Recycling Ideas

Over time it feels like I've become desensitized to all video games have to offer and nothing's exciting anymore. FPS to me shouts "Just aim and shoot", RPGs are visual calculators, shmups are "move this portion of the screen while holding fire" and so on. Has the well for video games finally run dry? Is the medium at the point where everything has been done and presentation is what maters now?

Other urls found in this thread:

you're autistic

user why does your chinese cartoon have bloodborne levels of gratuitous chromatic aberration?

also this, thh

My fault, I forgot where I was.

So yeah go back to reddit.

Go do something else then you retarded faggot, program, fuck with cars, electronics or guns, cook shit, take up kickboxing and beat the shit out of people, fuck it's not that hard. Why do you feel compelled to make another "hurr slashveeslash i'm such a tired gamer pls halp" thread.

I just wanted to talk about the future of video games and whether or not there was more room for innovation in gameplay given the medium's heavy relation to technology. But again, I'm sorry. Next time I'll make a thread where everyone can just post one liner greentexts or find some article written by a dumb cunt on tumblr to whine about.




Variations of this thread have been posted hundreds upon hundreds of times here.

If you weren't an outsider you'd have read them at least once and would know that you're just experiencing typical burnout and babby's first existential crisis, and need to stop playing videogames and go get another hobby for a while. Eventually the desire to play will get stronger and stronger and when you come back, everything will feel fresh again for a while.

And as I've pointed out, there have been variations of the same subjects that barely relate to video games on here that no one cares about. I wasn't even saying I was tired of video games, I was just trying to use my fucking perspective at an attempt to make what I wanted to talk about easier to understand, but obviously that failed. But whatever, next time I think about making a thread it'll have to fall in line with being a general, something to churn up the memes, or barely related college undergraduate political shitflings.

Where do we go now that this place is full of 4channit?


Oh look, not only could you not rebut what I said without resorting to greentext, you couldn't even generalize what I said without distorting it. Typical tired cyclical response that's half as old as the average user here. You can save yourself the trouble of responding with an smug anime girl, being verbose in how much you don't care, and then looping to some other unrelated discourse.

You tell me.
The quality has fallen quite noticeably lately, and I've beem seeing more and more shitposting. I guess I'll leave here once the SJWs have taken over, much like 4ch.
I've been going on and off on some other IBs. My country's IBs are, to put it simply, far worse than here because it's populated by edgy normalfags and feely failures. It's impossible to have any sensible discussion without someone being an edgy fucktard or just acting like a damn little bitch because "he has no girlfriends" or "is a virgin", or whatever.
The only other IB still useable is Wiz's, but apparently is going to close by the end of the year, so what other IB is left?


Why is your argument invalid? Because the axiom of it was a deliberate misrepresentation of what I said. Why is greentext invalid? Because it's a lazy way to "argue" and allows for my previous reason to be accepted as something normal. You've even done it again, and I'm going to assume it actually is deliberation now. If you comprehend someone implying being verbose is counter-productive to showing you don't care as meaning you can't be verbose at all then it says a lot of you.

The well hasn't really run dry, it's more that Jack is too fucking lazy to go up the hill and has resorted to the river nearby.


thats kind of a dumb analogy
the river is full of fresh flowing water, whilst the well is full of water thats been sitting there for possibly years

No. It's the industry that's crowded, not the marketplace or new ideas "running out" or whatever. Ban everyone below a certain threshold of talent and competency from making games or being involved in marketing and journalism and this shit solves itself overnight. Less games made but more than two good ones release a year would be fantastic.


My diagnosis is that you're depressed as fuck and just looking to stir some shit.

They use it as a disgusting DoF replacement It's terrible, it costs performance, and the game would look and run better without it.

Or the river is flowing with parasites that give you diarrhea while the well water is just gross.

First and third are blatant sarcasm. I fail to see what the second proves.

It's literally just an rgb shift, it should cost next to nothing performance-wise.

That said it's a shitty, pointless effect.

In the neighborhood of 2-3 fps for most games, but when you're dealing with a framerate that frequently dips into the teens, every frame counts.

I've never noticed C.A. in Bloodborne and that picture looks edited tbh. If they do use it not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be.

It's not edited.
They use it as a replacement for DoF blur.

You're just used to it so you don't notice it, or you play on a really shitty TV. Look around the edges of the screen. Once you see it, you can't un-see it.

This is just a natural part of hobbies and growing up, user. When you play too many games, eventually everything will start feeling like the same thing over and over again until you get tired of it completely. The same goes for anime of that non-smug anime girl you posted.

The fence+post in the middle is an identical model and texture to the one on the left. See how the image gets progressively more blurred with CA as you move from the center?

I honestly don't know how you can't see this.

are you genuenly autistic?

That isn't how framerate works. Going from 20 FPS to 17 FPS is a jump in 0.0088 sec delta time. Going from 60 FPS to 57 FPS is a jump in 0.0008 sec delta time. Something that costs 3 FPS in the teens would cost you a drop from 60 to 39 FPS.

OP, why don't you try franchises you haven't given a chance yet.

There's tons of older franchises or one off games even from just the last generation or two that people haven't played or put off for one reason or another.

Never gave the halo games a chance? Try them out. Darksaides, brutal legends, el shaddai, asura's wrath, Zone of the eners, etc

There's plenty of well regarded games that for whatever reason people haven't seem to have tried

That's not how you respond to someone when proved wrong you double nigger

      >"If they do use it not nearly as bad as (YOU) are making it out to be"
are you genuenly ^that autistic?

I don't think you have the right to call anyone else autistic, user.



the well is magical and theres a ghost living in it but shes friendly and wonders why jack hasnt come to visit in a while. hes really bothered by something but if he would just go to her they could get it sorted out but he still doesnt forgive her what she said to his sister.

Jesus christ you're retarded.
Imagine stop-motion animation/slide show at one frame a second. Now, imagine the same animation that an extra frame placed in between the frames of the previous example. It looks twice as smooth now. You can keep doing this until you reach 24 frames each second, at which point it should no longer look "choppy". The more intermediate frames you insert, the smoother it looks.
Remember how much better it looked going from 1 to 2 frames? Twice as good. Now, if you went from 59 to 60 frames, it's still a difference of one frame, but the difference isn't as noticeable when going from 1 to 2.
Additionally, input can be polled based on framerate. At 60 fps, input is polled every 16.66… milliseconds. At 30 fps, it's polled every 33.33… milliseconds.

Anyway, look at this graph. X-axis is framerate, y-axis is ms elapsed per frame. Notice how much less of a difference each frame makes per additional frame. the function is 1000/x, as in milliseconds over variable fps

nah he's right 1 frame is not a measurement as it's an arbitrary fraction of a second. So 2-3 frames is meaningless unless you know the frame rate.

you do know that e-culture doesn't always revolve around 4chan, right?

say's the autist who thinks anyone cares about an unnoticeable amount of chromatic aberration. So unnoticeable that they need meme arrows and meme boxes over immigrates blown up 500x resolution just to point it out so someone whom never said they where necessarily wrong.

at this point the term "cuckchan" is essentially what redditiors use to try and hide there new.

heh nice meme

You're in such denial about getting blown the fuck out that you're still bumping this thread three days later so everyone can see how much of a fucking sperg you are.


Please don't stop, you are a gift that keeps on giving.

never change neo/v/

Holy shit lmao.

Yes because I know it triggers your chromatic aberration autism.

Nice blog, OP.