Fix it thread

So Tod has decided he needs some help on his upcoming masterpiece and that someone is you. This is your chance to turn the tide of what the video game industry has been going or at least with the elder scrolls. How do you make it not shit? You can also do something else like CoD, Pokemon, etc You get the idea of the kind of games

Some rules

Hard Mode

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when you post todd fallout and skyrim every day and get huge replies you either have an oddly popular bad meme scheme or you truly like it deep down in your secret heart.

Honestly, if I had power over bethesda's decision making, here's what I'd do:


OP please you know the engine can't do fucking trees and now you want a dense JUNGLE?!

Fuck you. I'll just make the game pander to my very specific fetish.

You're completely sure there aren't already games that pander to this fetish?

How new are you?

It would be shit regardless because they are stuck using a shit engine and the guy handling the animations is a talent-less hack.
Now fuck off with your shit thread.

ISnt Valenwood more like a hughe european forest?

Cyrodyl was the jungle of Tamriel.


headless is yhe worst meme

Yes, this sounds good.


Just make Morrowind and paint it different.


hard mode

I keep the same combat as Skyrim, insert an actually worth it leveling up combat that makes it impossible to become a god. Then I hire some actual good writers and make in an RPG where you can actually choose your story.

Done, 10/10 game


Fucking dropped. Stopped reading right there. Chivarly is dog shit, even M&B has better combat.

You're even worse than the faggot above you. Go back to reddit, for fuck sake.

Combat was good, it was everything behind it and the lack of different weapons and skills that made it shit

I bet you're one of the fags that like the morrowind combat where hitting or missing is completely up to chance rather than timing


The combat was pure shit. Every TES game has shit combat, but Skyrim goes out of its way to bring it one step lower.

They'd be better off just ripping off Dark Souls.

Why is it bad

For hard mode

Do you have the "It must be my birthday" one?

Make Valenwood a desert. It would ease the strain on the GPU, and it's entirely possible to happen, right?

Fucking christ, just shut up, you're making it worse.

What timing? You slide at the speed of sound in Chivalry and attacks don't have an effect on your movement either. It's a shit game.

It's about as brainless as it gets. Hug the enemy and keep mashing the attack button, if you get low on health just go to the inventory and chug down a bunch of health potions, rinse and repeat.

There is no need to think too hard about anything, past level 5 any vestige of challenge completely disappears.

Why do you think modders have been trying to turn the combat into anything and everything it is not for the past few years?

That's why I said "make it so that you're not god in combat".
At least read the posts

How about just ripping the piece of shit combat they've been dragging since before Morrowind and ape games that actually do it right?

So that you get killed more often while you spam left click?
Do you have any idea of what good gameplay is? What's a skill cap? Skyrim has none, if a rebalance would be enough to make it good mods would have fixed it already.

It's fine, just needs a lot more depth, weight in animation, and hit animation for the enemy.

There aren't any decent first person melee combat out there with actual weight. I don't know what else to pick. The fact is, the only truly satisfying melee combat I've ever felt are from Severance and Jedi Knight 2/3. Maybe making tes to play like jedi knight, with the ability to utilize spells in place of force, would be a great idea though.

Now that's something I hate. I can't get into SW's melee combat. I still prefer chivalry to sw.

You can't do melee combat in first person well, it never works because you lack kinaesthesia, you have no fucking idea where any part of your body is relative to your environment, let alone you ability to perceive depth and reach of your and the enemy's weapons.

Hell, Dark Messiah outright cheated by giving the player's weapon a longer reach than it actually did because the developers were aware of the limitations. It's retarded to even attempt to make it work, just stick with third person and 90% of the inherent problems go away.

Nigger you're just mad as fuck and refuse to read anything.
Skyrim's combat can be easily fixed by changing parameters, making blocking more important and generally making you less powerful. I mean shit I remember seeing a mod that added more damage depending on the parts of the body that you hit.

It's really not that hard to fix the combat, there's a great core to start from, it's just a matter of adding stuff on top of it.

fuck off
Also sage isn't a downvote

I don't care about kinoestetica shit. I just want a melee combat with weight in the animations, good variations, and audiovisually satisfying hit feedback. Who needs spatial awareness when it's fun?

Nigger, I'm trying to explain to you why first person melee never fucking works and you're whining at me that you want fun combat.

What's stopping combat from being fun if it's in the third person?

It's really hilarious how willing 8ch is to give out free market research to interns

Some examples:
-Vampires should be resistant to melee damage, and have better health regen. Sun exposure, firespells and anti-undead enchantments and spells do permanent damage. To restore health the vampire has the drink blood
-in skyrim, a team of thalmors could be a player competitor. They have their HQ in markarth, and their mission is to explore dwarven ruins. Eventually they'll look for dragon priests masks. The more they explore, the better their equipment gets. If the MC sides with ulfric, the thalmors will fight him during the last battle.
-an other player competitor could be a khajiit that joins the thieves guild. If the MC doesn't do the thieves's guild questline, the khajiit will become nightingale in his place. Depending on the number of jobs the khajiit and the MC do, the khajiit could become guildmaster too. The player can befriend him and turn him into a companion.
-the MC should stay with the companions for at least a year before becoming halbringer. Time flies training. Once every months, the companions give him a quest that helps him becoming harbringers.
-other player competitors I would have liked in skyrim are
an orc that joins the dawnguards and reclaims the armour from hircine, the mask from clavicus vile and the hammer from malakath,
a vampire that reclaims the skull of corruption and mehrune's razor, and
a breton that compete for the archmage title and reclaim azura's star and wabbajack (he goes crazy in that case)

This are mine 5cents

Does it even matter anymore. They just sold a remaster that had barely anything upgraded, with a significant fps drop, and it was given to players with the dlc and game for free, so they can make mods for the console audience. Todd is literally whoring out his oldest customers and fans to the new kids.

Like I care if it fucking works or not. 3 words: it just works.

It's just boring. We've had way too many third person melee combat games. Also, with first person you can actually see your entire hand swinging your weapon, which is just fun.

Like Bethesda has any ability to not make a shit game.

I'm reasonably sure they routinely do surveys of their employees to detect and purge anyone who is actually talented at something, least he brings the quality of the game up and gives their fanbase higher expectations.

Take a gun and put it in your mouth. We're done.

I actually hope that todd actually listens to our feedback.

Terminator Future Shock and Morrowind are legitimately great. The rest are abysmal, but still enjoyable experiences without any substitute whatsoever. That's the key for bethesda's success, no substitute for their games at all.

I'm not buying into VR shit yet because of low resolution and shit price tag, but depth perception of HMD can actually make it viable. Other than that, I agree with you.
On the matter of gameplay mechanisms: Devs really need to look into inserting fighting games into a non-fixed camera game (traditional TPV or camera attached to an over-the-shoulder position during combat). There was a very shitty Soulcalibur spin-off on the Wii that sort of did that; The game was bad, it was shovelware tier and it relied on wii motes for input which wasn't a good idea to begin with, but it had some potential to it.

Fuck off with that /reddit/ meme, I'm saging because the thread is shit and I don't want to bump it. I shouldn't even need to explain this.

So no argument to insist on making it a shitty FPV melee game?
I'm done with you.

Reuse and fix the settlement system from FO4, make it so the plot is tied to a new imperial expedition to the new continent. Maybe about being a new Orcish chief in Hammerfall.
Make the combat slower, more visceral and less dependent on stats RPG like. Think Shadow Warrior 2 or Dark Messiah or how just about every weapon remained valid.
Bring back spell crafting, in fact combine it with weapon infusing on the fly. And actual flying/levitation combat.

Oh i forgot. Since time runs fast learning and training, having seasons would be cool. It would give the feeling of time actually flowing and it would help immersion. And immersion is what normalfags want.

See you're just some boring cunt that wants a combat simulator and not a game.

wow that sounds so much fun

Are you even listening to yourself?
You can't possibly be serious right now

Nobody but yourself would want to play something that has all of this, sorry to break it to you bud.

Another reason is gore looks more enjoyable up close. I'm not really keen on balanced game mechanics, I prefer good aesthetics, which is what the TES series especially Morrowind is all about.

I played with 5-6 different mods that do exactly that and they're all absolutely horrible. They depend on scripts and those same scripts are prone to breaking(not doing anything) or simply lagging. I mean it's funny the first five times that elf drops from a headshot quarrel he received two minutes ago but it gets real old real fast.

It really can't. You can tweak it but most mods just broke it in a different direction. Blocks not doing shit, massive stamina drain for even moving coupled with no stamina regen in combat, the already shit AI not being able to handle the changes…

It's going to be years, if ever, before VR takes off in any reasonable numbers.

The furry cuckling that is "making" Overgrowth has a pretty cool combat system in place, where you can do all manner of Matrix styled moves like wall running and jumping, and an interesting take on combat, both unarmed and melee. Too bad the game is furry bait and is never coming out of alpha.

I'm rather surprised no one has taken the formula of the Souls games, retarded it down so even normalfags can play it without fucking it up every two steps, and building an open world RPG around it. Hell, the only thing you need to tweak is to make combat rely less on shields and rolling around, which can be achieved with wider step dodges and more intuitive parrying and counter parrying mechanics.

He never said that, he merely pointed out that there is no fixing TES combat because it is broken at the core, always has been. Like he mentions, modders have tried dozens of times to fix the combat to no avail, it's still boring shit.

Why don't you go back to cuckchan, friend? I've see a few of you Bethesda cocksuckers around here over the week and you're no more welcome than you were the last few thread.

In fact, I bet you're the faggot that told me he liked Skyrim and wasn't ashamed of it, after ridiculing Mount and Blade combat. I can smell the stench of stupidity on you, like shit clings to a Pajeet.

Come on now, are we really going to pretend Daggerfall isn't superior to Morrowind?
Having said that, I haven't played Terminator

I wish someone was taking notes from Exanima and Sui Generis. The whole combat and movement is based on physics, and it's really the closest I've seen a game get to what a real melee fight, or at least how we think they worked, looks like.

Everything is governed with physics, you actually need to hit the enemy with the pointy bits to do damage, and good luck actually doing fuckall to an enemy armored in plate with a sword. It does a fantastic job of very naturally showcasing the advantages and disadvantages of different weapons simply by giving them real handling stats. A sword is much more maneuverable than an axe because it has a different center of gravity, yet the axe can hit like a motherfucker, a poleaxe is much better than both since it has reach and can even reach around shields.

Daggerfall is a really nice game, but extremely flawed in it's execution. The combat is shit, the enemies and loots are level scaled and random, and every location is just too big to be memorable. Morrowind, save for the combat, which only takes up like 1/4 of the game unlike daggerfall, is literally perfect.

Direction should be fixed, not position. Are you clinically retarded?
Kinetic energy as in speed and weight having an impact on the dmg output, that adds a layer of complexity to combat as you could use your movement vector and the movement vector of your enemy (and each other respective speed) to increase your damage.
Footwork is another way of enforcing the concept of risk behind your strategy in combat, if the movement is actually as if you were moving your feet instead of gliding around (like in Skyrim or Chivalry) you need to think twice before moving.

It's a good game, more broken than Morrowind, but a great game. I enjoy both to be honest, they both have their merits. I'm also a huge fan of Shivering Isles, Oblivion was rather lame, but the setting of Shivering isles is enough to get me to play it every once in a while.

Yeah, I'm not sold that VR will take off. I might get one for simulators, but I really need higher resolution. Tracking and depth perception is good as it is actually.
Souls games kind of lack depth to my taste. I even think Ni oh is better at its core, kind of too easy and enemy variety is lacking, but the core gameplay is better/more varied and flexible.

Exanima's physics somehow takes too much processing power. First person open world game wouldn't handle it. Only R* knows the secret recipe.

That's the thing, isn't it? Morrowind and arguably Daggerfall used various skills and weapon modifiers to determine to hit and actual damage. Oblivion and Skyrim in particular removed streamlined many of those factors but didn't replace them with anything else.
Take mountainblade, every damage is modified by speed, angle, damage type and by the actual part that struck. So a spear would obviously do far more damage if you got him by the tip. Proficiency in that game simply gives a damage boost by increasing the recovery or base speed of a weapon. It be even better if they removed power strike but hey

TES combat is flawed if you're a realistfag like this nigger here
It doesn't need to be realistic to be good

>make better waifus or characters in general, eventually all great female characters will be called waifu material

Hard Mode:
But make sure they as easy to pirate as they were in Skyrim so all people would still buy your game and faggots would make mods for you instead of working.
Don't listen to faggots who complain about their mod being pirated. Only thing they are good at doing is using creation kit, they won't leave.

Thank you for reminding me about this:
I am waiting for Bethesda to ask me to work for them.

I expect royalties.

Damn I just got at second place in queue to be hired.

Yeah, what they need is makng the melee skill affect swinging speed, power, and stamina usage.

Or rather just giving you attributes again that affect this things.

Is not even about realism. I used Soulcalibur as an example of solid combat that could be adapted to a TPV set up, maybe simplifying it a little bit, and that's not realistic game. When there is no commitment and no risk to your decisions, the game becomes dumb.
If there is weight and inertia to movement you can have precision in the direction you're moving at the exact time you attack, that's what allows games like Soulcalibur to have a a wide arrange of input options to determine attack type (attack, -> + attack, ->-> attack, ->> attack and so on). All of this translates to skill cap and complexity, which in turn allows you to have more challenging enemies without going the modern TES route where hard equates to damage sponge enemies that can one-hit kill you.
Commit the player to their decisions and actions, that's one of the few things the Dark souls series did right and with that alone it managed to be a good enough game.

Part of the reason why I hate how most crpgs deal with proficiency.

You could always make it Gothic like in a sense that improving 1h past a certain point also improves 2h and in reverse.

I don't get it, you're asking us to do their job and know perfectly well they don't need us for that.
They're perfectly competent for every points your raised, they don't need us to find a way to make YOU pay more for less work. But people need to get this; they're getting to a point even mods won't make it worthwhile to even fucking pirate another Todd's deformed child.

That makes perfect sense. I always thought about that with the concept of FPV FPS with RPG elements (what modern FO could have been if it wasn't being made by Bethesda).
Have a general proficiency with firearms and a specific proficiency for each weapon:

Same could be applied to melee weapons, I would split it to one-hand bladed, two-hand bladed, one-hand blunt, etc and a general melee skill.

It was extremely great addition to Gothic game but really Skyrim needs more basic fixes than that.

Like legendary skills and post 100.
Plus reward you receive after 100 is more perks and
you don't need more perks because you can easily get enough to max skills you are using.

Can you explain to me what is point of having massive open world and random quests for infinite grind when you are maxed out after something like 1/4 of content out there?

What is funny Elona uses same system of no-class and eternal grind but it managed to make such system perfectly and as easy to use as Skyrim one. If anything I would not start with Gothic but Elona.

That sounds extremely annoying tbh
I'd rather have a system that rewards timing or parries, precision and repostes.

I don't understand why use Soul Calibur as an example, it's literally the last kind of game that I'd see moved into an RPG format. What you want cannot be done in a first person RPG, not well at least.

I actually would go a different way. Don't add yet more shit, rather make it more focused instead. You want to be a jack of all trades grandmaster of everything? Fuck you.
In this game you're a mage or a thief or a whatever. That's it.
If it's a thief game just make a bunch of thief appropriate guilds; competing assassins, highwaymen and so on. If it's a mage game - make it about the necromancer conflicting with the guild proper while the demonologist are laughing from the sidelines.

You could still use some elements from a different class, say a thief using scrolls or picking up some tricks. But you would never become a grand mage master assassin lord thunderpants of the warriors guild.
It would also help having say 6 really deep talent trees then 20 extremely shallow ones.

Know what's another underused mechanic? Weapon familiarity. A mp40 faggot could with some luck take out a panzerklein in SS2, also think way of the samurai and skills tied to weapons.

Mechanics can be added and removed.
300% more modding potential.
Voice acting for grunts and yells, think about Zelda.
Good writing and world building. Lots of small details

And lots of crazyass events you can code or animations you can include for literally everything. Think about Dark Souls when the enemies grab you and chew you and kill you.

Oh and make death not always final. Events and shit can happen during defeat.

It works on every single 3D fighting game and that Soulcalibur spin-off I mentioned earlier. Maybe having to understand that attacking and moving at the same time should have an effect on the attack you're performing seems annoying to you, but it is how it should work, specially if you want depth to combat (I sure do).

Can't have real reward to timing without risk to movement and attacks, can't have that without locking attack direction and having a movement speed that doesn't accelerate to top-speed/almost top speed the moment you touch the directional button and stops at the exact time you stop pressing it; That's inertia at work, that's what allows you to simulate footwork.
If you shove in timing as a key component to determine the skill cap of a game, you end up with a defensive game where all you do is wait and parry (like ASScreed or modern buttman). Having it in FPV would make it even worse as you would have a harder time telling the exact time at which the hit is about to land due to depth perception being shit on flat screens.

You can't have really good FPV melee combat. M&B is fairly good, but it plays better on TPV because distance management is critical.

Familiarity is good, Ni-oh has that and it works. I still think having general skills is a good idea so that your warrior isn't a retard the moment he grabs a different type of bladed weapon, some basics are shared, stuff like edge-alignment (that should determine the range of damage output you can get out of each attack). I do believe that more "class" specific skills (like sneaking, magic affinity and whatnot) should stay class/build specific specific. The main issue here is that most games don't put emphasis on the non-combat skills that makes one class stand apart from the others; A mage is a mage because he kills shit with magic, a rogue is a rogue because he uses dagger and is a dexfag in general.

You're a terrible faggot. You actually want more hits required to kill people vs the vanilla skyrim?
Yeah I sure enjoy beating a shitty bandit 30 times before he dies while I die from 5 hits thats really good combat.

How about instead of your pure shit it would be made so that the player and enemies die in a few hits and put a lot of importance on blocking and dodging at the right time.

Redguard actually has pretty great gameplay, combat and platforming is pretty well done. All the characters that can talk have multiple lines, important things to say, they're written by people who aren't shit on a diploma, and they're even voiced well. It's very unfair to lob it in with those two trash games.

What is that supposed to mean? Make the player weaker and make the enemies stronger?

That wouldn't change the system at all, you'd still be fighting enemies the exact same way, except now it's going to be a lot more monotonous. I don't understand how you could think that would solve anything.

more ideas, about the economy

For example:
-if the facility gets conquered, cheap mercenaries or the guards (if reputation is high enough in the area) could free it.
-If the facility is raided, the more expensive fighter guild can track the raiders and retake the resources. Cheap mercenaries would take some of the resoucers for themselves, the guards are not an option
-If workers are kidnapped by slavers/mage/assorted freaks, the highly expensive assassins are the best choice. Other options (players intervention included) could lead to the death of the hostages. In this case the player can hire new workers, but they'll ask more money. They'll ask even more money if the players refuse to intervene in any way

This really. And lets be fair - not even Bethesda can afford to work on a game so much that every path out there is properly represented.
Like you said there's more to feeling like a goddamn wizard then just using fireballs because they offer a .7 increase in dps as compared to a sword.

Even a castle and some lands as per Might and Magic VII and events to customize/manage it tied to it would be great.

This will never happen as Bethesda has their new target audience now. Plus they are lazy as fuck

Income from each facility shouldn't be fixed, but determined randomly within a range. Players can hire npcs like supervisors and slave masters to improve production.

Anyway, this is what upset me about bethesda. These ideas are easy shit that independent modders can implement. How is it possible that a professional SH releases such a shallow game after >7 years of development? A wasted potential.

Now I'm just confused.

Ok. So, instead, I'll revive the "Elder Scrolls Adventures" series and make good adventure games with it. And I'll create a new series called "Elder Scrolls Turds" to make games for the Oblivion/Skyrim fans.


Destroy everything
Burn everything

Just like video games can never be art, TES can never be good.

fuck that, I'd rather have the series completely die

Trying too damn hard.

I just want a black marsh game, with some qt argonians running about.
Give me decent gameplay on a smooth-running lot, where I can choose my character without that Fallout 4 voiced rubbish, and I'll be content.
Make the combat not shit, the enemies not dull, and the locations not empty, and I'd be happy.

Basically, I want a new Morrowind, but with the location being argonian swampland instead of shitty red elfland, and with combat and gameplay that doesn't feel clunky as all hell.


Is Valenwood really confirmed?

Is it possible to make a game that's good and still sell?

Any way to play the travels games on new phones/

Khajiit just wants to sell you wares.



Of course not.
TES MMO is still alive so we won't see next TES game until it dies and is forgotten.
Enjoy wait for Warcraft 4.

Dark Souls and Witcher had problems but still were good and sold well.

Look I played all 3 Gothic games and it worked well to have what you can do streamlined.
Problem is it is not TES approach. In TES you always could go for everything.

It is not that focused approach is bad, but I would prefer to make something here work instead of changing it to something new.

Go play this:
Quest mods are something that makes Skyrim decent.

I think the thing that really killed it for me was the loading screens separating 'outside' and 'indoor'. It was really cool seeing Balmora on the horizon and just strolling in (with some loading progress bars, sure) but nothing like the sterile in/out bubble that is the instancing started with Oblivion/Skyrim. That's part of the main reason we didn't get levitation


You can thank the consoles for that. They only had 512 MB of RAM at the time.

This is also why we don't get stupidly dense forest. Even with the advantages to memory handling, the cap is too fucking low. If we want more unique assets being displayed (mandatory for a good jungle or forest) you need ram and a beefy amount of vram to handle multiple LOD models for said trees on the fly (so that pop-in isn't so noticeable).


Well, the new consoles have 8GB of RAM which is decent. It's their APU's that are under-powered.

Does anyone actually play TESO though? Despite being free to play now nobody ever talks about it.

You could do it something like DCSS where Experience you gain in a skill gives a bonus to the XP gain you get for related skills. So if your short blades skill goes up your long blades skill doesn't go up but you get a large bonus to the XP you get from training it untl you hit the same level as your short blades skill.

I played a little around the time it first came out. I liked Elder Scrolls, but was never really that into MMO's unless you count Planetside. Preferred to go solo most of the time, but since the game was a MMO they forced you play with others to do certain things. In the lower levels, finding someone to help was easy. But once you got to veteran rank, it was pretty hard to find a party if you weren't part of a guild. In the main hub towns, you might see on two or three people. The fact that they split their player base into three groups really didn't help either.

Give it a seven year development cycle so they have time to actually develop all the shit they promise

Let Kirkbride huff petrol and launch terror raids on the office

Not the best example, but 8gb of ram is barely enough to run Stalker heavily modded and maxed out, specially because of texture resolution modders then to include (and partly because the engine handles RAM in a rather brutish way).

On a side note

That efficiency will go to waste as a fucking military simulator and, maybe, a flight seem. What a fucking shame.

what's that? I couldn't hear you through the sound of absolute wrongness

One can only dream user, but the Dreamer is still asleep.

It's Elder Scrolls, I could figuratively shit on a plate and normalfags would still eat it up.

Jesus christ what shithole are these retards crawling out of, and how do we send them back?

That demo was pretty cool just tried it out. Is it just me or does any one else get scared flying around in shit like this? The scale freaks me out.

I jumped from a fucking glitch on the terrain (that was pretty much a dirt cylindrical tower) and I genuinely felt vertigo for a bit. It's odd, there is something about the rendering method that just makes it look more real than anything I have seen before.
Shit is still so fucking far from getting completed or game-developing-ready that is not even funny to think about it. I'm mildly worried that it won't swap to Vulkan (the engine is developed on OpenGL). The main dev said the engine wouldn't see any significant improvement from changing the API and I'm inclined to believe that since he is a fucking coding wizard, but I'm worried about support for the API on actual game applications down the line. Since the engine won't be usable for a couple of years, OGL might get deprecated before any game is made.

Playing Skyrim with a fuck ton of mods. Got "caught" in the time slow status buff that SPERG gives you for an entire dungeon. Slow mo + lightning teleport = hilarity.

Please go back to Daggerfall, Todd.

There does not need to be a quest every square feet.

I don't want to be the hero. I just want to live in a fantasy land.

I want cities to feel like cities, not just a dozen of buildings behind a wall.

Even if they did, the game would just not work, I mean, it's obvious that they love their engine way too much, they are just going to "update" it and keep using it, shoving in as much crap until the engine can't take no more.

Bethesda is a big company, yet their methods resemble those of a cheap shovel-ware company.

To be fair, you can make some good games recycling engines, see PS2 era SMT. However, this shit is far beyond obsolete.

Rip off the melee combat from M&B and rip off the jutsu system from the DS Ninja Gaiden game for the magic system. Get rid of level scaling.
Boom. Improved. Just leave the rest of the shits pretty much Skyrim 2.0 so normalfags can eat it up and buy the next installment where we introduces more fixes.


Yeah, Skyrim had the worst quests on the TES series up to this date, the worst guilds too. The cities were even less lively since NPCs move within a 20 meters box every single day. Some animations look better, but they are still subpar compared to almost any other modern game with a budget that isn't made by Bioware.

On a side-note:
I need to stop getting a tech boner over this shit… but I can't.

For melee combat, more noticeable differences between weapons (swords get stabbing animations, maces get gut blows, etc.), tweak armor to add defense to the areas they cover instead of being a stat bonus and add dismemberment (to both enemies and players). The combat will still be fairly simple, but you'd have to think about where and how you're going to hit the enemy instead of flailing at them until your stamina is gone.

Rather than fix skyrim, start on the next game with this:

What to fix


Other shit I may as well be a bit lazy to fully list

If one wanted to know how the story is handled, just phone in Kirkbride and ask him what to include.

Hard Mode:
The microtransactions would give you more mundane shit modders can make like a marriage companion or area of affect weapons that you could get from a modder or could just pirate.

Now tell me, how fucking stupid is my suggestion?

All you got to do to fix the combat without changing a whole lot is to make it work more like Dark Messiah. All you tryhards masturbating about having combat fit your pet preference are missing the point.

Make it similar to Dark Messiah? If that were to be done, they could just give the game to Arkane. Even then, if they make it similar to Dark Messiah, they better allow the ability to kick enemies to their death.

Move The Elder Scroll over to the id Tech engine.

The Skyrim re-release has a lot more vegetation than the original but even with the Fade In distance set to maximum the pop in is still atrocious. It's not exactly filling me with confidence in regards to what they can make while still accommodating the hardware of this gen's consoles.

Seriously, just ditch the damn engine already. Crysis came out NINE YEARS ago and it handles jungle way better than "current gen" games.

Increase the brightness change the water and add a suffix to the game name like"
special, deluxe, ultimate, definitive edition

Get your hands on the Black Flag design document and rewrite it for Hammerfell vs the Thalmor.


5 years development does shit all, what makes you think that having a game for 2 years longer makes a huge difference

1. Bring back the class system. All archetypes fall under one of the three "base classes" established in pretty much every game but Skyrim. But if you really miss that system, you can pick the "Prisoner" option: you have no class and can level anything you'd like ala Skyrim, but as you have no prior experience (class) in anything, it's all much harder to learn and explore. Each archetype has a "focus" tied to its build, usually related to its base focus: Stealth, Combat, and Magic. As an example: Pilgrims, Acrobats, and Scouts all fall under the Thief's family and can all use Stealth; but the Pilgrim is better suited to playstyles centralized around getting others to do the dirty work for you by having a stronger Charisma/Personality stat and using Stealth to leave combat sooner or sneak through dungeons, Acrobatics get unique dodges and attacks to fit their flipping around with Stealth to gain bonus effects on attack, and Scouts will try to look for advantageous spots or disadvantages to an enemy via better eyesight, perhaps complemented with a wider crosshairs when firing ranged weapons and using Stealth for that sweet critical attack.

2. To that end, introduce subclassing. At a certain point in the game, you can pick an additional class to complement your build or gain additional skills; however, you will not gain that class's bonus abilities or unique skills so as to keep choices regarding that matter important rather than an afterthought.

3. Magic must be more diverse and be fun to experiment with. Bring back Oblivion's magic crafting system, let people dick around with uber-powerful fireballs of Fuck You™ or stealth spells that heal all your health as well, or a Calm spell that soul traps a target, etc. etc.

4. In terms of story, introduce it on the surface as a simple story of the Thalmor trying to gentrify and assimilate Valenwood into the Aldmeri Dominion. (As to why they're resisting NOW, let the writers figure that out later.) Put down a few anvil-dropped-on-the-head hints of TES's deeper lore, e.g. mentions of Towers and CHIM and whatnot. Point people to the right NPCs and the right books to get them curious, add side quests that explain certain key concepts to said lore. Let the main story/quest still be simple, but the further you wind down Valenwood's side quests, the deeper the lore gets.

5. Lots of dungeons, buildings, fortresses, etc. to explore should be added; normalfags fuckin' love dungeoneering, more than they let on, at least. Secret entrances, hidden rooms full of loot, traps that leave you in a room up to your neck with enemies? Add it all in. (And for god's sake, no more zombies. Shit.)

Draugr are skellingtons though

Make a brand new engine
Make it fully open source
Make a base for modders (say all of Tamriel but only one province populated with quests, npc's and monsters etc.

Add a consequence mode. New Vegas had survival mode, so the new scrolls game will be set where progress in one skill removes progress in a competing skill unless you follow some quest or use some mcguffin. For example, leveling restoration decreases your 1h weapon skill or maybe even destruction skill unless you join some guild of magic knights or some mixed magic guild or do some quest or consume some item.

Can they add character to the various sections of the main map. Everything looked the same in Skyrim and the towns were dead as fuck. The atmospheric effects could cycle use a boost and why not add npcs like those spider enemies from the first Dragon Age. They were the ones that pinned you to the ground for a raping.

I played it.

It looked nice, it was fun to do some quests and read the lore ingame. However, mechanically it's a run-of-the-mill mmo doing absolutely NOTHING out of the ordinary. Snoozefest

Make it Skyrim with Skyrim.

I hate this games 4/7 are not canon withe games 2/3/5 shit
So I would instead just say NO game is canon with the previous, less complicated that way and then you don't get people bitching about continuity 'n shit

People can bitch about continuity all they want. I would completely remove Oblivion and Skyrim from Tamriel's history. None of those events happened and I would remake 4 and 5 with completely different stories.

So you want bethesda to be more like activision user?

This is a massive fucking disgrace to Tarkovsky Kino, holy shit.



Basically rpg is cancer, to make TES good you have to remve that crap from the gameplay and leave all the "roleplay" to the talking with npcs and decisions\choices and shit like that.

I hope some day developers realized that, but im not optimistic because gamers are fucking retarded.

Alright, prepare for some deep autism:

Im sure there's more, but those basics would make a decent game

One needs to make changes gradually. TES7 could make a new engine with better physics, and TES8 could remake the combat

Oh shit I forgot the most important point:

A way to make it good?
Bethesda knows their shit, but the way to really make it good would be to put the main team to work on it completely, for at least three years.


They can make good assets and most of my complains with them end up being that their games feel shallow and uninteresting.
Nothing a good production time can't fix.

There is quite the hard gap on the cells system of the engine. As the faggots from Skywind found out, the game starts to shit on itself when the terrain is too complex and filled with shit (mostly, unique assets).

You're fucking delusional. You don't get good at gameplay design with time, you don't get good at animations with production time and most importantly, each part of the developing team has different work-loads through out a project, that's why you don't have the whole team working on a single game, because one part ends before the other is even halfway through. You're fucking clueless.

I'm not delusional i just tought-and yes this is an opinion- that morrowind had no fault in it's gameplay either, so if they could make it once, they can make it again.
You seem like the kinda guy to praise Dark Messiah of Might & Magic withouth acknowledging that even that game is utter garbage in terms of gameplay if you don't pick the warrior route.

But they take time. The next TES is not going to be delivered before 2018. They make very bad use of their time, or they are not skilled enough.

That's the most retarded thing ever. Try playing daggerfall, imagine exploring a dungeon without saving.

I love morrowind, but it had plenty of faults on its gameplay.
Regardless, the idea that "if I already made a good game they can do it again" is fucking retarded, incredibly stupid, one of the most stupid things I have read in a long time and I'm not being hyperbolic here.
You're ignoring the blatant change of goals they had: They went from making RPGs to trying to leech off from the LOTR success (Oblivion) and making really simple and shallow games to appeal to normal fags (mostly Skyrim, but Oblivion is at fault too). You're completely dismissing the changes on the development team and the hierarchy of the remaining members. And lastly, you're forgetting the fact that this is the same group of people that couldn't unfuck stairs after 14 years working non-stop on the same fucking engine.

But user, i liked Skyrim too.
I just want fun games that are not shallow, easy and uninteresting.
Also more enemy variety.

Saving in dungeons after every room is really pathetic. They should work with a few checkpoints

Like saving every time you enter a new area by interacting with a door?

Thank you for all your ideas kind anonymous fellows.

Something ala Dragon's Dogma BBI could work (small, safe spaces in the middle of the dungeon to save), but it could be quite intensive given the kind of game the TES series usually is (dungeon filled).

Come on. Blackmarsh is the only big dungeon where death could possibly upset the player, and it's filled with small areas that generates autosaves. You are asking for something that's already in the game. Bethesda made sure the dungeons where normalfags friendly.

Well, I thought we were fixing the rest of the game too, making it challenging without being broken, having good dungeon design and whatnot. Yeah, getting killed in current game is kind of hard, specially if you focus on smiting, but that's another point to change if you were to fix this shit.

if gamedevs started stealing ideas from Holla Forums everyone involved would be better off.