So now the fucking CIA is tweeting about UFO's. This is a strange reversal of the official line. I read somewhere that this could mean that some nation has developed a spyplane that is overflying the US and the higherups at the USAF and the CIA are freaking out about it and are trying to encourage amateur sky watchers to give them data. That sounds plausible at the least, more plausible than ayys.
Am I the only one to think all this recent UFO talk is more a red flag that a war or major war exercise is imminent? And since there's going to involve a lot of new experimental craft this is preemptive disinformation?
Ian Torres
Isn't there some old group/thinktank from the early 20th century that came to the conclusion that it would be easiest to control the US population with constant war and fear of external, otherworldly threats such as UFOs?
Jaxon Roberts
I suppose that would be plausible as well. But if that were the case, wouldn't they have not brought up the subject at all? Everyone who claims to have seen a UFO gets laughed at and though of as crazy, even if it was a black project that they saw.
So why are they trying to make it OK to see a UFO now?
Maybe, dunno. It does sound familiar, but that was also the plot of Watchmen, so its possible that we're thinking of that.
Jace Ramirez
CIA is a bigger waste of money than housing projects for rabid monkeys.
Jordan Jackson
I'll quote Ho Chi Minh, "That is true, that is also irrelevant."
Joshua Edwards
Did the CIA hire some Aussie on twitter?
Robert Bennett
Crashing this UFO…
Jacob Sanchez
And we're taking the (((CIA))) and their UFO stuff seriously? They have zero credibility and whatever they're doing is nothing positive.
Fuck all you CIANiggers except those still loyal to the fuhrer. Keep doing what you're doing.
Jeremiah Gray
Since OP is lazy nigger, here's the link the CIA tweeted.
It has me fucking spooked. It's all coming out pretty consistent too right now.
Elijah Parker
Project Bluebeam is the ultimate plan to get us to all fall to our knees and beg for the One World Government to save us as we fall for the grandest production ever in the history of earth where they convincingly fake an "alien" invasion - further convincing us we live on a spinning globe and thus are happy accidents from pond scum and there is no God none of these things is true
Actual critters from the "underworld" beneath us and reverse-engineered black-op craft of our own will be utilized along with massive $d holoigraphic projections (some from the NEXRAD/SBX installations and some via other technologies).
Remember that speech Reagan gave the UN about all countries setting aside their differences and uniting under a "common alien threat"???
Sebastian Ward
Perhaps it's time for you to buy a physics book?
Noah Watson
This link redirects to a page about past CIA investigations on UFOs and an outdated guide on photographing UFOs with film cameras. Ostensibly for World UFO Day.
Ayden Allen
Reagan said it in a speech once - maybe RAND or such put him up to it? Wernher von Braun supposedly said, not long before his death, that a fake alien threat would be used to justify putting weapons in space.
Liam Foster
I don't understand how so many people fell for this. It was a 60s cover up for spy planes/satellites. This post is mocking you for believing in alien flying saucers.
You're a fucking retard. Project Bluebeam doesn't exist. It's from a goddamn science-fiction book. It's as real as Thetans and the rest of Scientology nonsense.
Benjamin Rogers
Project Bluebeam preparations. The nationalist revival probably made them nervous so they need to hurry up with the plan.
Jeremiah Torres
The only reason CIA would photograph a UFO is if it took their cocaine and they have explaining to do back at HQ.
Zachary Long
Dominic Howard
Lets hope it's that and not Bluebeam.
Because it's probably fucking Bluebeam.
Kevin Clark
Why wouldn't it, it's a sound plan. If it didn't exist our (and others) constant posting over the years will have put the idea in their heads and it definitely will have been floated internally. At this point it's in their plans somewhere, the problem is we don't know how high up on their agenda it is.
Adrian Richardson
Nathaniel Garcia
Ufo are real and have been visiting earth for thousands of years probably all of our existence. TheyVe known for a long time and are finally releasing the information under Trump's regime.
Adrian Smith
Flat Earthers are not welcome on Holla Forums. Fuck off and stop associating us with you idiots.
Parker Bell
Google is telling me its mainly an agricultural and pharmaceutical research group. I'm not seeing anything related to aerospace.
Angel King
Tell that to Serge Monast you idiotic fuck. Bluebeam exists.
Benjamin Moore
If I were trump I would do disclosure as doing so would force the Media to play nice going forward.
Easton Green
There was never an official dark ops project called Bluebeam, it's absolutely not comparable to MK Ultra, Mockingbird, Paperclip, or Stargate, or Northwoods. The guy who coined the term never found nor disclosed documents proving it existed. But his term Bluebeam stuck, and has now left the fringe, because it sounds cool, and because we need an umbrella term for False Flag Alien Event.
Which I'm sure the CIA has brainstormed. Particularly following the (exaggerated) sensation that was Orson Wells doing WofW over the radio. There was the exposé a couple years ago about another country faking an entire floating city in the sky. It scared people.
What is concerning to me, in light of these Pentagon teases, is that John Podesta has publicly advocated for full disclosure, before and after Pizzagate. He's an absolute fanatic on this topic, and I believe he has been shown real documents. Also, the raising profile of Tom DeLonge, of Blink 182, is simply bizarre. His Joe Rogan podcast was neither heads nor tails, though Joe punkers him him, but his Stars venture does indeed employee major Lockheed Martin savants, guys I've read about in Skunkworks books. You also have the Jewish author Annie Jacobsen, numerous of her nonfiction books about disclosure, like Area 51 and Phenomena, are in development as AMC series and movies, by Spielberg. Even Stranger Things seems like a limited hangout for normies regarding MK Ultra and child abduction, even taking into consideration serendipity.
My fav theory is not that the US is soon testing dark projects in public view, but that the disclosures are too confuse and stress Russia, Iran and the Norks, all of whom follow this shit.
Brayden Miller
>I've read Watchmen over and over again through the years
Dammit, Moore, you got me again!
Kevin Thomas
Unfortunately the world doesn't always conform to our safe notions of plausibility. Had family work very high up in the airforce, ayys have definitely been here. The compartmentalized stuff he worked on was from a very long time ago but the conclusion eventually was that it was not made by human hands and they still had no idea what exactly it did. Just that, despite not having wires or bulbs, could light up in obscure symbols when electricity was attached to it.
Logan Morales
applied* to it
Christian Baker
My friend I've known for a decade or so not long returned from spending a few years commercial fishing in Antarctic waters. He's drug-fucked now (apparently fishing involves a lot of amphetamines) but he is utterly convinced the world is flat & we've been lied to. I don't know what to believe.
Jason Lopez
Perhaps you missed the memo;
Leo Robinson
Project Bluebeam is overhyped Alex Jones tier trash. We know who the UFO's belong to and the only reason to fake an alien invasion by that logic is to make them seem like they want to exterminate humanity, not liberate it, like the jews running the show enslaving the entire world at this point playing some sort of perverted "savior" role.
First off, they'd lose. The UFO tech could cripple every nation on earth. They haven't done shit to prove that point for decades now which is why now you got the hippy faggots spreading peace and love smoke a joint bullshit New Age propaganda thinking that they're all about just like, ya know, raise our vibes maaaaaaaaan. Elevate our consciousness. Yeah, they want you to elevate your fucking consciousness so you see its the jews running your world and not to freak the fuck out when the Iron Cross comes back with a vengeance.
Lucas Brown
Perhaps you misread my post. Go fuck yourself.
Kevin Martin
Here are my conclusions on aliens
1. Aliens doesnt real but its a good excuse to distract people, and create bullshit government programs to steal money from, also all the mysterious aircraft people see are just black budget future tech that hasn't been announced yet.
2. Aliens are real but the government has no idea what they are, why they are here, or how to stop them. Revealing that would cause mass panic
3. aliens are real and only a select few elite know about them and sold out the rest of humanity (the abductions) to get technolgy from the aliens
Jason Green
P.s. the people i hate the most are the blue beam tards.
They are like a fucking cult.
John Diaz
I'd rather get flogged by a porcupine tipped cactus than analyze your post further.
Elijah Diaz
Honestly this. Of all of our group of friends I'm the only one that'll entertain his ideas, & it's still with a liberal dose of salt.
Jaxon Flores
Holy shit take your meds you fucking mong.
Brody Allen
4. aliens are real but they haven't ever visted earth, thus 1.
Jason Brown
Brody Ross
Some of you triple-digit simpletons are alright, don't go into Earth tomorrow.
Ryan Peterson
OP, if you were to remember the George Bush senior talks about how if there was an alien attack on planet earth then every nation would drop their individual differences and just jnite as one world nation (ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT) See? CIA alongside some other top secret agencies and branches of government are controlling this info until it is time to strike the final blow to coffin of western society. To anyone like you and me this great shift in attitudes from officials (firstly "nothing is happening" to "its probably ayys?") is a clear sign of something happening but to normies its nothing.
In my honest opinion (((they))) are pushing things too fast. Pushing shitskins in EU, having a bunch of proxy wars and now this? Seems like they want closure to their great plan.
Ayden Sanders
Hey, CIA being a dick to his plane passengers was a strange reversal of the official line, too.
Carter Russell
A thread died for this. Keep it to the thread already going or take it to /x/ fucktard.
Dominic Perry
I shall obliterate them.2024
Sebastian Morgan
top kek.
Colton Fisher
It's Russia and I'm okay with this.
Julian Moore
pick one nigger
If some nigger like John Podesta starts talking about something like this (he does, all the fucking time with Delong. His involvement in that stuff only came to light during the P@ssw0rd debacle because light was shined where it was not supposed to) you run the fuck in the opposite direction. Have a buddy who got back from Afghanistan a few days ago and when watching the SpaceXersorryUSAF missile launch he got visibly uncomfortable and tried to pass it off as "well, I've told you nothing would realy surprise me. you should see the combat footage they have these days." Brought up Delong and said he thinks he's a crock of shit whose trying to start a cult around this disclosure bullshit they've been working on for a while.
Substitute aliens for inter-dimensional entities in the third one and work backwards from there and it's pretty close to what's going on. Remember that Soloman has his temple built by demons same one that once rebuilt will usher in the end times, or so they yids are trying to force
Daniel Turner
Delong is an unwitting disinformation agent.
Connor Rodriguez
Colton Moore
The best disinformation agent is one who thinks they're telling the truth. Delong's misguided but at some point has to realize whose hand he's in. Just a question if he gets Chester'd or Hernandez'd
Jace Russell
False flag to steer away from the kikes. You are probably a kike yourself.
Noah Reyes
Christopher Russell
Colton Ramirez
UFOs and Qanon are psychological operations to distract our autists from the real issues.
Seems they got tired of flat earth.
Justin Miller
Oh really, come to Columbus and watch the sky every night
Michael Thomas
The CIA should pay back America however many trillions they have squandered on fucking its citizens over.
Robert Martinez
I remember years ago digging around and finding freemason message board discussions talking about brother Tom. Blink 182 & Angels & Airwaves are both kikemason front projects. But what recording group isn't?
Gavin Watson
Flat Earth is Nigger tier shit to make the right look bad fuck off.
Jacob Mitchell
It should be common knowledge the public is behind at least 20 years regarding technology. The next new thing put on market was around the IC circle for decades. Nothing in, nothing out. Humanity has already overcome 99% of the problems we face as part of our human condition. Humanity just doesn't know it yet. This is all culminating towards the planned end of the world: Armageddon.
Jackson Clark
James Ross
20 years is quite a bit. I wouldn't be surprised to hear much a higher number though.
So what's the scoop other than the "FBI Pedo staircase". I mean why was there all the coverage about symbols, and that one reporter who was hushed up? Is that now a dead end story?
Brody Gutierrez
All the controlled opposition "conspiracy" radio shows have been going nuts over this.
Asher Walker
That's a fucking streetlight you mongoloid.
Carson Phillips
I hope it's real, but it gets rushed and looks like half assed shit. That would be funny. Before their downfall they also broadcast to the whole world what assholes they are.
Hudson Martin
UFO bullshit had always been a CIA psyop. Pushed by disinfo agents like Art Bell from coast to coast
Brayden Young
I like Art Bell though…
Samuel Miller
He's entertaining, like Alex Jones. But also like Alex Jones, he's a disinfo agent. Disinfo is best served in an entertaining manner, which is why kikes most often use these guys and hollyjew entertainment to serve it up for the goyim.
Asher Hughes
The aliens the US government has been cooperating with since at least the 80s give no shits about our politics, our morality, or for the most part our technology. They are not related to politics and there is nothing we can do about them either.
Jace Bell
INB4: Lovecraft's works weren't fiction and Yog-Sothoth comes to bless us.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Some of it must be coincidental by the sheer amount of it. We might find out soon. If you haven't seen the "signs are everywhere" psa look it up.
Samuel Rogers
(111,333) Checked Look at the shoes, Nike means victory, Victory stepping up on Gs(7th letter), and the G itself is made of 6 straight lines on top of an 8 sided step. 6,7,8.
Parker Baker
Correction, 10 sided step, I suck cocks.
Jacob Jones
the great deception is on its way. this may or may not be it… but something is going to be revealed in an attempt to unite the world. I trust Holla Forums reads their bibles and does not tow (((their))) line when the time comes
Jose Collins
Rest assured user We all gravitated here for a reason or fourteen Any communion with a semitic deity is not good. At all The Jesus sacrament is literal spirit cooking and should be avoided at all costs
Robert Kelly
Ok Thanks. I'll query it.
Adam Mitchell
those dubs
Colton Reyes
Thanks again. I saw something and took the time to report it to HS.
Ryan Morales
Even if the ayys've been around, the timing of these apparent disclosures seem suspicious, even anticipated.
Asher Jackson
Report From Iron Mountain. Yea aliens or environmental disaster. They hadn't thought of 'terrorists' yet though.
Charles Reed
So when are they going to pull the (((alien invasion, for reals))) card?
Brody Wilson
I fucking hate ayy lmao arguments that appeal to statistical probability. At best, all that argument can conclude is that abiogenesis has occured elsewhere in the universe. That conclusion is then used to imply intelligent, as in human equivalent or greater intelligence, assuredly evolved as a result of that abiogenesis. That leap in logic is simply not sound.
Not only is "intelligence" a fleetingly rare trait amongst life here on earth, species with a biology capable of using its intelligence to further its evolution down the path toward human-like civilization has happened just once. It's not like "intelligence" has only happened once, just look at dolphins or certain species of bird. They have the basic foundations for intelligence but their physiology alone prevents them from ever progressing forward, never mind their biologically driven group dynamics. Even among the one group that was able to defy nature, you'll find that the majority of our species (or closely related relatives, aka australoids, congoids, etc) isn't even intelligent enough to reach the spacefaring stage of civilization.
That anyone can presume evolution guarantees intelligence is not only a leap based upon the direct evidence of life on earth is one thing. For one to assume intelligence will result in advanced intergroup cooperation (society) and the development of technology (civilization) is another. For one to go even further in assuming spacefaring civilization is an unstoppable end result should those conditions be met, in a world where we are fighting against the dregs of own species/close relatives just to maintain our technological position, well… that's just stupid. We've barely backed out of our galactic driveway and we're already collapsing under the weight of our inferior relatives, assuming we even manage to get off this rock is optimistic, simply assuming anyone else managed to do so in the face of our reality is just ludicrous.
Jayden Sullivan
Don't tell us that, tell the CIA, they're the ones who posted the picture, dumbass.
David Nelson
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?