Anything in there not shit?

Anything in there not shit?
Maybe even worth getting?
If you had to spend 50 bucks in it, what would you spend it for?

Halloween jewery thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Fran Bow worth it?

There are some good games on sale like FEAR 1, STALKER. and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, although Monolith is pretty much dead so the original devs aren't getting any money, I'm not sure what the deal currently is with GSC and I'd rather wait for Isaac to go on a higher sale if I have to give money to the SJWs of Niantic
The only thing I'd recommend buying is Pathologic

What is "Through the Woods"? Seems well recieved and is being bought a lot. Looks good enough. Did anyone here regret buying it?

Condemned is good as are any STALKER games. I'd pirate both though since GSG are dead and Monolith a shadow of their former self.

Seems okay, will give it a go.

Honestly the sale is shit. There are some games that you should already own like STALKER, System Shock 2, Pathologic (remake due for next year) and the FEAR collection. Don't Starve Together is fun if you have friends, pubs are a waste unless heavily modded. Killing Floor was good then paid DLC weapons and TripSJWire turned into social justice jews.

It's shit.

Check the tags for the game user
It goes into the trash.


The Dead Rising games are on sale, Dead Rising 1 is a must play. DR2 is alright, Off the Record is better but has some performance issues on PC, & DR3 is a bland game with some good ideas.

It's good but expect more fairytale than horror.

Condemned: Criminal Origins (Monolith are dead, pirate it)
F.E.A.R. 1 + expansions (pirate it since Monolith are essentially dead)
VTM:B (dead devs so pirate)
SS2 (dead devs again…)
STALKER SoC (dead devs)
Postal 2 + Paradise lost (you can get both for under £2 right now)
Spinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Hotline Miami 1
Mount and Blade: Warband

STALKER CoP (dead devs, pirate)
Dead Space 1 + Dead Space 2 (funding EA but it's up to you)
F.E.A.R. 2 (dead devs, inferior to 1)
Killing Floor 1 (devs don't deserve your money, you should own this by now anyway anyway)
Dead Rising 1 + Dead Rising 2 (poor ports iirc)
The Witcher 1
Splinter Cell 1
Torchlight II
Sleeping Dogs (dead/dying dev)

Bioshock 2 (still a little too expensive for my tastes)
Dead Rising 3 (also a shit port iirc)
F.E.A.R. 3 (only if you want to play it coop with someone, devs essentially dead)
Metro 2033 Redux (original version of 2033 is superior but can't be gotten legally
L4D + L4D2 (you should own these anyway)
Zombie Army Trilogy (if you've got friends to play with it's good budget coop)
Resident Evil 4 (check PCGaming wiki for issues with the port)
The Darkness II
Witcher 2
Binding of Issac
Prison Architect
Hotline Miami 2

>Shit worth getting only if you really want it
Bioshock 1
Metro LL Redux
Witcher 3

All in all a pretty shitty sale.

Oh and Stalker: Clear Sky is 'possibly worth getting'.

Am I retarded? I don't see dead rising in the lists anywhere and when I search for it using the search function I also don't see it anywere.

Either retarded or in some part of the world where it can't be purchased, I suppose.

Yeah, not available in germany I guess.

That'll be because of the gore. You can still 'acquire' it anyway.

Sorry again for my retardation but wtf is up with this page? No buy button so I assume it's not yet released? Shouldn't it at least say "to be released" somewhere or give you a release date or inform you in any way about the state of the game? Really confused about this.

They replaced it with an HD version and stopped selling the old version. It's a common move because they can increase the cost of the new version for little-no extra work.

Whoops, that actually is an upcoming remake of the original game. Ignore it and get the original version anyway.

Alrighty, thanks.

Will point out too that if you enjoy M&B Warband and want something with pirates and shit, there's Blood and Gold Caribbean that is also on sale. It's like M&B Warband mixed with Sid Meier's Pirates.

2 was a bad port, OTR was buggy as fuck however 1 actually has a pretty good port when your OS is kept somewhat updated. 2 and OTR are pretty enjoyable in coop though with a mate though.

Dev died a few weeks ago, so no more support for that game. Still pretty entertaining overall.

The Redux bundle is the same price as buying either 2033 Redux or LL Redux, so if you're getting 2033 Redux you might as well get LL Redux in there for free.

For me the peak of Steam sales was 2011 Summer sale, but the last true sale was probably the 2015 Summer sale since now there's nothing interesting to keep coming back exclusively to Steam when you have other sites like Bundlestars, Gamesplanet and Humble Store that will often have better prices on vidya.

Lastly to add onto the list, Viscera Cleanup Detail is possibly worth getting if you like doing podcasts and want to play something while listening or have friends already to fuck around in it. I find myself spending a lot of hours when I'm sitting there talking to friends and want to put up a game for filler.

Also if you're really insistent on buying Killing Floor 2, it's cheaper to buy the whole Tripwire bundle with Killing Floor 2 in it if you already own mostly everything in the bundle. For me that way costs $18 and comes with the rest of KF1's DLC as well in addition to KF2.

Dead Rising 1 is a top notch port.

Picked up Evil Within for 10 euros.
Good deal.

What is gabe doing?

Steam's sales have been slipping lately and are nowhere near as good as they used to be. It's part of the reason why I use more than just Steam to find games on sale on this point (isthereanydeal works fantastic for this) since usually other websites have it for cheaper or have more DLC bundled and so on.

This is only week 1 for ps4. Next week they'll have a whole new batch of sales.
Steam is fucking shit now.

This is another good example of how the 2015 Summer sale was the last true sale and everything since has been disappointing. Steam keeps all the sales constant throughout so there's no surprises, so I'm not going to check back daily to see the deals or impulse buy that flash deal like in previous sales. In addition to removing flash deals, it makes the deals somehow worse across the board.

Not counting their decline in quality of games or the amount of cash grab Early Access titles without supporting the consumer, their disinterest in good sales is another thing that is causing them to further slip from great years ago to just above passable.

Send help

Sell some cards

Clear Sky is 'possibly worth getting'.


I'll buy it for you, friend-o
pls gib steamID


Fair points. I haven't played Viscera Cleanup Detail so I wasn't going to comment on it.

That it is.

There's enough fun in it if you slap on SRP.