Collector / Buyfag Thread: Halloween Edition

Don't remember when the last one was.

What have you picked up since the last thread anons? Picked up what you wanted, or just got lucky one day with something? Anything in particular you're looking to get?

Managed to pick up Air Combat. Seems like it could be fun, but yet to get a PSX to play it on. Found someone selling a muddy Mega Drive, with the boxes and games dirty as fuck for £120. The only noteworthy game in there was Wonder Boy 2 as well, how the fuck they think they'd get away with that is beyond me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Valkyrie Drive shipped out late, two days after it originally released. I thought Amazon was supposed to get that stuff out the door in time to arrive in the mail on release day, but apparently not.

Also found a preowned copy of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Volume 5 the other day for $20. I have no idea why Funi would decline to renew the western rights to a franchise (not just Brotherhood, but both series) that's been really popular out here for over a decade, but they've confirmed they aren't going to be doing more prints.

Haven't found much at local stores worth picking up lately, but I am happy to say that I'm still able to find stuff like Dark Cloud 2 and Suikoden V half price. Already have both though, so I don't have reason to pick them up.

The copy of Baten Kaitos: Origins I'd seen at that same store for a while seems to have finally sold. Some poor fuck dropped $100 on it and it wasn't even a new copy.

Just a birthday present for a friend. Was thinking of getting him that copy of Dark Cloud 2 I saw since it was a cheap $12, but he wants complete copies of games wherever possible (just like I do), and of course that was missing the manual because why wouldn't it be missing.

Still looking locally for a copy of El Shaddai PS3 and have been having no real luck.

So recently I found a PS1 for $15, a PS2 slim for $40, and a PS2 fat for $45. They all come with all the hookups and 1 controller. Are any of these deals worth it?

Maybe the slim

Not vidya but I bought a rock. Or more specifically a mineralloid. $5 got me a heavy little polished pebble of hematite, an iron ore. It brings my rock collection to 1

Might want to ask about whether the PS2s have had any issues with them fixed before the store put them back out for sale. I'd got a fat refurbished model that's still working just fine. Also, you might want to check what the actual model numbers are and double check compatibility with games, as some models have issues/won't play particular PS1 or PS2 games.

Some stuff I picked up recently

Always nice to see more people getting into Shadow Hearts (if that's your first game in the series, I would highly recommend holding off and playing them in order, though whether you feel like starting with Koudelka or SH1 is up to you). How much did you have to drop on Chrono Trigger and that boxed edition of Growlanser Generations?

Just my opinion, but given how much NISA fucked around with AT2, I'm perfectly content to sit on a patched ISO than have a physical copy of that game, and that's even with me having preference for physical copies wherever feasible.

$98.99 for Chrono Trigger
Growlancer was still brand new sealed so I payed $125 for it
I was gonna get Koudelka but some faggot bought it from under me, havent seen a copy since then, same with SH1
I just bought the AT games on a gamble mainly just for display

Geez, that's a lot for those. Makes me glad the DS version of Chrono Trigger is a pretty solid port, and much cheaper too. Still need to look into Growlanser Generations myself, but I don't see it too often. It's only about $30 complete here though.

As someone with copies of all four games in the Shadow Hearts series, I'd recommend playing Koudelka digitally. Emulate, toss an eboot of it on a CFW PSP, etc (if it was on the PSN I'd also mention that, but it's a neverever). I compared playing off the discs to digitally a while back and the load times are much reduced, and considering how prevalent it is in combat (using items and spells despawns all characters and enemies but the user and target(s), and then has to reload them once over), you're going to deal with them a lot. I actually picked up Koudelka mainly since I saw it at a cheap $12 complete one day; haven't had to actually pay all that much for the series either ($12 for Koudelka, SH1 was a gift, Covenant was $30, and FtNW was $12). Good luck with finding SH1. Going off what I've read as to it's availability, it still remains hard to find and somewhat pricy at $40-50, and that's despite it having apparently been given a reprint sometime after Covenant released here (not sure I want to know what it went for before that if it's still this much). I have seen copies lower a few times around where I live; $25 being the lowest.

When will companies learn to not release shit too close to much more anticipated releases from more popular series/companies? I wager a massive part of why Shadow Hearts sold poorly was due to being released the same week as Final Fantasy X. I mean, what logic is there in doing that?

Bought a few SNES games recently, among other things.
Yoshi's Island - $27
F-Zero - $13
Plok - $15
Super Bomberman 2 - $21
Darius Twin - $15
Bust A Move - $18
Want to get genesis Earthworm Jim too, but it seems a bit too pricy.

Still can't believe it's going for 130 on ebay. Hell, a hundred got me that and the manual for link to the past.

I thought that was just Aniplex being dicks and just not letting funimation renew it, least that's what i remember hearing anyways.

I don't know, I checked recently because Amazon has had the DVDs listed as "out of stock" with the option to back order for a pretty long time. A quick google search gave a pair of articles straight from Funi itself that Brotherhood was set to expire in March this year and the original 2003 anime in July. They're no longer able to stream them either, and I doubt they'll be reaired on Toonami or whatever either. I suppose Aniplex could be behind it too though; the articles don't give outright reasons beyond the licensing to use the series only being temporary.

Now I just need to track down volumes one through four. I'd like to think I got the hardest part out of the way though, given how series finales can be the more expensive parts to find. Good news is that I've got local options to trawl for games and DVDs, and individually the volumes aren't too pricy yet at about $20-25 each (normally I'd be against dropping dropping $100-25 total on a single series, but it's a bit more excusable to do so for a really enjoyable 64 episode series than, say, a 13 episode one or whatever the now standard length for a lot of series are; also better than some of those cases where a series is entirely in the OVA format and the DVDs just have a single episode for some horrid reason). Main issue's just going to be finding them.

Meanwhile the DS port is only like $25 complete where I live, maybe $15 on a good day. Though I know some people are sticklers for the original format/script.

Oh, and on the off chance the link still works, an user dumped AT2 prepatched with Beta 5a retranslation patch here >>11097624. Just figured it might be of interest if you like the games but want to expel NISA from the translation.

So I'm guessing AT1s translation isnt that bad?

As far as I know, it's not as bad off. Quote on the matter from Project Metafalica (
Granted, I'm personally waiting to play them until I get my PS2 set up to play stuff digitally (so as to be able to jump into AT2 after the first one), but from what it sounds like, the former was more a case of simply lacking in editing (honestly, it sounds like a similar case to Wild Arms 2 to me, in that some more time on grammar and sentence flow would have helped matters), while the latter they handled worse and in some parts made intentionally bad decisions (would making it two discs so as to include all the audio have been bad? They later did so for Sakura Wars V, for the PS2 version, anyhow). Also, going off that greentext copypasta that goes around as to why NISA is so shit, AT1's note there is simply about poor string handling on NISA's part causing crashing, while AT2's notes mention pretty much all of what Project Metafalica noted for it above (plus more gamebreaking bugs). NISA seems like they've been prone to bugginess for quite a while, but looking at that list chronologically, AT2 seems like the first time they shat the bed hard with a game (unless there's worse offenders that happened earlier on but people haven't bothered elaborating on for it). I could be wrong though. Maybe someone that's played both official western versions can provide more accurate info.


2nd Bump but jesus christ physical PC copies of the pre-walking dead telltale games are just all over the place. like the strongbad game is hovering around 70-90+ on it's own, or you can buy it in a lot for 15. Even a physical copy of Walking dead is like 26-60+ bucks

Honestly surprises me that PC even sees physical releases these days. Well, physical releases that aren't just a bunch of actual goodies and a steam code, or whatever.

As long as there is a market for people with shit connection and/or people who like physical collections there will still be actual discs

True. Despite the push some companies seem to be making, there's still physical stuff to be found (though I wish some companies would be more open to it; fucking Yakuza 5 took like six hours to download, and that was back when I had better internet). Still, PC seemed to either have made the push sooner or harder for a much more digital only environment, and it certainly doesn't help that places like Gamestop and most other used game stores (at least where I live) refuse to stock games for them, even older ones from back when physical PC games were much more of a thing.

Weird thing about that is now they're actually publishing PC games themselves, i believe ori and the blind forest was one of them, but they also teamed up with indiebox to release a series of steelbook games for pre-order.

Maybe it's an online purchase only thing? Only physical games I've seen in the actual stores for a while (on the rare occasion I've been in) have been stuff like WoW discs.

Indiebox says it's going to be sold in stores, but only a select few (~1200 gamestops) so online is your best bet..

Last bump.

Oh, so it's going to be more like a limited print run than actively being stocked for?

Yeah, that's pretty much how indiebox operates(though it doesn't feel like one because they don't immediately sell out the day of release, unlike Limited Run jews.)

Yeah, maybe I'm underestimating the popularity of indie shit with the average person (or the potential to scalp at least), but it surprises me that the shit they stock sells out so fast.

That's because of a mix of things;
-Scalpers who are always trying to find ways to game the system(i recall seeing one of them on tweeter bragging to LRG about how he bought more than the limit from them as if they're really care)
-The fact that LRG hypes up the SUPER RAER GAEM LIMITED NUMBER ONCE GONE THEY GONE BUY NOW L@@K, whereas shit like indiebox or Gaijinworks will gage customer interest through shit like pre-orders/subscriptions, then tack on an extra couple hundred or so, if not a thousand copies to sell on the store
- Other small things, I.E, they used to give people free games because they were too retarded to actually cancel orders they refunded before sending them to the shipping plant they apparently use(though they seemed to have wised up now)
- They're also hoarding a small bit of stock, for black friday or some shit.
-Also,people are way into console physicals, they recently changed things up and did a presale for some PC game called the silver case; it was their 2nd worst selling game, right next to Breach n clear.

I suppose money is money to a company, but if their scalper customers are publicly talking about doing that I'd expect other people that follow LRG's account to be miffed at what they're getting away with.
I'd have thought they as a company would have caught on sooner, though I think I've heard of the same thing happening for some anons that have bought limited print run Gust games from NISA, in that they either cancelled or complained that their copy wasn't shipping and still wound up getting a copy or two out of it unintentionally.

I think part of it is that it was open to pre-order for like 2 weeks rather than just a set number, so it was less attractive to scalpers.

It'll be interesting to see how how Vita Skull Girls sells. That'll be a big clue as to how much of the value of their games is actual interest and how much is just scalpers.

Which system is easier to collect for; Sega CD, CDi or 3DO?

Well, here are my recent pick ups. There was a retro game convention a few weeks back and managed to get some of the rarer stuff there. Then some of it just came out like Yomawari. And like FFV I found at my local store for $5.
I also picked up a PVM CRT and absolutely failed to realize how to hook my SNES up to it. Does anyone have a good guide that tells me exactly what I need to get? Hopefully no solder involved.

I have every LRG release and get doubles when I can just because of how expensive this all gets. And I am trying for a full vita collection so I need to pick that stuff up. But their whole system really is garbage as shown with the silver case preorders. As one user said I want to see how Skull Girls does to really get an idea if people buy their stuff just to resell it. They said they got almost 2k preorders for it on the first day, but I figure that is all they will get.

I'd say CD-I but most of them are fucked now thanks to the timekeeper chip, SEGA CD seems to be a scalper honeypot, and know nothin about 3d0

You need a special cable. Just search snes rgb cable

I sold off most of mine so i could have money to buy games i actually want, most of the games they sell are either overpriced trash(i.e their Thomas was alone is 30 bucks while the gamestop one is 25 with 2 day shipping and comes with the soundtrack and a few other extras, or the upcoming nuclear throne is 30+15 for the game and CD, when again, indiebox gives you, like, a physical copy along with PSN codes for Vita/PS4 of the game in a big box with a bunch of extras for the same price) or just mediocre/garbage(octodad, dragon fantasy, Sat Morn RPG, etc, etc), and the only real reason you'd buy the ones that aren't Oddworld, Soldner or Shantae is because they're SUPR RAR L@@K bait.

Also, they have shit taste, they genuinely think octodad was this amazing game that warrented like 5000 copies while shit like Soldner got fucked because they didn't think nobody would buy it.

Not much, but I think those were some pretty good prices

Is that any good? I see NISA so I'm already expecting it to kill the Vita somehow.

In the end, I may have watched the 15 minute long MGS2 trailer more than actually play SH2.

Don't get me wrong, I plan to sell that stuff off too. I'm just waiting a while longer since I would rather sell them off for more than $40 which seems to be the going rate after initial release.
Still, any garbage game released as a
SUPR RAR L@@K item will still sell unless people smarten up, and lets face it they wont.
But I agree fully on their garbage taste, Im sure I saw them say they would love to put Gone Home on physical PS4. Out of all the digital only stuff, that is one you want to see physical? They just really have no clue.
Im just real mad because Ive suggested they work to get LIMBO a physical edition and they probably dont care about that, but someone said Gone Home and I bet they are already in talks to get a physical for that.

I loved it, more jump scares than I was expecting to be honest. Very little text so nothing for NISA to botch up, although once I beat the game I loaded up my file and it seemed to be a weird glitch mode. Never got that to happen again though and only happened once.

You're not wrong there. Somebody charged over 100 for that Power Rangers game.

I realise that it would be expensive whichever I start with. I just want them because I think they would be fun to play with my friends despite what a large number of people seem to think, videogames are about having fun and passing the time, afterall

Might pick it up then. Thanks user.

By the way, I envy your Rule of Rose, man!

Naw, CD-i's pretty cheap, it's just you'll need to either replace the timekeeper chip(which isn't easy, but without it the CD-i either just doesn't work or doesn't save games) or find a model of CD-i that doesn't need it(which actually can be $$$)

Chrono Trigger was actually a pretty good deal. Be sure to get a SNES box case for it though, video game bubble kiddies like to see them.

Recently found a sealed Elder Scrolls anthology for $30, and this beauty for $5. I also watched my Evolver and Nemesis laserdiscs in honor of that faggot that streamed both of them for Holla Forums. They looked better on the Laserdisc.

Also if you really want to be a hipster, they actually made movie discs for the fucking thing and it's compatible with something called the VCD format, a very obscure thing only places like china or the Philippines use.

Geez, how much did you have to drop on that? Good job on Shadow Hearts Covenant. Make sure to look into playing the first PS2 one beforehand if you haven't yet.

Thanks…costs way too much, but Ive been having tons of fun with it.

Man, I found a laserdisc player for like $3 at goodwill and the thing was broken. I was mad, I really want one but I dont want to drop a ton of money on it. Any ideas on good ones?

It and Shadow Hearts came bundled for $240. Not really the best deal, but Rule of Rose will probably never go down in price.
And I know this is the second Shadow Hearts, I still want to play Koudelka first anyway so it will be a while before I get to this. But need to find Koudelka and SH1 right now. Just tough to find Koudelka complete.

As stated above, Koudelka handles much better in a digital format due to the loading involved with combat being much shorter that way. I'd recommend giving it a go in that form and then decide if you feel like dropping $45 or so on an actual copy. maybe with some luck you might even find a cheap copy while you're waiting (I know one store around where I live that only charges about half since it's a low demand game, and I got my own for about $12). The PS2 games work fine on the loading end as far as playing from the discs go. If anything, from what I've seen of video people have taken from them (for showing a friend parts of it; not the easiest thing to cart my PS2 around and have a second up to point file for them), they're prone to having some issues emulated, albeit still playable (the biggest concern would simply be making sure the Judgment Ring works).

CDI it is. I mainly want it to play goofy FMV games with people. It could be quite an amusing experience.

Also, I played The Apprentice at some game event a couple of years ago. Now I finally know what it's called.

I've been trying to pick up Conker's Bad Fur Day for N64 but I'm not trying to pay ebay prices. I've been bidding on every listing but people are willing to pay more than me. I also just got a really cheap copy of LoZ:OoT.

N64 / PS1 is the generation I'm most interested in right now. I started collecting after getting tired of n64 emulators being shit.

Got Mortal Kombat 9, Soul Caliber 4, and Earth Defense Force from Amazon recently. Both EDF and Soul Caliber 4 are pretty good. Haven't play much of Mortal Kombat 9 or EDF and SC4 because college is mostly talking up my freetime.

Rule number 1:
Don't buy players online

Not only has it become the hipster technology over the last year (so they're fucking expensive); but you risk damage during shipping. Seriously, I can competitvely sell my early 90s auto-flipping player for $150 online. It's nothing special, just auto-flips and was designed for LaserKaroke. Go out to the local Goodwills, thrift stores, and flea markets. Goodwills and thrift stores will give you a discount because they want giant electronics out of their store. Good thrift stores should let you plug stuff in to a TV and let you see if they work. Grab a Laserdisc from a bin, if there is any, or buy a dirt cheap one online for testing. If it plays, great. It really is that simple. However, if you find a LaserActive, and it's less than $300, buy that shit; and have it sent somewhere if it needs to be fixed. You could sell a functional unit easily for $500.

I also generally wouldn't pay more than $5 for a Laserdisc; unless it hasn't been put on DVD (those will be priced accordingly, and there's only a handful of titles). If you want to buy Japanese discs, be prepared to shell out at least $20 a disc because moonrunes are clearly superior.

Discs you buy online are generally better quality because you're buying from an enthusiast. Most of my collection comes from thrift-shopping, so the covers have wear and there's the occasional scratched disc; but normal scratch remove techniques work, and at a dollar a disc, I don't have to feel too cautious about enjoying them, they look rather hilarious on my 4k TV. Hook up to a tube TV to be authentic.

Good luck with Conkers. I'd recommend perhaps trying to trawl local stores on the of chance any don't charge ebay prices, but for the handful of rather expensive N64 games (Conker, Super Smash Bros, and Ogre Battle 64 where I live) I think they're pretty well know as games you can get a good amount for.

PS1's not too bad these days in prices for a lot of the library, but some of the harder to find JRPGs like Tales of Destiny and Eternia (Destiny II in the US), Suikoden II, Persona 1 and 2, Valkyrie Profile, and the Lunar games can be a lot if you want them complete, and MML2 and Tron Bonne are pretty pricy as well.

Are you the Koudelka user? I've heard it before and I get it can run better emulated and such, I just cannot bring myself to play emulated games the majority of the time. It just rubs me the wrong way, I should just emulate it, but…eh. Maybe if it takes too long to find I will, but SH1 I do need to find physical first anyway.

I wish we could set up a good swap system since I have an extra Conkers that I picked up for cheap $25 and would love to help out anons if it means I can get help finding games too. It seems like it could be such a good system.

That is what I thought. It seemed like shipping them could wreck them a bit, and just the hipster factor now makes them all seem to be around $100. I just need to go to more thrift stores in my area and hunt around. I do have a disc from that previous one to test with, some Jetsons movie.

Maybe, though I used to call another user that was trying to get around to play it a while back that. But sure, I love the whole series, might as well be.

If the idea of emulation itself is the issue (and I get it myself; I don't have an issue with emulating where possible, but I do find it a lot harder to actually get around to stuff in that format, maybe due to too much access to stuff and no drive to get your money's worth), consider playing it as an eboot with a CFW PSP. Runs fine like that and you have the benefit of playing it on an actual system.

So I got this a couple weeks back and I've got a question: Does a CD case designed for holding "ONLY" double jewel cases exist? The big old LaserLine ones I've been using for years have 3 spots on each for a double case, but some are going to be completely empty otherwise since I don't have enough games to fill them all at the moment.

I also got a pack of 2-disc single-size jewel cases from a friend but I don't know if that's worth putting the games in + making custom inserts, and then risking losing all the original cases by storing them somewhere else somehow.

and I screwed up basic italics. wonderful.

You mean like a storage rack sized to fit multidisc jewel cases? Just trying to figure out what you mean.

Where the fuck did you find that? Destiny usually goes for $75-100 where I live. Unfortunate that Namco saw no reason to give the west the PS2 remake.

You lucky son of a bitch. The cheapest buy now option I've seen on ebay is $85.

Halfchan /vr/ is actually what got me into collecting in the first place. A guy on there, over 3 years ago, sold me his n64 for $20 with expansion pack, cables & original controllers. They had a pretty good game swap system going back then. No idea what it's like now.

There use to be a local store that had a lot of retro games, they charged more than ebay prices on everything. They're out of business now. It turned into a cell phone store because that particular corner didn't have one already.

My very modest n64 collection.

Multidisc cases, yes. Also I got lucky at an out-of-town thrift store I stop at. I couldn't believe it when I saw it, either. Usually the place prices based on eBay results so they probably saw prices for the NTSC-J version and thought that was correct.

Just don't let it consume you user. Too many things on your entertainment center makes it look really cluttered.

I think with half/vr/'s BST threads, they had the moderation involved in overseeing the process, or something (since trusting anonymous people on the internet to actually pay/ship is a factor that has some weight) to help make sure people didn't get swindled, or something. But it's been a long time since I went there.

Yeah, there's a few stores out here that I know and am surprised they're still in business when they ask completely ridiculous prices. But I do have some options for stores I know to be actually good, or at least hit or miss in a way that you really benefit when they hit the mark.

Damn, nice find. Wish the thrift shops, pawn shops, and Goodwill would have decent stuff where I live, but either people here have no little taste that use them, have taste but just use them as a dumping ground for shit they can't get a decent price elsewhere on, or scalpers make daily rounds. I have much better luck with multimedia shops. Anyhow, if you like Tales, you also ought to be on the lookout for Eternia if you can perhaps manage to find it cheap. That one also holds up better due to increased fluidity of combat.

Ah, I'm not real sure if there's vertical stacking ones that might fit those, but maybe there's one that allows for spacing the individual slots out as you wish (and thus could size them)? I just use some bookshelves for my vidya, so the only spacing issues are in regards to the sides for the shelves themselves.

Probably not the best idea to stack game systems on top of each other. Especially if ones going to be blocking air flow for the fan or whatever it seems that PS3 is doing to the xbox underneath it.

The Xbox actually does just fine. I've been temp-probing ever since I had to accommodate the player on the top-right (Selectavision), average temps are about three degrees warmer than open-air while gaming, still operating in the comfort zone. Plus I keep the air temp at around 68 degrees, because fat.

Yeah Conkers was off of someone I met who was just unloading an insane amount of stuff and I always gave her more than what the used game stores would. I got pilotwings, link between worlds, earthworm jim 2, clay fighters, and I think something else for $45 from her also. Havent heard from her in like a month though so I may see what has been going on.

Trust me I know. This is stack one out of 3 of systems just in my room. I have three crts and a flatscreen here, and an hd tv downstairs for the newer systems. I just need to move out and I wont be so cramped

For my deal we both lived in NYC so we decided to meet up at the Nintendo store for the trade. We would need a section dedicated to /vr/ like halfchan in order to have any semblence of control and moderation. There are already sections like this but they're all ghost towns because allowing users to make their own sections is a horrible decision imo.

Those stacked systems are upsetting me but I can't see a red light on the PS3 so i'm assuming it's not even plugged in.

2 other pickups i'm pretty happy with.

Forgot image

Well, /vr/ here's been trying to make a comeback. Maybe see if the new board owner might consider letting people have a BST thread there if it gets bigger?


Laserdiscs sound kinda interesting, and i know a pawn shop down the street from me that deals in all sorts of crap(though their games are all over the place, like, it's mostly all under ebay prices, but still, super metroid for 50 bucks…) Anyways, how fast do laserdiscs degrade, like, how many times can i actually use those freakishly huge DVDs before they just stop playing movies?

In that case, try to find one with the Digital Video Cartridge, it's an addon that many FMV games used because the CD-i is so badly designed it has trouble playing video on it's own.

Have to say I like how the Famicom has built in slots for holding the controllers.

Anyone else into getting strategy guides? I recently picked up all the Mega Man Battle Network guides. I like when they put in artwork in the guides (like in Vanquish), you guys know of any that do this or just worthwhile guides to pick up?

Not really, guides take up way too much space.

The player should die before the disc, hence; Laserdisc. When all the players are dead, I'm sure they'll be framed as art pieces because the covers are usually bad-ass, some people do this now.

However; bit-rot exists, so your biggest chances taken are anything from the early 80s, and anything from Vestron Video (stay away from the Arnold Schwarzenegger film Eraser too). Be sure to store them vertically for the long term.

I generally try to pick up some interesting hard-cover guides; though it's not something I go crazy with. The Watch Dogs guide is in my collection, but I like how well it was put together. The design on the front is pretty cool.

Holy crap, I realize that I answered your question shitilly. Sorry user.

If it makes you feel better about longevity of your investment, I had a 32-year-old Laserdisc player that performed just as awesomely as the one I currently use. The player was 4 years older than me.

I'll get them for games I really like sometimes, but only if I find them cheap. My local used gamestores usually sell every guide for $5 regardless of size or game. I got MGSV collectors guide for that price which was cool. I also have a ton of pokemon guides since I got all of those when I was younger.
But I overall dislike when guides give tidbits and "neat-o" facts about the game other than just straight up numbers about stats.

No real interest, aside from sifting through ones at used game stores for ones that still have posters for games I like that I can buy separate from the guide for a dollar or two. I did hear at one point here was an interesting strategy guide for the first Wild Arms game y some small name company which doubled not just as walkthrough but also the writer's own review of the game, but in in retrospect maybe that shouldn't really be of interest when it's coming from someone being paid to make something directly related to the game (admittedly I've never seen that one in stores or scanned online, so I have no idea how critical they may or may not have been).

That's generally how I get them, games I really like, and on the cheap. I've put a bunch on my Amazon wishlist, and when I check once a week sometimes get them for $5 after shipping.

I bought the Dark Souls guide because I'm a sucker for hardcovers

Oh same here. Hardcover books and steelbook case games are movies. It is really tough to pass that stuff up.

Games AND movies
thats it, time for bed

Steelbooks I dont really go for that often, they did have those steelbook blurays that came out a while back that I was really tempted to buy, but no money at the time.

Hopefully I can find one pre-installed. If not I guess I'll see if I can find one separately.

Some recent pickups
6 Tell Tale games - 15 bucks
- Sam and Max season 1-3
- 2 Bone games, whatever they are
- Strong bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Breath of fire 2 with custom box - $62
Super Smash TV - $27
Mario All Stars - $18
Earthworm Jim Genesis CIB - $25

SNES games seem to be getting slightly cheaper, like i remember shit like plain All Stars or the DKC games(18-25 depending) being much more pricey than it is right now

managed to get 20% each item

Is Mario Kart: Double Dash worth it for $30?

Man prices are nuts I remember getting an NES with punch-out, tetris, and pic related for like 40$, in 2006.

Given how bad Breath of Fire II's translation is, I honestly wouldn't be interested in picking it up if I saw it around, especially since it has a much better fan retranslation. But that's just me, I suppose.

It's a pretty fun, if slightly broken, kart racer. I'd say $20-25 is more reasonable but most Gamecube games are on the rise and it wouldn't surprise me if that starts pushing $40 soon.

I suppose the real question should be do you have other people to enjoy the game with?

I wish. All my friends moved away or are at uni/college now.

Well, in that case I suppose it depends on how much you enjoy kart racing games. I mean, I certainly played Double Dash a lot on my own back in the day (and some racers can be pretty fun solo), but the bulk of the enjoyment I got out of Double Dash was staying up all night playing it with friends with everyone either enjoying the chaos or fuming as another blue shell went up someone's tailpipe as they were making a jump off a ramp. Shame I can't go back to those days, as game night for my group was forever ruined.

Personally, the factor that I don't exactly have many people left to play competitive multiplayer games with (at least that isn't just 1 on 1, which can get a bit boring after a while) is why I've generally written off picking up my own copies of Double Dash again, or Melee for the first time (which also has the benefit of not adding a $60+ expense to my Gamecube library, given how much the latter goes for these days despite not being rare in the slightest).

What happened? Did everyone go their seperate ways, or did someone invite a girl one night?

Picked up Crono Trigger, Super Mario RPG LOTSS, Super Castlevania IV, Final Fantasy III and….drumroll….Marios Time machine lol

All CIB and only $5.00 apiece. Found at a pawn shop, I think because of the cardboard boxes the owner thought they were VHS tapes? They were in the movie section

It was five of us every weekend, with us alternating out who was playing at a given time since the games we were playing only allowed four players max. Anyhow, two of them decided it wasn't worth their time to hang out with me, who they'd apparently decided was worthless and would never make anything of my life (can't say they were wrong); other two friends didn't like them doing that so despite those two not having a beef with my prior friends, the other two refused to want to hang out if it meant that I wasn't welcome to. So we went down to three people, which doesn't make for the most fun in competitive games as usually someone inadvertently gets ganged up against, and one of them wound up having to get hard into a career since he's now paying child support (luckily not alimony though) and barely has time to hang out anymore. So it's just me and the remaining one these days, and the only vidya we actively play together is occasional two player co-op stuff (which isn't bad, but still).

Damn, really nice find there, especially if you enjoy JRPGs. With the way the SNES is scalper paradise these days, I haven't bothered picking up anything for it (in comparison with the Gamecube, I'd already had some stuff to start with before prices got all hiked up), but if I managed to find a bunch of those all in one place at those prices I'd probably start looking into devoted a row of shelf space to a new system.

I keep hearing that, but i never had any trouble playing the game. It's certainly more coherent then other games i can think of.

It's my favourite next to Super Mario Kart.

Not exactly vidya, but close enough related. Found a complete five DVD boxed set of Wild Arms: Twilight Venom today. Was marked at $16 (I've seen just Volume 1 go for the same price at other stores in the same chain), but after discounts I got it for about $6. Wish the outer box was in better shape (seems the previous owner liked to watch it enough that there's a good bit of wear on the sides of the cardstock), but at that price I'm not going to complain much.

Just because a game is playable doesn't mean the translation is good, and Breath of Fire II has one of the more notoriously bad JRPG translations, and Capcom saw no reason to fix it for the GBA port either. I'd recommend giving the game a go with an SNES rom patched with Watercrown's 1.2b translation some time.

Ugh I paid 120 for mine. But it's complete (even has the ad insert behind the disc) and looks mint.

Where I live that's about what Eternia goes for, though some of the cheaper ones are maybe $90 or so. Not sure if it's due to Eternia selling worse (not real sure what US sales between both Destiny and Eternia were like, though both are certainly hard to find) or holding up better as far as playing these days goes.

Sounds like what happened to me with Klonoa PS1, albeit I only payed $35 for it and it was going for $80 or so average at the time.

I have Eternia too but I bought that back when Gamestop was selling PS1 games. Eternia holds up a lot better then Destiny but Destiny was the first Tales game I played so I wanted it.

Oh, good to see another people that likes it. Hope you've had a chance to try co-oping Tales; Eternia was a lot of fun to play with a friend. Real shame that Namco never saw a reason to give the west the PS2 remake of Destiny. At least Absolute Zero's working on getting the Director's Cut version into English though.

Fuck it, i got a retron 5, if the fucker hasn't completely shat itself yet i'll just play it on that.

Even more of a shame that the PSP port is PAL/Jap only… and that they gave it to ubisoft.


May as well post this here as well, since same topic. What's the best 2hu plushes to buy? I need other shit to spruce up my shelves than dust.

For what fucking purpose? It uses emulators pulled off the internet, you could achieve the same shit with a fucking SBC for less.

Anything to avoid mustard race shit, really. Actually not quite, i wanted it for a few things, namely as a back up for my battery games, too bad the thing doesn't actually work.

What is this eve supposed to mean? You either play on the original hardware or you play on the best emulator available. Middle of the road stuff is just balls.

At times, it's much easier for a person/group to make a translation patch that uses the existing western version of a game as a base, as there's already an English alphabet that it can understand, or something like that. Of course, depending on the game, that can still mean that additional patches might be needed to debug and/or restore content that might have potentially been changed/censored for the western release (such as how AT2 has needed both a retranslation as well as bugfixes and restoration of the full Japanese dub as NISA cut like half the Japanese voicing out here). I think the main issue BoF II had was the translation itself though.

Blame can probably be given to SCEA and their retarded laws regarding ports to the PSP coming to NA. Something along the lines of needing at least 10% changed/new content, and Breath of Fire III and Tales of Eternia notably didn't cut it to come over here.

Currently focusing on collecting for the Sega Saturn (already have the most saught after NA titles, I'm on to getting JP imports), Boxed GBA games, & SNES games that aren't too overpriced.

I got a copy of rival schools today but can't get the disc 2 to work

You have my condolences user.

Do you know of anywhere around you with a good disc cleaning/buffing machine? A store I like has a professional grade one and for a few bucks they can get pretty much any disc that isn/t gouged to work. Hell, you can even test it on the store's consoles and make sure it works before you pay.

only store around that does that is moving trading company. I'm gonna have to try it sometime.

If they've got a good machine there, it's worth a shot. You might also try a multimedia place too; they should usually have CD/DVD cleaning machines, or at the very least the ones around where I live do.

How are those GBA Klonoa games compared to the PS1 and PS2 ones?

Mostly wanted it for troubleshooting(and i don't want to end up buying and hoarding another set of consoles like a kike) and the claims that it could rip and upload batteries saves between the cart and the machine. Also couldn't really use the old hardware at the time, i was desperately trying anything i could to find the next best thing, or just not have to use emulators to play games i already fucking own.

He probably wouldn't know, since that particular game is sealed.

Yeah, I can see that now. Guess I didn't actually expand the image from the thumbnail.

I usually open a game once I'm about to play it. I don't collect sealed games to sit on the shelf (Klonoa 2 was $28 shipped new, how could I resist?). The only other Klonoa game I have is the remake on the Wii. Still haven't gotten around to play it yet so I can't compare it just yet.

These are my pick ups for the past 2-3 months. The Dreamcast games are a lot I'm thinking of selling together with 4 controllers, light gun, memory paks, & fishing rod. They're doubles. Project Justice & SF Alpha 3 are triples.

Wish I could find someone locally to trade for Saturn imports, Turbo Graphx stuff, RPGs/Beat'em Ups/Shooters for SNES, Genesis, PS1, SMS.

PSP isn't region locked. I have the PAL version of Eternia and it plays just fine in my US PSP.

Great taste an –
Why? Just why?

Yeah, I hear you there. I mean, I've still got some sealed games I picked up cheap that I have every intent to play but haven't gotten around to yet; I haven't opened them at this point though to try to keep them free of dust.

Get Ghost Trick if you haven't yet.

Yeah, that's a saving grace of sorts. Still though, when I've checked around in the past, Eternia PSP was rather pricy to import (PAL exporters know the US didn't get that version, that the PSP is region free, and the PS1 original costs a whole lot here in NA), and even then, if you're not careful, you could very well end up with a copy from the/one of the prints that had the Volt Glitch. If you have a CFW PSP, it's generally a lot easier to download the PSP one (and comments on the download would likely help warn if it's a rip from a glitched version or not), or even toss the US PS1 version on there as an eboot.

Except this is Ubisoft, and despite the game already being done by Bamco, they still managed to fuck it up by making first print copies unbeatable, and it's not obvious which one is the good version by looking at the box.

My PAL TV has an NTSC setting on it so I was thinking of buying a US PS1, There's no other compadability issues right? I'd have to get US PS1 games but they're cheaper anyway.

I need me one of them Trinitrons. Also, if I don't have a Virtual Boy, is it worth getting one just for Wah?

He buys a fucking XBONE and 5 games, presumably at 60 bucks a pop, but a fucking turbo grafx and some games are too much? Shouldn't have wasted your money on shit, fam.

There's the Issue of Power Supply, but other than that, no.

I've heard rumor that you can check the UMD itself for what optional OFW update it comes with as an indicator as to whether it's from a glitched batch or not, but that I'm not certain if that's actually viable, and even then, it's not something online reseller/exporters are going to likely care about listing off.

While I'm certain NA games are likely cheaper than they are in PAL (especially in cases where print sizes were very different; I've heard in the past SotN PS1 goes for like $80 or the equivalent thereof in PAL areas, while I can still find it for $25-30 or so locally here) as well as generally giving you more to play through in cases where PAL didn't get some games to begin with, it really depends on what sort of games you enjoy. Some of the harder to find stuff has gone up in price a good bit (there's not a lot, but some games can run over $80 complete; Suikoden II for example is about $130-150 where I live), and there's even some common stuff that's going up in price (saw Xenogears for $40 while out tonight; that was about $30 or so last year). Certainly not hit as bad by scalpers as the SNES or Gamecube.

Glad I picked up Ghost Trick already just in case it gets scalped in the future.

I was given 3 of those Xbox One games as a gift & the others were bought used for cheap. I don't buy full priced $60 games, nice try. When it comes to wanting to trade for Turbo stuff I should have stated more clearly that I wanted to trade my Dreamcast bundle for it.

I'm mostly interested for Star Ocean 2 as the US version I find pretty often between 30-40AUD vs 140-200AUD for the PAL version

I'm not sure it will go up that much since I don't think outside of online communities it has that big a userbase, and it wouldn't shock me if Capcom does a reprint somewhere down the line like they did for Ace Attorney 1-3. And of course, the fact that Ghost Trick has an iPort gives mobile riffraff (that have taste) a version to play that isn't limited by print size.

I want to say that's still about $25-30 where I am for a complete copy. Might be going up some though. I don't see it just sitting out on shelves anymore; it's been winding up in display cases around here instead (not always an indicator of being that pricy, as some of the games in the ones around here are still reasonable $30 ones that people are simply more apt to want to steal if left on the shelf).

Anyhow, if you're PAL and like JRPGs, look into maybe importing Xenogears and Wild Arms 2 if you don't have any issue with getting a NA PS1 (or NA PS2; backwards compatibility and all). Though of course, I suppose if you don't mind digital and have a US PSN account with some funds on it, you can just grab the rereleases of both with a PS3.

The only things that could truly justify his purchase are Rare Replay, Killer Instinct, or Raiden V

Sunset Overdrive seems alright.

This should probaby be posted on /toy/, but /toy/ is dead , so fuck it

Today I got on the mail Metal Gear Zeke, witch is the last one missing in my collection.

I had to pass on this one since the cheap bastards at Play Arts Kay made the toy without arms/rockets so you would had to buy the Chrysalis and Pupa's figures, and they went for around 80$ each. Lucky, I found a guy selling his , with all the extras for 30$ and I jumped right into it

Since we're posting pics, might as well post my Super nintendon't collection.

Is Silent Hill 2 2 disc set a good collector's item? I got it when I bought a ps2 from someone a long time ago.
Also The Thing game wasn't that bad

You mean the one in the OP? If memory serves it's an extended version that's pretty much a Director's Cut. Think it's based on the Xbox "Restless Dreams" variant, but I might be wrong. Here in NA though, Konami couldn't give a shit about doing an entirely separate packaging for it or subtitling to help distinguish it from the original Silent Hill 2, so they just released it as a standard Greatest Hits print (red label and all) and called it a day. Going to really annoy my 'tism if I ever opt to pick it up (I don't have a single Greatest Hits/Player's Choice print of a game on my shelves), and from what I've seen on download sites they either don't have the NA PS2 extended release, or don't specify which version the download was ripped from.

Picked these up but only have the Dreamcast games delivered right now. I think Devil May Cry spoiled me in regards to Berserk and I wasn't impressed with Draconus' framerate from what I've played.

I think I've heard before the PS2 Berserk game is the better one, at least as far as existing Berserk games go, but I could be wrong on that.

It sucks being a Wii U collector. I really don't want to fund certain games Color Splash, for example, and only scalpers ever really sell them preowned, so I don't want to fund them either.

just bought these two used games
i know last gen games wasnt as great as it's preceding generation but i wanted to buy some good PS3 games that has a low chance of PC port or a remaster and can't be bought on PSN
im currently eyeing Yakuza 3, WWE All Stars, Fight Night Champion, Gundam Musou Reborn, Hokuto No Ken Musou 1 and 2 and Asura's Wrath
not sure about White Knight Chronicles series since half of the gameplay is online, which is dead iirc

Hope you didn't have to pay that much for Folklore. Just saying since where I live some places only charge about $10 or so, while other ones I've seen charge roughly $40 preowned for some asinine reason. Similar with Yakuza 3; some places here charge about $10-15 for it (provided you can find it; it's not exactly rare, but where I live none of the games but Dead Souls are all that common to find), but I've seen it going for $30, all the way to $60 for a beat up copy. Some stores are ridiculous. Might also be a good idea to be on the lookout for Yakuza 4 as well if you haven't found it yet; wouldn't surprise me if both Yakuza 3 and 4 wind up getting somewhat pricy down the line once Gamestop stops stocking for the PS3.

Really not certain why some PS3 games saw both physical and digital release while others remained physical only. Not that I care much for the digital format, especially since it's led to a number of games being digital only out here in the west (Yakuza 5 took me like five fucking hours to download), but it's a bit odd to see stuff like Yakuza 4 up on the Playstation Store, but Yakuza 3 isn't.

If memory serves, White Knight Chronicles II comes with an updated version of the prior game, making the need for an actual copy of White Knight Chronicles a bit unnecessary. I have heard about them having a large online focus that's now been killed off myself; part of why I haven't looked into them much.

so where did everything go wrong for you user?

Folklore is hard to find in my area, i bought it around $15. Splatterhouse is around $10 less both in good condition.

Splatterhouse can be found in retail brand new on stores still but unlike Folklore which is really rare imo.

That's not bad on Folklore. I really don't get how some of the stores here can ask as high as they do; they're never going to sell them when they're asking double or triple what Gamestop wants and never put them in the clearance bin, especially when demand just isn't there.

Folklore I see infrequently, but it hasn't struck me as rare. Something like El Shaddai though, I can't find anywhere local for the PS3 at this point.

I remember being somewhat interested in the system myself, and had thought that XCX would have pushed me to get it. Between NoA, Treehouse, and 8-4's shit, not just with that game but a lot of the games I might have had interest in, I don't see myself ever getting a WiiU unless some fanmade unfuck patches are made, and that sort of thing generally doesn't result in a need for a physical copy.

nice koc

It all started with my parents…

Nintendo has made so many crazy and stupid decisions in recent years some may say longer, but I was oblivious to it at the time, but I do still like the console. A part of me wants the Switch to flop, but if it actually has an above average line-up then I may get one somewhere down the line. I'm happy just collecting and playing Nintendo and Sony games up until the current generation - minus the Wii and handhelds- anyway.

I just wish the quality of localization these days wasn't NES/SNES era tier, if not potentially worse in that it's not just translation errors but purposeful fucking around. Not just with Nintendo games, but they're at the point where they wind up having such garbage scripts and censored content in stuff I'd potentially like that it feels like a much more prevalent issue than, say, games on Sony systems, and even with some third parties like Atlus that usually don't see much reason for censorship seem to get strong-armed by NoA at times, such as with that Fire Emblem x Persona game (admittedly not one that I was interested in, but a game that is a solid case of NoA either not knowing what the audience for that sort of game wants or purposefully fucking it up so as to not have to bring more potential games like it west in the future).

While the Wii certainly has a reputation as a shovelware gimmick console, it did have its share of actually worthy titles, and Nintendo handhelds generally have some decent stuff on them.

The Wii and handhelds aren't bad, but I feel the shovelware outweighs the good and I'm not really motivated to collect for them. I will still buy games that look interesting if I see them. I still have two more Ace Attorneys to get my favourite series on the DS.

They really screwed up with Fatal Frame/Project Zero V, though.

Suck it up faggot, the rare Wii u games are going to be exactly the ones you don't want, Color Splash, Xenoblade X, and Hashtag Fire Emblem, and it's precisely because you and everyone else save the most diehard of fans wanted it.There's also Devil's Third too, i guess.

Either way i can't see NoA doing reprints on most wii u games, they're probably getting set to kill off the production line after Breath of the Wild to make way for Switches.

Splatterhouse is easily one of the few PStrip games i see becoming expensive/rare, it's not a particularly good game, but it's got that Trainwreck appeal after all the shit that happened during development.

I am a die hard Paper Mario fan. That's the issue, really.

On the subject of Devil's Third, however, this is the last month it's worth getting it. Apparently the multiplayer was fun and since it's getting discontinued next month there may be some people playing it again.

No, i mean Die hard Nintendo fan. The kind of cocksucker that's already lining up to buy a switch when there isn't even any confirmed games for it except Zelda and Mexican Mario.

Only if you're the sort of person that for whatever reason tries to go for a full set of what's on the system or whatever (which if you ask me is a stupid move regardless of system). And pretty much any system that gets popular is going to see a lot amount of licensed shit and shovelware in addition to what's actually good (be it must-play or hidden gem tier).