In honor of winters past, I'm posting Holla Forums webms of yesteryear.

Come one and all, newfag and old, and remember with me the old memes of this glorious board. Post a few of your own if you've got em, too!

Other urls found in this thread:




you can post multiple files for each post newfag

go here


I don't feel like it fuck you.

A classic.










Happy New Year, Lads


Cheers, user!


Weird. Compression seems to be off. Anyone know of a good way to compress webms?



the -fs flag in ffmpeg will limit the filesize to a target number of bytes.

ffmpeg -i $infile -fs 10485760 outfile.webm








man, those truly were good times





On old 2015 Christmas classic



Happy New Years ya filthy animals.






Inshallah, right back atcha.






I find it amazing how he was on the radio for 10 years and they can't find a single recording of his voice. What happened?

memory hole

I've been reading Homage to Catalonia. The socialists were complete idiots. It's weird rooting for the antagonists.



This one will remain my favorite.







Ancient webms here from the 2014 4cc
almost 4 years ago what the bloody hell

You got round to posting them before I did!
Those were the days, user.

Sorry user, I haven't read it yet.

a classic


under8d thread



God how many of these were there




Great video user

It's an insane world, but I'm proud to be apart of it.
Bill Hicks

Orwell is wrong. There are people who get drunk on the idea of having power. These people have never had power. Having power is a terrifying feeling. Its not something you can "have" like money, its more like a state of being. Imagine having total control over your life. Everything that happens is determined by you. That might sound like a dream, but the amount of things you have to take into account is a nightmare. Then add the fact that you have to take all of these things into account for every person who works under you. There is a reason the perfect fascist leader isn't a wordsmith or a warlord. The perfect leader is a man full of will and a head full of wires, who can reason through the logistics. Who can weigh the needs of the many and the few.

Everyone talks about fascism as something that will remove all emotion. Something that will limit us to only being able to feeling victory or hate. The truth is, nothing is being stripped away from them. These people are just afraid of the idea that they won't be able to bathe themselves in pleasure anymore. Life isn't just about feeling good about yourself.

Its been a chaotic year lads.

A classic.

I'm glad he's gone. For his sake. Every single celebrity has become an anti-white cuck. Would he have resisted? I have the sad feeling his current incarnation would be an embarrassment.

Straight out of cold storage.

Top Kek.


Newfags won't know what this is.

Where's the rest?


You need an Holla Forums Gold account.













Why don't they stream trials anymore? We need more of this.


i can't convert that

top kek


here is the pg version
Oligarkh - Forgive us

My pleasure, user. Happy New year.
what is that lovely deus vult tune?














thanks user




Yeah we had some great times on this site alright. I started browsing 4chan in 2012 and went with the first exodus in 2014, damn how things change over the years right?

Bloody hell remember the old shiity youtube poops that used negative all the time

I hate it when people do the salute by starting out at touching their left breast and then moving out. It's not how it's done and it looks retarded.

lel damage control

WTF is this shit? Where is this from tho…

What'n de hell…



good god, that holy roman empire video

I love how fucking triggered those retards are especially that jew at the end


Happy New Year Kameraden!

That's Kantbot. His twitter is pretty dank.

No idea.

Since people are bound to ask where this clip is from, it's taken from Luchino Visconti's The Damned. A decent film.

I actually tracked the movie down and cut the clip out myself (with better quality), because I saw it posted on Holla Forums many times but never saved it. From skipping through the movie looking for this part I personally got the impression it was extremely degenerate and jewish, just like that other movie "Cabaret" where this song "Der morgige Tag ist mein/Tomorrow belongs to me" comes from.

We need a Big Beautiful Powerful Wall to keep those kikes out of Hollywood, user.



Remember when they thought this shit would work?

Alan Keyes was /ournigger/





The mountains always made me kek a little






Here's another version.


I forgot how good this one is.

I have over 5000 Holla Forums videos. This is not a meme.





This one shouldn't be missing





What's the context of this webm? I'm guessing they're shooting a load of degenerates pretending to be nazis, but I'm not sure.

Why is the moderator of the debate, debating with that Alan Keys?

It's the Röhm Putsch, Nacht der langen Messer, Night of the long knives.

I've found their site on Youtube
and their Twitter
They or he seems to be a writer and director from Berkeley, USA. There are a few more movies,i'll watch them.
Dumping my webm btw.


Can I dare to say he's /manigga/?

Ahh that makes sense, but I didn't know the SA were a bunch of crossdressing faggots? I knew Röhm was a queer but that's all I've heard. Saying that, if the leader is a homo it doesn't set a good example at all for those below.

Very much worth explicitly noting that Röhm was not only a faggot, but a treacherous Strasserist-communist who was caught planning a coup in fact, he was caught and warned once before, and had the gall to try that shit again. SA had a role in the rise of the NSDAP, but they definitely had to go

SA would have won that war.

Top kek, does anyone know what this is from?

It's Fritz the Cat. Fairly entertaining but pretty fucking degenerate too.

Naw. The black Israelites want to enslave whitey when they take over. Of course we already are enslaved to blacks, as we pay for the welfare they live on.

This one is much closer.

This is one of my faves.



That's interesting, thanks user.

Check this out, from the kikepedia article on Fritz the Cat

>"It was cute, it was sweet, but there was nowhere to put it. That's why Crumb hates the picture, because I slipped a couple of things in there that he despises, like the rabbis—the pure Jewish stuff. Fritz can't hold that kind of commentary. Winston is 'just a typical Jewish broad from Brooklyn'. … [The strip] was cute and well-done, but there was nothing that had that much depth."

Crumb himself got pretty violent and critical of the Jews, though. Maybe he just wanted this particular picture to be family friendly.

I always got the feeling that When the Goddamn Jews Take Over America was supposed to be a satire of paranoid antisemitism, but like many such caricatures, it's really the brainwashed mind cutting loose with the knowledge being suppressed by ideology.

Speaking of hilariously based Animation…

Imagine what America was like just 43 years ago. When you could make a movie like this and everyone loved it.

That's interesting, thanks user. Turns out the writer and director of Fritz the Cat was a jew himself.

>Ralph Bakshi was born to a (((Jewish))) family on October 29, 1938, in Haifa, Mandatory Palestine. In 1939, his family immigrated to New York City to escape World War II, and he grew up in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Some Jews understand what they are, and go into a kind of ideological hysteria or schizophrenia over it. I saw this myself in a childhood friend who actually had a schizophrenic parent. He was totally enamored of fascism in the love/hate way that Manson described. He also was the first to clue me in about dual identity politics. Exact quote: "We're a religion when it's convenient, and a race when it's not."

Also, I should add that Washington D.C. is weird when it comes to race relations. I grew up almost exactly where Bakshi did. I went through the Foggy Bottom neighborhood every day. Racial tensions between whites blacks don't know the difference between Jews and whites were a lot lower than every other part of the country I've lived in where there are a lot of negros.

Of course blacks could still be unpredictable and dangerous, and I had some close scrapes.


I still don't like that DC, political capital of the US is so diverse. But that's interesting stuff.


They're not even trying.


Crumb may seem atypical but he's not much different from other so-called artists. He married a Jew and thinks that Bernie Sanders is great. He's also stated that he understands Hitler and didn't believe he was evil but that he was totally wrong about the Jews. He believes that Alexander The Great was an asshole and that Henry Ford was paranoid for thinking there was a Jewish conspiracy for world domination.

It's a Southern city. Slavery used to be legal there.

Just like her sister city.

Slavery was a mistake. Either they never should have been brought to America, or it should've been done like the Muslims did it and sterilized the slaves they imported.

That's a good one. I just came across it in my own collection. Under the same filename, too, which means we probably both saved it from the same thread.

It's nice seeing all my old anons here on this fine New Year's day.

he tried, but he was kind on the wrong trck back in the time he was most needed

Happy New Year's, user. And I actually named it that, its name was a bunch of letters and numbers when I saved it. How about that, eh. There's another webm of her singing, in some snowy forest.

That's a pretty kiked-up webm, user.

A lot of it depends on the laws of the State the trial occurs in and it can also be up to the discretion of the judges. Also, Federal courts don't allow filming at all.

Kang Nigger and his minions thought this was a slam dunk conviction and had high hopes for this show trial to be shown over and over again. Instead it turned around and bit them right in their dumb asses.

Because the future Kang nigger is so mentally deficient he needs a kiked-up moderator as an assistant.

You might have reupped it then and I saved it from you.

How little we know how we've touched each other's lives.

Fantastic webm there. And yeah, it's crazy to think about how much and in what ways all anons have affected the course of each other's lives without ever knowing they've done so.

requesting the webm where the neo sunglasses wearing dude is talking about how there are no good jews. i remember the file name sounding like that or "where are all the good jews?"

Easily the most powerful video so far. I just dug it up again recently myself. Moves me to tears everytime.

The hay girl. That's wife material right there

Powerful beyond words. Puts things into perspective.

She's nice but something about this one gets me.

Here's another beautiful Nordic girl singing in the woods. Encoded fresh just for you.

When I saw that I wanted to marry her immediately. She's perfect.

She knows the value of hard work, physically strong, probably comes from a large family, a Mother that taught her how to cook and tend to the children, a good Father that instilled traditions etc….a perfect Volkisch woman!

Is the other worlds he is talking about… Referencing future VR communities…?

Visiting different worlds so that we may converse, and bring to life physical entities of pure autism back to reality? The rebirth of humanity…

How could he could have known…


The Reich needs at least six million. And the Jews owe us land to raise them.


Thank you, very much. Here's hoping you make 2018 yours.

Kek willed it perhaps.
We're dealing with strange things these days and the world grows stranger by the day.

Sometimes I half suspect all this is exactly to plan. That our enemies are enacting a long plan to deliberately produce us. People like us.
Knowing full well we'll inevitably destroy them and everything they've built up. But doing it anyways to create a human society capable of surviving whatever is to come and more importantly doing what needs to be done.

I mean look at us and our baffling capacity for spontaneous cooperation on complex tasks. Older generations just aren't capable of it. Yet we have been trained extensively to do this. Even the shittiest of PUGs in an MMO is capable of a level of teamwork with zero communication that older generations struggle to match even when able to communicate.
The HWNDU flags alone are something that none of the older generations could have taken like that. We're a god damned hive mind when we want to be.

Seen through that lens. Suddenly things fall into place. Too much begins to make sense.
The push to drive us all to vidya to slake our need for a sense of self agency that led to us developing this skill along with our inherent tendency towards optimisation.
The slow gradual destruction of the existing societies to not only push us out of the vidya and back into the real but to ensure that when we do finally do what we're supposed to do, then we'll have to rebuild and can't lapse back into the old society.
Even allowing just the right amount of dissent to guide us but stopping any who become too effective.

But if its true. Then we shouldn't believe it, because that would ruin it.
It is odd though. Are we finally seeing things left for us years ago? Or is there a pattern to any chaos?

Man, that's great. Takes me back to the feeling of when I was first redpilled.

I find it no accident that the day America started losing wars was the day we integrated niggers into our armed forces.

It could also be that insightful people who understand human nature make good general predictions without ever guessing specifics.

They were probably capable of it when they were too young for you to have known them. We're essentially a guerilla political movement, and those have existed throughout history.

This is what little kikes grow up on, Actual Israeli Children's TV.

No fucking way this is real.

Many of us think Israelis and other kikes consuming their own poison will be bad for them; have the same effect on their birthrates as it does on ours.

This is not the case. The Orthodox are their primary breeding population. They're inured to the poz, and other Jews don't try to poz them.

The jews are so opposite us that they poison us with their sustenance.

kek no way

Strangest boner

Not only that, consider that the voice actor is black. He's actually pretty famous. I recognize his voice from other films.

Can you imagine any black actor playing this role today? This guy put his heart and soul into delivering those lines. Blacks knew who they were back then.

Why did you post this?
Jewess gave a boner


Here's another example of this:
Where gentiles think they're lampooning antisemitism, but they're actually giving vent to the very real displeasure they have with Jews.

When Jews point and scream antisemitism at things that seem innocuous, they're often not wrong. They're much more attuned to our unconscious resentment than we ourselves are.

Case in point: David Icke, The Lizards and the Jews

Icke is a new-age nutter who really, honestly believes that a race of trans-dimensional reptilians are controlling our elites. But when you listen to his descriptions of what they're doing to us spiritually and culturally, it's obvious which pattern he's noticed. He just can't ever admit that to himself.

The Jews correctly recognize themselves in his delusions. But they don't know he's fooling himself. They think he's speaking in code.

Full movie's available on YouTube.

Here's another guy who's talking about Jews but probably doesn't realize it. If Jews called him an antisemite I'd agree with them. The only difference is I think that should qualify him for an NEA grant.

I had forgotten that movie exists. Now my rage is kindled anew.

Orwell's dystopian vision turned out to be way less accurate (if accurate at all) compared to Huxley's. Brave New World has proven to be a much more accurate depiction.


It's a mix. Brave New World had a strong eugenics program and the society was white. That would never fly today. What does fit is the endless amusements, sterile hypersexualization, and readily available drugs of abuse.

Unlike 1984 we don't have a totalitarian nationalism, but we do have demonization of internal enemies and the five minutes of hate stuff. Antifa are great examples of that.

"jews" are khazarian edomites, not semites.
gentiles are semites, descended of shem the son of noah.

Yeah yeah you know what I'm talking about.

implying those ancient Jewish fairy tales have any basis in reality or Noah even existed and implying it even fucking matters at this point

dotr the movie when?

I forget what thread that was in, but I remember it was a good one, and far into it. The longer a thread lasts, the better the discourse is because only the truly dedicated autists stay with it.
I wish I had wrote it a little differently, but this is how it is.
Thanks for letting me know you're still out there, user. We truly are inseparable, us Newtypes.
And whatever our cause, this is our time. We are the legacy of the zeitgeist, the sons of Providence.
There was a TV special I saw once back in the 90's where they interviewed William Gibson among others about "Otaku". It suggested that these people who stay indoors on their computers, dedicated to collecting information is an "early warning sign" of things to come as information becomes more available.
Whatever the case, we will have our promised chan and the Infinite Reich we are to build for ourselves. It's the only natural conclusion to our struggle.
Hail Victory and Zeon Zum Deikun did nothing wrong.


So did you just not read the fucking book or what? Henry Foster mentions a "negro ovary" ("You should see the way a negro ovary responds to pituitary! It's quite astonishing, when you're used to working with European material."), there are lower-caste blacks mentioned (And, in effect, eighty-three almost noseless black brachycephalic Deltas were cold-pressing. […] One hundred and seven heat-conditioned Epsilon Senegalese were working in the foundry.) and the male lead character of Three Weeks in a Helicopter was black as well (then suddenly, dazzling and incomparably more solid-looking than they would have seemed in actual flesh and blood, far more real than reality, there stood the stereoscopic images, locked in one another's arms, of a gigantic negro and a golden-haired young brachycephalic Beta-Plus female.). And that last specimen, by the way, is almost certainly an Alpha-plus given the relationship between physical stature and caste.

Well it's been like twenty years since I've read it. My mistake.

You should re-read it. I make a point of re-reading BNW every month or so and it's excellent every time.

Here is her Jewtube channel if anyone wants to stalk her.

Polite sage for not contributing,

You arn't by chance cybernazi?

I don't know if this is going to get passed around but I thought it cap-worthy



Been looking for this forever.

I don't think I can ever imagine something more punishing to the liberals. I imagine playing this video to a class of cucks. I imagine them cheering, crying with joy at the fact that over a hundred years ago, people just like them felt just like them and looked just like them.

And that transition. That beautiful transition. Oh to see the look on their faces when that bar changes from a degenerate hell hole to that wonderful swastika filled building. To feel that horror when they realize how many people they pissed off with their degenerate behavior. Endlessly acting invincible and proud behind their cowardly government, shoving their terrible worldview down everyone's throats. Only for themselves to be shoved into a gas chamber and cooked for an hour.

For them to know that this was to happen to them, hopefully. One day.

Requesting the one where pepe trump chokes out sanders and turns soviet mordor into america

From what I can tell it's from an Israeli 'comedy' channel called Blip, similar to adult swim (in that it plays adult-oriented programming in the evenings). But it's okay, goy, it's just "satire."


It's so unfortunate that American Christians are absolutely in love with the Jews, and the Jews despise us in return. It's the worst abusive relationship in the history of geopolitics.


Can I pay in shekels?

No but we do accept Zcash!





It really is both. If you don't fall prey to the decadence and depravity, you're surveilled by the state.

This one?

Yes and no. Guerrilla political movements have existed yes. But they've always been focused around a particular individual or group.
There's always been leadership. In the past the most decentralised organisational structure has been cells, each with their own leadership.

We're unique.
We have no leaders. We have no real group organisation.
We simply are.

Thank you, been looking for this for a while.

user, that's the old Roman Salute. Right fist over the left breast and then extend the flat hand out at eye level. To show that there was no weapon in your hand when greeting someone.

Should be recommended watching I think

Her tube top falls down in that binshee video. You can’t see her tits, though.



God I miss 2012 4chan, times were much simpler when I was 12

Source for the music?




One of my favorites. A couple of nogs broke into this old feller's home, roughed him up, broke his collarbone, and proceeded to ransack his place. He fetched his revolver and chased them out onto the street, where he managed to execute the dindueesha. Her buck got away.

The state declined to prosecute.

not too hot with te webm sorcery. especially not in maintaining high audio quality for longer songs. can anyone help me with a webm of this song? itd be fun to post at shills. its one of the most overwhelmingly yiddish things ive ever come across in my life

does anyone know the original source?

anyone got the webm of sam hyde saying that niggers odnt know how to make meatballs?


For very high quality webms that meet site requirements there are two other things you can do

To downscale use the -vf flag and pass it a scale parameter

-vf scale=iw*.75:ih*.75

Where iw and ih are constants for "initial width" and "initial height". The parameters above scale the vid down to 75% of its original size.

To encode in two passes use the -pass flag, and run the command twice: the first time sending the output to /dev/null
fmpeg writes a logfile to ./ and uses it to improve the quality of the second pass.
Because ffmpeg can't determine container format from the file extension on the first pass, you'll need to specify both the format and the AV codecs.

Here's an example using target file size in conjunction with downscaling and two pass encoding to produce a quality vid on a filesize budget:

## Holla Forums TEMPLATE FOR LARGE VIDEOSffmpeg -i $infile -y -fs 10485760 -vf scale=iw*.75:ih*.75 -c:a libopus -c:v libvpx-vp9 -f webm -pass 1 /dev/null && \ffmpeg -i $infile -y -fs 10485760 -vf scale=iw*.75:ih*.75 -c:a libopus -c:v libvpx-vp9 -f webm -pass 2 outfile.webm

Vid related was encoded using this template. Note the -fs was not a target size , just a limit. Downscaling and two-pass gave us a large, high quality clip that's only 574 kb.

Did she just take a selfie?

ffmpeg -i videoplayback.mp4 Take\ My\ Rap..\ PLEASE.webm

That is in fact exactly what she did.
They just can't help themselves.










That's all till tomorrow
nite lads
and Happy New Year.

Good posts all, user. Brought back memeories, and shewed things I missed out on.


What's the piece playing in the first webm?

requesting some gondolas










my absolute favorite



Does this guy have a youtube channel?







Music sauce?

no idea. try googling the title.








which leads to the question, are Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro father and son, AND Jewish? Note sleepy eyes and bulbous nose, compared to the "father"

Not just sleepy eyes user, mismatched eye sockets. That's a kike trait related to inbreeding over hundreds of years.

Anyone remember the lulz over these?

I remember that day fondly. "Architects of Life" is the song.































Does anyone have the Sweet Victory edit?


user… we need to talk…



























Last vid























Damigo has a br00tal right h00k
I hereby name it:

more ISIL vids?

Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

I enjoy this greatly.

I forgot about that. Mein sides.


Why does that make tears come to my eyes and joy fill my heart?


Thats because they and the other old families talk in code

sauce? and post more as well

what a fuckin retard


Looks like with the second Brexit Referendum coming up, the UK is still fucked just as it was back then.

Best days on Holla Forums

1) Trump being elected
2) Brexit Wins
3) Zimzam winning.


4) Pic related

Who made this? I tend not to keep up with e-celeb shit, but this video was of impressive quality. In particular, it seems to me that her kawaii voice could help soothe normalfags' "THAT'S ANTISEMITIC" internalized alarm

Anybody have any idea what the source of this music track in this lovely distressful Gondola is?

That's Evalion, a shilling puppet whore who made videos for the profit of herself and her insincere handlers, who is now no longer a National Socialist but a "National Bolshevist".

Can someone please make a classified combat footage webm thread? Like post all the grisly shit that the army tries to hide?



Oh man that second webm I unironically feel sorry for ol JEB!



Is that Chris "Can't Corner the Dorner" Dorner!?

A few weeks ago, in a QTDDTOT thread, I asked a few questions relating to the Spanish Civil war and why so many women fought for the lefties.

This in turn brought up the general tendency of communists and anarchists to utilize women in combat. Another user mentioned that there are a series of webms about both feminism and sex trafficking in the Soviet Union.

Anyone know what he was referring to?

Also, just got this captcha. Wew.

That HWDNU gondola got me, those were good times.

the filename isn't "Dancing Jew 2: Electro-Semitic Bougaloo"
Y'all gotta get creative with the filenames, c'mon.

from the bottom of the stack…




That's from Saya no Uta. It's a visual novel about a man who suffers a traumatic brain injury and see's the world for how it really is, filled with Lovecraftian horrors. The only humans in the world are himself and a strange young girl named Saya.

I highly recommend it.

thank you so fucking much

I've known of Saya no Uta for years but you just gave me an answer I desperately searched for.


I found a few old webms while going through my folders the other day.

He has to go. He had to have gone a long time ago.



a classic

Does anyone have the webm of the nigger playing an instrument made of trash?




I half expected Sam Hyde to walk into frame, holy fucking christ

holy shit that first video that guy is an endless joke, completely lost. wait not a YLYL thread? KEK


With every word out of this kike's mouth I despise him more.

OP said old webm, not nu/pol/, r/The_Donald/ campaign videos.


It's fine.


Sauce? I recognize the dude from Ghost in the Shell but I have no recollection of the scene.

that's impressive and everything until you remember they were literally defeated by emus

It's probably from the series.

What movie is this one from? I keep seeing it but never found the source of it.

Proably some independently-produced public-access film. Christians are natorious for their B-Movies they've made for local Public Access Teleivison. I recall one where it's an entire extended group of friends in limbo where they were all involved in a murder. The victim was refused access to heaven because he rejected christ, and the murder was allowed in because he repented wile on death row.

Christians have funny beliefs.




The movie is called "If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?"


Thanks for the source.



season one felt like the halcyon days of the early 2000's again. made me nostalgic as fug

Where's the source on this?
In her latest vid she lamented the death of all whites in WW2 but made sure to say she didn't condone the actions of the allies but supported the axis.

Doesn't sound very nazbol..

But I may well be out of my element here, you seems very dedicated to outing her.

(also checked)
No problem. Hunt it down, it's pretty wacky.

Where's that house music video with the nice aesthetic aryan family and the F-14 that used to pop up here a couple years back?

Beautiful. Thank you very much user

Trump never forgets. President Trump NEVER forgets.

I don't believe this is real

What is this one from?

I wish I knew.

Years from now when my kids or grandkids ask me about the election im going to show them this video

This is bullshit propaganda


are those subtitles accurate, anyone understand Juden?

Are you mentally handicapped?

Does anyone have the video about the 2016 US election that starts with the user going to Holla Forums on 8ch with a German march song playing in the background?

It was a classic but I haven't seen it in months.

Does anyone have the webm of the foreign politician going through a long list of faggot pronouns just to deny the bill they wanted to pass?

I know I have it but I can't remember what the files named.






Cityfags must hang.

gets me every tiem

George junior just doesn't give a fuck after having done his tour in the IDF, does he?

nigger war looks like a fun afternoon pass time

what works on cows probably works on men:^)

I know what you mean, I didn't think it was possible to get those feelings back.




On a semirelated note. Does anyone else feel like memes themselves are dying? I can't exactly put it into words but there are no memes that aren't half way around the world within the first moments of their conception anymore. There is not time for them to get distilled and refined anymore, I know they have always been like this but something has changed, the spark is gone.

eh, maybe I'm just being a faggot



Didn't catch this when it was posted by BPS and it got me right in the feels you cunt, where the fuck did I put that bottle of scotch?

B&W it's that old but fuck me if this shit still isn’t pertinent. Gommies, upto the same old tricks since the world was only available in black and white.


No thread is complete without MJ's spot on the kikes. For any newfaggots and other dumpster trash that has blown through the door, MJ was railroaded by Kikes. He molested ZERO kids, he was fucked by the Kikes, his daughter has been head fucked by them too, she exhibits the classic signs of Stockholm syndrome. Have a look at the albums he had ownership of (outside his own creations).

It's the result of newfaggotry due to publicity. I agree, this shit never happened before, memes were crafter and refined before release, now some 13yo faggot comes along and destroys everything by posting an initial to be the edgleord of twatter or faceberg etc.

And the perfect follow up track;
"Why Immigration can never work"

This video is perfect normie fuel, it makes it out so simple your down syndrome half cousin from your great aunt and your half cousin twice removed could understand it.


Based Oma right here

on one hand its Katy Perry, on the other it just fits too fucking well.
I have not been this conflicted over a video for a long time.

this :







These were probably the first things I remember originating from this board.

Checked. Nice webm indeed.

This is the sample:

I dunno user, Bill was a fucking man's man.

Christ, that 'gulag' clip is current year academia

This takes me back. The primaries were a simpler time.

I got you fam

why are you defending niggers, anons

fuck I love Terry

Here's the album that's from (first track):

This is another CIA agent:

try bot friendo, and the post it was replying to also.

I don't get it.

I first saw it on twitter

The reason they do this is because at the time it's funny as fuck and accepted as risque, and then the Jews that come after them can say "this is what the (((white))) people used to think of the PoC. We've come a long way, but we must go farhter!"

Drunk or not, Russians have some nuts. Gotta love 'em.

What's this from?

Yeah. The film was obviously portraying white people as cruel and bloodthirsty.





what was his name again




awww I miss Sam, he's been too busy cleansing the ethnicities from the country to make any new videos.












I think that might be about as close as you can get to naming the jew on national television.
Polite sage for non-contribution.

this is germane to the current shutdown birnksmanship



Okay i cant figure out the audio keeps saying there is more than one AAC stream

Fixed. Somehow.

Sorry for the posts.

You have more than one audio track. Try exporting the video alone, then reimporting it into a new project. Then re-add your audio track.

I just turned down the quality of audio. Idk

Okay that's better.

Why the random pictures of ladies at the beginning?

Do we not fight for the beauty of our race which our women can definitely capture in their image?

also pure women.





If you're going to show women, show them at the right moment in the music, where it lines up with the words. Women, family, property.

What you want me to replace it with.

I'm not telling you what to do.

Good times.

This is good.

Explain this

Especially as it really highlights how much of a machine we're already in.

Someone should buy this and record themselves burning it in an oven.

dat filename

checked, kek'd, and saved



Watch out, Rurouni Kenshin's about.


that file name, fuck my sides

They already won

Varg's best moment, followed closely by Filosofem and distantly by pretty much everything else.

that's (supposed to be) bread. generally speaking, decent bread should not behave like a sponge. the ruskis in the vid be like: lol wtf???


This is the real reason why Sean Spice (((had to go)))

Everything will derail now.

Top top stop the faggotry.

Something just struck me. Imagine how great Sam Hyde edits are going to get with DeepFakes tech.

this is v accurate

t. leader

I thought that was sarcastic, they are for real?

Nice find. I think that was the toothless meth bitch who first hysterically announced the incident to f+rd f+sher's fake ass.


I really want to watch this, what's it called?


If I could change one thing, just one thing in the world, I would remove all kikes from the earth ok but if there were TWO things I would make Jeb the POTUS. It would be the funniest fucking thing to happen in all of human history

Here you go, user.

Here user. Both the VN and the OST are pretty fucking good.


What was the song at the end?









Thanks user.



He has to go back.


One of Carpenter Brut's songs, that's all I can tell you.

I have a webm of the original lion vid but it's 29 mb, what's a good way to compress it without destroying the already poor video quality. jewtube deleted it and it would be a shame to lose it permanently.



for the -fs flag try the value 11534336 which should get you right up to the 11.5 megabyte limit without going over.


Our limit is 16 now user.

the version i have is 82 megs
your version may not be the original.

i have uploaded here for your convenience:

download will expire in 24 hours.


I appreciate you sharing that, I ripped a webm from a reupload.

I have finally stumbled across another who can rival The Hay-Pusher Girl.

Unless this is actually the same girl… which would be somethin'.

Source: youtube. com/watch?v=7fWo0P0MdJM

Same thing has happened to gaming, music and movies.
You'd think with the current levels of hyperconnectivity and the mass proliferation of content creativity would be more conspicuous but in reality the normalisation of the internet gave way to mass spread of unoriginal copy/paste content and has thus overshadowed the once utopian like web communities where memes were born.

If the internet is nothing but a reflection of ourselves then people who frequent sites like this are already a minority and the digital realm is now vastly populated by younger generations.

Nice vid, took me back down memory lane.

Thanks for that. Here's a fresh transcode for Holla Forums posting.

Does anyone have that webm of the peace time Reich with Enya's "How Can I Keep from Singing" over it? The filename was "peaceful reich."





















HWY: An American Pastoral

This film shows America, and the savage search for the American Dream. Hope, meaning, lonesomeness, travel, the backwoods. Man on his own in search for truth, answers, and a destination. Death, distruction, darkness challenged with hedonism, friendship, and manlyness.









I think that's it for my dump

Just checking some digits

Never noticed this before.



Literally sounds like a 90s/early 2000s liberal cuck.


anyone have a webm with a footage of nazi germany's fall and then other white countries falling for degeneracy. it was accompanied by a melancholic sad song.

nevermind, found it in another thread.

Good effort but terrible stance

ad victoriam you fucking nigger.



Sauce? I have seen this bullshit somewhere else before.

Fritz the Cat.

anyone got the sauce on the background cello music here

take this full non jewed version

What other secrets does the black man hold, if this is but one?

That bolt is the same one seen in the flag of the now dissolved british union of fascists. Pic related.

I've been scouring this board finding something to check. Have a you.

Goddamn I hate chinks.

4 remaining clips from this channel




Gondola is truly the best meme

God fucking damn, 10/10.

Kiked England is just proving his actual point that tyranny was coming–he only got the shape of it wrong. He was right to try to warn people, especially after what he saw. He wanted to report on civilians in England lynching downed German pilots or something of that nature, and the (((BBC))) was a fucking censorious nightmare even then.

It's too bad that the great comedians never went full Holla Forums. They were right about the government being shit, but they couldn't find the solution.


Checked and shaliday, brother.

The Strike series on Genesis was bretty badass, m8.




Anyone have this webm of William Pierce talking about how he wants to machine gun liberals and in the background is "Roh Jin: The Wolf Brigade?"

I don't know of the source apart from TMZ. Anyone?



lmao, just perfect



Yes. . But there's another guy every gun owner should watch. Garand Thumb, aka the THOT Knight

Got you fam, see

I have no idea what the actual context of that first video is, but Bitcoin cash guy sounded like a total kike. Went straight to,"OY VEY MENSH, OIM A MILLIONAIRE! WHAT'S YOUR NET WORTH, HUH?". Blegh.

It's Jin-Roh, and it's a scene from Helsing that he's talking over. Here it is.

The one on the left in the first vid looks like she want to show me de weey.


Fuck…(((they))) fucking took this from you…I'm not even European, or technically white at all, but what I would fucking give to serve such a wonderful leader like Hitler. I don't even care if I can't be an honorary Aryan, but If I can go back in time and just fight for Germany and Hitler against the jewish menace, even if I knew full well it would end up loosing, or dying, I would do so proudly and without regret. My heart aches at the thought that in our lifetime, or ever…We'll never get a NatSoc like revolution ever again…

Aaah, good times.


Was he right, Holla Forums?



Keep in mind that not only Aryans fought for Hitler and the Third Reich. The kikes want you to believe otherwise. A wonderful leader will remain a wonderful leader and the kikes hate that the most when it doesn't work in their favor.

I don't remember the filename, but I'm looking for a webm where a guy with a slightly nasal voice narrates the history of philosophy. He starts out by praising Kant, then the last part of the video he says Nietzsche is the shit because his youtube video's like/dislike ratio was much better than Marx's, which "basically meant that Marx's work didn't pass peer review." Anyone have it?

bumping one more time

you're an a a a aryan





Holy fuck. Eternal reminder it is not a sin to kill a jew.

I miss 2004 4chan… both 4 and Holla Forums are dying of cancer now.


4chan been dead for a few years now

video source?


almonds activated

Anyone got the jon roh live action .webms?

use name of web related to look for her

Absolutely wonderful.

Judaism and pedophilia go hand in hand.

more like this please

Institutionalized historical revisionism and intellectual dishonesty at its finest. Media doesn't get more dishonest and deceitful than this.

How the fuck has this not been reposted on Holla Forums over and over?

bullshit fantasy about unification of humanity

humans will never be unified because we all desire a group identity with a distinct ethnicity and culture, that desire is embedded in human nature.

human tribalism is hereditary and it will never be rubbed out

meant for>>11175197


Attached: AH speech 30 January 1945.webm (640x360, 14.39M)

How old is he there?

Hang'em All

im really hoping those subtitles are accurate. krautbants/shadefrueden

they memory holed it.
Orwell based the life of Winston on his time working for the BBC war propaganda department.

People like to imagine Orwell was writing about Stalin or Hitler, and to some extent he was. He was no fan of them.
But Orwell never lived in those societies, he could only imagine them. The nightmare seems to real because Orwell was living it. He took his experience working as a propagandist and imagined if his career were the experience everyone in society had. It seems so real because to Orwell, it was.

Attached: timetodie.jpg (450x600, 42.4K)

Attached: 1460498516927.gif (180x180, 1.73M)


Attached: 420000000.webm (1280x720, 749.78K)


Best fucking days of my life

Attached: 1373663504740.jpg (520x671, 90.38K)

Best witness

Attached: 1372948964531.jpg (625x617, 68.49K)


any1 have the vid from the movie, Purge I think, where there are men in suits, they get sniped and hell march starts playing? may have been in this thread before, but I can't seem to find it.