil games after 4. I got 5 for a dollar off steam just to see how bad it was. You know, going into something and taking the piss out of it for fun. It wasn't fun. It was actually sad. It was the same feeling I got when watching E3 with Holla Forums, and EA had two 40 year olds trying to hype each other up for an hour about some shit game they clearly don't care about. Absolute disgust.

Well ya just contradicted yourself there buddy.

Also killing floor 2 for the p2w shit they did in 1.

Deserves a ban.

yes. but you forgot to read the rest of the sentence.

Deserves a ban.

LoL, DOTA, ASSFAGGOTS in general with the sole exception of Fractured Space.

This, and pretty much anything made since 2012, I think. Definitely avoiding EA, Gearbox, any any company or individuals that sided with the left's narrative that GG was a hate campaign or some other bullshit.

Games with buff-based combat.


Anything by Blizzard and EA, MOBAs in general, MMO's that are WoW Clones, and any new Star Wars games since the Disney purchase.

Maximum overbait

Anything by Ubisoft, Sega or cancerous Devs

I still like Rayman.
Drawing a blank here because I know there's more companies I won't touch but these are clearly the ones I hate the most.

Pretty much everything made by modern triple A developers. Anything that has an exclusive steam release. Anything console exclusive in the current year. Anything that can be described as a "meme game". Anything made by a faggot developer that panders to or is themselves a SJW. Any game that has been downgraded for console parity. Anything made in RPG Maker. Anything with a retarded anime name like "Melty Blood" or similar nonsense.

Postal 3
Anything by Dice, Bioware, or Chucklefish

Anything with Bethesda, EA, or Ubisoft's name on it. Also Modern Nintendo.
