Grand Strategy Games
Today in History October 29
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
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Maybe stop reporting it, child? Even for some reason the mod only one is down.
That butthurt autist who makes the halfchan threads keeps reporting it
Still better than the CK2 chronicle.
The historian is talking about his penis.
So i decided to try my hand at making some shitty mods for this game, it wasn't my first rodeo since ive tinkered under the hood of DH before. im thinking of adding something "fun" to europe, but im not sure. do you queers have any suggestions or should i just make a papal horde or something?
Maybe because it went past the games timeline
Or this
Do a total conversion mod with new map and go wild.
Interesting idea, but it raises a few questions.
where do i send the pagan refugees?
also, what happens to the rest of the world in this timeline? im assuming christianity spreads semi-normally, but what about BYZ and TUR?
Tempting, very tempting. but i can't make head nor tail of the tutorial for new maps on the wiki. in the game files there are all sorts of weird co-ordinates for things to overlay onto the map, so unless theres some tool i don't know about it could be a very slow process.
What is nova Europe
Korea status: ethnically cleansed.
NVE is basically my hello world.
it is an overpowered one province minor that starts in the new world in 1400 with a gold mine, american culture, and a bullshit religion and government type. there is no challenge to playing as NVE and it was made on a whim so that i could play as an ultra imperialist noble republic in North Murrica.
i always like the look of chinese nations that eat korea, that gulf is very aesthetically pleasing to me.
If it's anything like EU4 (and it almost definitely is the same shit), then it's simple. You should have several image files somewhere in the EU3 folders with the map - one with provinces, one with land, etc. There could be quite a few. It's pretty simple to figure out what each one does, just open them in Gimp or something and start redrawing it all. Keep in mind that everything in determined by the COLOUR, so make sure you paint each province differently (it can be almost idential colour, but it mustn't have the same RGB). Then there is another file (I don't recall where exactly, but it shouldn't be hard to track it down on the wiki) where you assign colour to actual objects in the game (here you need the RGB). Once you have all that connected, you should have your new map ready. Of course, you'll then have to go through the trouble of redefining every single province you made, which is the point where most people give up because it's a boring, tedious job that takes forever (you need to make like a thousand text files, one for each province, and wonder about what trade good to put there, how much tax to give it, etc). After you have that, you can start dicking around with countries and the like, and then your map is finished
thanks for the tip man, i think i'll give it a go. it's surprisingly simple then, i got paranoid that the wiki was missing some information and making it sound simpler than it was.
Yeah, me as well. Overall, though, I'm trying to make a China/Siberia superstate this run.
One of the few things Paracucks actually do well is making their games modder-friendly. Everything's in YAML, so that even retards who never programmed anything in their life can understand it, and anything even a little complex tends to be accompanied with comments. Modding Paradox games is extremely easy, but also very tedious. It's a battle of patience.
Pagen go to Russia
Italy wasn't THAT shit on its home turf. The invasion was a very slow and bloody campaign requiring the full attention of the USA + UK + Commonwealth even though the Axis airforce was almost completely destroyed and they had full air superiority. It actually took longer to go from Sicily to Rome than it took to go from Normandy to German surrender.
The idea of UK just landing in some random place in Italy and conquering them in a month or two in 1940 is kind of a joke.
So I've been playing a lot of Victoria 2 lately. Still learning the ropes, but I've gotten to grips with most of the mechanics.
But I was wondering what do you guys view as the best way to unite Italy? I've been told Sardinia-Piedmont is the best choice, because you can get an easy alliance with France and if the redshirt rebellion pops, you can unify for free. But that's just the issue I've faced. The redshirts almost never rise up in any sort of dangerous force.
I've also been told that Two Sicilys is a strong choice. But I'm a bit unsure about it. Either way, it seems like the biggest, first goal needs to be ascending to GP status, even before Italy is united. But I've been struggling to do that. By the time I can research the prestige techs, other nations with higher literacy have already nabbed them. And countries like Belgium that are highly industrial from the get-go always beat me when it comes to factories.
What do you guys think? What is your usual gameplan?
Naples declares war on me to take Messina. Papal States join my side. We move all our forces in place. Austria joins Naples side. I work with Papal States to fuck up all of Naples shit. Austria finally makes its way down. Austria fucks up all our shit. Then the pope drops out of the war. They Austria and Naples try to invade into my territory but can't because they can't fight my navy. They sit there for years, occasionally sending a cog over to try and drop soldiers on malta. Austria gets bored and forces me to concede defeat. Naples eventually gets bored and agrees to a white peace. Papal States ally me again. Truce runs out and Naples declares war again. Cycle repeats.
This time it's taking a really long time.
Don't search for THE BEST MOST EFFICIENT AND OVERPOWERED WAY. Just do what you want. Well, if that is what you really want you can, but it is going to probably get you bored of the game a lot faster.
I was really just asking because in one of my games as Sardinia-Piedmont, fucking Bavaria had become a great power over me so I figured I must've been missing something.
bavaria getting to GP is nothing uncommon
Really? I found it pretty odd because they hadn't acquired any more land. But I suppose that matters very little when compared to prestige and industry.
Don't go straight for prestige techs and stuff. Your advantage as a human is:
1. Constant smart aggression on wars that will help rather than hurt you.
2. Growing your country better to exponential benefit over time.
Just play your normal game and improve your admin then literacy ASAP. Invade some random asians or (with mods) africans. Often you can justify a humiliate CB ontop of your normal CBs and take very little infamy for it.
You will get to be a GP pretty quickly. Prestige just from generally playing well adds up fast, industry will come on line very well as soon are you literacy is above 50%, and your mil score skyrockets as soon as you are done with clergy and boost yourself up to 5% soldiers.
Also once you become a GP make sure to abuse foreign investment of railroads to boost your industry score and never drop back down. If you run out of railroads to build in foreign nations then you can just spam factories.
Usually when you see uncommon GPs like Bavaria its less because Bavaria is doing good and more because one of the normal GPs just imploded due to rebels/war exhaustion or something. The AI is absolutely horrible about getting its industry score back up or rebuilding an army quickly, and of course prestige lost due to war or rebels is forever.
Thanks for the tips. I'll try and addon humiliation CBs to my wars from now on to get a little boost.
That makes a lot of sense. I think Austria-Hungary was getting really fucked up that game. So Bavaria just inherited it.
Ohh, and just to answer the original question: I recommend Two Sicilies.
Sardinia Piedmont is the easy but also unreliable way to do it. You're basically hoping events and the AI hand Italy to you on a silver platter. There's no real skill involved, just pure luck. Play the game for 20 years and flip a coin.
Two Sicilies makes you work for it, but its almost purely about gitting gud and with smart play you're almost guaranteed to GP around 1850s or early 1860s and from there its just playing the sphere game.
Literally just follow the events and decisions with S-P, its super easy.
Best mod for Vicky 2? I'm using divide by zero but it's way too easy. Playing Switzerland with that mod is deus ex tier economic kikery.
Man I reloaded right the fuck out of that. There's border gore, and then there's peruvian africa.
Sorry, since there's no Civ thread I'll just leave this here.
1UPT was a mistake.
He's been sitting like this for about 70 turns too.
HoI4 is more than enough cancer for one thread. Fuck off.
Felt like sharing my autism. For a few years now I've been tweaking my Pandora to make playlists that represent every decade until the 2000's. I'm still sparse and missing a few decades in the middle ages and Renaissance, but 16th century and up is complete. It's pretty accurate by now too, with just an out of place song here and there. I'm always listening to pandora when I play one of these games, with the decade selected that is appropriate to the year my game is in. My playlists start in the 770's, with Byzantine chants and some Turkish and Italian hymns. Gregorian and sarum chants gradually become more common as the byzantine chants dissappear. Then, when I reach the rennasaince times, I can get even less abstract as I can start placing songs to specific dates. Then, everything baroque and later becomes perfectly accurate.
Can you share the whole playlist? Ive never used pandora so i dont know if thats possible
I would only be able to share my profile, which has my name on it. I can share individual stations. Any specific decades you are interested in?
Actually, if some people are interested, I may just dump all 1000 years worth of music. Keep in mind, some stations still need a bit of work.
That sucks.
I'm interested.
Did they need to make this garbage look like a fucking mobile game? Christ it makes me want to vomit.
Ok, here it is. One thousand years of music. These playlists go up by the decade, starting in the 700's and ending in the 2000's. So this can cover you through all your paradox playthroughs, from the earliest bookmark in CK 2, up through the grand campaign in DH.
I've spent close to three years fine tuning these stations. If a song has a thumbs up, that means I looked t up and it fits in the decade. Otherwise, it was chosen by Pandora's algorithm. But it's usually in the ballpark. Sometimes I have more modern artists in less modern stations if they are performing older songs. Also, sometimes I have older genres in more modern eras if they happened to be popular. Like Ambrosian Chant in the Classical era and 19th century opera in the WW1 era.
3.5m X 6.5m per tank was a mistake
and continued:
I don't understand these fucking niggers who believe this shit. If all of Europe was niggers where did the white people come from?
They started bathing.
But they believe niggers invented hygiene too so that can't be it.
nobody actually believes that shit, user
You underestimate the stupidity of niggers.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
is divergences of darkness any good
this happened to me before but with the FSA being a tad bit larger, canada owning the northwest and texas not existing
No problem. I like sharing the autism. I was fine-tuning the 16th century all morning. I'll share updated more accurate stations next thread.
Isn't there a Stellaris thread you can go to?
I mean come on.
Civ isn't gsg though. It's 4x.
Victoria 3 when!?
Goddammit America.
hopefully never
I'd rather just see the devs touch up a couple core faults with 2 in another unofficial patch - give us an EU4 style army template thing (including an option whether to use nonaccepted cultures or not) and turn off that thing where army brigades rebel and leave you with shitty incomplete stacks (and it's always just a few brigades per stack so it's never a real threat, just a huge nuisance).
Hell, just turning off the brigade rebellions would be great. It's the only reason I give up Absolute Monarchy - I'm fine with fighting massive Jacobin rebellions, but sorting through stack after stack to find missing units, building them, and then sorting through again to send them to the right stack, is fucking awful.
this. Although I'd be fine with the current state of events, with rebelling brigades and all, if there was some way to automatise reinforcing those stacks back to full power. It's a matter of quality of life rather than mechanics.
Also, realistically, the soldiers should be drawn from one massive pool of all soldiers in the nation rather than state pops, but I understand that that's not compatible with the current design of pops
I think this might be fixable by modding. Just set modifiers to soldier pops that reduce their militancy and consciousness substantially. Failing that, periodic soldier militancy/consciousness decreases would work, even if it is a bit dirtier.
That does open up an exploit or two, though. It'd be easy to just encourage soldiers in all of your provinces. A strong nation could go 50% soldiers past the 1880s and be effectively invincible from within and without.
Is there any mod for EU3 that fixes how the province boundaries look?
They aren't as precise as the newer games and that fucking triggers my autism. Switzerland looks like an amorphous blob.
I don't know of a specific one but you can look here:
I feel you – the map was the most painful thing about going back from EU4. MEIOU had a pretty good map (bundled in with some shit-tier mechanics, however)
What do you think
ah fuck, thought as much
I'll stick with napoleon mod for now then
Don't think I ever played that one.
What retardation did they pull off and is it fixable?
It's quite hard to not procrastinate doing this, partly because i have no idea how good these provinces are going to look in the end.
thought i'd post what i have so far, i like to think it looks pretty good in the overall continental shape, but it's slowly becoming just another analogous fantasy map.
not sure when i'll even be finished.
What is that? Are you redoing the map?
yeah, it's the basis for how EU3 draws provinces and sea tiles. making a whole new map because why the fuck not. still alot more work to do, this is only the very early stages.
Nice, I'd like to play it. It would be great for it to be balanced for MP and have lots to fight over and colonize.
Could be neat, but if you check my poster id, you'll notice game balance isn't exactly my forte. i do plan to have lots of blobby colonial spots for everyone to enjoy gobbling, both early and late game.
R8 my HPM game as Egypt. Also, does anyone have a replacement Mega for the /gsg/ board Mega that was taken down?
Breddy good aside from those missing bits of Arabia. Mirin that Japan as well.
I told you it's a slow, tedious job, and a battle of patience.
the only saving grace i suppose is that once i have this core area done it won't be too hard to just slowly ejaculate new areas into the world when im bored.
Do you guys ever feel bad for how many people die in your wars?
I've got over a million Germans killed in this war so far, the nation is almost 300000 men short in the military, almost all the northern flank is short on manpower, where the divisions in the south that have been stationary for most of the war are almost entirely intact but the north is so short that the average division is half strength, where the French divisions are around a third to a quarter strength.
Now you know why war sucks ass for the average man. And why women can be such whores.
No. I don't go to war unless I have a tech advantage and reasonable numbers, so I don't suffer many casualties; otherwise I avoid war as a matter of course and focus on industrial growth. But when war happens it's pretty good.
I only feel shitty if men die due to my own foolishness.
Ultimately if men want to fight for their country and kill eachother then there isn't anything wrong with that, it's the way of the world.
conscripts, and civilians resistant to an invading power make the moral problems more complex.
from my standpoint in games i only use conscription / quantity doctrines as an absolute last resort so its fairly simple albeit edgy for me as the only people who die either made a voluntary decision to stand infront of my armies bullets or were forced to do so by their own countrymen. nothin' personnel kids.
The war on land is over, the army has a 700 thousand man deficit, but France has fallen.
What should I do to punish the French?
Yeah, I made a really bad choice to push into a WW1 styled war rather than a blitzkrieg with tank divisions.
I should have waited until I had a lot of strong divisions to push into France with.
Give it to National France, they have even more of a reason to be on the hunt for Gommies than you do. If they don't agree to that then give France to a cousin of the kaiser.
They refused, so a puppet government then?
Always National France or Puppet Government. I don't think there's any practical reason to balkanize them or break off the Bretons, it's better to just have one large state that can half-competently develop itself and won't be as much as a logistical shitshow if you have to fight in/through it. Can puppets wiggle their way out of your sphere if they're big guys?
Come to think of it, I wonder where the Darkest Hour Germany user went. Last I saw he'd liberated the Soviet constituent states, although Moscowy was a rump's rump since they bitter peace'd out, and was preparing to invade America, never caught a peep after that.
That's me, I just lost a significant portion of my fleets so I would have to wait three years until I could try again
Do I return southern Belgium, or do I keep it for myself?
Could you make a mod for EU4 that let's you convert all of your provinces to one of the available religions? Like Slavic, Zoroastrian, Romuva?
I'd do it myself but I can't figure out EU4s modding system.
Keep it
Wouldn't armored warfare not be viable if you're trying to recover from the Black Monday event chain as well? Much easier to spam INFs with ARTs than to hope that they don't encircle your encircling units instead.
Keep it. Borders look better as is.
We keep southern Belgium, however now the women are demanding a full vote.
What do we do?
Tell 'em to fuck off right?
i don't have EU4 on my toaster, and im not like a hardcore modder or anything. strictly amatuer. do you want a nation to be that religion or are you trying to switch on an existing save?
Fuck no, I'd turn that down even if they gave me a 50% IC efficiency bonus
I'd go for it, however, if it set off random events adding +1 province manpower and random province resources every two years or so but feminism results in lower birthrates and does not make oil magically appear
I'd prefer if it was a decision I could click in the menu. Changing religions and every single province is incredibly tedious. I want to play as pagan Lithuania without having christian rebels wrecking my ass when the overwhelming majority of the country was still pagan in 1444
Oh, that's right. The Italians started a landing in Newfoundland and you went in thinking the American AI had bungled things and instead they doomstacked your old and mid-quality not quite new ships. I forget too easily. Are you gonna resume after Kaiserreich?
Suffrage a shit in practice even if to a degree for exterior reasons, but these are althistory women in the Second Reich in the year 1940. Use your discretion on gameplay benefits, if any.
Belgium is demanding Dunkirk and Lille, since I have taken southern Belgium permanently I feel somewhat like they deserve these territorial concessions.
Tell them to fuck off or no?
We didn't give them suffrage by the way, fuck women. They already have the ability to vote in local elections, that's more than enough.
I probably will resume, my fleet was somewhat older but it was more they had 2 carriers to my 4 and better doctrines.
Give them the concession. You rather shouldn't have held onto the south anyways, it looks so screwy.
Well the quick and dirty way would be to temporarily change the state religion of LIT to your religion of choice, and then just using the conversion success code to change your provinces.
haven't mastered events on EU3 yet but i'll have a glance of the wiki, honestly i would be surprised if there weren't already a mod for this sort of thing. i can't check the forums though since you need to be a paying customer to give out or receive free user created content according to johan the great and terrible.
Pick what lowers your dissent, I don't like seeing you get fucked up by a revolution.
He's hanging onto part of Franche-Comte, too, disregarding that, I'd stand by you.
Wrong reply earlier.
Use the all_heretic_province scope, and execute change_religion = catholic. Make sure that you set it so the AI never does it so it doesn't break Lithuania in the early game when you're playing against them.
I don't think you know how stupid I actually am.
we belive in your dream user, you should too. you can stride forth, backup your files and mod the shit out of a decision to paganize lithuania. i believe in you. start by browsing your folders, you'll quickly come to see how readable Paradox games are. believe in the anons that believe in you.
I'll try no bully
do pagans still get culture converted after religious conversion in EU4?
my router reset
I forgot how the code tag works, that's why.
Here's something I drew up on the fly:
pagan_to_pope = {
potential = {
ai = no
allow = {
NOT = { year = 1940 } # change this if you don't want this BS clogging your decisions list
effect = {
all_heretic_provinces = {
change_religion = catholic # change this if you want
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1 # :^)
Also, why the fuck did Paradox not set a way to easily convert your provinces to your state religion? This is stupid unless I have to use ROOT instead of the religion, in which case I have to read up on EU4 code, I got too used to how easy Vic2 was in retrospect
are there any instances where paradox could use that in eu4? if not then they're probably just lazy.
The Boer's rebel against the southern British and win, then they offer to join our alliance bloc, securing almost all of Africa for our alliance.
I don't think I need that allow being something that you can do over and over again, maybe I can just set a flag
Fuck it, I'm redoing it:
pagan_to_pope = { potential = { ai = no NOT = { has_country_flag = xXx_pagans_cleansed_xXx } } allow = { NOT = { year = 1940 } # change this if you don't want this BS clogging your decisions list } effect = { all_heretic_provinces = { change_religion = catholic # change this if you want has_country_flag = xXx_pagans_cleansed_xXx } } ai_will_do = { factor = 1 # :^) }}# if you don't want the cancerous garbage, learn to code yourself# ai_will_do is optional, especially in decisions that the AI will never ever trigger
Put this in some text file and place it in the decisions folder of a mod you would like to fuck up. If you don't have a mod, then make sure you make a backup of the game itself. I don't like being on the hook for fucking your shit up.
I don't think there are any instances, but considering I was able to do so using the "THIS" in Victoria II, Paradox should've left a straightforward way in even if they were never going to use it.
Why didn't Mittelafrika take Portuguese Mozambique?
Did Ostasiatische Allegemeine Gesselschaft get annexed by the Qing?
Did the Mongols blob in central Asia?
Did Russia even get its shit together?
Did the USA even get into a civil war again?
Does Kaiserreich even have a post-WW2 event chain?
Fuck, change the "has_country_flag" in the effect section to "set_country_flag"
It's bad enough that I'm half-asleep as is
Because the Portuguese wouldn't concede it, but did concede Angola as far as I can tell.
I still got it.
Yes, but that all changed when the Moon nation attacked.
Not really, they were at war with the central Turks for over a year.
Yeah, the regular USA won under Macarthur, but the pacific states are independent.
Now that I have an example uit sort of makes sense. But how do I add flavor text to it?
Well, now I know that it looks like a fairly normal Kaiserreich.
Russia if it ever got its shit together would be a really scary entity, or a really good ally, if you fucked Ukraine during the Black Monday chain.
By "get its shit together," I mean reconquering all the way down to the Caucasus, and retaking Central Asia.
The Mongols are more fun, though. Spamming cavalry may be hard considering manpower constraints, but is really really satisfying once you eat the Qing if Japan doesn't invade you.
i think eu4 may have a different localisation system to 3. but there should a file somewhere you can add
event_name: "event name"
event_name_description: "fuckin pagans an shiet my man"
or something to that effect.
The localization system changed, so I have to acquaint myself with it. But the string system still works the same, so:
Find a localization file, preferably one for decisions. Then, try inserting this under the one that says english:
pagan_to_pope_title = "Pagan2Pope"
pagan_to_pope_desc = "I do it because I'm a big guy"
You need the space because of how the localization is set up. The left-hand-side is needed to be that way (inst_title and inst_desc for title and flavortext, respectively)
Let me fix that for the YAML or something:
pagan_to_pope_title: "Pagan2Pope" pagan_to_pope_desc:"I do it because I'm a big guy"
It's easier to understand than CSV files, though, so that's something Paradox did right.
the localisation files for eu3 are horrific, seems like they cleaned up for 4.
Hazza! The Baltic States join Germany.
Tore France and Austria a new one in a Great War.
I released Bourbon France for the kicks and they somehow won the ensuing civil war despite only owning a single province near the border with Spain. Then the Bonapartists annexed the newly independent Brittany, prolonging the conflict.
also, whose bright idea was it to make "Tsarist" the demonym for autocratic Russia
Finally got my revenge on Naples for all their bullying.
Wat. It's the most liked expansion so far, along with Art of War. Really good additions and changes that finally made the game more challenging.
It is just propaganda for VeF. Why are you even reading that picture?
Not grand strat. Go make a casual strat thread.
Its made by the modders? Didn't know.
But yeah personally me and my friends have liked EU4 a lot more after the changes in RoM. It makes the difference between western and non western tech groups so much larger and the gap harder to close.
It was kind of ridiculous how it was really easy to westernize in the game before and become equal with European superpowers.
Not AS casual as Civ. I tried that and that game just treats you like a moron.
Civ is a 4x. It's meant to be played multiplayer so everyone starts out perfectly equal and races up a tech tree.
Did you even play it at middle difficulty or higher? People think grand strategies are something super complex, but EU4 for example I find way easier than even Civ V. It really is a question of how arcady you want your game to be. With HoI4 Paradox might be trying to not even have such a difference.
I can dig it.
Why does your Nazi Germany have elections…?
Then they should make a working multiplayer because Civ multiplayer modes have always been incredibly laggy, with several minute loading times between turns.
I played it at Kang level, its one of the higher ones. No challenge whatsoever.
I wouldn't say any Civ is harder than EU4, because the "difficulty" in Civ games is the kind that makes AI start at higher tech so they build all the wonders, or literally gives them a damage bonus in combat (this is at least present in Civ 6, if you look at the dmg of enemy troops when attacking them, there is a % dmg bonus given to them based on the difficulty level).
because that's not Nazi Germany
I haven't played 6 so I don't even know what that is suppose to be equal to. At least in 5 if it is your first time I find it doubtful you will win easily against a super cheating AI, simple because you won't know the most optimal way to take yet.
But the things you are saying are not different than the ones Paradox games have. They handle difficulty just about the same way - cheating, not actually making the AI better or anything. Maybe you are right, maybe Civ is not harder, but I wouldn't go beyond equally easily. The thing is I think watching some video online (or not even that) and then making an army stack and taking over countries is actually easier in EU4.
Are there any mods I should install before my first ever Darkest Hour game? At least I find it quite annoying how it doesn't let you zoom in almost at all. The closest I can zoom in is so that I see all of Germany at once…
Oh I didn't even notice. He's playing the mod where Germany and Austria won WW1?
I think you're completely wrong. Civ games are really simplistic and you don't need to think at all in order to win, just pit your armies at the enemies. At least in EUIV you have to think about stuff like combat width, supply limits, generals stats, and terrain is far more influential than in Civ.
I just said the same about EU4. And really it would be more honest to compare it with Civ V, but I guess you are a newfag at multiple franchises.
Totally not the same guy from last thread. Didn't you get in jail for piracy already?
But that is not the case for EU4 at all. You don't win if you just run your troops at the enemies lol.
I know perfectly well how old it is. Does not excuse shit design and lack of important gameplay mechanics like being able to fucking zoom in.
Not as much as you. Clearly I know FAR more about EU4 and Civ games than you.
Typical Civ cuck.
You do if you have more troops. Or if the AI feels it's army is better suited walking around in a circle.
That is exactly how the game works though.
You are new to everything, period.
You are truly doing a good job at the halfchan tier cool Holla Forumsack.
Except, you don't… It is so dependent on terrain and general stats, and your military ideas. You can easily defeat three times larger armies if your discipline, morale and fire and shock are so much higher, also unit types matter etc.
You are simply wrong. It is clear that I am arguing with two noobs who have no clue of what they are talking about.
Holla Forums sure has become a shithole. I recommend educating yourselves about these games before talking about them like you know your shit.
You are saying it as if Civ for example doesn't have variables and so some super specific case makes you right. Both games are easy, you are nothing special for playing either of them. Suck it up.
You such a good parody of cancer thinking highly of himself. Probably not even a parody.
Extremely simplistic ones that do not matter. Even attacking over rivers has a very minimal effect and you can do it without care.
Never claimed EU4 is hard. You just claimed that Civ is harder, which is perhaps the most retarded thing I have ever heard. EU4 is undoubtedly a lot harder, even though it is still easy and definitely the easiest Paradox game.
Cool strawman argument kid, never claimed I was. And I don't play Civ games because of how shit they are, you are the cuck who is obsessed with them.
Suck it up, and educate yourself. You already made a fool of yourself in the previous thread, you really want to do that again? You're starting to become a joke, one of those Holla Forums regular village idiots.
Civ does have variables in their battles but it is negligible. It's all about the tech race. He's right that EU takes a bit more thought but he is exaggerating and he is forgetting the fact that wars are mainly won by tricking the stupid AI.
I am not forgetting or denying that. The AI is not great in EU4, but the guy is delusional if he thinks Civ gameplay is not all about being ahead in tech and just running your troops into the enemies. It does not matter AT ALL in those games whether you do it over rivers or hills, just do it with newer units or with more of them.
It is however objectively true that in EUIV you actually have to take things into account such as the military ideas of your neighboring nations, and counter those with proper idea groups, positioning your armies correctly for battles, having the right ratios of infantry to cavalry to artillery and so on. At least it requires some thought unlike Civ games.
That is all I am saying, but this guy was raging in the previous thread too and he has the same tactic in every argument: just make shit up that your opponent never said and act like he did say it.
Very pathetic.
Funny how that works.
Back to you. And you are often express exactly the reason why people get annoyed by the 14-year-old Holla Forums to such an exaggerated point it feels like a parody.
At best you might be confusing the number of mechanics to difficulty. But even that doesn't make EU4 not easier to pick up and win than Civ V, which again, is what I am saying and the whole time you haven't been able to argue with me on that, because you haven't even played the game, as you are new to that franchise too, yet "cuck."
Again, weird when we are talking about a srawman. Because I was saying exactly the same is true for both.
Are you denying you constantly use strawman arguments? Because you do. You constantly make shit up that I have never said, and act like I did.
You argue like a woman, it's pathetic.
Back to Reddit there fella. Most of Holla Forums not only likes Holla Forums but are also regulars there. Looks like calling you a cuck was accurate.
Typical cuck.
post some OC or bugger off.
No, I haven't been anti-Holla Forums. I have been anti the bad stereotype you have shown multiple types and this is why I called you reverse-trolling in last thread when you were actively doing low tier Holla Forums shit a 14-year-old would do and now you continue on with random maymays.
Complaining about strawman while strawmaning doesn't really make you win an argument.
Don't get retarded too.
You're clearly an anti-Holla Forums cuck. You have repeatedly made a fool of yourself and acted like a child.
Grow up, and get your head out of your ass cuck.
Nor did I strawman at any point, only you have done that.
Of course you haven't. Of course. When you close your eyes it is easy to say. Just as how I call you one of the retards that give Holla Forums a bad name. Instead of acknowledging that you are cancer both here and on Holla Forums you want to push the whole of Holla Forums behind you.
I love history.
Besides the Bible, what are some good historical books?
The Book of Enoch and Jasher are non-canonical but they do expand on the pre-flood world that Genesis just skims over.
I'm looking for early church history books and any good books up to the 15th century (that isn't biased towards Catholicism).
So, are the fags making their own gsgs here? If sso, any status updates?
i wasn't aware of any user made GSGs, but i only browse this thread now and then. honestly im dead surprised there isn't an open source GSG engine.
Trying to mod EU3 myself, still working on the province map though. going to be some time before i can even think about nations or anything interesting.
I don't give Holla Forums a bad name, here I am, being right and anally annihilating some retarded cuck who uses strawman arguments.
You are giving Holla Forums a bad name, an autistic feminine faggot who has severe sperg attacks where you are unable to stop raging at others for minor reasons. Sad! You should go to the doctors to check if you suffer from unnaturally low testosterone levels.
Almost everything in your timeline never happened and is fantasy not history.
Every once a few months, somebody pops in presenting his GSG idea and how far he is in implementing it.
have a tip
An interesting new tactic. We shall see how it works for user in the following few hours
Again two posts one after another. How much do you want to prove you are a newfag to everything around you?
If you are such an anti-strawman pro I will be waiting proving me the strawman I pointed you making not being such such.
I thought those were only awarded to terrorists and globalists
I was obviously pointing out the christcuck is baiting. Because he is. You can not seriously be claiming those things happened. He even thinks the world is flat.
Reported and ID hidden, because I think this is obviously the commonly known christcuck lunatic who every single day rants on Holla Forums about the eternal hellfire and other nonsense. This guy just won't quit even though all of Holla Forums laughs at him.
I think we all already know you are the newfag here. You have repeatedly proven yourself to be a liar and suspected autist. It's time for you to stop posting. Don't embarrass yourself any further, just let people talk about games, ok? Go to sleep kid.
Nice. Has as much historical accuracy to it as that retards christian mythology.
You're being way too obvious.
But it's you who's derailing the fucking thread. Either talk about games or history (/gsg/ had always been a vestige of /his/) or shut the fuck up
It's quite interesting, seeing someone post bait pictures WHILE they are baiting themselves. Then again, you probably are a bona fide lunatic and truly believe the earth is 5000 years old and flat.
Absolutely hilarious that people as stupid as you can exist.
No it's not? It's literally him. I was talking about GSG games, and he got really triggered by it and started ranting and raging about how Civ is much better than EU4 (LMAO). It was all him.
I am 100% certain you are trolling because nobody is as dumb as to reject basic history that has been confirmed true and factual through archeological findings.
Here is your last (You)
I'm talking about this whole
"He a christcuck XDDD"
"No you a fedorafag xDDDD"
Are you retarded? Do you need to go up and read again? Does it look like I started it? No, some retarded fuck came here to bait everyone and act like his Jewish mythology is history. How is that on topic according to your true claim that this thread is also for history? When its not real history but religious mythology that didn't actually happen.
You are being as stupid right now as he is.
Top kek
Did they finally find evidence of Jews being enslaved in Egypt?
Just filter him, he's baiting.
He doesn't even believe what he's saying, it's just generic youtube-atheist tier shitposting.
Atheism is dead, they lose every debate so they resort to trolling instead of arguments.
Here is a poorly made pic with a collection of posts. In the future just redirect him to this.
Nope. Its the first Big Jewish Lie of history. There never were any Jews in ancient Egypt, but it was the first "muh six gorillion" they came up with to get some ancient gibs me dats and a casus belli for the region.
I'm not an atheist. I'm just not a mentally retarded faggot like you who thinks the Jewish mythology holds true. It doesn't, it's all bullshit they invented to control you.
HOLY SHIT this is absolute comedy gold. Perfect final touch to not include any of your own posts, where all of Holla Forums saw how retarded and wrong you are. Simply amazing.
Pic related, it's you right now.
That would be almost impossible to find. At least, with what we know now. First we'd have to put a date to the time when the exodus story supposedly takes place (which is still argued over). And, what would constitute as "Egypt" would depend on the time period. During the time of the Thera eruption, there were several Pharaohs. Then, once we've figured all that out, how do we figure out the race of the slaves they kept? Their clothing and belongings wouldn't help us much. Neither would their shrines. At best, we could determine that some slaves were Semitic, but it would be almost impossible to narrow it down more than that.
Also very nice touch to not open the christcucks image. Now anyone who reads your propaganda won't be able to see he thought the world is flat and that the flood actually happened.
God, you're a faggot.
Not only that, it's known that none of the mythological stories in the Bible ever happened. First they would have to be proven true. ANY of them. So far, not a single one.
Not a very flattering look for you, I must say. I recommend educating yourself before running your mouth.
I like how you gradually build up to fell retard.
check IDs. I wasn't arguing with you before. I'm just now commenting that you are a faggot.
I love seeing atheists destroyed with facts.
They are so clueless when it comes to discoveries and history.
But now half the thread's gone
I did check IDs, and you were. You are one of the morons who were arguing in favor of Civ. And now you think there is any historical validity to the Bible. I am merely pointing out that it is indeed you who is the faggot, not only that but an extremely historically ignorant faggot.
You really aren't helping your own case by calling people who know the Bible is mythological nonsense "retards". If you want to be taken seriously in a conversation about history, then do not pretend like mythology is history. You are making yourself look like a retard.
I'm not religious, I just read a lot about those time periods. There is definitely evidence for stories from the Bible. Majority of the Old Testament is just remembrances of past kings and important battles, same as what any bronze age civilization did.
Just the stupid half.
I love how you just post opinion blogs and video collections about pictures of ruins, proceed to call people atheists (even though no one has claimed to be one) and then act like all of this is evidence for flat earth and the flood.
Absolute comedy gold. The christcuck at its finest: a butthurt retard with no ability to distinguish reality from fiction.
No there isn't, almost every single thing in the Bible never happened, and has been proven so. Just a bunch of lies made up by Jews. Not that surprising, they have a history of trying to rewrite history.
It’s a great work of comedy.
Great going, moishe.
top kek
apex kek
Yeah, even the most militant atheist will say that most parts of the OT are true. The only ones they disagree with is the supernatural/miraculous ones because they believe in the theory of evolution and hold to a naturalist/humanist philosophy of the 18th century "enlightenment".
8762f9 is an obvious retard so he is safely ignored.
It is interesting that the Bible mentions Ramses centuries before archeologists digged up evidence for a pharaoh named Ramses.
Another interesting story is how people in the 18th century thought that the "Hittites" of the Bible were just a myth, then they later discovered physical evidence for the Hittites in modern-day Turkey and now everyone knows Hittites were real people.
This is a common phenomena. The Bible talks about an individual or nation of which we are unaware of. Years later, we find archeological evidence of the existence of this person, nation or tribe.
Historians have pointed out that the Bible (OT specifically) is the most consistent source when it comes to history, even secularists that don't accept the big supernatural occurances will admit to this.
As the years pass by, the Bible gets proven more and more. Creation and the ID movement are gaining traction whereas more people are laughing at Darwin's theory of evolution and its ridiculous notion that man came from rock and that life is an accident. In a couple decades the religion of "evolutionism" will be remembered as an embarassing 21th century myth.
"New Atheism" is completely ignorant and oblivious, they blindly follow youtube atheist celebs such as Thunderfoot or edgy personalities as Dawkins, they can't think for themselves or do research. The "new atheist" is a brainwashed sheep.
Umm yeah, it has not been proven LMAO. It has in fact been extensively proven that the flood claimed in the bible could have never happened.
Not an argument. You have had zero evidence for your absurd claims.
Hey, this is a history thread.
go that way
Absolute nonsense. Every single historian will say that almost everything in the Old Testament contradicts with historical findings. Even a huge amount of the stuff about ancient kingdoms, rulers and peoples in the Bible are complete fabrication with no truth to it.
VeF has a Romuva Lithuania you can even turn into a Romuva 'empire' by decision.
Plus it has a personal deity mechanic which lets you select all them gods.
You're another one… or is this a raid?
Plenty of the "supernatural" events can also be explained if you keep an open mind and really try to understand. Especially when they are vindicated by other sources.
These are merely theories but, for example:
If you place exodus around the time of the Thera eruption, you can explain the plague of darkness as the pumice cloud, since traces of the pumice were found caked on walls in the Nile Delta, and older sources (such as the scriptures Josephus translated) describe it as a plague of black smoke.
Also, when you consider the story of worms crawling out of Herod's penis, combined with symptoms other historians described, it was gangrene of the penis.
As for a global flood, there is an overwhelming evidence for that. To deny a world-wide flood is to deny logic and reason.
Over 200 ancient cultures and civilizations all talked about a global flood and 8 people surviving on a boat.
Geology and the study of our world shows that there was once a catastrophic flood.
The ark had perfect ratios and measurements, and study shows it was perfectly capable of holding the (estimated) 30,000~50,000 kinds of animals.
But hey, atheists will continue to dig their heads in the sand and pretend the Bible isn't real because they hate God and don't want to change their lifestyle.
Even if it means going against science, logic, facts and discoveries. Which is ironic because atheists claim to champion these things when infact they ignore them when it comes to proof for scripture.
Much like SJWs, the atheist brain shuts down when facts for the Bible are presented.
Well, it was just a flood of the Euphrates, probably.
Some sources and links.
As usual, the Christian posts links and evidence whereas the atheist just shitposts (fortunately he's filtered so I can't see his cancer).
For more information check out Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, he's a master chess player that can play against 10 people blindfolded. He does not believe in evolution but in the Bible.
The term "dinosaur" was invented in 1842. Before that, they were known as dragons, serpents or giant lizards.
Universally every culture has legends and stories of dragons, which coincidentally looks like dinosaurs we dig up today. Dinosaurs didn't live "millions of years ago" as conartists and professional liars will want you to believe. They are animals that mostly died out after the flood. They went extinct several centuries ago. Today there are rumored to be still some dinosaur sightings such as a giant long-necked creature in the swamps of Congo (a largely undiscovered territory). Marco Polo even saw dinosaurs pulling chariots in China.
There is not a single piece of evidence for a global flood. The whole concept is so absurd and literally impossible. You christcucks and your fantasies.
Look at this. Look at this fucking moron. He literally believes there were dinosaurs in the American civil war.
And since the "monkey to man" and "out-of-africa" theories have been debunked years ago, the truth is that we come from Noah's 3 sons that repopulated the world. The ark landed at the mountains of Ararat in modern-day Turkey. The first urban city or civilization was Babylon, where the tower of Babel was built.
A. Four Sons of Ham:
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Hittites,
Sidonians, Perizzites, Zemarites)
Also Kham. Literal meanings are hot, burnt or dark (father of the Mongoloid and Negroid races - Hamites)
B. Five Sons of Shem:
1. Elam (Arabia)
2. Asshur (Assyria)
3. Lud (Lydians)
4. Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
5. Arphaxad (From which Abraham descended)
Also Sem. Literal meanings are named or renown (father of the Semitic races - Shemites)
C. Japheth's Descendants (14 Nations came out of Japheth):
The immediate descendants of Japheth were seven in number, and are represented by the nations designated Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Mesech, and Tiras; or, roughly, the Armenians, Lydians, Medes, Greeks, Tibarenians, and Moschians, the last, Tiras, remaining still obscure. The sons of Gomer (Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah) were all settled in the West Asian tract; while the sons of Javan (Elisah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim or Rodanim) occupied the Mediterranean coast and the adjacent islands.
Seven Sons of Japheth
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance – French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)
Also Diphath. Literal meanings are opened, enlarged, fair or light (father of the Caucasoid/Indo-Europoid, Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, or Indo-Aryan races - Japhethites). Japheth is the progenitor of seven sons:
Ham is the ancestor of the Africans.
Shem is the ancestor of Semites (hence where the word comes from).
Japheth is the ancestor of Europeans aswell as certain Asians.
Another thing to point out is that the Smithsonian has been heavily active in digging up giant human skeletons and destroying them or locking them up in their basement. Atheists/Evolutionists are so desperate for people to not believe in God or the Bible that they destroy evidence that does not fit the Darwinian narrative. The whole Freemasons/Illuminati/Occult shit plays in here too. Satan's greatest trick, etc.
8762f9, this is just embarassing.
You are getting completely destroyed with facts, logic and study whereas you do nothing but shitpost.
Enjoy believing in your monkey myth instead of accepting Biblical reality.
God gave you a free will, you decide to reject Him, then don't complain when you're burning in hellfire because you chose it.
/end of me wrecking this low-IQ fedora
Looks like someone's triggered
There were dinosaurs in the American Civil War you dumbass! As a matter of fact, I keep the last surviving compnognathesaurus in a cage in the basement and make my living from exhibiting it.
Another fucking thread derailed and ruined by Holla Forums, come again you fucking PIDF and tell me your board isnt absolute cancer.
Nope as a pollack this man is retarded >thinks everyone came form 3 people
Nye is a funny clown and charlatan.
He and that black guy are chronic liars that only Redditors and millenial "neo-atheists" fall for.
No, we are descendants of Adam and Eve.
Muh Neanderthals
Ive seen enough of them have spergouts all around the internet.
Nice ad hominem on Bill Nye, yet you don't address any of his points
Then how did blacks come about?
Worst /gsg/ thread I've seen since the /vg/ days.
He's just gonna post more infographs and Bible passages, he can't actually think for himself. Hell, it even says it in his kike book (Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding).
Look, you haven't refuted a single point he brought up. God isn't real, the earth is older than 9000 years, and evolution is true. You're are either insane or stupid to think otherwise.
Kent Hovind and Sarfati have already destroyed Nye.
Nye isn't even a scientist, he's a hack. A literal Reddit figure.
The theory of evolution is falling apart.
Here is the state of evolution today: "Evolutionary theory itself is already in a state of flux… all the central assumptions of the Modern Synthesis (often also called Neo-Darwinism) have been disproven" -Professor Denis Noble, Evolutionist, Physiologist and Biologist, May 2013
1. Abiogenesis. They have given up on it and now say it's not part of evolution theory.
2. They are now admitting that they have no explanation for diversity. So now it's not evolution either.
3. They have given up on the fossil record since it looks like creation. So now they say they don't need the fossils.
4. Gould and associates say there is no gradualism (no transitionals). Stasis is the underlying factor in the fossils so it's not evolution either.
5. Random mutations and natural selection produce nothing so that's out too and they are rejecting it as evolution.
6. All they have left is the common ancestor monkey. The inability for "kinds" to interbreed destroys that one so it's not long for this world.
7. PE is now a failure so it's out as evolution as well.
8. The “tree of life” has also been rejected.
You need to put more effort into your bait.
Shut the fuck up about religion and get back to clicking maps you autistic faggots.
Where did those people come from give me a timeline
Once again you're not addressing the point, you're just commiting more ad hominem and then spouting a bunch of bullshit. Good job
but it's fun
I to like seeing a bilbe retard get btfo by looking at stuff
Ha, evidently you are very insecure that your beliefs are being challenged. That anime girl isn't even smug. If you can't actually refute any of this then fucking give in and believe in reality, you stupid, vile, scum-sucking, disgusting, asshole, evil, black-hearted asshole fool.
Evolution is a myth that has been debunked years ago.
If you believe your ancestor was a monkey, you've been brainwashed.
Check the 2 sources linked in that post.
God is a nigger, lmao
What the fuck is even going on? Where are the videogames or /his/ autism?
As usual, the results are:
Christianity: 1 (links, articles, proof and evidence)
Atheism: 0 (only shitposts and insults)
We are talking about real history in this thread.
thats a very christian way to talk user, god must be so pleased with you
Why don't you explain why it's a myth? Have you even watched your video you posted?
What world are you living in? It certainly isn't this one.
/r/ that image of some church father from like 1600 saying "no that's fucking retarded, Genesis is an allegory" and then modern low church Protestants taking the bible literally.
Sola scriptura was a mistake.
But we still need to discuss maps.
Well, I figure that if you deny that God exists: you don't deserve the civility his followers enjoy. As far as I'm concerned: you people are mental defectives who should be banished to the wilderness where only God can help you and only if you repent.
Found your problem.
The bible says you're supposed to be salt and light on the earth, and you are a hypocrite.
Ice Cores show no evidence of the earth being covered entirely in water, there are trees that are still alive that predate the flood, these trees absolutely could not have survived being underwater for a year, your best excuse is that god saved them through a miracle which makes no sense on any level, thanks to god being completely illogical, he's a omniscient being who knows the future and has infinite power and wisdom but has fucked up on many occasions.
This is a pretty good vid, I watched the whole debate and only the most delusional devout christian could say that Ham won.
Kill yourself, my man.
You do, thats what it means to believe in something. You're not a very good christian.
Constantine wasn't either by your measure, and yet he's a fucking saint.
If by that: you mean I'll put "salt" in the marijuana nurseries of sinners and "light" the gay porno stashes of sodomites on fire then okay, I guess I certainly am not a hypocrite.
Nice gish gallop fam, no-one wants to read through all your "evidence" I read through one link you posted then found a good refutation of it that point at all the flaws in logic it had, I'd imagine real scientists just don't bother with that shit because they feel there is no need to clarify the facts that are being misrepresented to such a small group of people, it's all about efficiency, it's far better to debate in front of a large audience and win, and god do they win, or actually forward their field then go to some backwater blog and pick it apart piece by piece for someone with no knowledge of the subject to just come back and poke holes where there are only holes in that "sceptics" own knowledge.
I'm glad no religion is the fastest growing "theological" belief system.
But you do know that wasn't what was intended. Just be honest with yourself, you don't want to listen to the bible.
Thats practically a different religion entirely.
I don't need to "listen" to the bible because it's not a fucking audiobook.
Oh, well I agree with you that Protestantism is retarded.
Well I guess we do have some common ground after all.
Meanwhile in reality, Creationists win almost every single debate against Evolutionists.
It has reached the point where Evolutionists avoid debates, because they get constantly destroyed with facts and logic.
Do you enjoy playing these little word games user? You already know what I meant.
ITT: protestants
And fedoras who think that because protestants are retarded and they hated going to church that religion is pointless.
This exact thing happened in another thread recently. With the same images and links. It was that SJW one.
Numerous naval landings distract the British army enough that I manage to make a paradrop assault on the city of Hull, securing the city and allowing me to move dozens of divisions into the city.
However, on the way out the remnants of the British fleet manage to catch the transport fleet guarded by many of the older battleships, they manage to escape with minimum losses and our entire navy swarms in to finish them off.
However, they have far more carriers than we do, 9 modern carriers to our 6, of which only 3 are modern.
I'm hoping that the 6 carriers we do have will keep their planes busy with the help of land based aircraft that the battleships, cruisers and destroyers can move forward at incredible speed to finish off their fleet.
What the actual fuck is going on here
Feels good man.
Just 1 atheist getting butthurt when confronted with facts.
Atheists always shitfling when their feelings get hurt. They're not much different from SJW leftists.
"Your facts end where my feelings begin".
"Proof for the Bible? No, that's impossible! My Communist professor told me that religion is a lie!"
Fortunately, facts don't care about your feelings. The Bible continues to be proven right year after year.
Just ignore him.
oh thank god, maybe this will end the religious shitposting
Unfortunately the British escape before any real losses are inflicted, we destroy a single British battleship in bombings but we do suffer almost 5 thousand casualties across the fleet due to bombings, many battleships are now out of action for repairs.
Our mainland offensive is getting pretty good now too, at this point I doubt we'll lose.
America dismantled Britain, then I dismantled America and France. Russia went neutral. China got its shit pushed in by Japan and my fascist Egypt satellite I have no idea how they got over there, now Chinese rebels are starting to pop up.
Invading America was a bitch, I had to get most of my occupation warscore off China.
Where's the old testament?
/gsg/ has fallen pretty low.
London falls, we expect the British surrender in a matter of days.
What is the fate of the Britons?
Full annexation
divide between england, scotland and wales
I'd prefer a whole Britain, but whichever option returns the legitimate dynastic heirs versus the Windsors.
The rightful Britons are Germans, so gas them all.
It has been divided.
Who's led by what dynasties, by chance?
now invade england again and reenact the anglo-saxon occupation of england
I like you.
Kill me, this was my worst fleet sure but it's still a fourth of my fleet.
The King of Bavaria rules Wales, the Stuarts rule Scotland and England is ruled by the the second son of the current Kaiser, Wilhelm's son Wilhelm.
Atheists get triggered by facts, nothing much I can do about it.
Shameful display
What is it with you and losing fleets to hubris?
I thought the Stuarts were extincted in the main line by 1807, what bastard did you seat? And the latter is just grating, somehow. It makes me think of Karling spread by osmosis.
No option to re-seat the Windsors like with National France, I assume? Not really in your interest to restore perfidious Albion and the dynasty that tried to fuck your shit. Or is it gated by the other Entente flipping events?
whit that strawman, it applies more aganist your posture, it also applies to all the politicla circlejerk boards (really, the bible is wise).
I play at very fast speeds, and fleet battles are usually over within a few hours.
With the fall of Italy peace is declared, however the economy is still faltering.
The left have proposed a new idea, decentralising our colonial empire.
Do we agree to this for the sake of our economy, or shut it down?
If I remember correctly that event will keep fucking triggering until you accept. You may as well bite the bullet and get it over with.
The difference is atheists claim to be right without backing it up with evidence or facts.
I actually read books and do research.
Get on with it. It's not like doing otherwise will do you much good.
Damn, what's that mod?
Advanced Faggotry:
numbers that are odd => 1
numbers that are even =>0
binary message output
are you the guy who said that doppler effect isn't real? it was a fun thread
Nope, must be confusing me with someone else
Remove spearchucker!
Well that only took forever. I only managed to get Thrace because the Netherlands started a crisis over returning South Macedonia to the Turks. Then Germany and A-H backed me up and we kicked their shit in and I took back Thrace and "Albania" which is really Molossia. I also have Tripoli and Senussi as puppets but I'll probably annex them and restore the ancient Greek colonies. From a previous war when the Turks had been cut down to size I was able to take back just about everything else.
Anyone else here, who can't play with any nation in grand strategy games that isn't involved in removing kebab?
Also, in EU 4 VeF, how can you adopt ancient religions?
Fucking commies turn everything to shit tbh.
I don't think the eu games do asia much justice at all.
With the nation designer. There's this 'pagan comeback' event contained in VeF, but I have no idea how to trigger it.
The only nations you can play with ancient religions are Novgorod (they get 1 Norse province), Norway (1 Norse province in Iceland), Perm (1 Slavic province), Ilkhanate (3 Zoroastrian provinces I believe) and Lithuania (begins as Romuva from the start), for the ones with few ancient religion provinces: You can push the pagan province enough to cause a revolt and convert your whole country, but it's gonna take a while to do so (I've seen Livonia become Romuva, the rebels have to hold about 80% of the country or something like that) If you wanna be a skrub, use console commands and as a neighboring country annex your target, releasing it afterwards starting by the single pagan province. The country you want to play as will be pagan and hold a bunch of revolt-prone territory with the wrong religion.
I thought that was just a doodle of a stereotypical Asian guy.
I was more interested in the event.
Like in CK+, where you just need to set your focus to studying or whatever it was and then take the proper decisions, you can even get the necronomicon and weird shit happens.
Ok, let's see:
country_event = { id = pagan_revival.1 title = "pagan_revival.1.title" desc = "pagan_revival.1.desc" picture = VEF_DIPLOMACY_eventPicture fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = SCA not = { is_year = 1600 } }
You need to form Scandinavia in order to trigger the whole thing.
mean_time_to_happen = { months = 360 # 18 months MTTH for player, 180 months for AI modifier = { is_religion_enabled = protestant factor = 0.5 } modifier = { # If the player is Scandinavia we want to make the event far more likely is_religion_enabled = protestant ai = no factor = 0.1 } modifier = { innovativeness_ideas = 5 factor = 0.9 } modifier = { innovativeness_ideas = 6 factor = 0.9 } modifier = { innovativeness_ideas = 7 factor = 0.9 } }
option = { # I must investigate name = "pagan_revival.1.opt1" ai_chance = { factor = 10 } set_country_flag = norse_revival_started set_global_flag = pagan_revival_started random_core_province = { limit = { is_capital = no culture_group = scandinavian } province_event = { id = "pagan_revival.2" days = 30 } } } option = { # Let us ignore those fools name = "pagan_revival.1.opt2" ai_chance = { factor = 90 } }}
province_event = { id = pagan_revival.2 title = "pagan_revival.2.title" desc = "pagan_revival.2.desc" picture = VEF_LIBERUM_VETO_eventPicture is_triggered_only = yes immediate = { change_religion = norse_pagan_reformed add_province_modifier = { name = "religious_zeal_at_conv" duration = 9000 } } option = { # Interesting name = "pagan_revival.2.opt1" add_prestige = 5 hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = "pagan_revival.3" days = 50 } } } } option = { # Guards, disperse them name = "pagan_revival.2.opt2" add_prestige = -10 set_global_flag = no_pagan_revival add_province_modifier = { name = "pagan_revival_pagans_betrayed" duration = 730 } norse_pagan_reformed_rebels = 2 }}
Basically the whole chain of events turns you into Norse via some sort of 'conspiracy' which has a chance of failing.
Yeah, so, about that console command ,yeah.
good find btw
is there any good elseworld mod for victoria 2? i feel like being familiar with existing in game factions affects my playstyle (never allying ottomans). also got bored with normal earth.
country_event = { id = pagan_revival.100 title = "pagan_revival.100.title" desc = "pagan_revival.100.desc" picture = VEF_COURT_eventPicture trigger = { has_global_flag = pagans_are_back NOT = { religion_group = reformed_pagan } NOT = { has_country_flag = pagan_revival_encouraged } NOT = { has_country_flag = pagan_revival_discouraged } any_neighbor_country = { any_owned_province = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed} } OR = { # 10% of provinces or 5 total make this worthy of notice in the capital num_of_religion = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed value = 5 } num_of_religion = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed value = 0.1 } num_of_religion = { religion = hellenic value = 5 } num_of_religion = { religion = hellenic value = 0.1 } num_of_religion = { religion = tengri value = 5 } num_of_religion = { religion = tengri value = 0.1 } num_of_religion = { religion = romuva value = 5 } num_of_religion = { religion = romuva value = 0.1 } num_of_religion = { religion = slavicanism value = 5 } num_of_religion = { religion = slavicanism value = 0.1 } num_of_religion = { religion = suomenusko value = 5 } num_of_religion = { religion = suomenusko value = 0.1 } num_of_religion = { religion = zoroastrianism value = 5 } num_of_religion = { religion = zoroastrianism value = 0.1 } } } option = { # Encourage spread name = "pagan_revival.100.opt1" ai_chance = { factor = 50 modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { culture_group = scandinavian } } } trigger = { NOT = { is_emperor = yes } } set_country_flag = pagan_revival_encouraged set_variable = { which = pagans_out_of_woodwork value = 0 } every_owned_province = { limit = { NOT = { OR = { religion_group = reformed_pagan religion = zoroastrianism } } } add_unrest = 0.5 } } option = { # Heretics! name = "pagan_revival.100.opt2" ai_chance = { factor = 50 modifier = { factor = 2 capital_scope = { is_part_of_hre = yes } } modifier = { factor = 1.5 num_of_cities = 8 } } set_country_flag = pagan_revival_discouraged every_owned_province = { limit = { or = { religion_group = reformed_pagan religion = zoroastrianism } } add_unrest = 1 } }}
Then, once that chain of events has been triggered by Scandinavia, it unleashes some sorta 'Pagan revival' in the whole world. The religion the AI converts to is based on culture: Finno-Ugric will convert to ebin Suomenusko; Slavs to Slavic (includes Hungarians and Romanians, gotta fix this); Baltics to Romuva; Iranians and Indo-Persians to Zoroastrian; latin, iberian, french, byzantine_group, south_slavic, albanians, turko_semitic (arabs, not shitty turks) into Hellenic (Gotta add Romanians into the list); and Altaics into Tengri (Gotta add Magyars)
Yeah it's pretty cool
I don't think you can manually trigger the event, i've tried using 'event pagan_revival.2', but it doesn't do anything. I think you gotta fulfill the requirements, namely have 'pagan_revival.1' completed as SCA.
Remember that event chain is for Glory of Byzantium not normal VeF.
I fear you wont have much luck with that.
Yeah I hadn't noticed it's actually for GoB. Gotta look for a way to fix that.
what a shame, i guess the only option left is to start as a custom nation, with 800 points to have enough lands, because probably EVERYONE will hate you for being a heathen.
aren't the innovativeness ideas increasing the MTTH?
The best way to use it would propably to make a seperate mod and split the event into multiple one for more player countries
I don't think so I tried forming zoroastrian Persia in VeF a few times, the relation modifier from being a heathen was negligible everyone hated me wether I would convert or not
Or you could just jury-rig GoB by deleting the bookmarks and country_tags folders from common; and countries, diplomacy, provinces and wars folder from history from the veritas_gob root folder.
I'm testing it right now, seems to work.
Persian empire factions don't work unless you leave the PER-persia.txt archive from the veritas_gob/history/country intact.
Better yet, one could just leave all the GoB countries intact and just remove the veritas_gob/history/provinces folder altogether. That way you keep all the fictitious countries from GoB (might want to remove BYZ-Byzantium.txt though, could fuck up the normal VeF one).
nvm it doesn't work that way, for PER you gotta remove the VeF PER and leave the GoB one instead, leaving the common/country_tags/GOB_countries.txt intact
Also you have to remove PER from the VeF country tags, efficiently leaving the GoB one as the only Persia.
AND the game crashes if you do that. I have no idea what to do in order to make the stupid Persian factions to work
user why can I see osmans on your map?
Germany soon fellow Krauts
I decided to deal with them later,
if I was gonna take their territory, id have 16k rebel troops stuck on constantinople, no ty
instead I saved the manpower to take their capital, their shekels, and then Epirus and some coastal territories, very fast.
I did it ;_;
The next version of user's VeF modifications is gonna have this shit. And maybe polytheistic religions with actual personal deity mechanics don't expect icons though like Nahuatl, Popol Vuh, Inca, Slavic and Suomenusko.
How's my Italy so far?
Nice, does that include satrapies and Pagan revival too?
I can try making the icons but I'm not sure how they will turn out.
Pretty good. What are your colonial plans?
Egypt + Ottoman Africa + Ethiopia + Somalia. I discovered Lake Victoria (named it Lake Italia) so I may also take Zanzibar and colonize up to the edge of the Congo since it's my lake now muffuga.
I also annexed Warri early on for the rubber so planning on taking everything between that and Egypt and making sure it's all contiguous.
Basically northeast Africa. Will try to nab Tunisia as well if I expand further into France.
Yes it enables the satrapy, persian empire and satrapy persian empire government types (with the only one available in-game being the satrapy persian empire after you form persia by decission), as well as the indopersian tech group. It also comes with the full pagan revival chain.
I've been thinking about making a custom country centered in Yazd as some sort of Zoroastrian post-Ilkhanate state with the satrapy govt type. Once the Ilkhanate collapses, it'll be free and wrestle with the arab-ruled states nearby for controlling persian area. It might be a bit ahistorical, but I think it'd make for a better option to from Persia than say a stupid shiite kebab or steppenigger shithole. Besides, why would you even play as kebab Persia? It's a fucking travesty.
New thred